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Hard Construction and Development of 60 Years to Create Great Achievements and Accumulate Experiences
--To Commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of Chinese Republic of China
Chen Dunshan (Party Committee's Department of Propaganda, Tibet Nationalities Institute, 712082)
Abstract: Since the founding of the Chinese Republic of China, Chinese people have overcome all various hardships to boost the socialist modern construction under the shrewd leadership of Chinese Communist Party. During this process, China has achieved much in all aspects including economy, politics and culture, the living standard of all ethnics has improved a lot, our country's international position and influence grows much, the unity cause gets better and the successful practice of the socialist construction greatly promotes the international communist activity. Meanwhile, this process of 60 years also makes itself valuable experience for the socialist construction.  相似文献   

Triple - layer Constructions on Realization of Self - value of Xunzi
Abstract :In the Mind of Confucian, self- cultivation is a core concept in its theory. The meaning of knowledge and feelings, which means the formation of organic unity of intrinsic quality of people, reflected in a comfortable sense of virtue and goodness, and showed an intrinsic moral. In Xunzi ~ moral world, the inherent conflict between the physical? body and spirits of mind, as the unlimited orexis and restricted desire, morality and ethics has always been exist,  相似文献   

Modern Value of Ultimate Humanity Concerns in Confucianism Li Xiangyong(1) Abstract: Marxism beliefs must be the focus during the construction of Ultimate Concern Value System. The construction would direct the humanity to freedom and development totally, should be the important mission in the building of spiritual home of Chinese Ethnic Peoples, and be the ideal pillar for victory of  相似文献   

李亮  王晓强 《学术界》2012,(1):279-283
The proposition"Marxism in China"has experienced an evolutionary process.Mao Zedong officially proposed it on the Sixth Plenum of the6th CPC Central Committee and withdrew it on the Seventh National People’s Congress.He tended to use"The Universal Truth of Marxism with China’s  相似文献   

朱凤英 《阴山学刊》2006,19(1):46-49
Ⅰ.IntroductionAs a wide range ofliterarycritics have demonstrated,two of thebasic relationships lying at the core of postmodernist literature arethe dichotomybetween the author and his or her work(the dynamicofself-exposure)and that between the author,figure as dramatistnarrator and the reader,whobecomes as active participant in the or-deal ofcommunicatingimages and information.The latter is ofthe utmost importance for the destinyofthe nov-el as it is only via the flowof digressive dialogue w…  相似文献   

Thomas Pikettys Methodology and Theory on Capital in the Twenty--First Century
Abstract: Thomas Piketty's research on capital in the 21st century mainly has made some a- nalysis on the accumulation and distribution of wealth in Europe and America in the past 250 years. His conclusion is that social inequality will intensify when the income value by capital grows faster than the value of economic growth and human capital was defeated by financial cap- ital and real estate capital. Inequality is not coincidental but an internal logic of capitalism. If the capitalism system is not changed, the meritocratic value which is capitalism faith will be under punch, and the capitalism democratic order and so--called "justice" will be threatened.  相似文献   

On the Development of Tibet from the Perspective of Scientific Outlook on Development: Based on an Understanding of the Spirit of the 5th Forum on Work in Tibet Xiao Fangren (College of Politics and Law, Yan'an & Sun Xiayun University, Yan'an, Shaanxi 716000) Abstract: Development and stability are the two major issues in Tibetan society. Development is the key to solve all the problems in Tibet and the Great-leap-forward development is the most urgent task. Therefore, implementing the spirit of the Fifth Forum on Work in Tibet is the most important practice of the Sci- entific Outlook on Development in the new era. Based on the understanding of the spirit of the 5th Forum on Work in Tibet, the author maintains that development in Tibet must rely on the people-centered development, sustainable economic and social development and the overall planning to mobilize all the favorable factors for the development. Key Words: Tibet; two major issues; scientific development; the 5th Forum on Work in Tibet  相似文献   

Triple Explores on the Value Pursuits of National Governance of China Yang Xinglin(6) Abstract. The national governance of China not only has general value pursuits but its own special value pursuits. Perfecting and developing socialism system with Chinese characteristics is the direct value pursuit of the national governance in China; promoting social harmony and mak- ing people happiness is its basic value pursuit; returning state power to society and people con- sciously and gradually is its fundamental value pursuit. The three pursuits mentioned above are relying on each other, promoting each other, and reflect the essence of national governance and distinctive characteristics of China profoundly.  相似文献   

The enlightenment of modern education in China was in the late Qing Dynasty, and it was originated from the Tibetan schools in the area of Western Sichuan. This paper tries to provide a review of the Tibetan schools' establishment, development and evolution, and to explore its unique role in the social and historical process at the time.  相似文献   

Liu Zhihui 《学术界》2015,(1):276-280
In the protection of the virtual property,online game is a new field.And it is important to analyze the legal protection of the rights and value of the virtual property.This paper attempts to analyze the current situation and shortcom ings of the legal protection of the virtual property in China by referring to the advanced experience of the developed countries,so as to perfect the legal guarantee of the virtual property and support the sustainable developm ent of the netw ork industry in China.  相似文献   

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