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微观经济学目前作为我国高校经管类专业的核心课程和专业基础课程,对经济管理类专业的后续教学效果有显著的影响。通过分析目前我国高校微观经济学教学过程中存在的问题,进而提出切实可行的意见建议。  相似文献   

教学内容优化是提升人才培养质量的关键,人才培养为大学的核心职能,科研首先就应该直接为教学服务。本文从优化教学内容的视角,以微观经济学教学为例,探讨教学科研融合问题。教学科研化是教学内容系统性、逻辑性、前沿性的保障,科研教学化是科研成果传播、传承、创新的平台。  相似文献   

案例教学法是一种行之有效的将理论和实践相结合的教学方法,与传统教学法相比案例教学法更切合实际,学生通过对具体案例进行讨论分析,有利于案例教学与理论教学互动互补、相得益彰。为此,笔者以为在教学中明确理论与案例的主次关系,围绕微观经济学案例选材渠道等方面进行创新改革是非常必要的。  相似文献   

在《西方经济学》的微观经济学部分的教学中,要让学生更好地理解完全竞争这种市场类型,首先要讲清什么是竞争力。同时要让学生认识到企业竞争力是一种智慧的挑战,没有终极答案,只有永远探索。  相似文献   

课程教学是有效开展心理健康教育工作的主渠道之一,课程教学目标明确与否预示着心理健康教育课程教学的针对性和有效性。本文主要探讨了我国高校心理健康教育课程教学目标设置的原则、依据、基本步骤以及教学目标的功能。  相似文献   

陆洋 《职业》2013,(32):135-136
成衣工艺是服装专业的一门核心课程。本文从课程设置、教学内容、教学实施等七个方面分析了该课程的定位、意义,阐述了该课程的性质、特点,旨在为该课程的教学提供必要的参考。  相似文献   

林亮亮 《职业》2016,(24):89-89
机械制图是技工院校机电机械专业的核心课程,对机电机械专业后续课程的学习具有基础性作用。本文明确了技工院校机械制图课程的目标,并在此基础上从教学内容、教学载体、教学任务、教学进程、教学情境以及考核制度等方面展开了探讨,以期为技工院校机械制图课程改革提供参考。  相似文献   

李海燕 《职业时空》2008,4(11):146-147
提高学生职业素质是课程教学改革追求的最终目标,为提升高校证券课程的教学效果,提高学生职业素质,需进行教学方式的改革,网络教学是有效方法之一。探讨了证券课程网络教学的课程设计原则、证券课程网络教学体系的建设完善、证券课程网络教学应主要的问题等问题,力求为证券课程网络教学探索一条可行之路。  相似文献   

教学案例是对一门课程教学中的重点、难点问题或能代表本门课程主要教学方法手段实施的典型内容进行的教学过程、方法和具体教学行为的记录、剖析和总结。本文通过工程力学课程教学中的一个典型教学案例,对如何撰写教学案例和工程力学课程中点的合成运动的教学实施提供了有价值的参考建议。  相似文献   

技工院校的德育课程教学,是对学生进行思想品德和职业素质教育的重要途径,是弘扬劳模精神、工匠精神的融入式教学。技工院校《德育课程标准》要求,德育课程要遵循理论联系实际的教学原则,要遵循知识性和思想性紧密结合的教学规则,要体现启发式教育原理。本文结合当前技工院校德育课程教学现状,系统分析了以新理念为引领创新德育课程教学的重要性,从八个方面进行了阐述,提出了德育课程教学的新思路。  相似文献   

《市场营销学》是适应商品经济发展需要而产生的一门实用性、应用性很强的学科,是管理类学科的专业基础课,在各类高职院校中普遍开设。然而作为一门非常重要的课程,教学中却存在诸多的问题,该文将总结高职院校《市场营销学》课程教学中存在的问题,并阐述石家庄邮电职业技术学院在《市场营销学》课程教学中的改革实践。  相似文献   

陈妮 《职业时空》2012,(3):99-101
思想政治理论课是我国大学生的公共基础必修课,是帮助大学生树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观的重要途径,体现了社会主义大学的本质要求。思想政治理论课教学是对大学生进行思想政治教育的主渠道,通过整合优化课程教学内容、改革教学方法、完善考核评价体系、加强队伍建设可以强化课堂教学,提高高职思想政治理论课教学效果。  相似文献   


Web-based teaching opens new opportunities for international collaboration in offering courses to students. It also allows students to attend courses offered by instructors situated outside their own country. This paper presents the lessons learned from one such course offered by instructors located in Texas and Hong Kong to students residing in Shanghai studying in a collaborative Master of Social Service Management Programme (MSSM) between HKU and Fudan University. The course, titled “Information and Communication Technology for Social Service Organizations,” was offered twice in the past two years using an Internet-based class chat room supported by a course website and other web based tools. While the offering was successful based on student evaluations, many problems and issues had to be addressed. The course background, learning outcomes, lessons learned, and future recommendations are presented. In addition, an analysis of the Shanghai student IT applications is provided to help understand the current state of human services IT in China.  相似文献   

"出纳实务"作为高等职业教育会计专业的核心课程,其课程的设置应以企业需求为导向,培养学生务实的职业技能为目标。课程内容上注重职业道德、基本功和业务技能的教学和实训,特别要强调学生实际能力的培养。教学实践中结合专业特点应用形式多样的教学模式,突出技能培养目标,增强教学效果。  相似文献   

“信号与系统”是理论色彩浓厚的核心专业课程,探索其高效的应用型教学方法对于应用型本科院校专业教学具有重要意义。针对独立学院的特点探讨了“信号与系统”课程的应用型教学,提出了“两平台四层次”递进式教学及应用问题为导向的启发式探讨教学等行之有效的教学方法,并在具体的教学实践中取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

周敏 《职业时空》2012,(8):56-57
《音乐鉴赏》是提高高职学生音乐文化素养和加强素质教育的重要课程,如何开展该课程的教学活动,改善教学方法,提高教学质量是所有高职音乐教师必须思考的问题。文章主要阐述了在行动导向课程改革理念下音乐鉴赏课程教学模式的探索与实践,提出了课改的新思路和新模式。  相似文献   


The University of Hong Kong collaborated with the Fudan University in Shanghai to offer a Master of Social Service Management (MSSM) part-time degree for students in Shanghai. While most courses of the program were taught by instructors sent from Hong Kong and other overseas countries on weekends and holidays, the “Information and Communication Technology in Social Service Organizations” course was offered online and supplemented by several face-to-face sessions. Instructors in Texas and Hong Kong collaborated and offered the course to the students in Shanghai. Teaching and learning online was a completely new experience for the students. Technical, social, cultural, and linguistic issues arose throughout the four months during which the course was offered. This paper shares the teaching experience and reflection of the instructors as well as the learning outcome and evaluation of the students.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to teach and evaluate the effectiveness of an Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) course through translation to students in Afghanistan. First, an interview was conducted to determine students’ computer skills. It was concluded that the students had almost no computer skills. The course was delivered to two groups of first-year students for 14 weeks during one semester. In group one, students were taught by a Turkish instructor through a translator. The course was delivered to group 2 by a native-language speaking teacher. At the end of the semester, students of both groups were given a final exam and were asked to comment about teaching speed, overall satisfaction, teacher reactions, course materials and future improvements to the course. Statistically, there was no significant difference between the final performances of students in both groups. The students also declared that they wanted to greatly improve their computer skills and use the Internet to make use of digital ICT resources for other courses, too. An additional finding was that there was a 20-min time-delay between the Turkish and native groups due to the translation process throughout each course session.  相似文献   


Like many other disciplines, Social Work education programs are increasingly including on-line classes in course offerings. Despite the rapid and widespread proliferation of web-based courses there is little data in the social work literature to inform educators about this teaching methodology. Using a quasi-experimental design this study examines the performance of 73 MSW students on objective measures of learning in a social work research course. Findings reveal that performance of students in lecture only and lecture with Blackboard supplement sections of the course was significantly better than performance of students in the on-line course.  相似文献   


This article reports on the construction and implementation of a Web-based graduate social policy course. In developing the online teaching strategy, the framework of a constructivist model of computer-mediated instruction was used to conceptualize the design of the course. The author used formative and summative approaches in pilot testing this course in cyberspace, with the intent of teaching it online later as a regularly scheduled semester course. The author contends that careful planning and critical thinking are paramount in computer-mediated instruction, if this method of delivering courses in higher education is to be successful and meaningful.  相似文献   

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