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杨兵  王希隆 《社科纵横》2003,18(3):66-67
本文利用文献史料概括论述了唐代埋骨安抚、施药赐物、养老扶弱、族内互助、民间义行等救济形式的发生和发展过程 ,肯定其积极作用 ,并分别揭示其实质。同时 ,对官方救济与民间救济进行了比较 ,并得出了结论  相似文献   

民间交往是国家间关系的基础,中日之间的民间交往与官方交往共同构成了两千余年的中日关系史。民间交往的产生早于官方交往,并且内容丰富、形式多样、硕果累累,极大地提升了两国关系的质量。官方关系的好坏,对民间交往有着重要的影响。官方关系密切,则民间交往顺畅;官方关系恶化,则民间交往受累。民间交往也反过来以其特有的形式对官方关系起着能动的推进作用,其作用同样不可低估。  相似文献   

唐代河西地区的历史以天宝十四年(755年)安史之乱、大中五年(851年)张议潮起事为界点,可以分成前、中、后三个时期,相应地探讨唐代河西地区的贷币流通情况,也只有分成三个阶段才能说得明白。本文主要依靠敦煌文书的有关资料,对唐代河西地区的贷币流通情况作些探讨。 一、唐代初期的河西货币流通 唐初,随着西秦霸王薛仁杲(据金城)、大凉皇帝李轨(据武威)的被铲除,河西五郡的政治、经济便纳入了唐王朝的一统版籍,从此,河西地区的货币流通也就走上了与中原地区的一体化轨道。  相似文献   

唐代皇帝要求宰相重视为朝廷选拔优秀官员,许多宰相也以此为己任.唐代宰相主要通过与皇帝当面讨论和向皇帝上书两种方式阐述他们选拔官员的思想,其内容丰富、深刻,对唐代选拔官员有重要的指导作用.本文旨在通过对唐代宰相选拔官员的职责及思想的论述,揭示唐代宰相在朝廷选拔官员中的作用及影响.  相似文献   

在唐代书法教育中,唐代帝王及其家族子弟的书法教育占有一个重要地位,唐代沿袭前代,在宫中亦置侍书以教书法,并且逐渐形成制度.贞现自垂拱之间,侍书虽有其实,但无其名,开元二十一年(公元733年)后,侍书从侍读中独立出来,专设侍书一职,侍书者的身份由翰林院书待诏专任,侍书者归属翰林院,其职责明确,是专职书法教师,侍书一职的设立充分反映了书法在唐代帝王对书法教育的重视,也反映了书法在唐代教育中的地位,是唐代书法兴盛的原因和体现,唐代帝王侍书一职的设立,对唐代以后宋、元、明亦有很大影响.  相似文献   

唐代的货币思想主要继承《管子》和两汉的学说 ,对货币的起源、本质、职能、作用等主要问题的思考研究虽有所进步 ,但总体认识水平并未取得实质性突破 ,仍停留在货币国定说和轻重论认知体系上。这在实践中不仅对唐代社会经济的发展造成了阻碍和破坏 ,也影响了唐代货币制度的创新和发展。  相似文献   

王来特 《日本研究》2013,(3):100-111
17、18世纪的清朝中国和德川日本虽然有贸易关系,却并没有直接的官方交涉。且这一时期的清、日贸易的形态是中国商人前往日本而没有日本商人来华交易的”往市贸易”。这种贸易模式的形成主要基于德川幕府对贸易的政治介入和政策性调控,而清朝政府在作出同日本进行官方交涉的初步试探并遭到强硬拒绝之后亦默认了现状。这一模式的延续使日本得以避免再度进入中国中心的朝贡贸易体制,也令中日双方在贸易主动权上此消彼长的现象逐步明显。  相似文献   

杨思灵 《南亚研究》2013,(1):94-113
21世纪以来,印度在日本官方发展援助中的地位日显突出。自2003年后,印度连续8年成为日本对外发展援助最多的国家。综合来看,日本不断加大对印度官方发展援助的动因及目标既有政治经济因素的考虑,更有美日同盟下地缘外交的重要特性。从其对印度官方发展援助的前景来看,客观上日本的援助有利于促进日印关系的快速发展,但崛起信心愈来愈强的印度不可能完全按照日本的意愿来行事,注定日本想通过对印度的官方援助发挥领导性影响的作用很小。同时日本向印度提供官方发展援助的能力与意愿也在降低。  相似文献   

前段时间,西安成阳国际机场附近唐代上官婉儿的墓葬引起关注。考古人员表示,墓葬遭到大范围破坏,不似一般盗墓所致,应系大规模、有组织的破坏行为,很有可能是“官方毁墓”行为。  相似文献   

唐代的渤海政权与日本隔海相望,往来频繁。在渤日往来过程中,日本不断开展对渤海致送礼物活动。这种致送礼仪活动是日本与渤海邦交往来的重要组成部分,不仅增进了两国的友好交往关系,而且推动了两国官方贸易的开展,实现了贸易互补,促进了渤海经济社会的发展。  相似文献   

明清时期的北京建有数量不少的马神庙,在一些大的庙宇里还建有马神殿。通过对马神祭祀活动和祭祀群体的考察和分析看出,马神信仰经历了从国家政治的象征符号到代表行业利益诉求的象征符号的转变过程。这与王朝马政的兴废和北京城市经济的发展有着密不可分的关系。透过马神信仰还可以窥见到,在不同的现实利益驱动下,不同行业间的竞争和不同群体间的利益争夺。  相似文献   

We distinguish between the typical sort of short-range conflict management, in which governments must engage, and the long-term processes of conflict resolution, which must include the involvement of entire societies and the replacement of adversarial relations with cooperative ones. How can third parties facilitate conflict resolution? This article discusses five principles that have evolved from attempts to facilitate conflict resolution in the Mideast: enhancement of each adversary's identity , creation of new symbols, enfranchisement of elements within each of the conflict groups, enhancement of indigenous development , and use of indigenous third parties . We argue that this nongovernmental facilitation of conflict resolution (with governmental tacit cooperation) is the real alternative to terrorism.  相似文献   

民间组织兴起:转型期法治进程的新兴动力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the 30 years since the adoption of reform and opening up policy,Chinese nongovernmental organizations rise rapidly and show special way of development against a complicated social background.The great number of nongovernmental organizations become an important force to overcome the "polarization tendency" in the relation pattern and mode of thought in Chinese tradition,as well as in the democratic rule by law process,resulting in a "flexible" vertical power division mechanism,organized and group-oriented right protection mechanism,nongovernmental order generating mechanism marked by autonomy and balance and citizen moldering mechanism based on grass root quality.Although there are still some difficulties and problems in the development of these organizations,its role and functions can not be underestimated and its bright future can not be neglected.  相似文献   

In the past decade, Canadian federal and provincial governments have designed programmes to facilitate entry into trades in an attempt to stimulate economic growth. As part of these efforts, increasing attention is focusing on programmes to encourage women to enter skilled trades, while paying little attention to those trades traditionally dominated by females. In this article, we explore the gendered dimensions of apprenticeship programmes in Canada, demonstrating the ways in which gender inequality is reproduced by programmes that situate employers and women as responsible for change. In particular, using a case study, we illustrate that the gendered structure of the labour market is preserved and reproduced. While efforts have targeted women to facilitate entry into non‐traditional occupations such as electricians and plumbers, female‐dominated trades such as hairstylists remain untouched, thereby sustaining the gendered wage structure of the economy. Thus women remain segregated in low‐paying trades and receive fewer public supports when pursuing training in these segregated trades. The article argues that apprenticeship training and certification is constructed to respond to the needs of male‐dominated trades, but not the needs of female‐dominated trades. Ultimately, the public policy decisions that make up the apprenticeship training and certification system in Canada reproduce gender inequality.  相似文献   

Water is a scarce and highly prized commodity in the arid Western states. Not surprisingly, water policy creation is very much a challenge for a number of reasons. Citizens hold multiple water values such as economic development and the protection of wildlife which are often contradictory. State prior appropriation laws are not easily reconciled with federal reserve rights and the public trust doctrine. There are multiple governmental and nongovernmental actors who work to influence and implement policy in a decentralized political system. If actors lose a policy battle in one decisionmaking arena (such as a legislature), they often try to influence policy at another venue (a court, Congress or an agency). Policymaking involves water issues that are dynamic over time. Furthermore, there are several types of water policy (distributive, allocative, redistributive and cooperative) that vary according to who pays costs and receives benefits, the level of conflict, the openness of decisionmaking to interested parties, and the level of government which dominates. Long ago, Mark Twain was correct when he said “Whiskey’s for drinking, water’s for fighting about.”  相似文献   

Objective. This research adds to our understanding of environmental degradation by evaluating the “contested” role international nongovernmental organizations play in managing environmental problems. Methods. I use cross‐national data for a sample of up to 70 nations to examine the effect of international nongovernmental organizations on deforestation for the period of 1990 to 2000. The models also include relevant controls for gross national product, economic growth, population growth, democracy, government expenditures, domestic investment, forest stocks, exports, multinational corporations, and structural adjustment. Results. The main findings indicate that nations with higher levels of international nongovernmental organizations presence have lower levels of deforestation. I also examine the effects of international nongovernmental organizations at different levels of democracy by including an interaction term between international nongovernmental organizations and democracy. In doing so, I find that international nongovernmental organizations continue to reduce deforestation. However, they reduce deforestation more at higher rather than at lower levels of democracy. Conclusions. This research illustrates that international nongovernmental organizations reduce deforestation despite claims to the contrary. However, their effectiveness appears to be affected by the level of democracy in a nation.  相似文献   

陈卫峰 《唐都学刊》2007,23(3):81-83
英国早期在印度的殖民统治和经济掠夺遇到了困难;同时在与中国发生的贸易关系中处于不利地位,承受着巨额贸易逆差。通过英国与印度;英国与中国;印度与中国在鸦片战争前贸易关系的比较分析,可以看出在英国东印度公司的活动下,英属印度对华贸易加大,利用原棉和鸦片吸收了中国大量的资金,形成了英、印、中三角贸易,彻底解决了英国在印度和中国进行经济入侵的主要难题。  相似文献   

The rising of nongovernmental organizations is a spectacular phenomenon since the adoption of reform and opening up policy in our society.They organize the grass root social resources,form public speech and public space,lead to the formation of a citizen society and contribute to the steady social transformation.But due to systematic reasons,this rising also gives rise to the disruption in social structure,and brings pressure to social integration and management.It is a crucial issue to present day social management to keep balance between establishing the legality of nongovernmental organizations with the integration of social resources and keeping the stability of the society.  相似文献   

Gilboa  Itzhak  Samuelson  Larry 《Theory and Decision》2022,92(3-4):625-645

It has been argued that Pareto-improving trade is not as compelling under uncertainty as it is under certainty. The former may involve agents with different beliefs, who might wish to execute trades that are no more than betting. In response, the concept of no-betting Pareto dominance was introduced, requiring that putative Pareto improvements must be rationalizable by some common probabilities, even though the participants’ beliefs may differ. In this paper, we argue that this definition might be too narrow for use when agents are not Bayesian. Agents who face ambiguity might wish to trade in ways that can be justified by common ambiguity, though not necessarily by common probabilities. We accordingly extend the notion of no-betting Pareto dominance to characterize trades than are “no-betting Pareto” ranked according to the maxmin expected utility model.


市场经济中的政府具有收入分配、稳定、资源配置三大经济职能.但在具体操作层面上,这三大职能被某些学者加进了过多的政府干预因素,甚至试图用政府干预替代而不是弥补市场机制.这种政府经济职能定位已不适应市场经济条件下民营经济发展的要求,需要进行改革.改革的重点是要从发展民营经济的角度调整政府的三大经济职能.  相似文献   

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