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许瑞娟 《民族学刊》2015,6(5):64-70,115-117
性别研究是当代人类学最具开创性与争议性的领域之一。性别建构反映了不同文化体系对两性分工与社会地位的规范,由此衍生的性别隐喻则体现了不同文化实践与建构的差别。摩梭人对女性性别的多元建构为我们研究女性性别建构提供了一个独特的、难得的个案。本文从空间分类、语言建构、亲属制度、宗教信仰、人观象征的多元视角与多重维度把女性性别建构放在整体文化脉络中了解与把握,将使女性性别建构拥有更大的研究空间。  相似文献   

边境贸易的发展,促使了岳镇的城镇化历程,其中的社会性别随之发生变化,本文在边境贸易的背景之下,以婚姻为分析对象,探讨私人生活和社会性别建构的互动关系,以此说明社会性别是一个可以被建构的过程,是一个社会化的过程,它的构建是以社会及其文化为基础,并随着社会的变迁而变化。经由婚姻中婚姻形式、择偶方式、通婚圈、婚礼等这些文化事项变化,新的社会性别得以建构。  相似文献   

曾路 《民族学刊》2019,10(6):83-88, 134-136
定向思维模式的建构与解构实际上反映出认知结构的二重性特征,两者在文化认知活动中可互为挹注共存于对立统一关系里。因此,对中国少数民族文化范式的研究,不仅要重视建构之功能催生的符号化文化构成,还应关注解构之功能显现的非常见的文化元素。同时,只有弄清楚定向思维模式的建构与解构在文化认知中的意涵,才能明确定向思维模式的“趋向”和“专注”特点以及“惰化”和“孤立”倾向,从而为牵及民族文化事项的认知固化与迁移提供理论工具并用以指导多元文化实践。  相似文献   

以社会性别理论为基础、由联合国等国际机构大力倡导的社会性别主流化实践,吸引了众多成员国政府的参与,加之民间组织、研究学者的共同推动,对于社会性别理论走向成熟,用以更好地帮助解构社会、政治、经济生活中的两性不平等问题,找到和谐发展之路,无疑有着深远的意义.  相似文献   

旅游开发对民族社区的影响是全方位的,在促进当地社会经济发展的同时,也带动着民族文化的再建构过程;在转变传统生计方式的同时,也在推动性别分工的重新整合。那么,民族旅游带给少数民族妇女是一种怎样的变化?由民族出版社2012年9月出版的,吴忠军、张瑾、项萌著的《民族旅游与少  相似文献   

如同历史一样,新疆各民族的民俗文化也经历着时间的洗礼而在历史的长河中变化、发展着,秦汉,魏晋隋唐,元明清时期的新疆民俗呈现出不同的发展轨迹和特点,在这些变化中,民俗事项本身体现出了鲜明的性别意识,在物质民俗与精神民俗中,男性与女性的表现是不同的。  相似文献   

文化、性别与回族社会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会性别是由文化建构的.回族文化是伊斯兰文化与中国传统文化结合的产物,其社会性别观念也深深打上了这两种文化影响的烙印.  相似文献   

以考古发现及古代流传的"孝子故事图像"为中心,讨论"二十四孝"形成过程中的女性形象及"社会性别"的历史与文化建构诸问题.其关注的要点有儒家伦理与行动--"孝道"中的女性形象;古代女性规范--"妇道"与"孝道"互渗中的女性性别建构.希望借助这个历史中的"性别"解读,拓展对中国妇女史、性别史以及两性关系等议题的讨论空间.  相似文献   

作为一个特殊的群体,“铁姑娘”是20世纪60年代到70年代一个独特的象征性符号.本文以大寨作为田野点,以“铁姑娘队”为考察对象,通过对这一群体所进行的经验性研究,描述了在“去性别化”的历史境遇下“缺席在场的身体”所经历的被建构过程.而这与国家政治的主导和主流意识形态的规训是密不可分的.  相似文献   

郭娅 《民族学刊》2011,2(4):48-52,94
从"社会性别"的视角来分析人的思想行为方式,是对社会发展提出的新要求。用社会性别的视角对西部民族地区民众的思想现状进行调查,对研究西部民族地区各族民众的思想现状,关注各民族民众的发展需求,发挥各民族民众在民族地区经济社会发展中的作用有着重要意义。  相似文献   


Despite the mainstreaming of gender perspectives into migration research, very few attempts have been made to gender international student migration. This paper poses three questions about Indian students who study abroad. Are there gender differences in their motivations? How do they negotiate their gendered everyday lives when abroad? Is the return to India shaped by gender relations? An online survey of Indian study-abroad students (n?=?157), and in-depth interviews with Indian students in Toronto (n?=?22), returned students in New Delhi (n?=?21), and with parents of students abroad (n?=?22) help to provide answers. Conceptually, the paper draws on a ‘gendered geographies of power’ framework and on student migration as an embodied process subject to ‘matrices of (un)intelligibility’. We find minimal gender-related differences in motivations to study abroad, except that male students are drawn from a wider social background. However, whilst abroad, both male and female Indian students face challenges in performing their gendered identities. The Indian patrifocal family puts greater pressure on males to return; females face greater challenges upon return.  相似文献   

As one of Asia’s key hubs for transient workers, Singapore’s migration regime creates particularly gendered streams of labour, especially among lower skilled occupations, as is apparent in two key sectors – domestic work and construction work. Drawing on surveys with Bangladeshi construction workers and Indonesian domestic workers based in Singapore, as well as in-depth interviews with each group, this paper examines gendered issues of temporary labour migration, precarity and risk, as they occur against a backdrop of migrant indebtedness. In this paper, we argue that migrant indebtedness occurs along a spectrum that ranges from less visible, or what we call ‘silently’ incurred forms of debt, through to more ‘resonant’ types of debt that are acquired upfront and thus more readily quantifiable. Using this spectrum of migrant indebtedness, we aim to complicate debates about debt-financed migration by underscoring the ways in which notions of debt and unfreedom can be imbricated with both constraints and opportunities for migrants’ agency.  相似文献   

This paper explores the dichotomies and gendered invisibilities underpinning the concept of the knowledge economy and society through a closer examination of two emblematic and contrasting figures working in Information and Communication Technology and domestic/care work as bearers of different configurations of knowledge and skills in the contemporary circuits of globalisation. Such knowledge can be broken down into different types—such as embrained, encoded, embodied and encultured—which are valued differentially and with consequences for gendered labour markets. These gendered differences are reflected in current immigration policies which privilege migrants in scientific and information technology sectors and discount those engaged in care work, associated with embodied knowledge and skills. The impact of these differences has been reinforced during a period of economic recession when immigration has become increasingly restricted, even amongst the skilled.  相似文献   

族群认同问题是民族问题中的核心问题。对于国际社会中处于多数的多民族国家而言,如何有效构建统一的国家认同和社会认同将是关乎国家团结统一的关键性问题。我们是谁?我们属于谁?随着族群生存环境和社会环境的变化,族群的认同总是会发生某种程度上的波动性变化,进行自我身份的再认知和认同的自我调整,这种情况在移民国家更为明显。在美国身份认同政治氛围高涨的情况下,本文通过对美国少数族群双重认同的形成、互动轨迹、影响因素及配合因素等进行综合分析,解析双重认同存在的根源,以为多民族国家加强对少数族群认同的认识和国家认同的建构提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, welfare provision in Italy has been dramatically transformed, due to demographic changes, changes in gender orders and, most importantly, the increased employment of migrants for domestic and care work. Drawing first on statistical data, I explore how the intersections of ‘migrancy’ and gender configure in the domestic-work and social-care sector in Italy. I conclude that, even though gender remains the most important stratifying factor in this field, migrancy is almost as important. I then explore the demand for domestic work and the different forms of care work through in-depth interviews with Neapolitan employers in Naples. I posit that the demand for housekeepers is a class-specific phenomenon related to a particular life-style, including the traditional gendered division of labour and a symbolic hierarchy of household tasks according to which certain jobs are deemed too ‘dirty’ for the ‘madams’, or female employers. The demand for childcarers, on the other hand, is more connected to Italian women's increasing labour participation and men's absence from caring responsibilities. However, here, too, social class is not irrelevant. It affects the demand for elderly care in a slightly different way: the availability of an inexpensive migrant labour force, combined with state subventions, has made it possible for families from lower social strata to employ home carers.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of concurrent racism and sexism experiences (i.e., gendered racism) on African American women’s suicidal ideation and behavior in the context of disadvantaged socioeconomic status. Drawing on a stress process framework, the moderating effects of ethnic identity and skin color were explored using multiple regression analyses. Data were from 204 low-income African American women in the B-WISE (Black Women in a Study of Epidemics) project. Findings suggested that experiencing gendered racism significantly increased these women’s risk for suicidal ideation or behavior, though only among women with medium or dark skin color. Also, having strong ethnic identity buffered the harmful effects of gendered racism. The moderating properties of skin color and ethnic identity affirmation likely operate through psychosocial pathways, blocking internalization of negative stereotypes and reducing the level of distress experienced in response to gendered racism.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to study the feminisation and masculinisation of migration and the insertion of the migrant population into the labour market in Spain and Portugal from the perspective of gender. Rather than focusing on the appearance of the demand for migrant labour in social reproduction work, we analyse the situation of both men and women in highly feminised and masculinised activities by studying the impact each exerts on the other, and the way in which this conditions the gender breakdown of the migrant population. We provide a historical view of the work of migrants in the care and cleaning sectors, comparing it with male migrant employment—mostly in construction—and analysing the gendered breakdown of migrant communities. We argue that, in contrast to the generally accepted discourse on the international scene, there has not been a steady evolution in the feminisation of migrant labour in Spain and Portugal. Instead, the presence of migrant women on the labour market fluctuates in accordance with a specific set of variables: welfare state and care regimes, immigration policies, historical links influencing the national origin of migrants, the housing situation, labour markets and the respective economic situations in the construction industry and in domestic and care work.  相似文献   

Job strain has been associated with hypertension among younger workers; however, whether this relationship persists among older workers, particularly older racial/ethnic minorities, is unresolved. This study evaluated whether job strain and workplace discrimination are associated with hypertension and poor blood pressure control among older workers and whether these relationships vary by gender and race/ethnicity. Data were drawn from the Health and Retirement Study, and analysis was restricted to employed participants with complete information on job strain and blood pressure (N = 3,794). In adjusted models, high job strain was associated with lower likelihood of hypertension (odds ratio (OR): 0.75, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.63, 0.89) relative to low job strain. Stratified analyses indicated this association was only significant among white (OR: 0.71, 95% CI: 0.58, 0.86) and male (OR: 0.61, 95% CI: 0.47, 0.79) workers. High job strain was not significantly associated with hypertension among African American (OR: 1.14, 95% CI: 0.63, 2.07) or Hispanic (OR: 0.56, 95% CI: 0.29, 1.09) workers. Workplace discrimination was not associated with hypertension among any group. Neither job strain nor discrimination was associated with poor blood pressure control. These findings suggest that persistence in work characterized by high job strain in later life may signal resilience to the influence of work-related stressors on health. Future research efforts should examine the factors that contribute to gender and racial differences in these relationships.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the relationship between ageing, gender, cultural norms, and the constitution of gendered body-subjects. It briefly discusses three conceptual approaches which have been used to understand ageing, gendered body-subjects: postmodernist/social constructionist, psychoanalytic, and poststructuralist feminist. It is argued that the first two approaches are entrenched in dualistic modes of thinking, and therefore can never construct ageing gendered body subjects as other than through the dualistic discourse of decline and cultural devaluation in Western consumer cultures. The third, however, appears to hold some promise for a more just and flexible way of accounting for the integrity of, and culturally valuing, the gendered body-subject in old age. Examples from writings on dance are used to illustrate this argument.  相似文献   

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