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The current research is a pilot study that included 87 single women who responded to an announcement placed in one of the national newspapers and then filled out interview questionnaires. The study hypothesized three groups of variables for predicting elderly single women's appeals for help from health and welfare services: (a) demographic variables, (b) intrapersonal variables, and (c) interpersonal variables. The research tools were (a) a demographics questionnaire constructed specifically for this study; (b) a personal assessment of single life: chosen or unchosen, including a question regarding what single people think about bachelorhood/spinsterhood; (c) an approach to the institution of bachelorhood/spinsterhood; (d) self-evaluation questionnaire; (e) a sense of mastery over life questionnaire; (f) informal support networks questionnaire; and (g) an assessment of the appeal to health and welfare services for help. A special questionnaire was constructed, which included a list of health and welfare services. The research findings indicate connections among all the research variables. All the research hypotheses were confirmed. Special attention should be given to this one tenth and more of the elder population. It might improve the lives of those women and save Western governments a lot of money.  相似文献   

The long life expentancy of the elderly motivates interest in their quality of life. Our study analyzes vital satisfaction as a global indicator of the three dimensions (physical, mental, and social) of the quality of life in relation to health. The subjects were 310 women, with an average age of 71.22 years old (SD 6.72), with minimum education, and active aging. The reliability was examined with the COOP-WONCA Charts and the Nottingham Health Profile. The results show that vital satisfaction significantly correlates with the three dimensions of health, in particular with the mental domain.  相似文献   

This study examined effects of age and social psychological factors on women’s willingness to be mobile health information seekers. A national survey of 1,878 Singaporean women was conducted to obtain information on women’s mobile phone usage, experiences of health information seeking, and appraisals of using mobile phones to seek health information. Results showed that young, middle-aged, and older women exhibited distinct mobile phone usage behaviors, health information-seeking patterns, and assessments of mobile health information seeking. Factors that accounted for their mobile information-seeking intention also varied. Data reported in this study provide insights into mobile health interventions in the future.  相似文献   

《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(2-3):13-27

In spite of women's active involvement in a woman's health care movement, the mainline health care system continues to hold tight to its androcentric focus. If women are to be subjected to a health care system that employs sexist and ageist practices, the quality of life in their later years will continue to be jeopardized. The purpose of this paper is to first, recognize the existing health care practices which limit the health care opportunities and choices of older women; and secondly, to discuss how such basic feminist principles as education, egalitarianism, empowerment, and inclusion can be used to improve an older woman's experience.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the effects of a balance training program developed in public parks on functionality and general state of health in elderly women. It was a randomized controlled trial. Women older than 65 years (n = 28; 68.5 ± 2.9) participated in a balance training program that lasted 6 weeks, with sessions taking place twice a week (12 exercises/session, 50 min). Balance was analyzed by the Berg Balance Scale and Timed Up & Go Test. The generic health status was measured by the SF-12 Health Survey. These tests showed statistically significant differences in the experimental group (p < .05). Public parks are adequate installations for developing balance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to explain the effect of participation in productive activities on life satisfaction and its implications for social evaluation of productive aging. This study uses data collected from 1,250 elderly women living in urban areas. The regression model was used to examine the influence of elderly women's participation in productive activities on their life satisfaction. Elderly women who participate in volunteer work, learning, and social group activities commonly recognized their activities as meaningful, feeling like worthwhile members of society, and evaluated such activities as very positive. In contrast, elderly women who participated in household chores and family care activities expressed a negative life satisfaction. The difference in life satisfaction regarding productive activities stems not only from the physical and environmental differences but also from the gap between the official social value underpinned by the recognition of surrounding people, their support, and the value of productive activities.  相似文献   

基于"中国老人健康长寿影响因素研究数据"(1998~2008),利用Cox比例风险模型分析丧偶对老人死亡风险的影响及其健康因素的调节作用,并深入讨论此影响的年龄组差异。结果发现:老人丧偶与其死亡风险有非常显著的关系,在控制健康变量后,这种关系仍然显著存在,不过有很大程度的减弱。此外,长期丧偶对死亡风险的影响不存在显著的年龄组差异,而新丧偶对低龄老人死亡风险的影响要远大于对高龄老人的影响。  相似文献   

中国女性老年人口的现状及问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在快速的人口老龄化过程中,由于女性老年人寿命长于男性,因此成为一个规模快速增加的群体。女性在受教育、就业比例以及收入水平上一般要低于男性,因此她们在晚年生活中的弱势积累效应更加明显,表现为经济保障、健康医疗、婚姻家庭生活方面的困难更加突出。在当今家庭养老照料功能减弱和社会保障及社会服务能力不足的情况下,女性老年人口问题需要给以更多的关注。采用2005年全国1%抽样调查资料,对我国当前老年妇女的人口、婚姻、受教育、经济来源、职业以及健康状况给以描述和分析,以期为学术研究和政府管理工作提供必要的信息和依据。  相似文献   

Thirty-eight lesbian and 38 heterosexual women in Singapore (ages 21 to 35) discussed relationships, sex, and virginity in focus groups. Views were mostly similar between the two groups, although there were differences. All participants defined relationships as romantic involvement. However, while heterosexual participants equated commitment with monogamy, lesbian participants distinguished them. All participants differentiated between having sex (for thrill and fun) and making love (for expressing love), although there were differences in the purposes of making love. Primacy of penetration was found in defining virginity loss, but for many participants, virginity was important only insofar as it indicated sexual permissiveness.  相似文献   

《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(2-3):29-47

There has been a striking increase in Americans' awareness and use of alternative therapies over the last decade. Women, in particular, have been drawn to explore these unconventional health practices, which include herbal medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, manual therapies, energy healing, and mind-body therapies. From a feminist perspective, the rise in alternative therapies' use in the United States represents a shift in cultural concepts of health from an outmoded patriarchical model which disempowers older women, to a more feminine, holistic model which can reempower older women. Throughout history, older women have developed, applied, and taught the principles and practices of what are now considered alternative healing modalities, in their roles as mothers, expert herbalists, midwives, wise women, and shaman. By becoming familiar with these therapies, older women can increase their control over their health, enhance prevention and self-care, and enjoy a health-care pathway that leads to wholeness in body, mind, and spirit.  相似文献   

中国老年人口的健康状况、福利需求与前景   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
利用中国2005年1%人口抽样调查资料对老年人口身体健康状况进行分析,并利用联合国人口预测资料,对2050年以前的中国老年人口身体健康状况及其对养老机构床位数需求进行预测。结果表明,2005年中国老年人口中"不能正常工作或生活不能自理"者占15.02%,规模达2 169万人。不同性别、年龄与城乡的老年人口的身体健康状况之间存在明显的差异,人口老龄化与家庭养老功能急剧弱化使得未来中国需要入住养老机构的老年人数量急剧增加。  相似文献   

利用中国老年人健康长寿影响因素调查( CLHLS )2002-2011年跟踪调查数据,通过多种健康指标构建中国老年人虚弱指数,运用增长曲线模型和Cox等比例风险函数的研究方法,对中国老年人虚弱指数和死亡风险及其队列差异进行了深入分析。研究发现,女性虚弱指数比男性高,增长速度也比男性快,但是死亡风险比男性低;出生较晚的队列与出生早的队列相比,虚弱指数会更高,他们的增长程度更快;受教育程度高的老年人虚弱指数低,但是其增长速度却比受教育程度低的老年人要高。  相似文献   

试论女性求职心理弱势的成因与调适   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如今女性求职难是一个普遍的社会问题。对此,我们虽然可以从社会,文化和历史诸背景中找到其原因,但女性自身存在的种种弱点更不可忽视。为了适应和利用求职氛围中的千变万化,女性必须丢掉自卑感,树立自信心,努力对自己的弱势心态进行合理调适,不断提高自身的心理素质,从而对于顺利求职将起到重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

老年人心理压力、应对方式与心理健康关系的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈立新  姚远 《西北人口》2006,52(1):35-37,41
为了探讨心理压力和应对方式对老年人心理健康的影响,本研究采用社会再适应量表、应对方式量表和心理健康症状自评量表,对武汉市随机抽取的442位60岁以上老年人进行了问卷调查。研究结果表明:心理压力对老年人心理健康有直接影响,心理压力越大,老年人心理健康水平越低;解决问题、自责和幻想三种应对方式在心理压力与心理健康之间起中介作用,采用解决问题的应对方式,有利于调节压力对老年人心理健康的影响;反之,采用自责和幻想的应对方式则不利于老年人心理健康。  相似文献   

The purpose of the article is to analyze the aging experiences of elderly women in Estonia and the factors influencing them. The assessments of two groups using social services are compared—the elderly living in Tallinn’s social houses and the elderly receiving care at home. From February to August 2011, a total of 80 elderly women were interviewed. Inhabitants of social houses find that their old age is satisfying more often (65% of the inhabitants of social houses and 40% of the people in home care). Many home care clients were convinced that it is best to spend old age among loved ones and in a familiar environment. Those living at home have many difficulties, which is why 20% of them are on a waiting list to go to a social house. Home services should include services with which the inhabitants of social houses are very satisfied.  相似文献   

育龄妇女生殖健康状况及其影响因素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
0 77%的妇检者查出患有疾病 ,患病率在地区、城乡、年龄和受教育程度间呈极大差异 :居民 >村民 ,中部 >西部 >东部 ,少数民族 >汉族。影响妇女生殖健康的因素包括个人行为和社会环境因素 ,涉及个人特征、婚育状况、避孕状态、保健意识、宣传教育等。结果提示 :1 增强自我保健意识 ,提高自我保健能力是有效的预防手段。 2 .生殖保健工作重点在农村和中西部。 3 实现生殖健康目标需要重视教育尤其是对女性的教育  相似文献   

为探讨我国健康老龄化现状与卫生服务利用的关系,提供有效卫生服务、制定合理卫生策略,采用人口学理论与流行病学技术相结合的方法,调查分析黑龙江省大庆市部分60岁及以上老年人的健康情况及卫生服务需求与利用现状。调查显示,除躯体健康较差外,部分老年人还存在一定程度的心理损伤和社会功能缺失。加大社区医疗机构投入,提高医疗服务质量,倡导老年人积极锻炼身体、与子女建立和谐的关系以及有效改善睡眠,对促进老年人健康,推进我国健康老龄化的进程具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

流动妇女心理健康状况分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对江苏省张家港市和江阴市流动人口基本情况和症状自评量表(SCL-90)的实地调查,从流动妇女的人口社会学因素和流动经历特征分层分析流动妇女的心理健康状况。流动妇女心理健康水平低于成年正常女性;从人口社会学因素来看,未婚、无小孩、年轻的流动妇女心理健康水平较低;从流动经历来看,常回老家者、和家人同在一个城市者、对生活状况满意者的心理健康状况相对较好。  相似文献   

《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(1-2):115-127

This research examined the relationships between providing assistance to aging family members, caregivers' age, caregivers' perceptions of their physical health, and caregivers' depressive symptoms. Several alternative hypotheses were examined. Longitudinal data from 1, 898 women from the 1992 and 2000 waves of the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) were used. Results indicate a reciprocal relationship between depression and physical health. These processes were examined using a path analysis. Although the evidence only supported one of the hypotheses, this study clearly demonstrated the importance of physical health for the psychological well-being of women in midlife.  相似文献   

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