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The basic thesis of this paper is that effective use of therapeutic metaphor can provide a holding environment within which the client can both address and recontextualize clinical issues. The use of therapeutic metaphor can serve to bolster the empathic connection between therapist and client, providing the client with a new feeling of being understood, in part through a new use of language. Therapeutic metaphor is also particularly well-suited to promoting dialectical understanding and analysis of everyday problems in living. The inner edge of possibility is a construct that illustrates the link between the clinical efficacy and structure of therapeutic metaphor.  相似文献   

In recent years, the disciplinary emphasis in the social sciences has been challenged, but barriers remain to multidisciplinary discourse. Scholars may examine similar problems or even use the same concepts, and neglect or overlook the work in sister disciplines. Developmental psychologists have identified a stage in child development called parallel play, characterized by children playing side-by-side but not interacting with one another. This article employs parallel play as a metaphor to describe the relationship between medical anthropology and medical sociology. Using recent Medical Anthropology Quarterly articles on “medicalization” and “the experience of illness” as illustrations, this article analyzes the causes and consequences of this disciplinary parallelism and suggests a rationale and mechanism of moving beyond this stage.  相似文献   

《Journal of Socio》1998,27(1):29-52
The paper distinguishes among five different roles which the biological metaphor has played, or could play, in economic theory. First, the “selfish-gene” metaphor shows that non-human agents allocate scarce resources and behave non-selfishly according to rationality optimization—not different from how neoclassical theory models human choice. Second, the “ecological influx” metaphor examines the prowess of the non-human/human agent to produce surplus (net product), which differs from rationality optimization. Third, the “genotype” metaphor casts light on how the technology/institution scheme informs the development and behavior of organization. Fourth, the “organism” metaphor illuminates the order of organizations such as firms and states. Fifth, the “ecosystem” metaphor explicates the order of markets, which differs from the order of organizations.  相似文献   

Although often taken as just a literary device or an aid in communicating ideas, metaphor can be seen to play a central and inescapable role in how we constitute reality. While metaphor pervades our meanings and interactions, we often lose sight of the metaphoric nature of our constructs. This paper focuses particularly on some of the practical therapeutic options which are opened by a greater awareness of metaphor. These options include not only using metaphors in therapy with our clients, but also providing therapy for our clients' metaphors.  相似文献   

This paper is an account of a small scale exploratory study about the use and value of football metaphor as a device for facilitating therapeutic work. It is based on an evaluation which used a range of qualitative and quantitative approaches. In this paper, we selectively draw on the qualitative data to provide examples to inform our discussion. We illustrate various ways in which football metaphor can support therapeutic change: by aiding initial engagement, facilitating mutual support, enabling self-understanding and motivating change. We relate our analysis to the literature about the therapeutic value of metaphor and highlight the salience of using football metaphor in a group-based setting for men who are often seen as ‘hard to engage’ in therapeutic support. With some caveats, we argue that football metaphor offers a potentially rich and flexible therapeutic resource.  相似文献   

With specific reference to the use of metaphor in Austrian newspaper reports on the arrival of Kurdish asylum seekers in Italy in January 1998, this study suggests ways in which cognitive metaphor theory can be given a stronger socio-political dimension. The dominant metaphors portray the asylum seekers as water, as criminals, or as an invading army. The repeated use of these themes in relatively fixed lexical and syntactic forms and across all the newspapers seems to indicate that they have become accepted as the 'natural' way of describing the situation. It will be argued that the 'naturalization' of particular metaphors can contribute to a blurring of the boundaries between the literal and the non-literal.  相似文献   

The concept of an energy crisis is seen to have emerged out of a social process and is a metaphor linked to a sequence of events. A property of the metaphor is to emphasize certain aspects and obscure other aspects of the sequence of events to which it refers. When compared to the historical events, this metaphor has obscured the role of government and the oil industry in the development of policies of high petroleum consumption and dependency on imports while emphasis has been placed on the role of the consumer. The success of the metaphor can be seen both in the usage of the metaphor in political debates and the unwillingness of people to question the reality of the crisis or to consider changes in the institutions of energy. Explanations of a new awareness of the depletion of non-renewable resources do not adequately explain the success of the metaphor. The success of the metaphor may have some positive value but a number of negative effects are also occurring.  相似文献   

While the relevance of metaphor to management and organizational analysis is now accepted in theory, if not by managers themselves, the way metaphor organizes us is not as well understood. This is because accounts of metaphor and organization neglect the embodied working of metaphor and of language in general. Metaphor works by enacting the relational quality of the world within our embodied experience. A metaphoric capacity is a capacity for organization. Poets develop this capacity through language; a good manager develops it through organization of themselves, other people and the material world. Such managing requires an openness to experience that allows organization to develop within a situation, rather than being imposed from outside or on top of it.  相似文献   

Using metaphor in therapy, both in the process of joining with a family and as a process in itself within which interventions are delivered, can lead to extraordinary and sometimes unexpected behavioural change. Yet for the therapist beginning to consider the use of therapeutic metaphor the prospect must be daunting when, with a few notable exceptions, the literature suggests the ideal as a complex, isomorphic and often elegant story. This paper attempts to broaden yet simplify technique using clinical example to examine the use of metaphor in language and action in family therapy.  相似文献   

In Cultural Studies, the affective turn is a response to the so-called crisis of representation. Insisting on a crucial difference, some theorists separate representation as it is addressed in psychoanalytic accounts of the subject, from pre-individual bodily capacities, as they are developed in affect theory. In our article, we are revisiting Freud’s model of the mystic writing pad and present a metaphor enhancing an inclusive approach to both: the palimpsest. Following Ahmed and Butler, we understand subjectivity as a constant process of affective surfacing, in which intrapersonal and interpersonal dimensions constitute each other. The metaphor of the palimpsest offers a way to theorize subjectivity as structured by power relations yet open to potentiality, paying attention to the intrapsychic as affective force within encounters between subjects. “Queering the palimpsest” disrupts the dichotomization of ontology versus epistemology, the dichotomous ways of gendering the subject and the “either-or-option” of affect theory and psychoanalysis.  相似文献   

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition, the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, uses the term “remission” to describe the reduction of depressive symptoms. This paper argues that by categorizing someone who no longer has depressive symptoms as “in remission,” that person may feel indefinitely tied to his or her diagnosis. Considering the unfortunate stigma associated with mental illness, permanent linkage to diagnosis through records and professional memory may cause individuals to internalize pathology. In fact, the language of the diagnosis can affect self-perception in sensitive souls for a lifetime. As an implication for practice, we propose that cognitive and narrative therapy approaches, mood-memoirs, and use of metaphor present alternative uses of language that can reduce power imbalances between clinicians and clients, providing a bridge to healing.  相似文献   

This paper describes a procedure for facilitating the generation of theory useful to family sociologists. This procedure is based upon a linguistic model, and it utilizes the metaphor of literary genre as a guide. A distinction is made between the construction and the generation of sociological theory. The suggestion is made that the generation perspective may enhance the ability of theorists to find subtle interconnections among phenomena and thereby to extend fields of sociological knowledge along novel paths. The procedure itself depends first upon the construction of a binary lexicon. One such lexicon consists of one matrix of concepts describing social structure from the perspective of stabilization of social relations and a complementary matrix describing structure from the perspective of destabilization. From these matrices, one concept is chosen as a metonym or as a metaphor to act as a basis for deriving connections among the other concepts in the matrices. The manipulation of concepts from both matrices permits the development of propositions suggesting ironies and contradictions in social relations. Examples of the use of this procedure are presented, and some unresolved problems are described.  相似文献   

Developing cross-cultural sensitivity currently is a primary challenge for social work educators. In this article, the authors propose the use of an analogy between child abuse and cultural wounding to provide a metaphorical understanding of minority cultures. From the overtly physical wounding of castration to the more subtle forms of psychological wounding that occur through denying the importance or value of one’s culture, the range of cultural wounding that occurs as a result of oppression, devaluing or stigmatizing is presented. It will be shown that the use of the child abuse metaphor will allow the student to understand the feelings and behaviors of those oppressed and through a new level of empathy, learn to join the oppressed in a different type of problem—solving effort.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the implications of the ideas of journeying and the experiential gaze for research practice. We do so by drawing first upon Plato's allegory of the Cave as a representation of the journey of the philosopher to see reality, invisible and unknown, but constituting the underlying truth of what we experience through our senses. We use this as a metaphor for research as a journey of discovery. Recognizing that, for some, ancient philosophy may not provide the most convincing model for a consideration of research practice, we suggest that a parallel process is evident in the approach of the eminent British psychoanalyst, Wilfred Bion. We suggest that this metaphor offers a basis for understanding theorizing as a form of knowing that, while absent from a large proportion of modern scientific discourse, is again emerging in some recent developments in organizational research.  相似文献   

吴悠 《现代交际》2014,(5):71-71
上世纪90年代左右开始成形的认知语言学,为语言研究开拓了新的视角,即以认知角度研究语言现象和语言产出。概念隐喻理论是其中非常重要的理论。概念隐喻理论解读隐喻的思维方式。通过概念隐喻为基础,探讨著名朦胧派诗人舒婷的《致橡树》。  相似文献   

From Plato’s times to our contemporary age, theorists have spoken of art as being a mirror of life and sometimes argued against the notion. In his nonfiction essays on art and literature, Gogol' was also fond of the metaphor. Due to the frequency with which mirrors appear in his work, Gogol'’s oeuvre offers a unique opportunity for study of how the idiom of art-as-mirror transforms in the move from theoretical reflections to his fictional stories. Appealing to Meyer Abrams’s claim that the mirror has become a “constitutive” metaphor, this article assumes that: a) the potential problems the metaphor introduces are fair game in general theorizing, and b) the questions introduced into the texts by Gogol'’s fictional mirrors may also point toward problematic issues in his thought on art and development as an artist. The article surveys Gogol'’s use of mirrors in his fiction and relates them to their theoretical counterparts. Clear patterns emerge that parallel the geographical and meta-literary subject matter of his work. Ultimately, the article reveals how Gogol'’s evolving treatment of the mirror metaphor may offer insight into the sources of the author’s “creative decline.”  相似文献   

This article explores how suburban middle‐class adolescents use a spatial metaphor, “bubble,” as a symbolic boundary. The narratives about the bubble, collected through focus group discussions and ethnographic observations, show consensus among the teenagers about the socioeconomic and cultural superiority of the community, but they also reveal opposing views on its moral status. I also find that the teens use the same metaphor to draw moral distinctions among their peers, based on whether they align their identity with the norms and values the bubble symbolizes. I argue that the adolescents living in this community develop a strong place identity, even when they identify flaws with it, because their mundane references to the bubble provide them with an opportunity to critically examine the implication of their middle‐class status.  相似文献   

This article documents the use of metaphor in coordinating ‘backstage’ responses to the greatest mine disaster in US history, which left hundreds dead, and many were mutilated beyond recognition. The use of metaphor is illustrated in the handling of the dead, from the point of discovery of carnage in the mines through to burial, including ‘identification’ of unrecognizable bodies and body parts – a system of actions that remained unintelligible for over a century. This research illustrates the importance of emergent, unprescribed, furtive, and coordinated actions in responding to an unexpected and catastrophic incident. Discussion suggests the general import of emergent order for systems of domination in history, command economies, and rational-legal administrations, including organized responses to mass death.  相似文献   

刘舒 《现代妇女》2014,(11):47-48
近年来,国内外关于隐喻的研究逐渐增多,尤其是"动物隐喻"的研究引起了学者的广泛兴趣。不过,国内"动物隐喻"的研究多囿于个案分析,缺乏实证性研究和综述性分析。基于以上背景,本文选取近十年来刊登在CNKI上的相关文章进行总结,就"动物隐喻"的研究对象、研究方法、理论基础和文化归因进行探讨。研究发现:国内的相关研究在研究对象、研究方式和理论背景等方面存在不足,后期的研究应该致力于跨学科视域下的综合性分析,实现研究方法的突破,并应对已有的研究进行反思和归纳。  相似文献   

While it is well known that employees inorganizations may successfully resist managerialimpositions, relatively little is understood about howresistance operates. The present study utilizes amartial arts metaphor known as ju jutsu to generateinsights for understanding how resistance is exercised.The ju jutsu metaphor was chosen because it is adefensive technique whereby a physically weaker person may resist a much stronger one. Ju jutsu asmetaphor suggests resistance can be exercised bysystematically employing bodily movements which disturban opponent's balance and/or strike at physiological weak points. By exploring a case study of asuccessful example of organizational resistance, the jujutsu metaphor is utilized to generate new perspectivesfor conceptualizing and analyzing the dynamics of resistance.  相似文献   

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