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发展工程硕士专业学位推进工科研究生教育改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对工科研究生培养模式单一的状况,介绍重庆大学在发展工程硕士专业学位,推进工科研究生教育改革方面的实践和探索。从招生方式与对象,培养内容与方式,教学方法与教材,论文选题与答辩,教学管理与师资队伍建设等方面,探讨建立工程硕士培养的新模式。指出工程硕士研究生教育是工科研究生教育改革的一项重大举措,是促进产学研结合的有效形式,具有广阔的发展前景。,In the light of the simple state of engine ering graduate students training modes, this paper introduces the practice of developing the education of engineering master and improving the educational ref orm of engineering graduate students in Chongqing University. From some aspects such as the enrolement forms and objects, training contents and modes, teaching methods and teaching materials, theses title selecting and defending, teachin g management and teachers rank construction, this paper explores the new modes of training, and points out that the education of engineering master be an impo rtant reformative measure and possess broad development prospect.  相似文献   

面向西部开发主战场培养高层次人才   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
通过与西昌卫星发射中心、攀钢集团公司、中国四联仪器集团公司联合培养工程硕士的实践,探讨"就地开班,集中授课,分段考核"的培养模式。在实践中,不断完善管理方法和培养方案,以适应西部开发建设的需要。,College of automation of Chongqing Univers ity, is conferring on the training model of "launching the classes on the spot, centralized instructing, subsection-assessing" in the light of the practice of cooperating with Xichang satellite emission center, PAN steel corporation and C hina Silian Instrument Group Co., LTD. In practice, the managerial approach and training scheme are perfected constantly so as to adapt to the demand of western development.  相似文献   

Congratulations to the China International Public Relations Association on the launch of its first journal in public relations! The introduction of International Public Relations is well timed to coin- cide with the growing interest in public relations education and practice around the world. We in the United States are watching this new venture with great interest. The rapid development of China's economy and the vastness of its market both lead to high expectations for the development of…  相似文献   

Preschool teachers’ educational informationization is a vital content of preschool educational informationization, because the attitude of preschool teachers which influence the process of informatization in preschool education plays a key role in the process.So does the pre-service preschool teachers.According to the interviews in the form of questionnaires on the students majoring in preschool education of two schools in Wuhan, Hubei province, this study investigates the status of the attitude towards the educational informationization of pre-service preschool teachers.Using SPSS17.0 software, the study also explores and analyzes the different attitude towards the educational informationization of pre-service preschool teachers under the influences of different variants.Based on the conclusion, countermeasures and suggestions to improve the attitude towards the educational informationization of pre-service preschool teachers are put forward: 1) Reducing the teachers’ education informatization gap between urban and rural pre-school ; 2) Having “tailor-made” information technology courses of major related in preschool education colleges; 3) Guaranteeing to have information-based teaching environment and optimizing information resources construction; 4) Establishing internship practise places with preschool organizations to increase intern opportunities for information technology.  相似文献   

Successful innovation management depends upon both, the intrinsic attributes of the new product to be marketed and the firm's internal performance like cost management, timely delivery and quality assurance. The impact of these latter aspects is frequently neglected in the design of models for supporting decision making in innovative firms.A model is outlined to study the market response of different manufacturing policies for innovative goods. It allows e.g. the evaluation of an aggressive strategy with large production capacities from the outset, or a more tentative behavior to. avoid the pressures stemming from high fixed cost and the risks of eventually idle capacity.  相似文献   

This paper tries to give an outline of the Norwegian educational system for primary schooland middle school and as understood by me during my visit to Vorway in September 1996. Myunderstanding is based on a introduction meeting in the ministry of Education, Research andReligion, and through meetings and talks with representatives for "Norges skoleforbund"(Teacher's association of Norway)and personal talks with teachers.  相似文献   

Telegrams are an advanced means of communication. Even with the advent of the telex, telegrams play an important role in news transmission, information exchange, intercourse in public affairs, and foreign trade in particular. Therefore in the era with the motto of "Time is Money and Efficiency Means Life", it is necessary for us to know the characteritics and composition of a telegram.  相似文献   

In order to train a student to be a person with ability,who can self-study,use knowledge flexibly and bring firth new ideas constantly,the constant development of society demands a full exertion of student-center approach in the process of education.Therefore,how to exert the student-center approach is a question that every teacher is facing.I think that we can exert the student-center approach from the following aspects.One,a teacher must change his teaching conception.He should know that it's the students who are the main body of teaching and the teacher can act as a guider.The other,by all means,we ought to make the students know the purpose of their study and the function of themselves in learning.We also ought to culture their interest in learning,inspire and strengthen their main body consciousness.the teacher should,on the basis of full understanding his students and textbook,exert the leading function of himself.In the course of teaching,the teacher can exert the advantage of advanced teaching method,such as situational language teaching,and advanced teaching instrument,such as multimedia,which will inspire the students' interest and conscious activities.We can train the students' imagining ability through encouragement 、guiding and extracurricular activities.We can improve the students' ability of self-study.Thus,the students' main body function will reach a better exertion and the effect of teaching will be improved.This will train the students to suit the need of society.  相似文献   

Six years ago.I published an article called "Why China Is Ripe for Professional Public Relations" in an international journal. In the article. I cited the beginnings of numerous developments in China that paralleled those that gave rise to formal public relations in the United States at the turn of the 20th century. Those developments included increased size and complexity of business, improved education for citizens, the growing sophistication and impact of communication technology and th…  相似文献   

本文探讨了中国21世纪教育发展的趋势:21世纪的中国教育应该成为探索人的心灵的雷达,对人的心灵进行有效的指引;对与人类幸福密切相关的三个方面:爱情、婚姻、工作进行充分的关注并对受教育者进行正确的引导;进一步关注情感教育;进一步加强中西方的教育文化交流;把心理教育贯穿到整个教育的始终;德育是中西方文化教育交流的焦点,21世纪的教育应充分发展人的个性与潜能.,Education should guide the soul of human beings. Education should be closely connected with the happiness of mankind and nurture people who are happy and beneficial to the prosperity of our society. Further concern should be given to people's world of feeling and emotion. Exchange between oriental and occidental culture and education should be enhanced. The 21st eentury's education should best develop people's personality and latent ability. Psychological education should be carried out from the beginning to the end of education  相似文献   

创新学习是培养创新人才的关键和基础。创新学习是一种新的学习理念。准确把握创新学习的基本特征和基本原则,推动创新学习要营造宽松的社会环境;要深化教育改革;要转变传统的教育观念;要开发大脑,挖掘潜能,发展新思维,抓住青春韶华期。  相似文献   

高职人才培养模式评析及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创新高职人才培养模式是解决目前高职人才培养和社会脱节问题的必然选择。在充分借鉴国内外成功经验的基础上,结合我国的国情,创新高职人才培养模式要走多元化道路,要正确处理好引进和本土化的关系,要体现"技术教育"特点,同时要加强"双师型"师资队伍建设。  相似文献   

关于综合性大学举办中小学教师教育的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综合性大学举办教师教育是师范教育历史发展的必然。在当前高等教育管理体制改革中 ,我国师范教育体制也发生了较大的变化 ,部分高师院校与其它非师范大学合并 ,组建新的综合性 (多科性 )大学 ,这为构建新的教师教育体系打下了基础。教师教育在综合性大学中举办 ,它可以扬综合性大学之长 ,避原高师院校之短 ,为造就创造性人才提供了良好的文 /文沟通、理 /理沟通、文 /理沟通的资源条件和文化环境。但这种趋利防弊需要在实践中加以引导和探索。选择一种符合本地区举办教师教育的模式极为重要  相似文献   

技能训练和素质教育是日前师范教育改革背景下提出的新的教育思想,这种新型的教育思想将对我国未来师范教育及国民素质提高等方面产生深远影响。技能训练和素质教育是当前师范教育的重点,有非常重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

关于创新人才培养和创新机制的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
21世纪是高度发达的信息时代 ,也是全面推进素质教育的新时代 ,本文就高校如何通过深化改革 ,采取切实可行的措施 ,建立新的人才培养机制 ,培养创新人才 ,提出了自己的设想  相似文献   

师范生免费教育的培养模式探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实行师范生免费教育是中央采取的一项重大战略措施,旨在造就优秀教师和教育家,这无疑对师范生培养质量提出了崭新要求.在这一背景下,师范生培养要坚持专业化理念和终身学习理念,以培养服务和引领基础教育的高素质专业化人才为目标,按照通识教育基础上的宽口径专业化培养的基本要求,构建由通识教育课程、学科基础课程、学科专业课程、教育专业课程、实践训练课程和自主学习课程六大模块构成的课程结构体系.  相似文献   

卓越教师是当代中小学教学一线最为急需的新型优秀教师。从六个维度建构基于卓越教师培养的US教育协同机制,可以为高师院校在高等教育大众化潮流中兼顾精英化的教师教育提供稳定、成熟、高效的制度性支持。  相似文献   

TRIZ理论与理工科大学生创新能力培养   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
TRIZ理论是通过对人类创新活动的高度概括,形成了具体求解创新问题的工具和方法。创新思维到创新能力的转变并不存在一一对应的关系,而需要一套复杂的转换、传递机制。基于TRIZ理论,结合现代信息技术可形成一个创新思维与创新能力有机结合的创新体系综合框架。大学生创新能力培养可从创新认识、创新方法、创新活动流程等多方面切入。  相似文献   

浅议大爱理念与人才培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大爱是实现教育目标的前提与基础,是教育力量的源泉,一所真正的大学,应有大爱的胸怀、大爱的氛围、大爱的文化底蕴和校园环境。在中国高等教育快速发展的新形势下,高等学校在教育教学过程中树立大爱育人理念对于培养社会主义事业合格建设者和可靠接班人具有十分重要的意义。全体教育工作者要以育人为根本,胸怀大爱,以大爱理念引导学生,以大爱之心培育学生,以大爱之德感染熏陶学生,以大爱之举关心帮助学生,只有这样,我们培养出来的学生才会因为感受到爱而去爱他人、爱学校、爱祖国、爱人民、爱社会、爱人类、爱大自然……才能成为德、智、体、美全面发展的社会主义事业合格建设者和可靠接班人。  相似文献   

随着世界范围内信息科技的迅猛发展,新媒体的不断涌现,以及媒介融合趋势的日益加速,包括我国在内的各国新闻教育,都感受到了改革新闻教育模式的必要性和紧迫性。在新闻教育改革过程中,总体的发展趋势是:培养学生树立高度的社会责任感,强化其"记者意识";切实加强实践教学的力度,增加学生的就业竞争优势;解放思想,拓宽新闻教育的国际视野;顺应媒介加速融合及传播新技术迅猛发展的大趋势,培养"全能型"新闻人才。  相似文献   

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