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“中庸之为德也,其至矣乎!民鲜久矣。”(《论语·雍也》)这是《论语》中孔子直接讲“中庸”的唯一的一句话,也是“中庸”一词的最早出处,自然也是今天研究孔子中庸思想的最直接、最可靠的文字史料。近年来,人们从发展观和伦理观角度挖掘中庸思想的义蕴,虽多有所得,但由于对此句剖析尚有未尽,所以对中庸的认识也难及根本。愚以为,通过探“中庸之为德也”句之原,可以得中庸主观与客观统一方法论之本义。 “中庸”,是揭示主观与客观统一之规律的方法论范畴。中,在甲骨文、金文中,亦表“中间”( 参于省吾《释中国》、《甲骨文释林》)。“中间”…  相似文献   

孔子是儒家的开山鼻祖,荀子是战国未期的儒家大师,二人都是先秦的大教育家,他们都特别重视教育的作用,强调学习的重要。《论语》压卷第一篇是“学而”,《荀子》开宗明义第一篇是“劝学”。“学而篇”第一句便要人“学而时习之”,“劝学”头一句就教人“学不可以已”,二书开卷都先论学习。  相似文献   

黄溪  宁镇疆 《唐都学刊》2024,(1):104-110
《论语》礼制的诠解为古代经师看重,近代论语注本却往往忽略。《论语·八佾》载孔子云:“禘自既灌而往者,吾不欲观之矣。”此句的诠释很能体现礼制在经典解释中的重要性,历代诠解主要有三种:孔安国、邢昺等认为鲁国吉禘举行时间违反礼制;清人认为孔子讥讽当时宗室僭越大禘之礼;郑玄、马融从禘礼内部进行解释。分析三种诠解的方式,结合禘礼的内在仪式与外在历史背景,可以看出,孔子不欲观禘是其对传承周礼、谨遵礼制的坚守,也是对鲁国现实政治的忧虑关切。重视《论语》礼制诠解是解读经典文本、理解孔子圣人之意的关键方法。  相似文献   

许春华  Hou Jian 《孔学堂》2022,(4):49-60+156-165
《论语》与《史记·孔子世家》关于孔子对《诗》《乐》所做工作的记述,显示出孔子诗学思想的两种不同面向:第一,从《诗》之结构看,《论语》“兴观群怨”是对人生意义的全副涵盖,《孔子世家》“四始说”突出了人伦之道与政治教化。第二,从“乐”之功能看,《论语》侧重于涵养君子的道德人格与审美人格,《孔子世家》着重于维系天下的政治秩序与伦理秩序。第三,从孔子师生之间论诗的对话看,《论语》是对《诗》的哲学阐释,具有鲜明的人文主义思想特质;《孔子世家》突出了孔子为天下修道的使命感与担当精神,其政治哲学倾向非常明显。两种文本中,孔子诗学思想的不同面向,是理解孔子儒学与汉代儒学不同旨趣的诗学维度。  相似文献   

一、引言孔子(公元前551—前479年)是我国春秋末期著名的哲学家、思想家、教育家和政治伦理学家,儒家学派的创始人。他生前“信而好古,述而不作”,删《诗》、《书》,定《礼》、《乐》,赞《周易》,修《春秋》,创办教育,传授知识,对保存中国文化遗产和促进中国文化的发展作出了巨大的贡献。孔子生前的一些重要言论,由他的弟子或再传弟子记录整理成书,这就是《论语》。《论语》是一部语录体散文著作,在我国古代的先秦文学中占有一席地位,但在我国思想发展史上,其地位却极为重要。一部《论语》,把孔子的思想表达得淋漓尽致,以致影响了世世代代的中国人的思想文化达两千余年之久;同时也把孔子推上了历代封建统治阶级所尊崇的“圣人”的宝座。  相似文献   

先秦诸子著作的首篇首章都是极为重要的,即《孝经》所谓“开宗明义”。对孔子的《论语》也应做如是观。《论语》首章即开篇第一则是如下三句话: “学而时习之,不亦悦乎? 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎? 人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?”以往对这一则的解释大都没有把三句话联系起来,而是隔断开来,认为这则中的三句话各句意思是独立的,分别讲的是“学”、“有朋来”、“人不知”三方面的事情。他们看不到这三句话的联系,甚至有的人说孔子这三句话不是说于同时,三句话放在一起是后学整理编辑的结果。第一则这三句话在字面上确实很难看出联  相似文献   

《论语》曾对中外一些大企业家产生重要影响 ,作为现代企业在吸取西方现代管理科学的同时 ,还应从传统思想 ,特别是集中了孔子思想主要内容的《论语》里寻找源泉。《论语》中“学而优”、“己身正”、“人为本”、“施仁德”、“义利兼”、“重诚信”、“和为贵”等思想可以给现代企业家以启示 ,是企业经营中的法宝。  相似文献   

刘强  Wang Xiaonong 《孔学堂》2023,(3):60-68+153-168
古今学者对孔子之于“心学”的开创之功,一向注意甚少而论述乏人。事实上,孔子之仁学,本与心学不二,《论语》《孟子》中所见孔子论“心”诸说,早已为后儒埋下建构心学之种子。本文从“仁”与“心”的即离关系、《孟子》所载孔子“论心四句”的心学价值、孔子忠恕之道的心学内涵、孔子“用心”说及其余绪四端加以论析,认为孔子论“心”,乃有显、隐二端,显者出之以“仁”,隐者证之以“恕”,二者本同而末异,殊途而同归,对于后世心学之本体论、认识论、修养工夫论之建立,实有先导发轫之功。  相似文献   

董晔  李妍妍 《唐都学刊》2006,22(3):131-134
孔子在《论语》中用“思无邪”对《诗经》作了整体性的评价。毋庸置疑的是,无论后人对“思无邪”作何种解释,它的意思仍是说:《诗经》中的所有篇章都合乎孔子的政治思想、伦理道德和审美标准。由于《诗经》的内容和思想倾向相当复杂,所以要想准确把握孔子之“思无邪”、“一言以蔽之”的原因,就必须考察其在《诗经》和《论语》中所处的不同文化语境,以及由此造成的两种含义之间的内在关系。  相似文献   

“恕”,是中国传统道德的一个重要规范。古人历来将恕视为美德。如汉代的董仲舒曾说:“圣人之德,莫美于恕。”《春秋繁露·俞序》先哲们认为恕是孔子仁学一以贯之的思想。在(论语》中有这样的记载:子曰:参乎!吾道一以贯之。曾子回:“唯。”子出,门人问曰:“何谓也7’曾子曰:“夫子之道,忠怒而已矣。”《论语·里仁》恕德的主要内容有两方面,一是“己欲立而立人,已欲达而达人”《论语·雍也》,另一是“已所不欲,勿施于人”《论语·卫员公》。恕,作为为人之则,是处理个人与他人道德关系的基本态度和要求,也是现代人际交往…  相似文献   

陈艳楠 《社会》2023,43(2):18-53
五四运动后“救亡”与“启蒙”、“政治”与“文化”的交织与竞逐是我们理解中国近代史的一条线索。既有研究多将恽代英呈现为一个具有道德主义色彩和儒家伦理底蕴的五四知识分子,然而顺着这一思路,我们却难以理解他为何从温和的道德结社转向革命。本文认为,恽代英精神世界中的心学底色,以及他对青年会社会服务经验的借鉴,使他形成了与共产主义者相通的道德认知;道德结社的困境则促使他走向政党运动,以群众运动实践自己的道德理想。恽代英的早期经历为我们呈现了过渡时代具有儒学底蕴的知识分子面对现代政治秩序时的道德困惑,这有助于我们理解中国共产主义革命对德性的强调以及儒家中国的现代转化。  相似文献   

For more than two thousand years, the chapter of the Xunzi titled “Man’s Nature Is Evil” has labeled Xun Zi as a representative of the doctrine that human nature is originally evil. In fact, Xun Zi holds to a belief in human nature as originally simple and “uncarved.” The ideas of human nature in that chapter conflict with those in the other chapters including “Discourse on Ritual Principles,” “An Exhortation to Learning,” “Discourse on Nature,” “On the Correct Use of Names” and “Of Honor and Disgrace.” According to these chapters, human nature is not evil, but simple and uncarved; its good or evil is undetermined, it may become either good or evil, etc. Furthermore, we can find other evidence, such as the sayings of Xun Zi’s disciples, the Records of the Grand Historian, the doctrines of human nature in the Western Han dynasty, and so on, for the statement that Xun Zi holds that human nature is simple and uncarved.  相似文献   


This article scrutinizes three texts about Xun Zi written during the Qin-Han period: the final part of “The Questions of Yao” in the Xunzi, a rebuttal by one of Xun Zi’s disciples of the idea that Xun Zi was inferior to Confucius; “Mencius and Xun Zi” by Sima Qian in his Records of the Grand Historian; and the Annotated Book of the Xunzi by Liu Xiang. We explore the images of Xun Zi as a great Confucian (大儒) that emerge from these texts, as well as their authors’ motives for writing. These texts are understood within three contexts: first, the self-identification of a Confucian; second, the dispute between Confucianism and Daoism; and lastly, the distinction between the classics and the annals and biographies. Due to their different discourse environments, Xun Zi’s great Confucian image project a different significance in each: in one, he is a model of action who can act in accordance with perfected morality; in another, he is a model of “private words,” who can counter the philosophers of his day and become the teacher of kings; and finally, he is a model of “official learning,” able to use his knowledge of the classics in practical statecraft and elucidate the kingly Way. Overall, these three texts represent three types of discourse on a great Confucian. At the same time, they also exhibit their writers’ consciousness of their times and their views of the genealogy of daotong, or transmission of the Way; hence their significance for intellectual history.  相似文献   

杜靖 《创新》2007,1(1):119-123
“太阳三足乌”图案是古代东夷内部两大集团——日部族和鸟部族——图腾徽志的合一,是东夷内部通过战争与婚姻整合的社会事实投入到神话传说中的结果。此外,本文一反释“日”为象形文字的说法,提出了“日”为会意字说,并对作为性秽语“日”字的文化内涵进行了分析。  相似文献   

中国人的信仰认同模式:以儒教信仰为中心   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李向平  石大建 《社会》2008,28(6):71-89
英语中的“宗教”,就西方基督教而言,是一种制度宗教;汉语中的“宗教”,则不一定指称宗教制度。中国儒教当然不等同于西方语义中的制度宗教,但无疑是一种具有宗教特征的信仰结构。杨庆堃所谓“扩散宗教”的概念,与本文讨论的中国“信仰”,及其在权力秩序和制度宗教之外那种私人、扩散式的信仰认同模式非常相似。为此,本文把儒教的信仰认同模式作为个人信仰与他人信仰、儒教信徒与其他社会成员的互动结果,并以信仰“认同”作为儒教的行动单位,同时亦作为一种分析工具,经由对儒教信仰认同规则的考察,讨论儒教信仰及其信仰群体的建构逻辑,进而分析儒教信仰经纬中中国社会的模式及其演变路径。  相似文献   

A burgeoning literature on narrative identity has emerged during the last decades simultaneously with a “performative turn” in the methodology of qualitative social research; both changes indicate a move away from the paradigm of “representation” that emphasizes linear and singular interpretation of “facts” and toward an acknowledgment of the complexity of the social world preferring a dialogic space, open for multiple interpretations and voices. This article aims to explicate how a nonrepresentational narrative stage performance, “We Are All the Same,” by a group of people who had suffered from mental illness opened up space that made transformation possible.  相似文献   

By the time they enter preschool children have acquired extensive knowledge of gender stereotypes. There has been little work on their use of this knowledge to make inferences about behavior; there is virtually no information as to how the explicitness of gender-category information influences the reliability of inferences. In two experiments we tested 3-112-year-old children's recognition and use of less-than-explicit, yet highly reliable, cues to gender-category membership: common proper names. In Experiment 1 children reliably associated feminine-stereotyped names with pictures of girls and masculine-stereotyped names with pictures of boys; they did not reliably associate gender-neutral names with pictures of girls and boys. In Experiment 2 children used their knowledge of same-gender-category names to make predictions about the preferences of otherwise sex-unspecified targets; they did not make reliable predictions when the targets were labeled with opposite-gender-category names. In contrast, when the targets were labeled with gendered common nouns (“girl” and “boy”) performance was reliable and was not affected by match or mismatch between the sex of the child and the gender category of the target. The findings indicate differential patterns of development and application of gender-category consistent versus gender-category inconsistent knowledge.  相似文献   

State policies exert a great influence over Chinese civil justice. Article 6 of the General Principles of Civil Law stipulates that state policies are a source of civil law, but the path by which they enter civil justice is not a rational one and may lead to adjudication difficulties with state policies. State policies are integrated with state law, and the laws and legal interpretations formulated by the National People’s Congress and its Standing Committee, judicial interpretations, administrative regulations, autonomous regulations and special regulations, administrative rules and other regulatory documents are forms of expression of state policies. Different rules for adjudication apply depending on the different vehicles of state policy. The Supreme People’s Court can play a role in making public policy and guiding state policy into civil adjudication through “open” and “unseen” channels.  相似文献   

讨论中国人的观念系统在很大程度上离不开儒家思想, 分析儒家思想要从孔子开 始。孔子因 “德命” 受挫而形成 “时命” 观, “时命” 观挑战了 “以德配天” 的思 想, 这需要更为本源的终极观来应对。孔子在内外心理框架的互动中, 反思体悟而形 成 “仁” 的终极观。在此理念的支配下, 向内修德凝道而 “内圣”, 向外践行 “仁 政” 而 “外王” , 内外并重以获得充沛丰盈的生命意义感。

关键词:仁 内圣外王 心理机制

The discussion of the conceptual system of the Chinese is, to a large extent, inseparable from Confucian thought, and its analysis should start from Confucius himself. He developed the idea of shiming (时命), or the mandate of the times, after the idea of deming (德命), or the mandate of virtue, encountered repeated setbacks. Shiming challenged the idea that “Heaven is aligned with the virtuous,” and coping with this challenge required an ultimate worldview of a more original nature. Confucius formed his ultimate world view of “benevolence” (ren 仁) through the interaction between his internal and external psychological framework and his reflections and realizations. Gripped by this idea, he cultivated inward virtue and adhered to the Way while outwardly practicing benevolence, with the goal of becoming “a sage within and a king without.” The balancing of the interior and the exterior was the key to enjoying a rich and meaningful life.  相似文献   

A conception of enlightenment that is new in both origin and prototype yet rooted in Chinese tradition can be found in the works of Liang Shuming and Zhu Qianzhi, his follower in the historical field. Kant maintained that enlightenment implied that the power of reason would give man the courage to use his mind. Similarly, Zhu Qianzhi used enlightenment to define reason, putting the focus of enlightenment on religion. In doing so, on the one hand, he neglected the richness, complexity and inner evolution of the Western concept of reason; on the other hand, like Hegel, he dismissed the subtle but significant differences between Chinese and Western concepts of reason. In terms of thought, intuition, emotion, desire, practice, skill and the movements of nature, reason in the Western tradition inevitably tends toward the good. The word later used to translate “reason” into Chinese had already appeared in Confucian and Buddhist classics. Reason in Song and Ming Confucianism is an all- embracing absolute; its function involves intuition, thought and emotion, all directed toward the good. Liang Shuming accepted the differentiation between reason and understanding of Western philosophy, but proposed that understanding was the function and reason the essence of the heart-mind. Overall, this represents only the heart-mind approach. The non- religious character, didactic tendency and emphasis on intuition in the Confucian view of reason can all be found in the Confucian theory of emotion. Being essentially a response to good and evil, emotion may share some common ground with classical Western philosophy.  相似文献   

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