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In this study, a mixed methodology called concept mapping was used to bring 233 community members together to identify culturally relevant intervention strategies that could be used in developing a program for Latino youth. Three phases of data collection were completed to generate and rank 66 desirable strategies clustered around three goals: 1) staying in school, 2) developing positive social and family roles, and 3) bridging American and Latino cultures. An analysis of the rankings revealed differences in priorities between youth and adults. The results indicate that concept mapping can be useful in the development of community-based programs.  相似文献   

The conflict in Syria has resulted in a humanitarian emergency and one of the largest refugee crises in history. The Canadian government has welcomed over 40,000 Syrian refugees. Stressors caused by instability, conflict, and the resettlement process put refugee children at high risk for mental health problems. Anxiety is a common problem experienced by refugee children. Thus, early intervention is crucial to promote their adequate adaptation and development. This study explores the impact and value of a culturally specific family-based storybook intervention for newly resettled Syrian refugee children. Six refugee families participated. Anxiety symptoms were measured before and after the intervention, and families shared their experiences, thoughts, and feedback regarding the intervention. The results showed a significant decrease in children's anxiety symptoms. Furthermore, qualitative analyses demonstrated that the intervention was culturally relevant to Syrian refugee families and that it was effective in promoting children's overall well-being, agency, and family connectedness.  相似文献   


The authors examine the application of a strengths-based empowerment approach to working with an urban Appalachian woman and her family. The purpose of this article is to start the research process by utilizing the lessons learned to assist health and human service practitioners. Key points are identified in developing awareness and intervention skills when working with clients who have an Appalachian cultural heritage. This case study utilizes a culturally competent framework for assessing and intervening with Appalachian clients that emphasizes the strengths and empowerment literature. As the foundation for further research, this case study provides a rationale for starting evidence-based practice incorporating a strengths-based empowerment theme. Case study research is limited by its focus on one individual within a specific span of time and cultural context; findings cannot always be generalized to a similar population. Suggestions for further research in this area are provided.  相似文献   

The lagging achievement of many U.S. Latinos is staggering. Latinos have the highest high school dropout rate. Further, second- and third-generation Latinos in the United States perform less well than do recent immigrants. These statistics belie the hopes and aspirations for upward mobility, a better life, and the deep value for education that are tightly held by many Latino immigrant families. Understanding this paradox between the aspirations of Latino families and their academic outcomes is the focus of this article. The experiences of Latino children in U.S. schools, the incongruence between the cultural worldviews of U.S. schools and Latino families, and the interactions and expectations for partnerships between families and schools are integrated and applied to the question of why Latino students are not reaching their potential, despite goals for achievement and significant parental sacrifice and investment.  相似文献   

This study examines changes in MSW students' perceived cultural competence across 11 child welfare practice skills before and after participation in a University's Title IV‐E program and explores students' perceptions of cultural competency and cultural humility. The findings indicate modest gains across all 11 practice skills; however, focus group interviews revealed that students do not necessarily feel prepared to conduct culturally competent practice with children and families. A culturally informed practice in public child welfare is discussed and includes training implications for Title IV‐E programs.  相似文献   

This study evaluates optional booster sessions offered 4 to 6 weeks after the completion of a stepfamily education course. Participants reported satisfaction with the booster session, and their scores related to stepfamily dynamics improved following attendance of a booster session. Findings did not differ for male and female respondents. However, Latino participants appeared to particularly benefit. Implications for family life education include using culturally sensitive booster sessions to reinforce program content and enhance participants' knowledge.  相似文献   

Refugee resettlement policy in the United States prioritizes family reunification, meaning, resettling families that may have been separated for years are reuniting and reestablishing connections while integrating into a new culture. Scholarship on the impact of resettlement and integration has focused primarily on the individual level, despite evidence that strong family relationships are a documented protective factor for refugee families. This paper aims to explore the impact of resettlement on Karen refugee families' relationships. Data from 6 focus groups with 36 Karen refugee community members and interviews with 8 key stakeholders suggests that refugee families are at risk of a constellation of relational issues that are exacerbated by the stress of resettlement. Data also indicates that families have indigenous strategies for solving problems that could be harnessed to develop culturally relevant family support services.  相似文献   

Sport and recreation can help communities to build social inclusion and celebrate diversity. Yet some sport and recreation activities require conformity to social and cultural norms, risking suppressing difference and reinforcing inequality and exclusion. This paper explores these tensions by examining access and barriers to sport and recreation for a large group of Australian women: those from culturally diverse backgrounds. Qualitative data shows that while sport industry representatives justify catering primarily for a mainstream participant base, culturally diverse women identify barriers requiring strategic and targeted policy and program intervention. Implicating the spatial organisation of sport and recreation as sources of marginalisation, culturally diverse women highlight how access‐enhancing initiatives in public, commercial and community sport facilities can play key roles in promoting social inclusion.  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2013,36(3-4):41-55
Effective ethnic-sensitive social work practice requires an understanding of the cultural compatibility between an intervention model and the client group. This study evaluated the cultural fit of psychoeducational family group treatment with ethnic Chinese and Malay families in Singapore. Process evaluation of five treatment groups determined that incompatibilities in beliefs, world views, and treatment expectations between the model and the clients resulted in difficulties in client role behavior. Cognitive-behavioral interventions were partially successful in facilitating members' participation in group activities and goal achievement.  相似文献   

This study explores Latina and White women's perceptions of their mother and father's gender-role ideologies, values, and behaviors concerning work and family intersections. Although Latino and White families in this Northern California, United States sample differed in terms of income and educational attainments, they did not differ in terms of the values they placed on work, marriage, and parenting or in terms of the time spent on work, marriage, and parenting. Among both Latino and White families, fathers and mothers were seen as quite distinct, in sex stereotypic ways. Correspondence between ideologies, values, and behaviors was not strong, either among Latinos or among Whites. It seems safe to conclude that people's attitudinal endorsement of egalitarianism does not assure behavioral endorsement.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to trace the trajectory of family policy development in South Korea from the 1940s to the present. Changes to family intervention are analyzed in terms of the settings of policy instruments, the policy instruments themselves, and policy goals (or policy regimes). Consequently, two critical turning points are identified: the late 1980s and the early 2000s. The first period (1945–1988) was an era of embryonic Korean family policy when family intervention was limited and indirect based on Confucian familism. During the second period (1998–2003), explicit family policies emerged, but the Korean government kept family intervention to a minimum; maintained a division of roles between the state, the market, and families (the state as the regulator and the market/families as the providers); and maintained patriarchal family relations and gendered family roles based on Confucian familism. However, the third period (2003–2016) shows the explosive expansion of family policies and changes in policy goals and regimes based on Neo‐familism, which emphasizes democratic and equal gender relations within families and a family‐friendly/supportive society.  相似文献   

潘光辉 《社会》2017,37(3):131-162
本研究旨在探究在“撤点并校”的政策调整下,家庭背景是如何影响子女的教育获得机会的。本文利用“中国家庭追踪调查”(CFPS)2010年到2012年追踪个案的数据,通过对农村学生小学至初中毕业升学历程的回溯,建立基于Cox比例风险模型的“辍学模型”和基于Logistic模型和线性概率模型的“升学模型”,发现家庭背景始终是影响子女教育机会的重要因素。在“撤点并校”刚开始执行的年份,农村学生在义务教育阶段的辍学风险反而有所降低,家庭背景在“撤点并校”后对于子女的入学几率起到更为重要的作用。本文认为,这一政策使得农村家庭在教育上“主动投入”,而这种家庭层面对于政策的回应使政策的影响效果被削弱或者推迟,从宏观上观察到的家庭背景在教育层面上的再生产机制是每个家庭在制度驱动下做出选择的结果。  相似文献   

This paper examines, from the perspective of parents and child welfare workers, how cultural values and expectations are integrated and negotiated in public child welfare cases. The study focuses on the experiences and interactions of Mexican families with the public child welfare system in Southern California. Grounded theory is used to complete the content analysis. Findings indicate that workers' efforts to provide culturally congruent services are limited by organizational structural factors. Consistent with the value of personalismo, parents stress the importance of a good relationship with their worker and the implications to their case. Specific recommendations to enhance service delivery include (1) developing services models that are informed by families served; (2) developing/providing ongoing training and evaluation to ascertain if services are in fact culturally competent; and (3) promoting a change in child welfare policy that reflects the diverse needs of families.  相似文献   

In the current economic crisis, middle‐class families often find themselves immersed in a process of downward social mobility. These are families in which both spouses work, and where many relational conflicts begin in the sphere of work–family reconciliation and the allocation of household responsibilities. This article presents the results of a research study we conducted on middle‐class families in Spain. We focus specifically on the problems associated with work–family reconciliation and gender, and the mitigating role played by social support. Based on our results, we want to call the attention to a prevalent and ‘new’ conflict in family‐based practice social work in Spain: the work–family conflict.  相似文献   


Parenting education programs aim to enhance the quality of parenting. Preferences vary between African American and Latino parents, but the context is not well known, and the ethnic/racial differences may have implications for parenting education programs. Focus groups were conducted with seven African American and eight Latino parents, and semi-structured interviews with eight key informants. This qualitative assessment provided information to identify barriers and enablers to participation in parenting education programs. Enablers included parental interest in learning about the developmental stages of their children, the convenience of locations and times, and incentives. Minority parents desired to obtain adequate parenting education. The scarcity of culturally sensitive programs, transportation, affordability, and childcare were significant barriers. There were both significant similarities and differences between the two parent groups. From the perspectives of African American, Latino parents and key informants, a range of resources are necessary to enable the participation and the delivery of high-quality parenting education. The findings from our research will help address the unmet parenting education needs of African American and Latino parents. Future research should work to develop a tailored and culturally sensitive parenting education programs to reduce the divergence between parents and service providers.  相似文献   

Children from substance‐misusing families face elevated risks in growing up well and safe. Early intervention is an opportunity for local authorities to offer support and keep a watching brief on children's welfare. However, the basis upon which agencies voluntarily engage with families in advance of major problems becoming evident is far from straightforward. This qualitative pilot study in Scotland followed professional decision‐making over 6 months (n = 20 professionals) with a small number of families (n = 6) defined as in need of supportive intervention. This support was allied with an intention to monitor the family situation, which, in these data, appeared to affect the willingness of families to engage with services. As services sought to increase their voluntary oversight, sometimes by threatening escalating involvement, so families by various means appeared to resist it. Successful early intervention is reliant on voluntary family participation and thus requires close attention to means of positive and motivated parental engagement to disarm resistance.  相似文献   

Substance abuse among older adults is on the rise. Of particular concern is the increase in alcohol and drug use predicted among Latino elders, expected to result from an upsurge in the Latino population and concurrent growth in the number of older adults. Providing effective treatment for this group will require age-specific, culturally competent interventions. However, few studies have focused on geriatric substance abuse among Latinos. This study aims to lay the groundwork for further research by examining perceptions of the problem among treatment providers and researchers in aging and substance abuse. Implications for social work research and practice are addressed.  相似文献   


Family caregiving is a stressful process, especially when the complexity of being an immigrant or ethnic minority is added. This paper examined service barriers experienced by Chinese immigrant family caregivers in Canada and the predictors of different types of barriers. Principle component analysis was performed with the barriers reported loading onto cultural barriers, administrative problems, circumstantial challenges, perceived negative quality of services, and personal attitudes. Multiple regression analysis was used to identify the role of the culture-related factors in predicting service barriers, controlling for socio-demographic status of the caregivers'. The results show that financial factors significantly predicted the number and types of barriers reported by the caregivers. Culture-related factors were significant in predicting the total number of access barriers and the different types of barriers experienced by the family caregivers. The findings indicate the importance of culturally sensitive support for family caregivers in order to reduce the access barriers.  相似文献   

文学世家历史还原的过程,也是一个逻辑建构的过程。以政治文化制度变革为核心动力,通过家族史与文学史演变的双重梳理,可以对中国通代文学世家发展演变历程进行历史还原,即前中后三大时段三重形态的相互衔接与有序推进:两汉至南北朝“经学一文学世家”与“门阀一文学世家”双重形态的衔接与演进;隋唐时期“门阀一文学世家”与“科宦一文学世家”混合形态的交替与演进;两宋至明清“科宦一文学世家”主流形态的承变与演进。在上述主体形态之外,尚有其他类型文学世家的多元存在。文学世家史学术范式的建构,需要通过特定个体、时代、区域以及通代文学世家史四个层级的链接而融合为有机整体。  相似文献   

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