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云南艾滋病流行对人口安全的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
艾滋病流行通过影响人口数量、素质、结构、增加贫困人口进而危及人口安全。本文基于云南省HIV/AIDS流行趋势的预测 ,对云南艾滋病流行对人口安全的影响作了初步的测算和评估 ,并提出了缓解人口安全的对策  相似文献   

刘斌志 《西北人口》2010,31(6):76-81
通过对近十年来我国青少年艾滋病相关研究的全面回顾,归纳了当前我国青少年艾滋病的流行态势,梳理了青少年艾滋病的相关认知、态度、行为及其需求,并分析了当前我国青少年艾滋病的防治对策。在此基础上,就目前研究存在的问题及其未来研究方向提出了具体的建议。  相似文献   

包广静 《西北人口》2009,30(2):106-109
艾滋病的流行与扩散受多种因素的影响与制约,其中文化因素起着潜在的但效应极强的影响作用。通过分析文化与艾滋病流行扩散的相互关系,以及云南艾滋病亚文化的形成和发展,对云南艾滋病流行扩散的文化作用机制进行了分析.提出了基于文化作用机制的云南艾滋病预防控制对策,将文化因素融入到艾滋病的防治中,对于提高艾滋病的防治成效将起到积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

富晓星 《人口研究》2006,30(6):74-81
我国艾滋病流行已进入快速增长期,经性途径传播比率逐年上升。女性商业性性服务者作为艾滋病易感人群,受到来自医学科学、社会科学和多方力量的关注。本文把女性商业性性服务者作为文化的组织进行研究,在成功掌握这一群体组织特征、流动规律的基础上,给予艾滋病防治本土的组织性应对策略,提供人类学在当今社会难题解决过程中的应用实践。  相似文献   

艾滋病的人口学研究——以云南省为例   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着世界及我国艾滋病感染者的急剧上升,艾滋病的防治已不仅仅是一个医学上的问题,艾滋病的流行及传播影响到人类生活的各个领域,加强艾滋病的预防控制的研究显得尤为迫切。以人口学理论为基础,系统地分析研究艾滋病的人口学特征,从人口学的角度提出艾滋病的预防控制对策,对于艾滋病流行程度较高的云南来说,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

云南省人口计生委承担了省政府艾滋病防治六大工程中的安全套推广工程。为做好这项工作,他们十分注意整合资源,加强培训。  相似文献   

四川省成都市计生委结合工作实际,采取五条措施预防艾滋病的传播和蔓延。 1.强化组织领导,落实工作责任。市计生委和各区(市) 县计生行政部门落实1名领导负责艾滋病防治工作,日常事务由科技、宣教处(科)承办。 2.加强业务培训,推动工作开展。在全市计生系统内, 针对不同对象开展艾滋病防治知识培训。对领导干部着力统  相似文献   

中国艾滋病早期社会预防模式分析 在中国,艾滋病从一开始出现就和意识形态、道德等联系在一起。从世界上出现第一例艾滋病之后的许多年里,主流声音一直强调中国不会流行艾滋病,因为艾滋病是西方资本主义腐朽没落的象征。正是这种认识,影响了高层的决策。就在由于地下单采血浆造成艾滋病病毒在河南爆发性流行的1995年,高层在决策上依然坚持“要把预防和控制艾滋病的工作作为社会主义精神文明建设的一项内容切实抓好”。认为“预防艾滋病与禁毒禁姐,净化社会空气,坚持社会主义精神文明建设密切相关。幻想照搬‘红灯区’、搞色情服务振兴经济,既背离社会主义道德原则,更无益于防治艾滋病和性病”。  相似文献   

云南省人口计生委承担了省政府艾滋病防治六大工程中的安全套推广工程。为做好这项工作,他们十分注意整合资源,加强培训。培训过程云南省人口计生委实施安全套推广项目(CUPP),在重点场所摆放安全套、安装售套机,广泛开展以100%安全套使用为重点的艾滋病预防工作,促进目标人群改变危险性行为,降低艾滋病病毒从高危人群向一般人群传播的危险。通过对16个州(市)和4个世界卫生组织项目县、3个全球基金项目县的计生工作骨干进行相关知识培训,培养了一支精干的骨干队伍。培训活动的方式为参与式,培训时间为2天。主要培训内容包括:1.培训前测试:…  相似文献   

近年来,我国艾滋病疫情仍呈上升趋势。流动人口的数量和规模日益增长是艾滋病流行加剧的一个非常重要的促进因素,国内多个地区的艾滋病检测数据表明,流动人口HIV感染者均超过检测出的总感染人数的2/3,且新发现的感染者以流动人口为主,"流动人口‘艾’情紧急",流动人口艾滋病防治已经成为我国艾滋病防控中亟待强化的重点之一。为进一步了解流动人口  相似文献   

本研究采用定性与定量相结合的方法对滇西某大型道路建设工地流动人口的艾滋病风险进行调研与分析,该工地流动人口所面临的主要艾滋病风险是高危商业性性行为。深入调研发现,因其特殊的行业特征,工地流动人口中形成了对商业性性行为默许、容忍、合理化的氛围,对于所面临的艾滋病风险存在侥幸心理,各职业人群由于知识、社会经济处境不同,其与艾滋病相关的高危行为有明显差异。基于研究发现,本文对流动人口艾滋病预防干预实践、艾滋病预防研究的社会人文视角及未来研究方向等提出了讨论和建议。  相似文献   

This article examines the 2008 World Health Organization/Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS controversy through original reports and media coverage. Analysis reveals that discourse rhetorically exonerates heterosexuals from HIV/AIDS while reifying homophobic and morally righteous ideology about HIV/AIDS and homosexuality. Discourses of “fraudulent science,” “heterosexual absence,” and reverse victimization destabilize meaning of HIV/AIDS and heterosexuality. “AIDS,” “heterosexuality,” and even victimhood and minority status were destabilized and resignified in a rhetoric that benefited from its status as science even as it rendered past science suspect as ideological.  相似文献   

流动人口行为特征及其空间过程与HIV/AIDS扩散   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
流动人口的行为特征及其空间过程是HIV/AIDS扩散的重要因素之一,其行为特征的高危性和流动性使流动人口成为HIV/AIDS的易感人群,在其流动的空间过程中与不同类型人口的相互接触,当发生与HIV/AIDS人群的高危行为时,一方面容易使自己感染HIV;另一方面,流动人口成为HIV携带者后与其他人发生高危行为则会成为HIV的传染源之一,其结果是导致了HIV/AIDS在感染者数量和感染空间上的扩散。因而,针对流动人口高危行为特征及其空间过程提出防控HIV/AIDS扩散的对策是可行的。  相似文献   

HIV/AIDS is spreading more rapidly in black communities than any other in the United States, with black women being 23 times more likely to become infected than any other subgroup in the country. Some African-American churches are becoming involved by creating HIV/AIDS ministries that cater to various needs of local populations. Through an examination of deictic markers, this article analyzes ideologies surrounding HIV/AIDS and the pastor's influence on the HIV/AIDS ministry at College Street Baptist Church.  相似文献   

There has been a dramatic increase in the number of new HIV diagnoses among people aged 50 to 64 in the United States, and according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in just 7 years (by 2015) 50% of those living with AIDS will be aged 50 or older. To address this public health concern, viable HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment options for individuals over the age of 50 are necessary. This article discusses the No One Is Immune initiative that planned, implemented, and coordinated evidence- based HIV/AIDS prevention and education programs specifically tailored for middle-aged and older adults. Guided by the health belief model, an educational conference entitled "Sexuality, Medication, and HIV/AIDS in Middle and Later Adulthood" was conducted along with research activities that assessed HIV/AIDS knowledge gained using both qualitative and quantitative measures. This project can be replicated by other providers within the aging network.  相似文献   

The UN General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS met 25–2 7 June 2001 and adopted a Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS. The Declaration, in 103 paragraphs, sets out a comprehensive response strategy for governments and UN agencies, supports establishment of a global HIV/AIDS and health fund, and calls for an annual progress report to be reviewed by the Assembly. As part of the Special Session, four “round tables” were conducted on substantive topics: prevention and care, human rights, socioeconomic impact, and international funding. Round Table 3, Socioeconomic impact of the epidemic and the strengthening of national capacities to combat HIV/AIDS, was led by the United Nations Development Programme. The background document prepared for it is reproduced in full below. It argues that the brunt of the epidemic's impact on human development has been borne by households, communities, and civil society organizations. The emphasis of national and international action has been on prevention and care rather than on counteracting that impact. “Extraordinary efforts” are now required to intensify poverty‐reduction measures, to assist caregivers and orphaned children, to prevent the collapse of public services, and to promote workplace tolerance and flexibility. “While HIV/AIDS must be seen as an emergency of the highest order, steady progress in reducing poverty is still the long‐term and sustainable solution to the health crisis in the developing world. In the long run, prevention and care will only succeed if people and nations can lift themselves out of poverty.” (The Declaration was not much influenced by such arguments. It devotes two paragraphs to socio‐economic impact, both setting diffuse goals: “By 2003, evaluate the economic and social impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and develop multisectoral strategies [on poverty alleviation, etc.]” and “By 2003, develop a national legal and policy framework that protects in the workplace the rights and dignity of persons living with and affected by HIV/AIDS.…”) The Millennium Summit referred to in the document was the meeting on the role of the UN in the twenty‐first century held in September 2000 as part of the 55th session of the General Assembly. The Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and the Round Table 3 document can both be found at http://www.unaids.org/ungass/index.html .  相似文献   

The prospects for online social networks as sites of information-gathering and affiliation for persons with AIDS and others concerned about HIV/AIDS not only represent the latest development in a trend toward circumventing traditional media and official information sources, but also may offer hope for a revitalization of HIV/AIDS discourse in the public sphere. This article provides an overview of three decades of information-seeking on the pandemic and its social and personal implications, as well as case studies of three examples of social networking surrounding HIV/AIDS. It finds preliminary evidence of the formation of strong and weak ties as described in Social Network Theory and suggests that the online accumulation of social capital by opinion leaders could facilitate dissemination of messages on HIV/AIDS awareness and testing.  相似文献   

When young adults are questioned about where they gain their knowledge of HIV, overwhelmingly popular media (including television) is reported. Thus, the goal of this article is to question how media is used to educate and influence young people's present perceptions of HIV/AIDS. Narrative analysis of popular prime time shows was used focusing on the story lines and characters used to introduce the topic, as well as the myths and facts about HIV. Results presented provide researchers a clearer insight to how popular shows discuss HIV/AIDS while also highlighting the ways Social Cognitive Theory can still be utilized.  相似文献   

The ongoing HIV/AIDS pandemic in southern Africa continues to manifest itself in unexpected ways. While the consequences of the disease appear straightforward in some aspects—e.g., medical, labor, cost—in other respects the repercussions, while large, are nonetheless highly nuanced and can be counterintuitive. This paper reports on the intersection of HIV/AIDS, migration, livelihood adaptation, land tenure, and forest conservation, to outline how adaptation to the pandemic has reworked significant aspects of land tenure to result in increased forest conservation in southern Zambia in the near to medium-term. The research uses a combination of ethnography, case studies, household survey and spatial analyses and finds that HIV/AIDS is used in customary legal settings to enhance land access. We also draw links to practical and theoretical implications of the relationship between HIV/AIDS, land tenure, and deforestation in Sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

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