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基于Copula模型的商业银行碳金融市场风险整合度量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前低碳经济已经成为转变经济发展方式的战略措施之一, 碳金融业务逐渐成为金融机构助力低碳经济发展的重要金融创新领域, 而风险控制问题始终是影响金融创新成败的关键。目前中国的碳金融市场以清洁发展机制(CDM)下商业银行参与的间接金融为主导, 商业银行参与碳金融业务面临国际碳价波动、碳交易结算货币汇率波动等诸多风险, 且多源风险因子之间具有业务共生性和复杂相关性。论文选取2009-2012年美国洲际交易所(ICE)的核证减排量CERs期货价格和欧元兑人民币汇率价格作为金融时间序列的样本数据, 探究运用ARMA-GARCH模型分别刻画碳价风险和汇率风险特性的方法, 研究处理风险因子间的非线性相关关系的Copula函数方法, 构建Copula-ARMA-GARCH模型并利用Monte Carlo模拟计算碳市场多源风险的整合VaR。实证发现:碳金融市场收益率具有波动聚集性和异方差特性;潜在的碳价风险要高于汇率风险;若忽视不同风险因子之间的相关性会高估碳市场风险;政府汇率监管在一定程度上降低了碳市场的风险。研究贡献在于探究符合碳金融资产风险特征的多源风险整合度量技术, 为商业银行有效控制碳市场风险、促进碳金融创新提供理论依据。  相似文献   

商业银行效率评价及影响因素分析一直是学术界和实务界研究的热点问题,但尚未有文献从利益相关者视角展开研究。本文运用SBM模型对考虑非期望产出的商业银行效率评价问题进行了分析。结合契约理论、商业银行生产函数、期望理论的分析,得出利益相关者关系是影响考虑非期望产出的商业银行效率的关键变量,并构建了分析两者关系的Tobit模型。在此基础上,选取我国2004-2011年14家代表性商业银行为样本,对考虑非期望产出的商业银行效率的评价与影响因素问题进行实证研究,结果表明,利益相关者关系是影响考虑非期望产出的我国商业银行效率的关键因素。  相似文献   

重随机泊松违约概率下库存商品融资业务贷款价值比率研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
确定合适的质押商品贷款价值比率能够使银行有效缓释库存商品融资业务的信用风险。沿着简化式思路,本文假定借款企业违约事件外生并服从重随机泊松过程,建立了一个有关贷款价值比率的模型。在模型中,本文综合考虑了银行的风险偏好,质押商品的预期收益率和价格波动率,贷款周期和盯市频率等因素的影响,为银行在保持风险容忍水平一致的情况下确定特定库存商品融资业务的相应贷款价值比率提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

本文针对银行双边风险敞口不可得的现实情况,利用贝叶斯方法,基于185家商业银行在2013年至2017年的资产负债表数据,在不同的网络结构设定下构建吉布斯抽样器,根据大量银行间同业资产及同业负债分布矩阵的样本,考察了每个商业银行在负面冲击后违约的概率及其分布。研究结果表明,银行同业借贷网络的结构能够显著影响银行的系统风险和违约概率。当网络连接概率处于中等水平时,冲击影响的范围最广;在完全网络结构下,风险分担的作用大于风险传染。总之,银行同业借贷既可以分担风险,也成为了风险传染的渠道,这种功能的转换取决于以下几类因素的相互作用:冲击的性质,例如冲击的规模,受冲击银行的数量以及冲击涉及的银行类型;清算时资产的贬值程度;银行自身资产负债表的特征。如果仅考虑银行同业借贷渠道,样本期内最稳健的银行系统是在2017年,而2014年的银行系统最脆弱。  相似文献   

金融市场是一个复杂系统,银行之间不仅有直接的拆借关系,还能够通过投资市场建立间接关联。本文分析了资产内生相关性、资产降价出售以及银行投资行为等因素对银行间接关联程度的影响,基于这些因素通过持有共同资产构建银行系统的间接关联,并以此为基础通过平面极大过滤图方法生成银行间接关联网络,论证了该网络中的系统重要性银行,并通过对该网络结构特征的分析,发现间接关联网络具有小世界和无标度等特征,这些特征与银行通过直接拆借形成的网络相似。本文对于银行间接关联网络的研究不仅能够更加清晰地了解银行之间的关系,也为银行系统性风险的监管提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

张峰 《管理学报》2012,(1):17-26
针对近些年中资银行日益活跃的FDI现象以及现有研究的不足,采用理论分析和跨案例比较相结合的研究方法,解释了中资银行国际化的驱动机制。研究发现:关系资源、国际市场声誉以及管理认知等是驱动中资银行国际化的关键资源。此外,通过对案例间差异的进一步分析。发现了驱动资源之间的互补关系,以及管理认知对驱动资源与国际化之间关系的影响:当管理者既有的认知与国际化目标不吻合时,驱动资源向国际市场的有效配置就会减少,进而降低其对国际化的驱动效应。研究结论对中资银行国际化具有现实指导意义,对今后研究其他转型经济国家或者其他行业的FDI现象也有所启示。  相似文献   

在现代金融系统中,人们逐渐开始关注整个银行业的系统性风险而不仅仅是个体风险,而传统经济学中个体银行投资组合多元化理论对于系统性风险来说并不一定是有效的,因此对于银行投资组合多元化与系统性风险之间的关系仍需要深入研究。本文基于简化的金融市场,通过资产负债表刻画银行和资产之间的联系,构建了描述银行破产边界的数学模型,并以此为基础分别研究了银行个体风险、系统性风险、考虑拆借关系的系统性风险以及同时考虑减价出售和拆借关系的系统性风险之间的区别与联系,进而分析了银行投资组合多元化对不同风险的影响。最后,参考实际金融市场中的参数取值,对本文构建的模型进行了数值实验,研究结果表明:多元化会使银行的投资组合变得相似从而更容易引发系统性风险,资产减价出售和银行间拆借关系的存在同样会增加银行系统性风险,因而通过减少投资组合多元化和控制银行拆借比例等措施可以在一定程度上降低系统性风险的发生,这对于系统性风险的监管具有较高的参考价值。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a recent survey of long-range planning practices in 105 large United States banks. The survey results indicate that long range planning is a relatively new corporate activity with more than half the respondents initiating long range planning the last 5 years. To the extent these banks lead others, this finding suggests greater adoption of long range planning systems in small and medium size banks in the future. Profitability and growth goals are the primary goals quantified in the planning process. These goals are pursued via various strategies. Profit goals are typically pursued by improving pricing policies, adjusting mix and maturity of assets and liabilities to minimize adverse effects of interest rate fluctuations, managing spreads through proper loan pricing and bond portfolio management and tightening cost control with a particular emphasis on non-interest expense. Growth goals are achieved by branch expansion, use of bank holding companies, and increased market penetration through product diversification and sales training programmes designed to develop new business. In addition, information is presented on trends that appear to be developing in the area of long-range planning in the banking industry.  相似文献   

This article examines the effect on market valuation of both corporate governance and the diversity of activities conducted by GCC commercial banks. It shows evidence on the endogenous effect of corporate governance and the characteristics of the banking industry in determining the diversification level of a bank. Empirical findings show a bias in results using ordinary least squares regressions. When controlled for endogeneity, they indicate a negative (but weak) association between the diversification index and the market valuation—consistent with the agency-based hypothesis. Interestingly, foreign banks and corporate shareholders are effective monitors who invest in more diversified GCC banks with higher valuation multiples. Conversely, domestic corporate shareholders—related by a complex web of relationships—invest in less diversified banks with a lower market valuation. In addition, diversified commercial banks with either subsidiaries in developed countries or involvement in market-based activities have higher market valuation. The latter may be explained by the effect on performance of the recent bubble in the Arab stock market.
Salim ChahineEmail:

Dr. Salim Chahine   is a Associate Professor of Finance at the Suliman S. Olayan School of Business, the American University of Beirut (AUB), Lebanon. He has a Ph.D in Finance from the University of Aix-Marseille III. His research is mainly in Initial Public Offerings, Corporate Governance and Firm Valuation. He has several publications in international academic journals such as the Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, the Journal of Small Business Management, the European Accounting Review, the International Review of Financial Analysis, and the Journal Multinational Financial Management.  相似文献   

受近几年的国际金融危机及金融全球化的影响,对金融系统的系统性风险的研究已成为国内外学者的关注热点。考虑到当前基于"银行-资产-银行"间接传播渠道的相关研究相对匮乏,本文基于银行-资产双边网络模型来分析银行系统性风险。首先,使用中国47家上市银行2018年的资产负债表数据构建了中国银行系统的双边网络模型,研究分析各类资产遭受冲击时外部冲击、降价出售效应及银行所持有的各类资产占银行总资产的比例对银行系统性风险的影响。然后,引入系统性冲击方式,通过设置具有不同属性的两大类资产并生成四种冲击事件来构建银行的投资策略模型,从资产视角探讨银行最优的投资策略。研究发现,外部冲击与降价出售效应这两个产生系统性风险的影响因素在一定区间值时会产生叠加效应,使银行系统性风险急剧增加;五种资产类中,贷款类资产对外部冲击最敏感;分析发现在各类资产冲击下都未倒闭的所有银行的资产组合具有一定的相似性;进一步研究发现银行系统中存在着最优的资产组合,使得银行在稳定的同时能获取最大收益,并且资产负债比越大的银行其风险承受能力越强,从而可以选择更激进的投资策略来追求高收益。  相似文献   

基于DEA方法的中国商业银行综合效率的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
根据数据包络方法(DEA)的非阿基米德模无穷小C2R模型,结合中国大陆商业银行的投入和产出的特点,建立了综合考虑银行盈利能力与风险控制能力的投入产出指标体系和中国商业银行综合效率的评价模型.基于4家国有独资银行样本、14家国有银行和股份制银行的混合样本两种情况,分别评测出了各家银行综合效率值.给出了低效率银行的人员数、固定资产净值、营业支出,所有者权益、机构个数等投入的冗余率和营业收入、新增存款总额、新增贷款总额、资本收益率、不良贷款率等指标的产出不足率.论文的创新和特色一是运用不良贷款率反映银行产出的质量,改变了现有研究忽略贷款质量差异的弊端.二是通过定量分析找出具体银行效率不高的真正原因,有针对性地提出了提高银行效率的宏观对策和具体对策.三把14家国有银行与股份制银行合并起来进行评价和比较,又显示出了两种银行组织方式下银行间的真实差距.  相似文献   

We study European banks' demand for short‐term funds (liquidity) during the summer 2007 subprime market crisis. We use bidding data from the European Central Bank's auctions for one‐week loans, their main channel of monetary policy implementation. Our analysis provides a high‐frequency, disaggregated perspective on the 2007 crisis, which was previously studied through comparisons of collateralized and uncollateralized interbank money market rates which do not capture the heterogeneous impact of the crisis on individual banks. Through a model of bidding, we show that banks' bids reflect their cost of obtaining short‐term funds elsewhere (e.g., in the interbank market) as well as a strategic response to other bidders. The strategic response is empirically important: while a naïve interpretation of the raw bidding data may suggest that virtually all banks suffered an increase in the cost of short‐term funding, we find that, for about one third of the banks, the change in bidding behavior was simply a strategic response. We also find considerable heterogeneity in the short‐term funding costs among banks: for over one third of the bidders, funding costs increased by more than 20 basis points, and funding costs vary widely with respect to the country‐of‐origin. The funding costs we estimate using bidding data are also predictive of market‐ and accounting‐based measures of bank performance, reinforcing the usefulness of “revealed preference” information contained in bids.  相似文献   

In recent history, financial markets worldwide experienced severe turmoil due to the subprime crisis originating from the practice of US mortgage banks to securitize loans given especially to subprime borrowers. In the same crisis, several distressed banks were bailed out by states with even more banks receiving financial aids from governments. Using a unique data sample of 100 announcements of US mortgage banks between 2006 and 2009, this paper provides empirical evidence that isolated failures of US mortgage banks caused significant contagion effects in the US financial system. Conversely, especially the bailouts of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac led to significant positive valuation effects at rival banks. In the cross-sectional analyses, contrary to previous studies in the literature on past financial crises, we find evidence for pure contagion effects following the failures of US mortgage banks. Furthermore, we analyze the reactions of the CDS spreads of several large US banks to the announcements of mortgage banks using a novel mixture copula model. The results show that the contagion effects were limited to the stock market thus underlining the notion of an irrational response of (stock) market participants. The results from our cross-sectional and CDS data analyses in turn indicate that several of the failures of US mortgage banks during the subprime crisis caused irrational contagion in the US financial system thus justifying government intervention. Finally, we rule out the possibility that the contagion effects limited to the US stock market were caused by a herding of investors.  相似文献   

金融子市场间系统风险的联动是决定目前监管政策趋向的一个重要因素,本文以中国银行间债市面向非金融机构开放为例,基于我国金融市场分业监管的现状,对两个股市和银行间债券市场之间的波动联动性进行了实证检验,并在此基础上,试图基于分析结果对金融子市场之间的资金流动现状做出分析和判断。  相似文献   

考虑公平偏好的委托模式融通仓银行对3PL激励   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
王勇  徐鹏 《管理工程学报》2010,24(1):95-100
第三方物流(Third party logistics,3PL)努力工作和积极参与是融通仓有效运作的重要因素,因此促使其努力工作是一个非常重要的问题。本文在传统委托代理模型中加入“公平偏好”因素,并从是否考虑“公平偏好”因素两个方面,研究银行对3PL的激励问题。研究发现,考虑“公平偏好”因素后。银行给3PL的固定报酬高于传统委托代理模型中最优固定支付时,3PL会在最优努力程度上再增加一定数量的额外努力以回报银行的善意,且3PL“公平偏好”行为越强,增加的努力数量就越多,从而使银行收益高于传统委托代理模型中3PL选择最优努力水平时的收益。本文意义在于银行可以根据3PL“公平偏好”的强弱,合理设计报酬机制,以进一步增加自身收益。  相似文献   


This study examines the association between political patronage and bank financing decisions in a sample of 34 commercial banks operating in the Middle East and North Africa for the period 2003–2014. We collected information manually about the profiles and biographies of individuals on the boards of banks to identify which banks had political connections, which is the novel contribution of the study. Linear and nonlinear panel data analysis was used to investigate this relationship. The results reveal that politically backed banks tend to be more leveraged. The indirect effect of political patronage on leverage was not found to be large, but was significant through its interaction with profitability; that is, politically backed banks with higher profitability are positively associated with leverage. Our findings imply that the privileges resulting from political ties make banks more profitable, and that this also leads to higher leverage. In line with the related literature, we found that a strong political presence on the boards of banks can be considered an important intangible asset, and one of the factors driving bank financing decisions.


This paper empirically tests theories of bank runs. We use a structural panel VAR to extract runs from deposit market data. Identification exploits cross‐sectional heterogeneity in deposit insurance: we identify bank runs as adverse deposit market supply shocks hitting uninsured banks harder compared to insured. Conditional on a run, we study the behavior of uninsured banks with bad and good fundamentals. We find that both experience runs, but deposit outflows at the former are more severe. Panic effects, which affect all uninsured deposits alike, irrespective of fundamentals, dominate in the aggregate. Insured banks partially absorb the outflow of uninsured deposits.  相似文献   

开放式基金作为一种收益共享、风险共担的集合投资工具,日益受到投资者的青睐.本文首先对开放式基金传统的风险度量方法,以及Bangia、Diebold、Schuermann&Stroughair模型、Hisata&Yamai的L-VaR模型和Shamroukh的流动性风险调整VaR模型进行了综述,指出其适用性与局限性.在此基础上,提出改进的开放式基金流动性风险度量指标,通过改进的指数化换手率来避免因换手率的差异而导致流动性风险测量的失真,构建我国开放式基金的资产流动性风险价值和条件风险价值度量模型.同时,考虑股票停牌、权重股等因素,在实证中反映我国开放式基金的流动性风险,形成基于流动性风险调整的开放式基金资产变现方法.  相似文献   

将中国金融板块细分为国有大型银行、全国性股份制银行、城商行、证券、保险和信托等6个金融子板块,并以2015年中国股市异动和2019年新冠肺炎疫情为研究背景,分析在两个场景下的不同时期内,6个金融板块间的风险相依关系及其动态演化。通过计算各板块间波动指数的互信息,构建金融板块风险相依关系网络,并使用最大生成树刻画该相依关系的核心结构。研究发现,在市场处于相对平静时期,银行类金融板块与非银行类金融板块二者彼此之间的风险关联较弱,处于相对割裂状态;在市场走势波动较大时,银行类金融板块与非银行类金融板块之间的风险关联程度增强,且保险板块成为重要的中间节点;在两个场景下的异动期和疫情期,国有大型银行板块和城商行板块分别成为最大的风险节点。  相似文献   

This article provides an analysis of the environmental factors which are likely to influence the nature and level of activity in Britain's food industry over the next 10–15 years, and in particular planning for human resources. The article covers the historical perspective: the present market position and the consequences of misplaced optimism; examines the prospects for the medium and longer term in relation to the world food problem and the industry's opportunities: and considers some of the manpower implications.  相似文献   

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