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When evaluating the smiles of other people (regarding amusement, authenticity, spontaneity, or intensity), perceivers typically rely on Orbicularis oculi activity that causes wrinkles around a target’s eyes. But does this so-called Duchenne marker also impact more generalized judgments of person characteristics (e.g., regarding a target’s attractiveness, intelligence, dominance, and trustworthiness)? To address this issue, the current study asked participants to provide the above smile evaluations and person judgments for a series of Duchenne and non-Duchenne smiles. The results showed that smile evaluations uniformly increased during Duchenne marker presence. The marker’s effect on person judgments, in contrast, was judgment dependent. While attractiveness, dominance and intelligence ratings showed the expected enhancement, trustworthiness ratings remained unaffected by the facial cue of interest. The findings suggest that the Duchenne marker’s role as a cue of social relevance during target perception depends on the type of person inference under consideration.  相似文献   

Smile to Life     
The life is in the continuously circulation, everything is going on. Everyone wants that they can own a perfect life, but it is always impossible. In the course of our long life we will experience many changes, include some unpleasant episodes. That is to say, all the best is not true. Even so, we can still make our life enjoy more happiness and joy, rather than regret. So let us provide music for our own life.  相似文献   

Journal of Nonverbal Behavior - Past research has largely focused on how emotional expressions provide information about the speaker’s emotional state, but has generally neglected vocal...  相似文献   

People can discriminate cheaters from cooperators on the basis of negative facial expressions. However, such cheater detection is far from perfect in real-world situations. Therefore, it is possible that cheaters have the ability to disguise negative emotional expressions that signal their uncooperative attitude. To test this possibility, emotional intensity and trustworthiness were evaluated for facial photographs of cheaters and cooperators defined by scores in an economic game. The facial photographs had either posed happy or angry expressions. The angry expressions of cheaters were rated angrier and less trustworthy than those of cooperators. On the other hand, happy expressions of cheaters were higher in emotional intensity but comparable to those of cooperators in trustworthiness. These results suggest that cheater detection based on the processing of negative facial expressions can be thwarted by a posed or fake smile, which cheaters put on with higher intensity than cooperators.  相似文献   

This article proposes a new model of community intervention called the Motivation and Persuasion Process (MAP), a community intervention model to equip community members with specific skills on how to engage in productive community advocacy. This article describes the principles behind the MAP, its objectives, and its application. Implications for community practice, policy advocacy, and research are addressed.  相似文献   

The socio-religious skirmishes known as the Evolution Wars may have major implications for global religion, education, and popular perceptions of science. These so-called wars have witnessed the rise of several media-vocal proevolutionist organizations, which have sought to challenge Darwin-skeptic ideas and enterprises. Such proevolutionist organizations include the atheistic Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science, the religiously neutral National Center for Science Education, and the BioLogos Foundation Christian advocacy group. This study executes a content analysis of media produced by these leading proevolutionist organizations from 2009 to 2011 and gauges the occurrence rates of several persuasive cues associated with the Elaboration Likelihood Model. This exercise reveals ways in which certain persuasive elements are articulated throughout proevolutionist media, and juxtaposes these observations with data previously gathered concerning Darwin-skeptic materials.  相似文献   

This paper studies persuasion within teams and investigates why teams commonly take, by some measures, better decisions than individuals. The analysis is based on data from electronic communication within teams of two players. Thanks to the experimental design, changes of an individual’s decision can be attributed to the content of the team partner’s message. The results for knowledge-related and strategic problems show that individuals’ decisions change upon receiving more informative and sophisticated arguments and remain the same otherwise. This individual behavior is an essential part of the information aggregation in teams and can explain the advantage of teams in decision making and in games.  相似文献   

Results from this research on facial affect indicative of state anxiety suggest that expressors' smiles may have masked self-reported state anxiety such that judges were misled in their judgments of expressors' state anxiety. While in 17 earlier studies judges were highly accurate in detecting state anxiety, judges were unable to distinguish low from high state anxiety in the present samples, and sometimes rated expressors in high state-anxiety segments as more happy and likable than in low state-anxiety segments. The critical difference between the present and earlier studies seems to be the size of the image and the resulting fact that nonenjoyment smiles were more visible to judges.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to analyze cross-cultural differences in preference for smiling among the users of one of the most popular instant messaging sites called Windows Live Messenger in terms of facial expression (smiling vs. non-smiling) on the photographs accompanying their profiles. 2,000 photos from 10 countries were rated by two independent judges. Despite the fact that 20 years have passed since the fall of the Berlin Wall, Internet users from a former Soviet bloc appear to smile less often than those from Western Europe. Also, replicating past research, women irrespective of their nationality smiled more than men.  相似文献   

Research in the field of Resistance to Persuasion (RP) has demonstrated that inoculating individuals with counter arguments is effective for lowering their levels of adherence to conspiracist beliefs (CB). Yet, this strategy is limited because it requires specific arguments tailored against targeted conspiracist narratives. Therefore, we investigated whether priming Resistance to Persuasion would reduce individual adherence to CB among undergraduate student samples. A first study (N = 81) demonstrated that participants primed by filling a RP scale had lower CB scores than control participants. This effect was directly replicated twice (N = 205 and N = 265) and confirmed by a mini meta-analysis (N = 519; d = .20). Practical and theoretical implications are then discussed.  相似文献   

Recent work suggests that temporal aspects of facial displays influence the perception of the perceived authenticity of a smile. In the present research, the impact of temporal aspects of smiles on person and expression perception was explored in combination with head-tilt and gender. One hundred participants were shown different types of smiles (slow versus fast onset) in combination with three forms of head-tilt (none, left, or right) exhibited by six computer-generated male and female encoders. The encoders were rated for perceived attractiveness, trustworthiness, dominance, and the smiles were rated for flirtatiousness and authenticity. Slow onset smiles led to more positive evaluations of the encoder and the smiles. Judgments were also significantly influenced by head-tilt and participant and encoder gender, demonstrating the combined effect of all three variables on expression and person perception.
Arvid KappasEmail:

不平凡的日子,你我一起携手走过。这一路,冲锋向前,披荆斩棘。面对突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情,党和国家坚持人民至上、生命至上。一个个义无反顾的身影,一次次心手相连的接力,一幕幕感人至深的场景,共筑起属于中国的“高光时刻”。这一路,万众一心加油干,越是艰难越向前。历经8年,832个贫困县,近1亿贫困人口全部脱贫“摘帽”。干百年来,困扰中华民族的绝对贫困问题历史性地得到了解决!  相似文献   

Due to the persistence and growth of the so-called Evolution Wars, numerous scholars have attempted to determine exactly why these religion-science skirmishes have somewhat enigmatically become a worldwide phenomenon. This article seeks to help answer this question by uniquely considering Darwin-skeptic mass media. Specifically, it is contended that persuasive mass media is a decisive element of the Evolution Wars controversy, and that its sociological significance is not merely derived from the merits of its communicated arguments, but by the extent of its persuasiveness. This study implements a content analysis of antievolutionist communications produced from 2009 to 2011 by the Institute for Creation Research, Answers in Genesis, and the Center for Science and Culture. The project subsequently gauges the occurrence rates of message variables associated with the Elaboration Likelihood Model of persuasion within Darwin-skeptic media, and explores how these elements are articulated.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence suggests that Duchenne (D) smiles may not only occur as a sign of spontaneous enjoyment, but can also be deliberately posed. The aim of this paper was to investigate whether people mimic spontaneous and deliberate D and non-D smiles to a similar extent. Facial EMG responses were recorded while participants viewed short video-clips of each smile category which they had to judge with respect to valence, arousal, and genuineness. In line with previous research, valence and arousal ratings varied significantly as a function of smile type and elicitation condition. However, differences in facial reactions occurred only for smile type (i.e., D and non-D smiles). The findings have important implications for questions relating to the role of facial mimicry in expression understanding and suggest that mimicry may be essential in discriminating among various meanings of smiles.  相似文献   

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