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在美国文学史上,萨拉·朱厄特是一位重要的女作家。《乡村医生》是她于1884年创作的一部带有自传性质的小说,但就作品关注的两性性别教育话题而言,《乡村医生》又称得上是一部“现代小说”,折射出作者对其所处时代的性别教育及其模式的看法和思考。遗憾的是,这在现有朱厄特的社会性别研究中并没有受到重视。基于此,借助社会性别研究的视角,分析朱厄特在《乡村医生》中对理想性别教育模式的探索和建构,解读作者的性别教育观,指出作者并不否定对两性进行必要且合理的传统性别教育,她批判的是无视个体差异的父权制刻板性别教育模式,呼吁对其进行解构,她进而主张对两性进行双性化性别教育,并以此去实现对理想性别教育模式的重构。  相似文献   

美国本土裔作家路易丝·厄德里克在小说创作上一直保持着高产优质的势头,成为美国本土裔文学和更普遍意义的美国当代文学的重要代表人物。文章概述和分析了厄德里克在2000年后发表的几部长篇小说,从作品的主题、叙述结构、文化反思、政治干预等角度,揭示厄德里克创作的本质特征和发展态势,提出其创作节奏的涌动不息,作品的丰富性,主题的延续和发展。作者认为,作家在创作经验不断积累的基础上,写作意图和个人文化参与愿望越发强烈,而创作题材也体现出丰富不竭的特点。厄德里克的小说创作是美国本土裔文学、美国当代文学不可或缺的重要部分,也是方兴未艾的本土裔文学研究的重要资源。  相似文献   

作为广西新生代作家之一,壮族作家李约热具有清醒的小说文体意识,他的作品带有鲜明的后现代小说文本的个性特色。“不确定性”是其主要特色和创作风格,也是作者观照世界的方式。“不确定性”在其作品中主要体现在作者思想意图、故事情节发展、人物形象的不确定性和语言的跳跃性强等方面。“碎片化”是造成李约热小说“不确定性”特征的主要原因。  相似文献   

作为以“潜对话”方式呈现的文学文本,新时期小说创作的艺术转型,与作者选择的话语接受者有直接的关系。从依据时代政治的群体顺应心态普泛设定的叙述接受者,到为个性阅读创造文本,充分体现了小说创作由浅层对话走向深层对话的发展过程。在这一过程中,某些新潮小说曾因探索的极端化而是向拒绝对话,一度在社会上倍受冷落。经过辗转迂回中的启示,作家们校正方位继续探索,由拒绝对话到重新谋求多种对话方式,在实践中推进了小说艺术在叙事功能上的实质性发展。  相似文献   

作者认为劳伦斯对其小说中对主要人物刻画出了不同的自我,他那探索“自我为何”的行为,正如希腊人所说的“认识你自己”。在主要小说《虹》中,劳伦斯采用分析式或内省式的自我表现方式,对其典型人物厄秀拉进行了生动的刻画。人物刻画体现了劳伦斯的个性,创造力和想象力。同时也反映作家所处时代与社会的风貌。本文试图剖析她的“内心戏剧”,反映出劳伦斯笔下人物的自我形态的转变,也对文学史上的自我形象和自我认识这个重要领域从新的角度作有趣而博恰的探究。  相似文献   

美国当代著名本土裔作家路易丝·厄德里克《影子标签》2010年问世后引发了各方评论,不少学者认为,厄德里克此作并未呈现明显的“印第安元素”,作者似乎在有意淡化族裔内容,从而体现其本人“去标签”的创作愿望.本文主要分析了厄德里克的两栖发展态势,揭示其小说的去族裔特征、叙事特征、隐含族裔元素,以及作品所蕴含的冲突张力,由此论证并诠释:厄德里克身为美国作家和本土裔作家的两栖状态,是其创作意愿和发展走向的必然,而作品所折射的情感和思想的冲突与对立,也确实超越了族裔界限,关注着当下人们的困惑与焦虑,具有优秀文学作品所共有的普适价值.  相似文献   

本文针对制约儿童心理发展的家庭诸因素进行了系统的分析,主要从父母的素质(遗传素质、文化素质、心理素质)、家庭氛围(亲子关系、夫妻关系)和家庭教养方式(民主型、权威型、放纵型)等方面对儿童心理发展的影响进行了论述;认为家庭因素在儿童心理发展发展早期起着主导作用。  相似文献   

小学阶段是儿童人生观、价值观和个性发展的形成期,父母的教养方式对儿童学业自我效能感的形成和培养有重要影响。调查研究表明,朝、汉族小学生的家庭教养方式差异显著,朝鲜族父母对子女给予了过多的干涉、保护、拒绝、否认和惩罚,这决定了朝鲜族小学生的学业自我效能感发展水平不如汉族小学生高。因此,要注意营造朝鲜族家庭中的民主氛围,培养孩子的独立性、自主性和良好的情绪,才能使其状况得到改善。  相似文献   

小说观是指作家对小说文体创作的认识。明代是中国古代小说的绚烂期 ,比较分析《三国志演义》到《水浒传》、《金瓶梅》、“三言”“二拍”等小说作家的小说观 ,可见作家越来越摆脱史实而走向虚构想象 ,越来越摆脱英雄传奇而走向百姓世俗生活。小说是一开放的不断发展变化的文体。读者的小说观并非和作家的小说观一致  相似文献   

张永 《齐鲁学刊》2002,(3):38-41
芦焚小说创作的荒野意象凝聚着作家复杂而又深沉的乡土情结。透过荒野意象,芦焚的乡土小说表现了中原乡村大地的异化与挣扎。同时,对荒野意象的关注表现出作家强烈的人道主义和民主主义的情怀。  相似文献   

父母陪同儿童手术成为降低儿童围手术期焦虑的重要方法之一。本研究通过对比父母陪同局麻患儿手术与全麻无父母陪同手术两组间父母满意度、感染率、父母焦虑程度揭示了父母陪同学龄前儿童局麻手术的必要性和可行性。本研究表明,父母陪同学龄前儿童局麻手术有助于提高患儿父母满意度、降低父母围手术期焦虑,对感染率并无影响。  相似文献   

萨拉·朱厄特在其代表作《尖尖的枞树之乡》中对坚强、独立的女性的描写,深得评论界的关注和认可,但她并没有在作品中忘记其他女性。事实上,正是借助对有着刻板性别角色的传统女性、主动与男性互换角色的新女性,以及勇于承担双性化角色的理想女性的塑造,朱厄特表达了她对女性性别角色的思考和理解。遗憾的是,这在现有的研究中并没有得到重视。基于此,以社会性别为切入点,分析《尖尖的枞树之乡》中的女性群像及其性别角色,解读朱厄特的性别角色意识,指出作者透过对这些女性的刻画,表达了她对刻板性别角色的批判,对男女性别角色互换的质疑,以及对双性化性别角色的赞赏。  相似文献   

Twin comparisons offer a powerful quasi-experimental design to study the impact of the family of origin on children's life chances. Yet, there are concerns about the generalizability of results obtained from twin studies because twin families are structurally different and twins have a genetic resemblance. We examine these concerns by comparing mothers' reports on their parenting styles for twin and non-twin children between twin and non-twin families, as well as within twin families. We use two German studies for our comparisons: TwinLife and pairfam. Our results demonstrate that twins receive more differential treatment and more emotional warmth than non-twins; however, these differences are largely accounted for by age differences between children. Overall, our results indicate that results on parenting obtained from twin studies can be generalized to non-twin families.  相似文献   

孩子剧团是抗战时期一支由少年儿童组成的以文艺为斗争武器的宣传队伍,因表现卓越受到郭沫若的关心.郭沫若与上海、武汉、重庆时期的孩子剧团联系紧密,他不仅为孩子剧团推荐了稳妥的落脚点,还给其编辑的书籍《孩子剧团从上海到武汉》《抗战儿童》题写书名,帮助剧团补习文化知识,提升文艺演出水平.他全方位的帮助为孩子剧团的发展指明了方向.郭沫若号召大人们向孩子学习,还多次撰写文章赞扬孩子剧团.他在《洪波曲》中以《孩子剧团》为题记录孩子剧团的事迹.郭沫若的关心帮助推动了剧团的发展,还对抗战大后方其他少年儿童团体的壮大起到了鼓舞作用.  相似文献   

As female labor force participation increases globally, the relationship between maternal employment and children's development remains unclear. Using data from the India Human Development Survey (2005), we investigate the link between maternal employment and children's arithmetic and reading achievement. We develop a work pattern typology that goes beyond standard measures of employment and captures work intensity and its compatibility with child-rearing in a transitional economy. We find that the relationship between maternal employment and children's outcomes is not unidimensional. For example, children of self-employed mothers are not disadvantaged compared to those with stay-at-home mothers, but maternal employment in salaried jobs or wage work outside the home is negatively associated with cognitive skills in children. However, this negative association is reversed at higher levels of maternal education, suggesting greater access to resources and flexibility associated with better jobs mitigate the negative aspects of maternal employment posed by time constraints. Additionally, maternal employment is associated with maternal involvement in schoolwork and financial investment in academic activities, providing evidence that both time and resources devoted to children's education are significant.  相似文献   

学校管理制度是制约教师专业发展的重要因素,可从三个方面构建促进教师专业发展的学校管理制度:确立教师的专业地位,实现行政权力与专业权力的协调;变革管理方式,由单一权威式向民主参与式转变;重构教师评价制度,由奖惩性评价转变为发展性评价。  相似文献   

以河北工程大学在校大学生为研究对象,采用抗挫折能力问卷和简易应对方式问卷进行现状调查,使用SPSS 26.0软件,运用皮尔逊相关分析、相关样本t检验、独立样本t检验以及单因素方差分析等方法,分析当代大学生抗挫折能力和应对方式的总体现状,探讨当代大学生抗挫折能力的影响因素以及常用的应对方式。结果表明:(1)当代大学生抗挫折能力总体水平处于中等偏上的程度;(2)积极应对方式与消极应对方式之间存在显著性差异,说明当代大学生倾向于选用积极应对方式来抵抗并战胜挫折,同时一些消极应对方式也被选用;(3)当代大学生抗挫折能力影响因素包括:6个内在因素分别为性格、适应能力、主观信念、自我评价、责任感和情绪表达;14个外在因素分别包含家庭、学校、外部刺激和身体状况4个方面。在当代大学生思想政治教育中,根据不同影响因素在不同个体或群体上的差异,针对性的进行大学生抗挫折能力的实操训练是十分必要的。  相似文献   

The association between television exposure and children's development is subject to controversial debates. Heavy television exposure may be detrimental to children by overstimulating their developing brains. It may also infringe on time that children would otherwise spend on more developmentally beneficial activities or parental interactions. In the present analysis, we use data from the 2004/5 birth cohort of the Growing Up in Scotland study to investigate relations between hours of weekly television measured around the ages of two to four and as average over this period with children's linguistic, cognitive, and behavioral outcomes around the age of five. Our analysis shows differences in the level and growth of television exposure by parental education. However, we did not find any substantive associations between television exposure and children's cognitive or language ability. We found small associations of television exposure with conduct problems and prosocial behavior, particularly for children of less-educated parents. Overall, the results suggest that the impact of television on children's development is less pronounced than often assumed.  相似文献   

This study uses time-diary data for dual-earner couples from Belgium, Denmark, Spain, and the United Kingdom to analyze educational inequalities in parental care time in different national contexts. For mothers, education is significantly associated with parenting involvement only in Spain and the United Kingdom. In Spain these differences are largely explained by inequalities in mothers' time and monetary resources, but not in the United Kingdom, where less-educated mothers disproportionally work in short part-time jobs. For fathers, education is associated with parenting time in Denmark, and particularly in Spain, while the wife's resources substantially drive these associations. On weekends, the educational gradient in parental care time applies only to Spain and the United Kingdom, two countries with particularly large inequalities in parents' opportunities to engage in parenting. The study shows country variations in educational inequalities in parenting, suggesting that socioeconomic resources, especially from mothers, shape important variations in parenting involvement.  相似文献   

Attempts to explain the persistent importance of family background for children's educational attainment typically highlight the ways in which parents pass down educational, economic and social resources to their children. However, parental resources may also play a crucial role for preventing family crises from spiraling into cumulative disadvantage. To study such compensation processes, we examine the consequences of a father's death on children's educational trajectories, using a Finnish register-based sample of children born between 1982 and 1987. The results based on multilevel linear probability models both support and contradict our compensation hypothesis. Children who lost their father were not more likely to drop out of upper secondary school, as long as their surviving mother had high levels of socioeconomic resources. Similar compensation processes were visible in the case of entering polytechnic higher education. However, with regard to university attendance, bereavement noticeably reduced the traditional advantage of children with high-resource parents.  相似文献   

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