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通过问卷调查法、专家访谈、数理统计、逻辑分析等方法对温州市3所独立学院阳光体育运动开展的现状进行调查,找出了一些影响阳光体育运动在独立学院开展的因素,提出了有利于温州独立学院阳光体育运动实施的相关措施,以期进而更好、更全面地在温州市独立院校推进阳光体育运动。  相似文献   

2007年阳光体育运动的开展,根据《学生体质健康标准》,在全国各级各类学校中,全面实施在中小学生中进行亿万学生阳光体育运动,此运动的开展不仅是国家的政策,也是现代科教兴国战略所必须要求的。体质测试的结果表明阳光体育运动开展的必要性;现阶段体育教学的现状所必须的;是从应试教育到素质教育的跨度决定的。本文主要通过文献资料和对比分析的方法对阳光体育运动在中小学的开展作出一定阐述,为阳光体育在中小学的开展和提高学生身心素质提供一定理论依据。  相似文献   

高职院校体育教育是学校体育与社会体育的衔接点,也是学生能够在学校系统地学习体育知识与技能的一个重要阶段.高职院校体育教育的目的在于培养学生主动参加体育锻炼的积极性和养成进行终身体育锻炼的习惯,以更好的身体素质投入学习、生活,并能达到身心健康、积极生活的目标.因而,在高职院校体育中融入激发学生积极性的因素很重要,这关系到提起学生锻炼的兴趣并促成习惯的养成,故而,探讨一条适合高职院校学生体育教育的管理系统尤为重要.本文试图从高职院校提倡阳光教育运动的角度,探析对高职院校体育教育的促进是否有效,还对如何提升高职院校体育教育的成效做出思考.  相似文献   

周镨  韩恩利 《职业时空》2010,(2):134-135
目前,学生的体质总体上有所下降。为此,2008年9月22日教育部、国家体育总局、共青团中央下发了关于开展第二届全国亿万学生阳光体育冬季长跑活动的通知。从此“阳光体育运动”便生机勃勃地开展了起来,成了提高学生体质水平的有力措施。  相似文献   

当今时代,信息技术高速发展,社会所需人才的要求也不断提升.现如今不仅仅是需要高科技型人才,更需要身体素质强健的全能型人才.如今我国大多数高校学生对强身健体很不重视,导致现在多数老年病偏年轻化.我们不仅要培养学生文化知识的掌握,更要培养学生拥有强健的体魄,不能让体育课的教育仅是停留在表面阶段.因此,我们需要很对这一现象进...  相似文献   

靖桥  许景朝 《职业时空》2008,4(9):197-197
青少年体质下降问题正受到社会各方的广泛关注,由于制度落实上的缺失,导致20多年来青少年学生肺活量、速度、力量等体能素质持续下降,高身材、低体质的特征日趋加重。在目前学校的现状下,如何有效地促进“阳光体育运动”在学校的广泛开展,就具有了十分重要的现实意义。通过一系列的手段和措施,保证“阳光体育运动”的基本内容得以落实,从而达到遏制学生体质下滑的趋势,提高学生的身心健康水平,使“阳光体育运动”成为一种长效机制坚持下去。  相似文献   

魏历慧 《现代妇女》2010,(7):117-119
大课间体育活动是学校体育的一个重要组成部分,既是素质教育的重要内容,也是落实学生每天一小时体育活动的一种重要形式。以阳光体育运动为推进素质教育的切人点,从大课间体育活动的教育功能、导向功能、辐射功能和潜在功能着手研究,发现在农村中小学大课间体育活动的形式和内容方面创新,并增设具有民族传统特色的项目,有利于提高学校场地、器材的利用率,提高教师的教学水平,尤其能发挥学生的动手能力,增强学生体质,促进身心健康,养成良好的体育锻炼习惯,形成终身体育意识。  相似文献   

近年来,各大高校为了响应阳光高校体育运动工作号召,积极构建并开展了阳光体育运动教学模式,认真贯彻执行《高校学生体育质素健康培训实施标准》,旨在努力提高高校学生的身体素质、促进学生全面发展。本文针对高校开展阳光体育运动教学的现状以及存在的问题,提出几点有效的措施和建议,从而创新我国阳光体育运动的模式,引导高校能将阳光体育运动落实到位。  相似文献   

本文从阳光体育运动的理念出发,深入了解阳光体育的概念以及涵义,结合当前高校体育教学存在的问题,提出进行高校公共体育教学改革的措施,以期提升高校体育教学的质量和效果,帮助大学生们强健体质、增强自信。  相似文献   

物质生活的极度富裕、缺乏有效的锻炼,使得当代大学生的身体素质普遍不高,对大学生的学习和生活产生了较大的影响,而大学生身体素质问题也受到了社会的广泛关注,为了增强大学生体质、促进大学生身心健康发展,国家提出了阳关体育运动的理念,鼓励大学生积极参与到体育运动中。为了促进阳光体育运动政策的有效实施,高校体育教学活动也需要进行必要的改革,本文主要分析了当前高校体育教学存在的问题,并且提出相应的改革建议,以期促进高校体育教学活动健康、有效的开展。  相似文献   

The national health objectives for the year 2000 called for an increase in the use of safety restraints to 85% of motor vehicle occupants. An assessment on one campus indicated that only 79% of those observed were wearing seat belts. Nursing faculty and students undertook a multimodal intervention campaign to increase seat belt use in the campus community. Observed use of seat belts increased to 81% after the week-long intervention consisting of reminder banners, media coverage, permanent reminder signs, roll-over demonstrations, a presentation on the need for seat belt use, and distribution of seat belt use pledge cards. Although the increase was small, it was statistically significant and could represent considerable savings in healthcare costs if even 2% of the population could be saved from serious injury by using seat belts. In addition, the change in seat belt use represented a decline of nearly 10% in the number of nonusers.  相似文献   

论体育教师的职业素养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Conclusion The basic conclusion of the analysis of this article is that for a combination of economic and political reasons, a capitalist road to communism is implausible, and for political reasons a socialist road is more likely to succeed than the mixed road. The pure capitalist road is impossible because capital flight would immediately undermine the economic base of the communism-inducing universal grant proposal, and because even if this problem were solved, the political use of disinvestment would make the system unreproducible. The mixed road, combining elements of capitalist and socialist property relations, is economically feasible, but would be politically precarious. Only in a socialist society would the political conditions for a stable growth of the universal grants be secure enough to make movement along the road to communism likely.This general conclusion is based on what is a largely unargued assumption present thoughout this article, namely that socialism itself is unambiguously compatible with the emergence and development of communism- that collective ownership of the means of production by workers is compatible with a gradual growth in the realm of freedom, in the predominance of distribution according to need. Following VP, I acted as if the only issue were the extent to which capitalism might also be so compatible, and if not, the extent to which certain aspects of capitalism might be compatible in what I have called the mixed road.The assumption that socialism is compatible with the growth of communism rests on two more basic claims: first, that eliminating capitalist property relations does not necessarily produce authoritarian-bureaucratic forms of the state and politics, and, second, that in democratic socialism productivity will continue to increase (for without increasing productivity, expanding the sphere of distribution according to need becomes very problematic). While I will not attempt to defend them here, I believe both of these claims to be true. If either of these assumptions is false, however, then the only feasible road to communism, no matter how precarious it might be politically, may be the quasicapitalist/quasi-socialist mixed road described above, a road that combines elements of substantial state control over investments with capitalist economic rationality.  相似文献   

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports model, first introduced into public schools, has been extended to alternative settings. This article highlights applying PBIS to day treatment and residential treatment education programs increasingly challenged to serve seriously emotionally disturbed youth whose risk factors have become more complex. The results demonstrate a more positive environment enhancing children's treatment and education along with decreasing numbers of safety holds and need for out-of-classroom supports.  相似文献   

This study offers an in-depth analysis on the closedown of a Starbucks café inside the Forbidden City, one of the most recognized historic sites in Beijing, China, under the pressure of a Web-based activist campaign. Adopting the circuit of culture model, this study illustrates the intricate role of culture in international public relations within an Internet-based media context, as well as the tension surrounding the conflicting identities between Starbucks’ global presence and the local sensitivity attached to the cultural heritage—the Forbidden City. This study also highlights the role of new media (e.g., blogs) in China and its impact on international public relations practice.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the 2008-2009 "Lose your Excuse" public service advertising (PSA) campaign on energy efficiency targeting 8- to 12-year-olds, intended to increase knowledge, foster proactive attitudes, and change energy usage behaviors. Baseline and two follow-up surveys were conducted with online samples representative of the national population of households with kids with online access. Almost half (47%) of the tweens recognized at least one ad from the campaign. Ad recognition was positively associated with knowledge, proactive attitudes, and energy-saving behavior. Propensity score analysis confirmed a small but measurable and statistically significant effect on energy-saving behavior. The discussion section compares these results to public health campaigns in terms of ghost awareness, reach, and effect size.  相似文献   

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