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The aim of the ESCSP working group studies during 1976 was to help to analyse the environment in which companies have to make decisions.No attempt was made to undertake original studies, but rather, on the basis of documents gathered and discussion within the working groups, to discover the key elements of the trends in the changing environment.As a follow up the main objective of the 1977 programme will be to integrate the results of these studies into the strategic plan of the company and to focus on certain points which merit special attention.  相似文献   

Addressing calls to explore how subsidiaries of MNCs operating in different institutional contexts resolve institutional duality, this paper brings together dual theoretical explanations from legitimacy and neo-institutional theory, to examine how decision-making for corporate community responsibility (CCR) occurs across ten subsidiaries operating in Sri Lanka. Using qualitative data, it shows that while subsidiaries’ implementation of local CCR conform to that of their parents at an aggregate level, those subsidiaries encountering higher levels of institutional conflict in the host-country, are sanctioned by their parent companies to de-couple their local CCR projects. These findings raise interesting questions about the dynamism in subsidiary responses to resolving institutional duality relevant for future scholarly research.  相似文献   

The energy problems facing the world have been receiving increasing attention in the press and in business journals. This article examines the attitudes of 224 U.S. business executives toward the energy crisis and examines the role of a corporate energy policy in minimizing the economic impact of future energy price increases and/or shortages. A plan for a corporate energy policy is proposed.  相似文献   

While there is a large body of academic debate surrounding human resource management issues in multinational corporations (MNCs), industrial relations (IR) issues often fail to receive the same degree of attention. This paper attempts to move the debate forward by critically reviewing some of the key debates surrounding IR in an international context. First, some key themes surrounding the comparison of industrial relations across borders and IR in multinational companies are delineated and defined. Then, the reasons why an international IR (IIR) perspective has been under‐represented in the literature to date are considered. The paper then explores the contribution which an IIR perspective can bring to the study of management practices in MNCs. This is discussed in terms of IIR's potential contribution as an alternative analytical approach and also differences in its substantive coverage. The impact of IR systems on MNC location and relocation decisions, key issues for employees, trade unions and managers of MNCs, is then discussed as an example of the former. The potential for, and evidence of, international collective bargaining as a potential counter‐balance to the power the MNC in the global environment is then considered as an example of a differing area of substantive coverage of IIR. Finally, some avenues for potential study are outlined.  相似文献   

Any management method which is to work in practice must start by recognizing man as he really is, and not what he ought to be. The typical textbook company of the 1960's was peopled by obedient, logical, profit-oriented, ox-like employees—sterilized and faceless characters with£'s signs in their thought bubbles, but the study of Behavioural Science in recent years has taught us that man is a rather more complex animal than we used to think. Simple observations tell us that in practice no business is as tidy, flawless and rational as a 1960's textbook. The reason is that we are people—difficult as individuals for a start and infinitely more complex still when we combine in groups. “Businessman” must be accepted in his full glory, with his ungovernable motives, his intelligence, creativity, his desire for a quiet life, his intuition, his private needs, fears and ambitions and his paradoxical self-seeking ability to cooperate. Everybody who has worked in a company knows the gloriously complicated muddles which “businessman” can get himself into; the misused routines; the convoluted organization structures; the dreadful panics during which all the rules are broken, and the peculiar thing is that, in spite of all these untidinesses, things seem to get done just the same. My point is that management and planning is an extremely complicated business, it is complicated because it is a matter of handling people, it is an art not a science.  相似文献   

This paper makes a major point about the nature of corporate planning by considering the question of investment in the production capacity of the British coal industry.  相似文献   

In response to an increasingly turbulent environment, many firms are attempting to develop means to assess proposed strategies in the light of plausible alternative futures. Probably the most widely adopted technique for this purpose is multiple scenario analysis (MSA). The extent of MSA adoption among corporations varies considerably depending upon respective planning experience and top management's involvement and interest in MSA itself. The gamut of MSA adoption is examined among eight representative large U.S. corporations. It is clear that, while corporate interest is high, current formal scenario generating methodology is too complex or academic for practical corporate use. Instead, planners are using their own informal approaches to scenario generation.  相似文献   

Long range planning has been defined as a decision-making process involving the commitment of resources—money, people, time, capital—today, the payback or return on which will not be realized until some future period. Since the heart of the planning process is the making of decisions about allocations in some systematic way, economic analysis, armed with its concepts of opportunity cost, indifference theory, marginal analysis, and investment theory, provides much of the theoretical framework for good long range planning models.

If planning is to be done in a scientific manner, there shouldexist common principles and study approaches, regardless of the nature of the organism being planned for. Thus planning for the individual, family, company, industry, association or state should vary according to the relevant information to be used in making decisions and the priorities of the objectives but not in the essential method by which decisions are arrived at. This is major theme of the paper.

As a result of more, than a decade of experience as a ‘planner’ for a number of diverse business and government groups, and through the process of articulating this planning experience as a teacher, I have developed a systematic approach to the planning process. The model has its own conceptual framework that includes, as information filters and display devices, unique adaptations of input-output notation. First in this article I will highlight some of the elements of the planning process, as I have constructed them. Then I will proceed to describe the specifications of the planning system, with particular emphasis on the use of input-output analysis.  相似文献   

This article attempts to analyze the implications for Corporate planning, in developing societies, of the ecological debate. The emerging nations desperately need growth to raise the base living standards of the vast majority of their populace. Yet, the ‘backlash’ of the western movement for environmental preservation has spread to the third world. How is the dilemma resolved? Can growth and environmental balance coexist? A distinction must be made between the degradation caused by squalor or lack of growth and that emanating from growth. The spread of the basic amenities of life will reduce the former. The latter can be controlled by planned location and regulation of industrial growth. The corporate planner, therefore, needs to scrutinize the ecological implications of any project carefully before arriving at any value judgement. ‘Pollution scanning’ is now part of environmental scanning. An Indian case study highlights some of the issues involved.  相似文献   

David Peretz is in charge of the Economics Section of the Inter-Bank Research Organization, London. Before that he served as an administrative civil servant in the Ministry of Technology, being for some of that time attached to the Programmes Analysis Unit (PAU) at Harwell, and concerned with studies of the organization of government industrial R & D establishments.

This article is based on a paper submitted—in their personal capacities—by the author and James Robertson (Director of IBRO) to the Government in February 1972. This paper was in turn inspired by the Government's publication of Lord Rothschild's report on ‘The Organization and Management of Government R & D’.

Like other large organizations, governments are having to come to grips with the interaction between long range planning and R & D activities. Changes are called for both in the methods of choosing priorities for R & D projects and in the organization of the Government's own research resources. The implications of ‘corporate’ planning for Government science have yet to be fully recognized.  相似文献   

This article reports some relevant results from a recent survey of the corporate planning practices of a number of leading British organizations. The sample spanned turnovers from £2000m. Within this range, the functional areas involved show considerable variation: for example, 95% of companies perform financial planning, but only 52% production planning. Organization too, quite naturally, displays great variety: thus one company operates with only a single planner whereas another employs thirty. Ratings are quoted for the main advantages and disadvantages of corporate planning as assessed by the chief executives; in general, the benefits dominate.  相似文献   

The distinctive features and constraints of planning in the nationalized industries as compared with large firms in the private sector deserve more attention than they have received. The development of corporate planning in these industries has tended to take a different route, starting from the need for long term physical planning. Planning in nationalized industries with complex production systems has a good deal in common with planning in large integrated firms (as opposed to conglomerates). But the difficulties arising from present methods of government control might be eased by placing greater emphasis on the need for stable agreement with the government on the industries' broad strategies.  相似文献   

Former foes, industry and environmentalists are now finding common ground, literally. Through innovative approaches in harmony with economic development, the two camps are working together to protect lands and wildlife. Three key conservation groups spearheading the movement are The Nature Conservancy, The Conservation Fund, and the Wildlife Habitat Council. Forms of cooperation include land donations; land purchases; use of conservation easements; land swaps; joint land management; and technical assistance for land management. In this article, the author provides an overview of these collaborative efforts, factors driving the movement, and the road ahead.  相似文献   

Corporate reputation is a multi-stakeholder concept that is reflected in the perceptions that stakeholders have of an organization. There is much evidence that reputation interacts diversely with different stakeholder groups and in relation to other concepts such as corporate responsibility. In this paper, we propose the implementation of the reputational quotient on a sample of Italian SMEs and attempt to discover and measure the relationship with corporate responsibility. Thus concluding that the instruments used for measuring and managing reputation can also be usefully employed in terms of corporate responsibility.  相似文献   

Although effective International Human Resource Management during an international assignment constitutes a significant factor in ensuring success of an expatriate assignment, there has not been much research that studies the expatriation practices associated with the global delivery model that has come to be identified with global outsourcing. The purpose of this paper is to understand the expatriation practices of Emerging Market Multinational Corporations (EMNCs) in the Indian IT sector, by examining the experiences of Indian IT workers sent to work on international client projects in a western country. We have used qualitative semi-structured interviews with 47 Indian IT expatriates from Indian IT MNCs working at client sites in Australia. We find that there is inadequate attention paid to expatriation both prior to emigration and while workers are overseas and employed at client sites. Such human resource shortcomings may be inherent in the global delivery model that is an important feature of Indian IT business. The implications of these findings are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

Building on the stakeholder, agency, and resource dependence theories; this paper investigates the role of international corporate social responsibility (CSR) for the post-entry performance of developing market international new ventures (INVs) in the presence of corporate governance mechanisms to overcome their agency and environmental problems. We test and validate the conceptual model using survey data collected from 110 INVs operating in the developing market of Pakistan. Our results show that international CSR promotes the post-entry performance of developing market INVs. Further, we found that this association is moderated by corporate governance mechanisms of ownership, board independence, and returnee board members. Specifically, the relationship between international CSR and post-entry performance is weaker when ownership is concentrated but stronger when outsider and returnee board members are present in developing market INVs. The findings of this study have important theoretical and practical implications for INVs' social strategies and international performance contingent upon corporate governance.  相似文献   

Abstract. Course development and student activities are described for a successful computer-assisted senior level course in production planning. Development was guided by the view that students must (1) understand the elements being integrated, (2) understand the problems that are being resolved through integration, and (3) participate in the integration activity. Production planning is treated as a hierarchy of individual decision situations which are to be integrated. Each decision is assisted by a software-based technique. A menu program and a common database were developed to allow a student to become the 'integrator' by directing the information flow among the individual decision situations. The paper describes the development tasks, the course elements, and student activities which provide guidelines for others developing similar courses.  相似文献   

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