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This study evaluates how non-performing loans and different types of board turnover—which we link to performing directorship (natural turnover) and non-performing directorship (forced turnover)—impact the economic performance (ROA) of banks. The proposed model and hypotheses, based on the conformance and performance roles of boards, are tested on a rich sample that includes all banking firms operating in Costa Rica between 2000 and 2012. The results indicate that the negative effect of non-performing loans on ROA is significantly greater in banks with non-performing directorship associated with high rates of unexpected changes in the board. The findings of the study highlight that the competence of boards matters. The results also give evidence of the importance of balancing financial and non-financial goals if superior governance and economic performance are the objectives pursued by organisations.  相似文献   

This research modifies the directional Russell measure (DRM) of Fukuyama and Weber (2009) [1] to decompose the Nerlovian profit efficiency in Chambers et al. (1998) [2] so as to obtain a generalized measure that completely excludes technical inefficiency from allocative inefficiency. Based on such a decomposition, we further develop a new slack-based and profit-oriented productivity indicator, combining the Nerlovian profit measure with the conventional Luenberger productivity indicator (LPI), in order to provide a full picture of the sources of productivity change. Productivity change, based on the profit boundary, is decomposed into four components: the change in technical efficiency; the change in allocative efficiency; the shift of technology; and the price effect from outputs and inputs. This decomposition provides a more complete picture of the sources of productivity change. The above indicator is used herein to measure the productivity change of Taiwanese banks in terms of profit.  相似文献   

Operational processes of banks in China can be divided into productivity and profitability stages. Within this, non-performing loans can be treated as a carry-over variable, an undesirable output of the profitability stage in the previous period but an input to the profitability stage in the current period. Using this framework, this paper proposes a dynamic two-stage slacks-based measure model to evaluate the efficiencies of Chinese banks. Based on the proposed model, the measures of stage, period and period stage efficiencies are defined. The proposed approach is applied to evaluate the operational efficiency of banks in China during 2008–2012. Key findings are that banks in China show both technical and scale inefficiency during 2008–2012, which results from the inefficiencies of both the productivity stage and profitability stage; city-owned commercial banks are more overall technically efficient than state-owned commercial banks and joint-stock commercial banks although state-owned commercial banks show best practice for pure technical efficiency, and city-owned commercial banks perform better than joint-stock commercial banks for pure technical efficiency.  相似文献   

Standard data envelopment analysis (DEA) does not provide adequate detail to identify the specific sources of inefficiency embedded in interacting divisions of an organization. On the other hand, network DEA gives access to this underlying diagnostic information that would otherwise remain undiscovered. As a first study of its kind, the paper illustrates an application of non-oriented network slacks-based measure using simulated profit center data that, in turn, rely on actual aggregate data on domestic commercial banks in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The study also contributes to a perennial research problem, namely, inability of the outside researcher to access internal data for developing or testing new methods. In addition to these contributions to the Operations Research literature, focusing on UAE contributes to banking literature because this rapidly expanding part of the Middle East seldom appears in frontier efficiency literature.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new composite indicator method integrating the spatial dependence into the robust directional model in the case of undesirable outputs. The proposed approach is advantageous compared to the traditional and conditional robust Benefit-of-the-Doubt (BoD) models in that it allows to compare the performance of individual units with local cluster of peers. The methodology has been tested on a very detailed database of Italian municipalities for the year 2015 in the municipal solid waste collection and processing sector and confirms the existence of strong local constraints linked to the disposal facilities planned by higher level Authorities.  相似文献   

In measuring the overall efficiency of a set of decision making units (DMUs) in a time span covering multiple periods, the conventional approach is to use the aggregate data of the multiple periods via a data envelopment analysis (DEA) technique, ignoring the specific situation of each period. This paper proposes using a relational network model to take the operations of individual periods into account in measuring efficiencies. The overall and period efficiencies of a DMU can be calculated at the same time. Notably, the overall efficiency is a weighted average of the period efficiencies, and the weights are the most favorable ones for the DMU being evaluated. This model, together with two existing ones, is applied to measure the efficiency of 22 Taiwanese commercial banks for the period of 2009–2011. The three-year multi-period analysis shows that the proposed model is more discriminative than the existing ones in ranking the performance of the banks. The period efficiencies for the three years increased steadily, indicating that the performances of the Taiwanese banks examined in this work were improving over this period.  相似文献   

Following the spirit of the enhanced Russell graph measure, this paper proposes an enhanced Russell-based directional distance measure (ERBDDM) model for dealing with desirable and undesirable outputs in data envelopment analysis (DEA) and allowing some inputs and outputs to be zero. The proposed method is analogous to the output oriented slacks-based measure (OSBM) and directional output distance function approach because it allows the expansion of desirable outputs and the contraction of undesirable outputs. The ERBDDM is superior to the OSBM model and traditional approach since it is not only able to identify all the inefficiency slacks just as the latter, but also avoids the misperception and misspecification of the former, which fails to identify null-jointness production of goods and bads. The paper also imposes a strong complementary slackness condition on the ERBDDM model to deal with the occurrence of multiple projections. Furthermore, we use the Penn Table data to help us explore our new approach in the context of environmental policy evaluations and guidance for performance improvements in 111 countries.  相似文献   

The great majority of applications of the popular frontier technique data envelopment analysis (DEA) do not test for the association of efficiency estimates with key performance indicators used by industry observers. Nevertheless, identifying efficiency estimates’ associations with commonly accepted financial measures of performance could guide benchmarking activities, pricing decisions, and regulatory monitoring. Thus, the current paper investigates to what extent bank DEA super-efficiency estimates are associated with key financial ratios. A low correlation may present an opportunity to address inefficiencies that were not obvious in financial ratio analysis, thus enabling an update of inferences drawn from ratios. Regressing ratios on efficiency estimates may also help predict financial ratios. Where an input–output specification is comprised of key financial ratios, DEA can also be used to objectively identify benchmarks for ratio analysis based on actual observed data collected from peers. Nine super-efficiency DEA formulations across two profitability models are systematically tested. The slacks-based measure of DEA with a parsimonious profitability efficiency model emerges as the most significant combination explaining the variation in the two industry ratios, post-tax profit/average total assets and return on average equity.  相似文献   

In this paper the efficiency assessment of general networks of processes that produce both desirable and undesirable outputs is addressed. This problem arises in many contexts (e.g. transportation, energy generation, etc.). A general networks slacks-based inefficiency (GNSBI) measure can be computed using a simple linear program that takes into account the weak disposability of the bad outputs. The slacks-based inefficiency (SBI) of each process is also calculated. Target values for all inputs, outputs (both desirable and undesirable) and even intermediate products are also provided. The proposed approach is rather general and can accommodate many different network topologies and returns to scale assumptions. Two applications to the banking sector are presented: one to assess banks efficiencies and another to assess bank branches.  相似文献   

基于DEA和SFA模型,本文首先分析了2001-2005年间中日两国家电上市企业的市场势力效率和盈利效率这两类技术效率;其次,在构造DEA-TOBIT和Battese & Coelli(1995)SFA这两个计量模型的基础上,进一步研究了企业R&D与广告宣传这两种市场竞争策略对这两类技术效率的当期和累计影响效果.结果显示,非参数估计DEA和参数估计SFA这两个方法在中日家电企业技术效率评价方面取得了较为一致的结果;同时,所构造的DEA-TOBIT和SFA这两个计量模型也显示了在竞争性家电制造业中,R&D对企业市场势力效率和盈利效率的累积影响效果均为积极显著,但却未能证实长期内广告宣传对这两类技术效率的积极效果.  相似文献   

何枫 《管理学报》2009,6(7):873-878
以2000年至2006年间近300家中日两国电气器械行业上市公司为样本,分别使用DEA和SFA技术估算了两国电气器械行业上市公司的技术效率,并发现即使在市场竞争充分的电气器械行业中,中日两国都存在严重的低效率现象.然后,基于面板数据随机效应模型,在引入了企业经营业绩、企业规模、财务杠杆、股权结构以及产品市场等控制变量的前提下,检验了企业效率与企业价值的联结性.研究结果表明,在日本电气器械行业中,企业效率对企业价值有着显著的弹性贡献(约等于0.3);然而,在中国电气器械行业上市公司中,却未能发现这二者之间有显著的相关性.  相似文献   

Our motivation is to detail a potential improvement on the three-stage analysis published by Fried et al. [Accounting for environmental effects and statistical noise in data envelopment analysis. Journal of Productivity Analysis 2002;17:157–74] that can distinguish true performers from those that may be advantaged by favourable environments or measurement errors. The method starts with data envelopment analysis (DEA), and continues with stochastic frontier analysis to explain the variation in organisational performance in terms of the operating environment, statistical noise and managerial efficiency. It concludes with DEA again using adjusted data to reveal a measure of performance based on management efficiency only. Our proposed contributions include (i) a comprehensive approach where total input and output slacks are identified simultaneously for non-radial inefficiencies before levelling the playing field, (ii) identifying percent adjustments attributable to the environment and statistical noise, and (iii) using a fully units-invariant DEA model.  相似文献   

The English and Welsh water and sewerage industry is characterised by indivisible capital which has a long service life. Previous studies of efficiency for the English and Welsh water and sewerage industry take a static framework, assuming all inputs can be adjusted instantaneously. This paper measures dynamic efficiency by incorporating intertemporal links of capital within the production function for the English and Welsh water and sewerage industry for the period 1997–2011. Dynamic Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) considers capital as a quasi-fixed input and is modelled as a contemporaneous output into current production and an input from past production. The results show that the inadequate intertemporal allocation of quasi-fixed inputs is the largest contributor of inefficiency.  相似文献   

This paper is the first DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) evaluation of the efficiency of a sample of mutual fund companies in a large Euro fund industry, i.e. Spain. Our novel network model links the efficiency of the core activities (portfolio management and marketing/distribution) of a mutual fund company to the efficiency of its operational management function. Our results highlight the important networking effects at the marketing stage and question the prime role of portfolio management skills in the overall efficiency of a mutual fund company. The evaluation of robust efficiency clusters indicates that the efficiency rankings obtained with our network model persist significantly along our sample period. Finally, the application of the SBM (Slacks-Based Measure) Variation III to our network model allows us to identify a large number of globally inefficient but locally efficient companies with reference to competitors with similar management resources.  相似文献   

R&D与广告对中日家电企业技术效率影响的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
何枫  陈荣 《中国管理科学》2008,16(4):140-147
基于DEA和SFA模型,本文首先分析了2001-2005年间中日两国家电上市企业的市场势力效率和盈利效率这两类技术效率;其次,在构造DEA-TOBIT和Battese&Coelli(1995)SFA这两个计量模型的基础上,进一步研究了企业R&D与广告宣传这两种市场竞争策略对这两类技术效率的当期和累计影响效果。结果显示,非参数估计DEA和参数估计SFA这两个方法在中日家电企业技术效率评价方面取得了较为一致的结果;同时,所构造的DEA-TOBIT和SFA这两个计量模型也显示了在竞争性家电制造业中,R&D对企业市场势力效率和盈利效率的累积影响效果均为积极显著,但却未能证实长期内广告宣传对这两类技术效率的积极效果。  相似文献   

We propose that the differences in competitiveness of companies from different countries is not just a question of the adoption of ‘better’ management models, as conventional wisdom would have us believe; rather, we contend that national competitiveness can change radically over time without significant changes in management practices. Contrary to much of the management literature we hold that changes in the global business environment often determine to a large degree the competitiveness of companies. Based on our assumptions we offer four specific lessons of how companies can increase their competitiveness within the constraints of the socio-cultural context in which they operate.  相似文献   

National policy initiatives require the expenditure of large amounts of resources over several years. It is common for these initiatives to generate large amounts of data that are needed in order to assess their success. Educational policies are an obvious example. Here we concentrate on Mexico׳s “Educational Modernisation Programme” and try to see how this plan has affected efficiency in teaching and research at Mexico׳s universities. We use a combined approach that includes traditional ratios together with Data Envelopment Analysis models. This mixture allows us to assess changes in efficiency at each individual university and explore if these changes are related to teaching, to research, or to both. Using official statistics for 55 universities over a six year period (2007–2012), we have generated 12 ratios and estimated 21 DEA models under different definitions of efficiency. In order to make the results of the analysis accessible to the non-specialist we use models that visualise the main characteristics of the data, in particular scaling models of multivariate statistical analysis. Scaling models highlight the important aspects of the information contained in the data. Because the data is three-way (variables, universities, and years) we have chosen the Individual Differences Scaling model of Carroll and Chang. We complete the paper with a discussion of efficiency evolution in three universities.  相似文献   

This paper explores the possibilities presented by DEA to assess quality of life and evaluate the performance of city managers in what concerns the promotion of urban quality of life. Using the data provided by the Urban Audit program, from the European Union, we defined the city profile regarding quality of life for 206 cities. Two approaches are presented: the construction of a composite indicator of quality of life and the assessment of local management performance, contextualised by the GDP per capita to measure the ability of local authorities to promote quality of life given the economic condition of the country. The results identify the cities with urban best practices and present a model of intervention for the cities considered inefficient, based on benchmarking principles.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the use of data envelopment analysis (DEA) for the assessment of efficiency of units whose output profiles exhibit specialisation. An example of this is found in agriculture where a large number of different crops may be produced in a particular region, but only a few farms actually produce each particular crop. Because of the large number of outputs, the use of conventional DEA models in such applications results in a poor efficiency discrimination. We overcome this problem by specifying production trade-offs between different outputs, relying on the methodology of Podinovski (J Oper Res Soc 2004;55:1311–22). The main idea of our approach is to relate various outputs to the production of the main output. We illustrate this methodology by an application of DEA involving agricultural farms in different regions of Turkey. An integral part of this application is the elicitation of expert judgements in order to formulate the required production trade-offs. Their use in DEA models results in a significant improvement of the efficiency discrimination. The proposed methodology should also be of interest to other applications of DEA where units may exhibit specialization, such as applications involving hospitals or bank branches.  相似文献   

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