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Structural balance theory has proven useful for delineating the blockmodel structure of signed social networks. Even so, most of the observed signed networks are not perfectly balanced. One possibility for this is that in examining the dynamics underlying the generation of signed social networks, insufficient attention has been given to other processes and features of signed networks. These include: actors who have positive ties to pairs of actors linked by a negative relation or who belong to two mutually hostile subgroups; some actors that are viewed positively across the network despite the presence of negative ties and subsets of actors with negative ties towards each other. We suggest that instead viewing these situations as violations of structural balance, they can be seen as belonging to other relevant processes we call mediation, differential popularity and internal subgroup hostility. Formalizing these ideas leads to the relaxed structural balance blockmodel as a proper generalization of structural balance blockmodels. Some formal properties concerning the relation between these two models are presented along with the properties of the fitting method proposed for the new blockmodel type. The new method is applied to four empirical data sets where improved fits with more nuanced interpretations are obtained.  相似文献   

This paper reviews, classifies and compares recent models for social networks that have mainly been published within the physics-oriented complex networks literature. The models fall into two categories: those in which the addition of new links is dependent on the (typically local) network structure (network evolution models, NEMs), and those in which links are generated based only on nodal attributes (nodal attribute models, NAMs). An exponential random graph model (ERGM) with structural dependencies is included for comparison. We fit models from each of these categories to two empirical acquaintance networks with respect to basic network properties. We compare higher order structures in the resulting networks with those in the data, with the aim of determining which models produce the most realistic network structure with respect to degree distributions, assortativity, clustering spectra, geodesic path distributions, and community structure (subgroups with dense internal connections). We find that the nodal attribute models successfully produce assortative networks and very clear community structure. However, they generate unrealistic clustering spectra and peaked degree distributions that do not match empirical data on large social networks. On the other hand, many of the network evolution models produce degree distributions and clustering spectra that agree more closely with data. They also generate assortative networks and community structure, although often not to the same extent as in the data. The ERGM model, which turned out to be near-degenerate in the parameter region best fitting our data, produces the weakest community structure.  相似文献   

While a substantial amount of attention within social network analysis (SNA) has been given to the study of one-mode networks, there is an increasing consideration of two-mode networks. Recent research on signed networks resulted in the relaxed structural balance (RSB) approach and its subsequent extension to signed two-mode networks involving social actors and social objects. We extend this approach to large signed two-mode networks, and address the methodological issues that arise. We develop tools to partition these types of networks and compare them with other approaches using a recently collected dataset of United Nations General Assembly roll call votes. Although our primary purpose is methodological, we take the first step towards bridging Heider's structural balance theory with recent theorizing in international relations on soft balancing of power processes.  相似文献   

This article explores how the scope of solutions to complex problems is determined by the way in which the problem is formulated. We inquire into this by means of a theory-driven case study of the reform in the Norwegian drug rehabilitation sector and the Tyrili facility. We analyze divergent approaches to drug rehabilitation by means of a problem formulation framework, which distinguishes between (1) the value dimensions of given problems, and (2) the phases of problem solving activities. Based on this inquiry, we arrive at a set of propositions, in which we propose that the two approaches differ in their inclusion of various value dimensions. Moreover, we suggest that the reform pursued increased efficiency as a solution to a reductionist formulation of the problem, which challenged Tyrili's opportunity to solve the problem in the multidimensional manner they conceive of it. This is an argument against a one-dimensional maximization of efficiency as a pursuit of quality in social services.  相似文献   

《Social Networks》1996,18(2):149-168
The classic formulation of structural balance by Cartwright and Harary (Psychological Review, 63, 1956, 277–293) had the basic structural theorem that a balanced structure could be partitioned into two mutually antagonistic subgroups each having internal solidarity. Davis (Human Relations, 20, 1967, 181–187) extended this theorem for cases where there can be more than two such mutually antagonistic subgroups. We use these theorems to construct a criterion function for a local optimization partitioning procedure for signed digraphs. For any signed digraph, this procedure yields those partitions with the smallest number of errors, a measure of the imbalance in the graph, and an identification of those links inconsistent with both generalized and structural balance. These methods are applied to some artificial data and to the affect data from Sampson (A novitiate in a period of change: An experimental and case study of social relationships, Dissertation, Cornell University, 1968). The latter provides a positive test of a basic tenet of balance theory, that there is a tendency towards balance with signed relations in human groups. While these methods can be applied to all signed digraphs and signed graphs, the balance hypothesis is relevant only for affect ties.  相似文献   

There is a long history of literature concerning integrative practice and how a systemic practice can fit with other models of therapy Much of this literature has focused on establishing a space for systemic therapy within the dominant medical paradigm, and exploring how the medical model can be enhanced by systemic ideas. The outcome has been better practice, especially in child and adolescent mental health. Interestingly, however, there has been less discussion of the converse: the family therapy literature has rarely considered whether or not systemic practice itself can be enhanced by ideas from the dominant medical model. This article proposes that a biopsychosocial formulation can enhance systemic practice by: (I) holding clinicians accountable for their thinking; (2) facilitating a rigour and attention to detail that may prove useful when therapy falters; (3) opening up other possibilities for intervention; and (4) providing a way to engage with the dominant medical paradigm and support clients in negotiating their way through this system. Potential problems nevertheless arise when integrating a biopsychosocial formulation into a systemic framework. This article identifies these problems and presents ideas for how they can be managed in practice.  相似文献   

The conflict between the elderly and organized medicine over "mandatory assignment" and "balance billing" is a significant public policy issue. Considerable ideological importance has been attached to this conflict by both sides, despite the relatively modest proportion of total revenue for physician services received through balance billing in payment for care of Medicare beneficiaries. The positions of these two coalitions are examined as well as the effort of the Physician Payment Review Commission (PPRC) to craft a public policy response. Three alternative resolutions-those adopted by Congress in 1989 on the recommendation of the PPRC, the Canadian solution, and actions taken on a state level-are then contrasted. The concentrated impact on the elderly of balance billing practices is considered as a problem, especially for elderly of limited income and resources. Justification of the practice is typically provided by the profession on thc ideological grounds of preservation of professional autonomy rather than economic gain, which also reflects the current relatively limited use of balance billing; a significant majority of all claims submitted in the United States are now assigned to physicians. A continuation of the gradualist strategy of the PPRC is endorsed as thc most appropriate short-range solution to these problems, which diminish in significance with a more comprehensive national health financing scheme.  相似文献   

How do institutional entrepreneurs craft new organizational forms under unstable conditions, especially when all of the relevant organizational models have serious liabilities in terms of legitimacy? Previous literature argues that emergent organizational models must adopt existing organizational elements in order to solve three problems: (1) gaining access to resources, (2) exploiting previous competencies, and (3) demonstrating legitimacy to salient audiences. Yet, these three distinct needs often require very different organizational elements associated with diverse, contradictory moral logics. This article, which examines the case of for‐profit ventures started by Chinese state organizations in the 1990s, reveals one strategy that entrepreneurs can use to solve this problem—to deliberately increase ambiguity about the organization's central characteristics and its underlying moral logic. This strategy makes it possible for new organizations to solve the problems of resources, competency, and legitimacy by simultaneously adopting (and adapting) contradictory organizational elements.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to conduct an empirical investigation of the validity of Jacobs' (in J Gambl Behav 2:15-31, 1986) general theory of addictions in relation to gambling problems associated with electronic gaming machines (EGM). Regular EGM gamblers (n?=?190) completed a series of standardised measures relating to psychological and physiological vulnerability, substance use, dissociative experiences, early childhood trauma and abuse and problem gambling (the Problem Gambling Severity Index). Statistical analysis using structural equation modelling revealed clear relationships between childhood trauma and life stressors and psychological vulnerability, dissociative-like experiences and problem gambling. These findings confirm and extend a previous model validated by Gupta and Derevensky (in J Gambl Stud 14: 17-49, 1998) using an adolescent population. The significance of these findings are discussed for existing pathway models of problem gambling, for Jacobs' theory, and for clinicians engaged in assessment and intervention.  相似文献   

The conflict between the elderly and organized medicine over "mandatory assignment" and "balance billing" is a significant public policy issue. Considerable ideological importance has been attached to this conflict by both sides, despite the relatively modest proportion of total revenue for physician services received through balance billing in payment for care of Medicare beneficiaries. The positions of these two coalitions are examined as well as the efforts of the Physician Payment Review Commission (PPRC) to craft a public policy response. Three alternative resolutions--those adopted by Congress in 1989 on the recommendation of the PPRC, the Canadian solution, and actions taken on a state level--are then contrasted. The concentrated impact on the elderly of balance billing practices is considered as a problem, especially for elderly of limited income and resources. Justification of the practice is typically provided by the profession on the ideological grounds of preservation of professional autonomy rather than economic gain, which also reflects the current relatively limited use of balance billing; a significant majority of all claims submitted in the United States are now assigned to physicians. A continuation of the gradualist strategy of the PPRC is endorsed as the most appropriate short-range solution to these problems, which diminish in significance with a more comprehensive national health financing scheme.  相似文献   

The current report aims to clarify the practices and implicit intentions of the Holy See in addressing child sexual abuse (CSA) by clerics in the twenty-first century. Church investigation reports, United Nations reports, press coverage, and academic literature were explored to understand the relationship between Church intention and practice. Various types of literature highlight the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) as an organization that is self-referential and self-defensive, with the implicit aim of protecting the reputation of RCC at the expense of children. Organizational responses are seen as promoting the protection of perpetrating clerics, resulting in the spread of CSA by clergy nationally and globally. Recommendations are made for the introduction of modern-day management practices in RCC, filtered through a faithful understanding of gospel principles. The authors suggest that the United Nations may be an important vehicle for fostering leverage for change in RCC child protection practice.  相似文献   

The importance of the practitioner-researcher relationship in problem formulation derives from the need for relevance to the issues faced by practitioners. This paper argues that if research is to be relevant to the issues faced by service users, they too must be involved in problem formulation. There is a substantial literature on the moral case for user involvement in research but relatively little about the technical benefits. The paper sets out some distinctions in the meaning of user involvement in different models of social research, and, drawing on examples of user-led and user-controlled research, suggests not only that problem formulation benefits from user involvement but that several other key technical aspects of social research may also be improved.  相似文献   


George Lakoff 's theory of categories renews a global epistemological struggle over who best describes reality. Color perception becomes a prototype solution as Lakoff enlists the aid of anthropology and biopsychology to challenge claims from contemporary psycholinguistics, philosophy, mathematics and psychology. The problem is that the color perception prototype upon which Lakoff bases his metaphor is flawed in the same way and for the same reasons that Lakoff attacks conventional approaches and paradigms. This thesis is tantamount to embracing and extending Lakoff 's approach, but with judicious substitutions. Most important, morphogenesis (the development of the human embryo) is substituted for Lakoff 's biopsychology of the brain. In addition to the radical breakdown of logic, language and mathematics encountered by Lakoff, irreconcilable differences between diverse paradigms and diverse cultures add to the numbers of difficult problems.

Substituting Thom's morphogenesis mathematics for conventional mathematics resolves the problems with mathematics but distorts conventional logic, language and paradigms to the point of crashing. Supplementing Lakoff 's adaptation of anthropological prototypes with Maruyama's formulation of mindscapes is the first step toward resolving irreconcilable differences between diverse paradigms and cultures. Combining Maruyama's formulation of a morphogenic paradigm with Lakoff 's approach to categories precludes distortion by incompatible paradigms. Outsourcing logic to Eastern countries is the cost effective strategy for resolving reasoning problems. Finally there is the crucial problem of ecological validity, a problem not covered by Lakoff 's cognitive psychology.

Direct observations in natural environments and mathematical models that make natural environment predictions supporting the morphogenesis paradigm resolve the problem of ecological validity. Fashion fabrics and twilight color displays falsify predictions made by the color vision prototype. Falsification of this paper will rest primarily on the paper's prediction of demographic catastrophes that are to occur as a consequence of X chromosome intelligence.  相似文献   

Anthropological social network studies are primarily of interest for an original formulation of the classic sociological problem of reconciling structural and action aspects of social organization. In general, however, these studies have produced disappointing substantive results owing to serious methodological and theoretical difficulties. Within the anthropological tradition are two types of research, viz., structural kinship studies and cognitive anthropological decision models, which have produced sound substantive results and which, if generalized and properly combined, could provide the methodological and theoretical tools which eluded the network scholars.  相似文献   

Debates in international forums and in mainstream media on the role, responsibility, liability, and response of ecclesiastical authorities of the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) toward clerical child sexual abuse (cCSA) fail to take into account the historical roots and awareness of the problem. Reports also fail to mention the historic organizational laws RCC developed over centuries. In contrast, RCC documents evidence that the Catholic Church not only carried century’s old history of cCSA, but also repeatedly condemned cCSA by successive papal authorities, organizational laws, and institutional management mechanisms. During the first millennium, however, church laws remained confined to the bookshelves and were not converted into appropriate management policies and infrastructural models. This was largely due to the absence of a central administrative organizational structure, which developed later in the 12th century, following the Second Council of Lateran (1139) when the Papacy asserted its authority to establish administrative control over the organizational church. It was only then that management policies started to be framed and institutional structures enacted to deal more appropriately with cCSA from the 14th to 20th centuries. Despite this, RCC developed a culture of secrecy using clandestine organizational management models and institutional laws prescribed in 1568, 1622, 1741, 1866, 1922, and 1962 which aimed to manage cCSA. The current study traces reported cCSA as far back as the first century and critically examines the organizational laws, and institutional policies developed by RCC to address clerical sexual misconduct up to the end of the 19th century.  相似文献   

Structural equation modeling (SEM) with latent variables is a powerful tool for social and behavioral scientists, combining many of the strengths of psychometrics and econometrics into a single framework. The most common estimator for SEM is the full-information maximum likelihood (ML) estimator, but there is continuing interest in limited information estimators because of their distributional robustness and their greater resistance to structural specification errors. However, the literature discussing model fit for limited information estimators for latent variable models is sparse compared with that for full-information estimators. We address this shortcoming by providing several specification tests based on the 2SLS estimator for latent variable structural equation models developed by Bollen (1996) . We explain how these tests can be used not only to identify a misspecified model but to help diagnose the source of misspecification within a model. We present and discuss results from a Monte Carlo experiment designed to evaluate the finite sample properties of these tests. Our findings suggest that the 2SLS tests successfully identify most misspecified models, even those with modest misspecification, and that they provide researchers with information that can help diagnose the source of misspecification.  相似文献   

Free social spaces have long been emphasized in the social movement literature. Under names such as safe spaces, social havens, and counterpublics, they have been characterized as protective shelters against prevailing hegemonic ideologies and as hubs for the diffusion of ideas and ideologies. However, the vast literature on these spaces has predominantly focused on internal dynamics and processes, thus neglecting how they relate to the diffusion of collective mobilization. Inspired by formal modeling in collective action research, we develop a network model to investigate how the structural properties of free social spaces impact the diffusion of collective mobilization. Our results show that the assumption of clustering is enough for structural effects to emerge, and that clustering furthermore interacts synergistically with political deviance. This indicates that it is not only internal dynamics that play a role in the relevance of free social spaces for collective action. Our approach also illustrates how formal modeling can deepen our understanding of diffusion processes in collective mobilizations through analysis of emergent structural effects.  相似文献   

Marriages and firms share many characteristics in common. Both institutions deal with a set of promises between two parties and therefore need contracts to encourage individual parties to stand by their promises and commitments. Despite these similarities, in most countries marriage laws are statutory laws that have little in common with commercial contract laws. We present the Chicago and neoclassical perspectives on law-and-economics, with a special emphasis on marriage laws. According to this framework, it is possible to explain the way traditional marriage laws have regulated exchanges between spouses and spouses in Western countries such as France, when these countries were patriarchal societies. We also consider the case of egalitarian marriage and show some of the limitations of any statutory marriage laws. We then present a critical perspective on the law-and-economics literature on marriage. Our critique is based on the economic literature by Austrian economists and by public choice theorists. We emphasize the knowledge problem, the problem of interest, and the problems associated with government monopoly in coercion. Our concluding section presents some suggestions regarding a legal system inspired from international commercial contract law. By not giving any particular government a monopoly on the power to enforce marriage contracts such system would avoid some of the problems found in the systems of statutory laws currently regulating marriage and divorce in the Western world.  相似文献   

The literature on nonprofit management has embraced the concept of “accountability” to target urgent challenges related to NGO probity and integrity, and there have been attempts in the literature to use rational-choice-based governance approaches to solve them. Although the existing principal–agent frameworks provide important insights, they are limited to the analysis of financial relationships between NGOs and donors. We contribute to the literature in developing a comprehensive rational-choice-based governance approach to analyze all stakeholder relationships of NGOs. Applying the research program of ordonomics, we unpack two fundamental interaction problems: (a) the “stakeholder dilemma” between the NGO and a single accountability holder as a one-sided social dilemma and (b) the “competition dilemma” among rival NGOs as a many-sided social dilemma. We show that improving NGO accountability in relation to intended beneficiaries, peer organizations, and the general public also requires identifying the underlying governance problem as a competition dilemma focusing on collective self-regulation as a solution.  相似文献   

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