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Adult bone marrow stem cells offer the potential for rejuvenation of diseased or damaged tissues and organs. The greatest need for such a treatment in older individuals is to counter age-associated predisposition to cardiovascular diseases. Unfortunately, changes in senescent vascular function might limit the recruitment of bone marrow-derived precursor cells. In order to provide the patient with the conduits required to deliver bone marrow cells to damaged tissues, it is essential to develop strategies to overcome these limitations. This effort will require novel approaches to reverse aging-associated vascular dysfunction, including reharnessing the potential of stem cells from the aging bone marrow for vascular repair.  相似文献   

This essay examines the use of social analysis in clinical practice. Although the author is a psychoanalytically-oriented clinician, she advances the view of the self as both psychologically and socially constituted. When applied to therapy this concept of self leads to presenting a picture of reality that includes both social dynamics and psychodynamics. Based on clinical case material, the author demonstrates how social analysis contributes to psycho-analysis in changing client's self-concept and social identity. In addition, she identified conditions under which social analysis advances or retards the healing process.  相似文献   

1. The deinstitutionalization movement led to the release of thousands of mentally ill patients, many of whom were incarcerated as a way of dealing with their disturbed behavior. More restrictive civil commitment laws have also contributed to the number of mentally ill who are incarcerated. 2. Health care and security can be perceived as competing interests in the correctional institution. These competing interests may also be perceived as sources of conflict because each interest aims towards divergent goals that interfere with the other. 3. A problem central to the inadequate services for the mentally ill offender is that few people are aware of the poor conditions for this population. Correctional and mental health organizations must educate the public about the plight of the mentally ill offender.  相似文献   


The rapid growth of computer and Internet technologies and their acceptance as a viable medium for human services delivery has opened up new possibilities for providing effective prevention programming. This article reviews some of the major online prevention websites and evaluations of their effectiveness. In addition, it reports the struggle to evaluate an interactive multimedia anger management exercise that is part of a teen substance abuse prevention website. The evaluation provided some support that a 30-minute exposure to a web-guided prevention exercise could increase teens' prevention knowledge and that completing the online exercise as supplemental homework reinforces the classroom experience. However, positive changes in other measures of behavior change were not supported. The study pointed to many issues that occur when developing and evaluating online interventions in real-world environments.

This background section presents the advantages of online prevention, a brief overview of prevention research and its advantages, and an overview of prevention websites and their evaluation.  相似文献   

The aging-related research field has focused on the detection of genetic factors that affect the aging process, but more recently scientists have started to shift their attention to novel and more integrative ways of studying cellular and organismal function. Such approaches allow them to uncover and explore unexpected patterns and themes, resulting in a more comprehensive knowledge of the complex regulatory pathways and networks involved in aging and age-related diseases. Eventually, this knowledge will lead to a systems-level understanding of aging. The third "Functional Genomics of Aging" conference held in Palermo, Italy, in March/April 2006 highlighted some of the more exciting work in this area.  相似文献   

This article explores problems and pitfalls confronting the mental health clinician working within a highly affluent public school setting. The special resources which affluent families bring to the assessment and treatment process are noted. Coping styles specific to very affluent and educated families are discussed which are brought into play in response to school dysfunction in a member and which can prove problematic for alliance building and effective intervention. Countertransference responses are discussed that relate to the particular status of the mental health clinician working as a member of the school staff with a wealthy client population. Bases for enhancing effectiveness are discussed, including recognition and management of countertransferance issues.  相似文献   

Objective: The authors examined the effect of certified personal trainer services on exercise behavior by using the transtheoretical model of behavioral change. Participants: Female college students (n = 449) completed surveys during the first week (T1) and last week (T2) of the fall semester. Methods: Students receiving personal trainer services during the fall semester (experimental group, n = 31) were cross-matched with students who had not received services (control group, n = 31). Results: The control group demonstrated a statistically significant regression in stage of exercise change scores; the experimental group did not. The authors found the 2 groups to have a statistically significant difference in the pattern of exercise behavior change over the course of the semester, with more active maintainers and progressors in the experimental group. Conclusions: Cognitive and behavioral processes of change, decisional balance, and scheduling self-efficacy significantly decreased in the control group, whereas cognitive processes of change, decisional balance, and scheduling self-efficacy remained statistically unchanged in the experimental group.  相似文献   

The purpose of sharing these ideas about the role of the psychiatric clinical specialist in the medical setting has been threefold: first, to stimulate the interest of others by communicating the needs for and the value of such a role in improving health care; secondly, to convey the variety of potential opportunities available in the role; and third, to share some ideas about specific activities which can be pursued in such a role. The clinical specialist who chooses to work in the medical setting will discover opportunities to develop creativeness, to explore innovative ideas, and to utilize the variety of one's personal resources and past learning experiences. It affords one with opportunities to serve as a change agent, to influence the quality of patient care, and to stimulate the growth of other nurses. It allows for on-going contact and exchange with other professional groups comprising the health care team, and finally, it provides the nurses with a high level of autonomy and challenge in defining their own roles.  相似文献   

The transtheoretical model (TTM) was developed as a guide for understanding behavior change. Little attention has been given, however, to the appropriateness of the TTM for explaining the adoption of exercise behavior in older adults. The purposes of this study were to determine the reliability of the TTM instruments and validate TTM predictions in 86 community-dwelling older adults (mean age 75.1 +/- 7.0 years, 87% women) who were participants in a 16-week walking program. TTM construct scales--self-efficacy, decisional balance (pros and cons), and processes of change (behavioral and cognitive)--were generally reliable (all>.78). Behavioral processes of change increased from baseline to follow-up, but pros, cons, and cognitive processes did not change among participants who became regular exercisers. Stage of change did not predict exercise adoption, but baseline self-efficacy predicted walking behavior. These results lend partial support to the TTM in predicting exercise behavior.  相似文献   

When an employee commits suicide, his or her coworkers are confronted unexpectedly with issues related to the sudden traumatic death. Being inundated with questions, grappling with acceptance of the loss, and exploring how this could have happened are factors that can complicate the bereavement process and delay a return to workplace homeostasis. Understanding the dynamics and issues related to grief and bereavement after sudden traumatic death potentially can accelerate the recovery process and promote restoration of workforce normalcy for employees and organizations. This can be significantly important to corporate managers and administrators who must maintain ongoing productivity despite such disruption, while promoting adaptive coping for their employees.  相似文献   


Homelessness, Aboriginal ethnicity, and nutritional vulnerability are key determinants of health. Substance abuse further compounds health risk. This study explored the nutritional vulnerability of homeless men, some of who were solvent-users, to assess nutrition-related chronic disease risk factors. Anthropometric data were used to calculate disease risk using body mass index. Diet was assessed using a 24-hr food recall and data were compared to Canada’s Food Guide recommendations. A significant proportion of participants had low intakes of vegetables and fruit and milk and alternatives. More than half of the participants met the intake recommendations for grain servings and meat and alternatives. Solvent-using participants consumed significantly higher intakes of vegetables and fruit, grain products, and other foods and beverages, than non-solvent using men. More than half of the participants were classified as overweight or obese. Healthy food consumption was influenced by lack of stable housing, reliance on charitable food, and substance abuse.  相似文献   

The authors describe the initiation and use of a Web-based triage system in a college health setting. During the first 4 months of implementation, the system recorded 1,290 encounters. More women accessed the system (70%); the average age was 21.8 years. The Web-based triage system advised the majority of students to seek care within 24 hours; however, it recommended self-care management in 22.7% of encounters. Sore throat was the most frequent chief complaint (14.2%). A subset of 59 students received treatment at student health services after requesting an appointment via e-mail. The authors used kappa statistics to compare congruence between chief complaint and 24/7 WebMed classification (kappa = .94), between chief complaint and student health center diagnosis (kappa = .91), and between 24/7 WebMed classification and student health center diagnosis (kappa = .89). Initial evaluation showed high use and good accuracy of Web-based triage. This service provides education and advice to students about their health care concerns.  相似文献   

Un modèle théorique de quatre contradictions de classe est proposé pour le Canada considéré dans le contexte de ses relations avec les Etats-Unis et certains “tiers pays.” Ces contradictions s'appellent l'exploitation de la classe industrielle, l'oppression de la classe de distribution, l'oppression de la classe de consommateurs et l'oppression de la classe financière. L'exploitation de la classe industrielle trouve son origine dans la théorie de Karl Marx d'exploitation d'une classe par une autre; l'oppression de la classe financière et des classes de distribution et de consommateurs peut être considéréé comme en étant directement ou indirectement dépendante de l'exploitation de la classe industrielle. L'exploitation de la classe industrielle se trouve située à l'intérieur de la sphère de production canadienne, dans laquelle les investissements américains au Canada représentent une part considérable tandis que l'oppression des classes financière, de distribution et de consommation se trouve située dans la sphère de la distribution, qui tend àêtre plus nationalement contrôlée par la classe capitaliste canadienne. Par conséquent, la dépendance du Canada envers les Etats-Unis se trouve expliquée par la dépendance de l'oppression des classes financière, de consommation et de distribution par rapport à l'exploitation de la classe industrielle. Etant donné que les investissements étrangers dans les tiers pays provenant du Canada reflètent la division à l'intérieur du Canada entre production et distribution par nationalité, la domination relative du Canada dans les tiers pays s'explique par la dépendance de l'oppression des classes financière, de distribution et de consommation dans ces pays par des capitalistes canadiens du pays même à la dépendance de classe du Canada par rapport aux Etats-Unis par le biais de l'exploitation de la classe industrielle. Quelques conclusions ont pu en être tirées pour une théorie des transformations structurelles aux échelons national et international. A theoretical model of four class contradictions is proposed for Canada considered in the context of its relations with the United States and “third countries.”1 These contradictions are industrial class exploitation, circulation class oppression, consumer class oppression, and financial class oppression. Industrial class exploitation is rooted in Karl Marx's theory of class exploitation, and circulation, consumer, and financial class oppression are viewed as directly or indirectly dependent on industrial class exploitation. Industrial class exploitation is located within the sphere of Canadian production which is largely supported by us investment, while circulation, consumer, and financial class oppression are located within the sphere of circulation more of which tends to be indigenously controlled by the Canadian capitalist class. Therefore, the dependence of Canada on the United States is traced to the dependence of circulation, consumer, and financial class oppression on industrial class exploitation. Since foreign investments in third countries originating from Canada reflect the internal Canadian division between production and circulation by nationality, Canada's relative dominance in third countries is traced to the dependence of circulation, consumer, and financial class oppression in these countries by indigenous Canadian capitalists on Canada's class dependence on the United States through industrial class exploitation. Some implications are drawn for a theory of structural transformations at the national and international levels.  相似文献   

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