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流浪儿童问题是当今世界各国普遍关注的全球性社会问题。但是,与物质方面的救助相比,流浪儿童心理救助比较缺失。通过对未成年人救助保护中心流浪儿童的调查发现,流浪儿童在进站、住站、出站三个不同阶段的心理需求各不相同。需要结合流浪儿童救助站的现有条件,设计符合流浪儿童心理需求、对流浪儿童有切实有效作用的心理救助服务的方式和方法,预防和减少流浪儿童重复流浪心理的形成,更好地实现流浪儿童救助。  相似文献   

The CSWE accreditation standard requiring deans and directors to demonstrate commitment to the ethical values of the profession again raises questions about what commitment to ethical values means and about how determinations of adherence will be made. In this paper, two contrasting educational doctrines found in universities are reviewed. Aspects of each are found in social work statements of value. Special attention is given to their conflicting conceptions of students and the ideal learning environment. Following this, a sample of social work values and procedures for determining adherence to them are reviewed. Suggestions for further study are given.  相似文献   

Abstract Our main objective is to give demographic perspective to changes since 1960 in the comparative economic circumstances of non-metropolitan and metropolitan children. Specifically, we examine absolute and relative poverty rates using child records from the 1960, 1970, and 1980 Public Use Microdata Samples and from the 1990 March annual demographic file of the Current Population Survey. Results reveal that more than one-in-five nonmetropolitan children today are poor, an increasing proportion are deeply impoverished, and a growing share are living in families with incomes lagging standards typical of the average American family. Changes in family structure accounted for roughly 60 percent of the increase in nonmetropolitan child poverty during the 1980s. Positive economic effects associated with increasing female employment, rising education levels, and declining family size in nonmetropolitan areas were more than offset by the deleterious effects of changing family structure. And the persistently higher rates of nonmetropolitan than metropolitan child poverty cannot be explained away by compositional differences in parental employment patterns, educational levels, or family size. Our results suggest that recent changes in family formation and structure cannot be disassociated from the changing economic welfare of children, especially for those living in nonmetropolitan America.  相似文献   

吴伟东 《城市观察》2010,(3):92-103
劳动力转移就业是推动城市化和城市转型的重要力量,但在城市转型过程中,产业结构的调整和升级可能会逐步压缩低技能转移劳动者的就业空间,导致结构性失业和贫困问题的恶化。作为现代社会应对贫困问题的主要制度安排,社会救助制度需要对此进行有效的调适。依据转移的福利驱动假设以及公民资格理论,本文对劳动力转移就业在贫困与社会救助领域所带来的主要问题,进行经验和理论层面的探讨。  相似文献   

Abstract This research documents trends from 1970 through 1990 in the utilization and ameliorative effects of public assistance among poor children in nonmetropolitan (nonmetro) and metropolitan (metro) America. Results indicate that the families of nonmetro poor children rely more heavily on parental earnings and less so on public assistance when compared to their metro counterparts; that there was a sharp rise over the period in reliance on public assistance, especially among nonmetro children, and a corresponding decline in reliance on earnings; that the ability of public assistance to ameliorate child poverty is modest; and that while the ameliorative effects are always greater in metro than nonmetro areas, this disparity declined over the 1980s owing partially to improvement in nonmetro areas.  相似文献   


This project explores public opinion on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in news and social media outlets, and tracks elected representatives’ voting records on issues relating to SNAP and food insecurity. We used machine learning, sentiment analysis, and text mining to analyze national and state level coverage of SNAP in order to gauge perceptions of the program over time across these outlets. Results indicate that the majority of news coverage has negative sentiment, more partisan news outlets have more extreme sentiment, and that clustering of negative reporting on SNAP occurs in the Midwest. Our final results and tools will be displayed in an online application that the ACFB Advocacy team can use to inform their communication to relevant stakeholders.  相似文献   

In neglecting to acknowledge the heterogeneity of our aging population, we encourage policies that meet the needs of the majority of older people but discount the needs of those characterized by lifelong poverty. The overall economic well-being of the "oldest old," historically the poorer cohort among the age%: is anticipated to improve over the next 50 years. This improvement will increase the economic gap between the majority of the aged and a minority who will carry their existing poverty into old age. Economic protection for the "always-poor" can be improved and intergenerational stress reduced if we identify now those with a high probability of poverty in old age and develop policies in the 1990s aimed at meeting their future needs.  相似文献   

There are several hundred third world charities in Britain.They exist in various shapes and sizes, and display a wide rangeof professional interests and concerns. Collectively they raisewell over £200 million from voluntary sources each yearin support of relief and development work in the developingcountries. This article is the first in a two part examination of the prospectsfacing third world charity in the final years of this century.It argues that the organisations will need to adapt to changesin the social and political environment in Britain, as wellas changes overseas, while at the same time determine theirown agendas in the face of rising expectations and increasinglydisparate demands.  相似文献   

As rapid changes have occurred in the economic and cultural structures of society, some have found themselves more disadvantaged than others. The mismatch between income and the cost of housing means that some of the poor will inevitably become homeless. Given the economics of the situation, prevention of homelessness is a non-issue; more germane is the question of chronic homelessness. This paper takes the position that determining who is most likely to be chronically homeless is related to the cultural ideology of individualism and, more specifically, that the situations likely to create the greatest vulnerability are problems for which individuals are seen as personally responsible. The distress brought about by societal-level changes is manifested in the “personal” problems of individuals. The social welfare system, acting as a substitute for failed social institutions, recreates their failures by relying on a cultural ethos that blames individuals for occupying positions to which the society has relegated them.  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - Public policy can directly or indirectly affect private philanthropy. Although previous studies have investigated the role...  相似文献   


This study evaluates historical changes in the relative importance of key factors influencing white, African American, and Hispanic women's poverty. Empirical results, based on reduced form logistic regressions, indicate that work has become, relative to marriage, a potentially better way to decrease women's poverty. The greater relative importance of work when compared to marriage is strongest for blacks and weakest for whites, although for all three groups of women this pattern holds. This trend is consistent with the move from women's main economic support being generated through marriage to instead being generated through work. At the same time, children continue to increase women's chances of being in poverty, though their impact has changed differently among the three groups. The findings suggest that resources directed towards alleviating poverty should ideally be allocated towards efforts to create good job opportunities combined with support to reduce the costs associated with balancing market and family responsibilities.  相似文献   

Crusading Journalism: Changing Public Attitudes and Policy-Making Agendas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This is the third in a series of studies on the agenda-settingeffects of news media investigations of social issues. Researchershad access to a local five-part television investigation ofrepeatedly brutal police officers before it was broadcast inthe February 1983 sweeps period. Using random-digit-dialingto select a sample of Chicago area viewers, researchers surveyed428 members of the general public on their attitudes towardvarious social issues, including the conduct of city policeofficers. We hypothesized that respondents exposed to the serieswould change their responses to questions about police brutality,which they did in statistically significant numbers. A similarsurvey of so-called elites, policy makers or persons with aprior interest in police behavior, also was undertaken beforeand repeated after the series was broadcast. Although no statisticallysignificant change in elite opinions of police behavior occurred,small but statistically significant changes in knowledge ofspecific police acts were recorded. Researchers discuss thefindings of study three and speculate about the different agenda-settingeffects of the three series.  相似文献   

慈善救助在汉代取得重要发展,裸捐引人注目,事例很多,最突出的是汉武帝时的卜式多次捐财帮助国家守卫边境。西汉多有平时和荒年赈济贫穷宗族邻里的事项。自汉武帝时起,西汉统治者的慈善观发生变化,皇帝鼓励、褒扬吏民向贫民借贷,助民脱困。朝廷下诏举荐有行义者为官,终汉不辍,这是对行善好施的最大肯定。帝诏奖励帮助政府救灾的吏民,是汉代政府与民间慈善互动的表现。东汉散财救恤宗亲邻里的观念和行为十分盛行,有关裸捐的记载多于西汉,反映了东汉慈善救助思想和实践的发展。慈善思想是慈善行为的内生性动力,汉代行善去恶的慈善思想内容丰富,行善的目的是为了缓和贫富冲突、保障既得利益和保护家人。其认为行善不应讲求回报,要行善不懈;对于行善者,人不回报天报,不报己身报子孙。赏善罚恶是朝廷引导人们向善的重要手段,同时也重视教民行义,富民劝善。  相似文献   

James Joyce in his deepest metaphysical moments was no match for the writer(s) of this Report. Whilst recognizing that interdepartmental reports provide never-to-be-missed opportunities for one-upmanship between bureaucracies, one expects more clarity and simplicity when such technical bulletins are made public (as this one has). Paradoxically the Department of Urban and Regional Development (D.U.R.D.) has its own precedent in the excellent report, “Sydney Western Region—an initial discussion report, May 1974”, which formed the basis for allocations in its area improving programme for Sydney.  相似文献   

This article investigates the extent to which public and private transfers affected poverty and inequality in Vietnam in the mid‐2000s. It finds that the impact of public transfers on poverty was negligible, due to the low coverage of the poor and the relatively small amounts transferred. Moreover, the effect of the receipt of transfers on expenditures was small: recipients decreased the labour supply and only a limited amount of the extra income went to current consumption. Domestic private transfers were somewhat more successful in reducing poverty. With most public and private transfers going to non‐poor households, inequality was only marginally affected.  相似文献   


The implementation of welfare reform at the local level is critical to assessing the effects of structural reforms initiated since the passage of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunities Reconciliation Act of 1996. Wide variations in the activities undertaken in response to national welfare reform have hindered efforts to understand the factors that have contributed to the success of welfare reform apparent in caseload reductions. This paper reviews Community Human Service Plans in four Ohio counties and examines their trends in caseloads. Two strategies emerge: “job attachment” and “human capital development.” These differences in local implementation can be related to caseload trends.  相似文献   

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