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区域调查法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
朱震葆  朱铁 《统计研究》2002,19(12):48-49
全面调查因抗干扰性弱、不适应市场经济的运作方式 ,其应用范围已收缩到“规模以上” ,以求确保重点。抽样调查现时正被大力推行 ,但受到“五级政府管理经济的体制原因”、“样本框问题”、“样本代表性问题”和“调查经费不足”等四大金刚的阻遏而陷入困境。为了能“准确及时全面”地收集到政府和社会各界迫切需要的统计资料 ,本文提出一种既能保留全面调查优点、又能绕开“样本框陷井”和“代表性泥淖”的方法 ,即“目录———区域———优选”调查法 ,简称区域调查法。  一、什么是区域调查法区域调查法 ,由面积抽样调查法演变而来。我…  相似文献   

国民福利:核算理论和方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
杨缅昆 《统计研究》2006,23(5):18-22
 国民福利 国民福利总值 外部性 外部性核算理论  相似文献   

绿色国民核算方法简评   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
朱启贵 《统计研究》2001,18(10):11-20
 自国民经济核算体系(SAN)产生以来,人们就不断对其修改与完善,力求它能适应宏观经济调控和管理的需要。正因为如此,联合国SNA在不到50年时间就做了两次大的修改。20世纪80年代以来,为了适应可持续发展的需要,国际组织、各国政府和学者极力提倡“绿化”国民核算体系,即建立满足可持续发展战略需要的国民核算新模式——绿色国民核算体系。例如,《21世纪议程》提出“应在所有国家中建立环境与经济一体化的核算系统”;《中国21世纪议程》要求“建立各国自然资源的食物账户和价值账户,以支持建立综合的国民经济核算体系,以补充或改进现有的国民经济核算体系”。本文讨论绿色国民核算方法形成的机理,并对主要方法做简要评论,旨在明确绿色国民核算的发展方向。  相似文献   

为了破解抽样调查和普查面临的费用不断攀升、无回答率持续升高、调查效率和数据质量越来越低、难以满足社会日益增长的需要等难题,本文提出将基于行政记录的名录库调查作为我国官方统计调查的新思路,介绍了目前世界主要先进国家使用行政记录进行统计调查的基本情况,讨论了建立名录库调查的理论和方法,与传统的普查以及抽样调查方法进行比较,总结了名录库调查在统计工作中的重要作用,最后提出深化我国政府统计改革的若干建议.  相似文献   

陈婉清 《统计研究》2008,25(9):85-91
加拿大统计局劳动力调查历史长达60多年,是一项月度住户抽样调查,提供了加拿大劳动力市场详尽的信息。本文主要介绍了加拿大劳动力调查的调查目的、调查方法、调查内容和调查估计等,为完善我国劳动力调查制度和方法提供参考。  相似文献   

江宏 《统计研究》1986,3(5):1-8
正确地认识和评价国民经济综合平衡的状态,对于合理组织社会再生产,及时发现问题,调整各种经济关系,促使国民经济持续、稳定、协调地发展,具有重要意义。本文拟从我国经济管理的现实需要出发,以三十多年来的统计资料和经验事实为基础,提出一种目前较为切实可行的综合评价方法,对我国国民经济综合平衡状态进行具体评价和定量分析,为宏观经济管理与决策提供参考依据。  相似文献   

对我国统计调查方法体系改革的回顾与展望   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
李金昌 《统计研究》2002,19(7):32-35
一、对我国改革开放以来统计调查方法体系改革的回顾  统计调查方法体系改革是我国 2 0年来统计改革的最主要成果之一 ,其根本标志就是打破了全面统计报表制度一统天下的格局 ,建立了以周期性普查为基础、以经常性抽样调查为主体的新统计调查方法体系。其改革的过程大致如下 :1.改革初期恢复全面统计工作。 1978年恢复成立国家统计局 ,建立了各级政府统计系统和各业务部门统计系统 ,运用全面统计报表来开展统计调查 ,各企事业单位都配置相应的统计人员。这种调查方法是与计划经济体制相适应的 ,较好地满足了当时政府计划管理对统计资料的…  相似文献   

“城市居民生活调查”抽样方案研究与探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
"城市居民生活调查"又称住户调查,是一项反映城市居民生活状况的重要统计调查.在全面小康社会的建设过程中,有关城市居民生活水平的变化状况、消费水平、消费结构、城市居民的收入差异、财产差距等现象,都可以通过这一抽样调查取得十分重要的数据.它对于小康社会建设的监测具有不可替代的重要作用.  相似文献   

何班 《统计研究》1988,5(2):58-59
由国务院国民经济统一核算标准领导小组办公室和国家统计局统计科学研究所联合组织的第二次国民经济核算体系理论与方法论科学讨论会,1987年11月24日至29日在广州召开。会议主要讨论了如何进行生产劳动与非生产劳动、物质生产部门与非物质生产部门的划分及同质性计算问题。与会同志普遍认为,对生产劳动理论的研究不能停留在马克思的某些结论上。马克思的理论分析,是在当时的历史条件下作出的,有其特定的目的和针对性的。研究社会主义条件下  相似文献   

A data base that provides a multivariate statistical history for each of a number of individual entities is called a pooled cross-sectional and time series data base in the econometrics literature. In marketing and survey literature the terms panel data or longitudinal data are often used. In management science a convenient term might be management data base. Such a data base provides a particularly rich environment for statistical analysis. This article reviews methods for estimating multivariate relationships particular to each individual entity and for summarizing these relationships for a number of individuals. Inference to a larger population when the data base is viewed as a sample is also considered.  相似文献   

朱天福 《统计研究》2007,24(5):25-28
本文基于现在GDP总量与增长速度的互相攀比,建议更加规范GDP核算工作和核算方法。文章以浙江省为例,提出规范GDP的重要性。  相似文献   

In order to produce estimates of the number of women having abortions during a 12-month period in the conterminous United States, the randomized response technique was used in the 1973 National Survey of Family Growth. The model applied used 2 unrelated questions in separate half-samples, with a coin as the randomizing device. The randomized response technique resulted in a higher estimate for the number of women with abortions that has previously been obtained through direct questions or reporting systems. The overall estimated proportion who had abortions among women who had been married or who had their own children in the household is 3.0% with a standardized error of 0.8 percentage points; however, there is a wide variation in the half-sample estimates of abortion. Differences between the 2 half-samples led to an examination of possible measurement error. 3 types of errors in measurement which may affect the estimate based on the randomized response technique are: 1) error in the answer to the sensitive question on abortion under the randomized response conditions; 2) error in the answer to the innocuous question under randomized response conditions; and 3) error in the answer to the innocuous question when asked directly. Comparisons between data from the different sources for currently married women suggest that all differences are not due to measurement error and that a large number of women had an unreported and/or illegal abortion in 1973. Although the randomized response models have been in use for at least 10 years, there continues to be a need for work on the field administration and subsequent analysis of these models.  相似文献   

针对农村调查中的研究伦理缺失问题,基于农村调查经验,从沟通交流与互动、研究伦理贯彻与否与调查质量关系等方面对农村调查研究伦理展开讨论,并指出农村调查应遵循知情认可原则、平等和尊重原则、非受损原则。在此基础上,分别就研究伦理具体实践和操作层面中的报酬给付、研究者伪装、研究伦理约束与认识局限性、调查者的责任冲突及其协调等问题给出了参考性意见。  相似文献   

为了使中国顺利完成存量改革,在前人的研究基础上,结合政府统计工作实际,创新性地提出了国民资产统计调查制度,并试图建立起包含基础环节、核心环节和数据发布环节三部分的国民资产统计调查体系。基础环节包括开展国民资产统计调查的目标、牵头单位和配套制度。核心环节包括界定调查对象、确定调查内容、选择数据搜集方式和资产估价。在数据发布环节,为满足各主体的数据需求,包括分层级发布和多指标发布。最终实现经济存量数据的及时、连续发布,为国民经济存量核算提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

Summary.  Many health surveys conduct an initial household interview to obtain demographic information and then request permission to obtain detailed information on health outcomes from the respondent's health care providers. A 'complete response' results when both the demographic information and the detailed health outcome data are obtained. A 'partial response' results when the initial interview is complete but, for one reason or another, the detailed health outcome information is not obtained. If 'complete responders' differ from 'partial responders' and the proportion of partial responders in the sample is at least moderately large, statistics that use only data from complete responders may be severely biased. We refer to bias that is attributable to these differences as 'partial non-response' bias. In health surveys it is customary to adjust survey estimates to account for potential differences by employing adjustment cells and weighting to reduce bias from partial response. Before making these adjustments, it is important to ask whether an adjustment is expected to increase or decrease bias from partial non-response. After making these adjustments, an equally important question is 'How well does the method of adjustment work to reduce partial non-response bias?'. The paper describes methods for answering these questions. Data from the US National Immunization Survey are used to illustrate the methods.  相似文献   

The National Medical Care Expenditure Survey, which has a complex survey design, is further complicated by combining two independently drawn national samples of households from the Research Triangle Institute (RTI) and the National Opinion Research Center (NORC). It is assumed that since the structures of these national-area samples are similar, they are thereby compatible and allow for the derivation of statistically equivalent unbiased national estimates of relevant health parameters. In this paper, national parameter estimates of relevant demographic and health measures were separately produced for each of the two survey organizations and a determination was made regarding statistical equivalence across samples. In addition, the data-collection organization effect was estimated and tested within the framework of a multivariate analysis appropriate for complex survey data. The findings consistently revealed a statistically nonsignificant data-collection organization effect when testing for differences in domain estimates of the relevant health parameters under consideration.  相似文献   

马勇 《统计研究》1986,3(6):79-80
印度是目前世界上公认的抽样调查比较发达的一个国家。国家抽样调查组织(以下简称NSSO)是当前印度社会、经济调查方面最权威的机构,在很多方面值得我们借鉴。 一、机构设置。印度国家抽样调查组织进行的调查称为国家抽样调查(简称NSS)。NSS最早是1950年开始的。当时的调查内容有限,调查技术也不发达,主要是照搬欧美国家的方法。随着调查内容扩展和调查水平的提高,经过改组,到七十年代,目前的印度国家抽样调查组织就形成了。  相似文献   

Data on the weights and heights of children 2-18 yeas old in Iran were obtained in a National Health Survey of 10 660 families in 1990-92. Data were 'cleaned' in 1 year age groups. After excluding gross outliers by inspection of bivariate scatter plots, Box-Cox power transformations were used to normalize the distributions of height and weight. If a multivariate Box-Cox power transformation to normality exists, then it is equivalent to normalizing the data variable by variable. After excluding gross outliers, exclusions based on the Mahalanobis distance were almost identical to those identified by Hadi's iterative procedure, because the percentages of outliers were small. In all, 1% of the observations were gross outliers and a further 0.4% were identified by multivariate analysis. Review of records showed that the outliers identified by multivariate analysis resulted from data-processing errors. After transformation and 'cleaning', the data quality was excellent and suitable for the construction of growth charts.  相似文献   

中国国家统计体系简介(一)--概况及统计法律体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
编者按:本刊从2000年第9期至2001年第12期先后介绍了美、英、日、德、法等14个国家的政府统计体制以及对中外统计体制的比较分析和研究,受到广大读者的关注和好评。从本期开始,我刊应读者的要求将简要地介绍我国政府的统计体制,包括建国后国家统计机构的沿革、统计法制建设、专业统计的建立与发展、统计工作改革、统计信息化建设、统计服务、统计国际合作与交流、统计教育和科研……等等,并介绍港、澳、各地区的统计概况,作为向我国政府统计机构成立50周年的献礼。  相似文献   

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