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本文以科技创新型企业与跨国公司之间的技术不确定性的异质性以及获得资金难易性程度的差异为出发点,运用熵理论和科技创新型企业与跨国公司各自研发的投资策略,建立了二者的技术不确定性的计量模型和投资期权模型,并以此揭示了科技创新型企业先于跨国公司进行生物技术研发的真实原因。 相似文献
环境不确定性和动态能力的互动对企业国际化投资竞争策略和时机选择有着重要影响.在考虑企业先后动优势和相对能力综合影响以及内外生环境不确定性差异冲击的基础上,构建了不完全竞争市场的投资策略决策模型,并结合跨国公司在华投资实践,分析了初始能力、动态能力、先后动优势以及内外生环境不确定性对企业间投资竞争策略的均衡条件和投资时机决策的影响. 研究结果表明,先后动优势和相对能力共同决定了企业间投资竞争策略均衡; 内生不确定性和外生不确定性对竞争策略均衡产生反向冲击,对抢占时机和投资时间间隔决策却产生一致影响. 相似文献
本文研究风险溢价、不确定性和专利投资的多阶段性三者之间的关系,揭示投资决策理论的内在机理。利用最优控制模型给出了两阶段情况下的风险溢价的解析表达式,在多阶段的复杂情形下利用动态规划的数值迭代法给出了风险溢价的数值解。研究发现风险溢价在专利投资完成前后有很大差异,在专利投资完成后风险溢价仅随市场风险的增大而增大,但在专利投资完成前风险溢价不仅随着专利长度、已完成阶段数和未来的预期利润流的增大而降低、而且随着市场风险的增大而增大。这些结论是现有理论的创新和进一步完善,有利于在实践中做出更加合理的投资决策。 相似文献
企业投资行为不确定性与实物期权的实证分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
业投资决策行为形成影响的机制. 运用四川省、重庆市227 家工业企业1998 —1999 年的面版数据
(panel data set) ,检验了不确定性条件下不可逆投资模型的预测性. 基于企业投资决策者关于未来
的测度. 实证分析结果表明,对于命题不确定性程度越高投资临界水平值就越大,样本企业的数据
本企业的数据信息却缺乏充分证据予以支持,对此现象论文给出了若干解释. 相似文献
阶段性投资最优比例问题的实物期权方法 总被引:20,自引:6,他引:20
起包括决策柔性价值在内的项目总价值的数学模型. 在此基础上可以分析投资比例对项目价
值的影响,并得到最优值. 文章结合案例进行了数值计算,并对结果做了分析. 相似文献
产业扶持政策是我国促进企业创新的重要手段之一,其不确定性会对微观企业创新决策造成巨大冲击。本文采用2008—2017年中国A股上市公司数据,考察了产业政策不确定性对企业创新质量的影响以及企业财务柔性的调节作用。研究发现:产业政策变更不确定性会激励企业创新质量,而产业政策执行不确定性会抑制企业创新质量;在此过程中,企业财务柔性具有正向调节作用,且相比于负债柔性,现金柔性起到主导调节作用。影响机制分析表明:企业的政策不确定性感知与融资约束是产业政策不确定性影响企业创新质量的核心传导机制。进一步分析发现:相比于中低质量创新,产业政策变更不确定性对高质量创新的激励效应更强,而产业政策执行不确定性对高质量创新的抑制效应更弱。研究可以为深入理解政策不确定性对企业创新决策的负外部性提供新的经验证据,也为企业应对政策不确定性冲击以及政府优化产业政策制定与执行提供决策参考。 相似文献
层出不穷的"黑天鹅"事件加剧了市场恐慌情绪导致全球经济政策不确定性创出新高。宏观经济政策不确定性对微观企业投资行为会产生怎样影响?本文利用上市公司2007-2016年季度数据,实证检验了经济政策不确定性对企业实体投资与虚拟投资行为的影响。以Baker等开发的中国经济政策不确定性指数发现:(1)经济政策不确定性与企业实体投资活动之间呈显著负相关关系,经济政策不确定性攀升导致企业实体投资下降;而经济政策不确定性与企业虚拟投资活动之间呈显著正相关关系,经济政策不确定性攀升反而导致企业虚拟投资上升。(2)经济政策不确定性攀升导致实物资产投资成本上升抑制了企业实体投资活动,投资成本是不确定性影响微观企业实体投资的中介路径;相对而言,经济政策不确定性攀升却导致金融资产投资收益上升刺激了企业虚拟投资活动,投资收益是不确定性影响微观企业虚拟投资的中介路径。(3)政府干预弱化了经济政策不确定性与企业投资行为之间的关系,而市场竞争、公司治理强化了经济政策不确定性与企业投资行为之间的关系。政府干预、市场竞争、公司治理对经济政策不确定性与企业投资行为之间的关系具有显著的调节作用。本文研究力图打开企业资本配置内部结构黑箱,拓展微观企业投资行为研究内容,揭示宏观经济政策不确定性对微观企业投资行为影响的内在机理与路径,为当前全球不确定事件的经济影响以及中国经济"脱实向虚"问题研究提供了有意义的借鉴。 相似文献
响应时间不确定下的交货期相关定价研究 总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8
供应链企业生产和物流过程中的众多随机因素及信息不对称,带来供应链企业的市场订单响应时间的不确定性,引起实际交货期的延误,如何通过交货期相关定价有效地显示其市场响应能力对于供应链企业竞争来说是极其关键的。本文首先根据供应链企业自身和市场对供应链企业实际响应能力评估差异的分析,构建了时间敏感需求下的供应链企业交货期相关定价模型,并对模型的最优性进行了分析。通过数值算例,探讨了市场对供应链企业响应能力具有不同的评价概率时,供应链企业的交货期相关定价最优决策策略,进而分析了模型参数对最优决策的影响。分析结论可以为供应链企业竞争中的交货期相关定价决策提供有益的指导。 相似文献
Deep uncertainty in future climatic and economic conditions complicates developing infrastructure designed to last several generations, such as water reservoirs. In response, analysts have developed multiple robust decision frameworks to help identify investments and policies that can withstand a wide range of future states. Although these frameworks are adept at supporting decisions where uncertainty cannot be represented probabilistically, analysts necessarily choose probabilistic bounds and distributions for uncertain variables to support exploratory modeling. The implications of these assumptions on the analytical outcomes of robust decision frameworks are rarely evaluated, and little guidance exists in terms of how to select uncertain variable distributions. Here, we evaluate the impact of these choices by following the robust decision-making procedure, using four different assumptions about the probabilistic distribution of exogenous uncertainties in future climatic and economic states. We take a water reservoir system in Ethiopia as our case study, and sample climatic parameters from uniform, normal, extended uniform, and extended normal distributions; we similarly sample two economic parameters. We compute regret and satisficing robustness decision criteria for two performance measures, agricultural water demand coverage and net present value, and perform scenario discovery on the most robust reservoir alternative. We find lower robustness scores resulting from extended parameter distributions and demonstrate that parameter distributions can impact vulnerabilities identified through scenario discovery. Our results suggest that exploratory modeling within robust decision frameworks should sample from extended, uniform parameters distributions. 相似文献
Elisabeth Paté-Cornell 《Risk analysis》2002,22(3):633-646
Probabilistic risk analysis (PRA) can be an effective tool to assess risks and uncertainties and to set priorities among safety policy options. Based on systems analysis and Bayesian probability, PRA has been applied to a wide range of cases, three of which are briefly presented here: the maintenance of the tiles of the space shuttle, the management of patient risk in anesthesia, and the choice of seismic provisions of building codes for the San Francisco Bay Area. In the quantification of a risk, a number of problems arise in the public sector where multiple stakeholders are involved. In this article, I describe different approaches to the treatments of uncertainties in risk analysis, their implications for risk ranking, and the role of risk analysis results in the context of a safety decision process. I also discuss the implications of adopting conservative hypotheses before proceeding to what is, in essence, a conditional uncertainty analysis, and I explore some implications of different levels of "conservatism" for the ranking of risk mitigation measures. 相似文献
目前有关不确定情境下排污权交易企业生产决策问题研究通常都是采纳的期望效用理论。针对排污权市场价格不确定性普遍存在的客观事实,重点引入前景理论,考察排污权市场价格不确定情境下的企业生产决策问题。首先通过建立特定排污权市场价格下的生产决策优化模型,提取了企业在产品生产、污染削减、排污权交易等方面决策行为与排污权市场价格之间的关联性;基于此,运用前景理论分析框架,分析、推导了排污权市场价格不确定情境下企业生产决策的价值函数、主观概率与决策权重函数,建立了考虑心理参考点与决策偏好的生产决策模型。结果表明:由于受信息局限、资源禀赋、心理预期、行为偏好等多方面的影响,企业的实际生产决策会系统性地偏离期望最优决策;算例分析也从多个角度清晰刻画了企业面向排污权市场价格不确定性的复杂决策行为,所得结果更贴近现实情景,并充分说明了基于前景理论的模型分析能够更好地描述排污权交易企业的实际生产决策行为。 相似文献
Nicholas Bloom 《Econometrica : journal of the Econometric Society》2009,77(3):623-685
Uncertainty appears to jump up after major shocks like the Cuban Missile crisis, the assassination of JFK, the OPEC I oil‐price shock, and the 9/11 terrorist attacks. This paper offers a structural framework to analyze the impact of these uncertainty shocks. I build a model with a time‐varying second moment, which is numerically solved and estimated using firm‐level data. The parameterized model is then used to simulate a macro uncertainty shock, which produces a rapid drop and rebound in aggregate output and employment. This occurs because higher uncertainty causes firms to temporarily pause their investment and hiring. Productivity growth also falls because this pause in activity freezes reallocation across units. In the medium term the increased volatility from the shock induces an overshoot in output, employment, and productivity. Thus, uncertainty shocks generate short sharp recessions and recoveries. This simulated impact of an uncertainty shock is compared to vector autoregression estimations on actual data, showing a good match in both magnitude and timing. The paper also jointly estimates labor and capital adjustment costs (both convex and nonconvex). Ignoring capital adjustment costs is shown to lead to substantial bias, while ignoring labor adjustment costs does not. 相似文献
将技术不确定性与市场不确定性所组成的不确定性概念引入创新过程;在Bertrand竞争市场中,运用战略实物期权、动态博弈等工具对企业创新过程建立了一个两阶段动态博弈模型,得出了创新企业的价值函数,考察了不确定性参数对投资门槛值与破产临界值的影响;最后在技术投入溢出与互补度、创新产品互补度以及合作诚信度等四个参数的综合交互作用下,分析了独立研发、竞争RJV、合作RJV三种典型模式在均衡研发产出、公司利润、行业利润及社会福利方面的差异,得出了模式动态选择的适用条件。已有文献多在静态环境下考虑技术投入溢出参数在企业创新模式选择中的作用,本文研究旨在弥补此不足,同时为企业在不确定环境下进行适宜的创新组织选择提供决策参考。 相似文献
Much attention has been paid to the treatment of dependence and to the characterization of uncertainty and variability (including the issue of dependence among inputs) in performing risk assessments to avoid misleading results. However, with relatively little progress in communicating about the effects and implications of dependence, the effort involved in performing relatively sophisticated risk analyses (e.g., two‐dimensional Monte Carlo analyses that separate variability from uncertainty) may be largely wasted, if the implications of those analyses are not clearly understood by decisionmakers. This article emphasizes that epistemic uncertainty can introduce dependence among related risks (e.g., risks to different individuals, or at different facilities), and illustrates the potential importance of such dependence in the context of two important types of decisions—evaluations of risk acceptability for a single technology, and comparisons of the risks for two or more technologies. We also present some preliminary ideas on how to communicate the effects of dependence to decisionmakers in a clear and easily comprehensible manner, and suggest future research directions in this area. 相似文献
本文运用不确定性决策的思想,分析人们在股权和年薪之间的选择过程,并在完善股权多元化和全员化、改善企业报酬激励制度方面进行了研究。本文证明,当人们拥有充分信息、正确预期和无限理性时,有关年薪和股权的决策将是确定性的;而在不充分信息、错误预期和有限理性的情况下,将会出现年薪和股权的多态均衡。 相似文献
将产品成本以及市场需求函数中的参数视为不确定变量,研究一个由制造商和零售商组成的两级绿色供应链在不确定环境下的最优产品定价和绿色度水平决策问题。分析制造商和零售商在非合作博弈下的三种均衡模式:制造商与零售商分别占主导地位时的Stackelberg均衡,以及制造商与零售商具有同等权力时的Nash均衡,并利用不确定理论给出各均衡模式下的最优策略。最后,通过数值算例对三种模式下的最优策略进行比较分析,研究表明,考虑市场环境的不确定性可以增加制造商和零售商的利润。对于制造商和零售商来说,其分别主导的Stackelberg均衡是最优的,而对于消费者而言,制造商和零售商具有同等权力时的Nash均衡策略为最优策略。此外,降低绿色产品投资系数的不确定性程度也可以提高制造商和零售商的利润。 相似文献
Uncertainty is a critical factor that pervades all aspects of electric-utility planning. Uncertainties about future load growth, about the continued performance of existing supply and demand resources, and about the costs, construction times, and operations of new resources greatly complicate utility resource acquisition. This paper discusses the factors that lead to uncertainty, reviews the methods that utilities use in planning and in acquiring resources, and suggests future research to help deal with these uncertainties. This review is based on assessments of the long-term resource plans prepared by 10 utilities and one Public Service Commission, telephone interviews with staff at these 11 organizations and with staff at three consulting firms, and reviews of many other related publications. 相似文献