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This article looks at field‐workers employed by nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in Bangladesh. It can be argued that NGO field‐workers, who work directly with clients, are an undervalued and underused resource in Bangladesh. A questionnaire survey, participant observation, and semistructured interviews of field‐workers in four types of NGOs (international, large national, regional, and small local) revealed that they are from rural, middle‐class families and, because the work requires rigorous physical exercise, most of them are young. They do not join NGOs as field‐workers enthusiastically, but rather to have a job and earn money. Most field‐workers in Bangladesh must leave the job when they grow older or (in the case of women) get married.  相似文献   

Specialty workers are a source of critical, locally scarce technical skills. This study aimed to understand the experience of work-family conflict among specialty workers in the US by exploring the process of transitioning from working in their home countries to working in the US. While participants perceived initial difficulties in adapting to the new environment, over time, they experienced lower work-family conflict in the US compared to working in their own home countries. In their home countries, where work and family domains were considered separate and culturally defined boundaries separating these domains are rigidly maintained; these participants relied heavily on family support to manage work-family conflict. Moving to the US, where greater integration of work and family domains is prevalent, these participants managed work-family conflict by revisiting altered demands, accessing alternate organizational resources and learning new skills to create and maintain work-family boundaries. This study contributes to the nascent body of literature on work-family relations in the context of international migration by highlighting a specific case of Indian specialty workers who adopt different boundary-spanning strategies to manage work-family conflict in changed social and working conditions. In essence, participants managed work-family conflict by using enhanced autonomy to increase flexible working and accessing other resources such as supervisory support and organizational flexible working policies.  相似文献   


This paper discusses the significant contribution social workers have to make to the growing field of mediation and alternative dispute resolution. The theories and practice skills of social work have major relevance to mediation. A sound generic social work education, combined with specialist study in mediation and alternative dispute resolution, ensures that social workers are well prepared for practice as mediators.  相似文献   

Despite a growing emphasis on international offerings within social work education, researchers have conducted few outcomes studies regarding the implications of these courses for students’ professional development. This study addressed this gap by analyzing data from a survey of 122 social work students at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, before and after they completed (a) a guided study-abroad course or (b) an on-campus course on international social work. Results indicated that students in both courses demonstrated gains across multiple domains, including self-rated skills, understanding of international service, identification as a global citizen, and empowerment. Students in the study abroad courses demonstrated greater gains in self-rated skills than students in the on-campus course.  相似文献   

Approximately 80% of social care workers have no formal qualifications or training and efforts to encourage the take up of training for qualifications have only had limited success. This paper reports on the training needs and attitudes towards training of residential workers and home care workers who took part in a major study of statutory social services employees by the National Institute for Social Work (NISW). The paper describes a diverse workforce with a high level of interest in training to improve skills and the quality of the service, although not all workers were interested in obtaining qualifications. Factors associated with taking part in training are examined including gender, age, occupation, personal circumstances, information and access to training, and learning needs and preferred ways of learning. Government initiatives to improve levels of training and qualification, including a new regulatory framework for social care workers, make this an opportune time for employers in the statutory and independent sectors to encourage workers to develop their skills by creating a positive learning culture. The paper concludes that to do this training strategies will have to address the diverse training needs of the workers.  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between international competition and the labor mar-ket prospects of a representative sample of British workers. Our analysis, which sets out the first explicit test of both the wage and employment implications of increased international competition, highlights an interesting asymmetry with competition neg-atively affecting the wage, but not the employment, prospects of unionized workers and the employment, but not the wage, prospects of nonunion workers. We have benefited from discussions with Monojit Chatterji, Michael Devereux, Lisa Grobar, Alan Man-ning, Chris Milner, and Ian Walker. Helpful comments were also received from seminar participants at the Universities of Aberdeen, City, Keele, and Loughborough. We are grateful to Daniel Kwok for excellent research assistance. The normal disclaimer applies.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that international volunteer service may have both positive and negative effects on host organizations. Applying a capacity-building perspective, this study uses semistructured interviews to ask staff in hosting organizations to identify the main outcomes of short-term volunteer service. These views were compared with perspectives of staff from matched organizations that do not host international volunteers. Findings suggest that international volunteers may increase organizational capacity by supplying extra hands, providing technical and professional skills, contributing tangible resources, and enhancing intercultural understanding. Volunteers may also challenge organizations as they absorb staff time and resources. Staff members from both types of organizations identify individual and institutional variables that may affect the quality of these outcomes, including volunteers' language capacity and the intensity of the service placement.  相似文献   


This paper addresses a key issue in the development of youth-focused social work: the role of digital skills in the relationship between young people and social workers who work with these native digital users. To this end, we analysed data from the International Digital Economy and Society Index 2019 and Eurostat. Information from the sixth European Working Conditions Survey and a survey conducted by the Social Care Institute for Excellence and the British Association of Social Workers supported the empirical analysis. The main findings reveal a gap between the level of digital skills required in the labour market and the actual level of digital skills in both young people and social workers, despite efforts by both groups to improve their skills. Initiatives to foster digital skills are therefore recommended to bridge this digital divide. Lastly, it was concluded that both groups could act as mutual drivers of digital transformation.  相似文献   

戴月明 《科学发展》2013,(7):107-112
新加坡在医疗保健领域取得令人信服的成就,发展出三级医疗服务体系、3P医疗机构体系、六大区域医疗集团、四级病房体系和3M医疗保险体系,成效显著,赢得本国民众和国际社会的高度评价。上海可借鉴新加坡医疗保健领域取得的成功经验,组建区域性医疗联盟,加速医疗信息化进程,引进国际医学院,适度发展国际医疗和私人医疗,加速推进上海国际医学园区建设。  相似文献   

This study assesses the relevance of US‐based social work curricula for international students. Both the perceived advantages and disadvantages of international educational training are considered, including the consequences of curricular adaptation. The study utilizes multiple qualitative methods including participant observation, 15 semi‐structured interviews, and text analysis. The majority of international respondents reported intending to work with poverty alleviation and social development. Respondents reported learning some inappropriate skills, intervention strategies, and policies that cannot be appropriately applied across cultures, and which are divorced from local context. Benefits of exchange include discussions of marginalized populations, enculturation into Western values and methods that may be beneficial to future job opportunities, and the enhancement of critical thinking skills to address social problems.  相似文献   

Despite the rise in interest in international social work, surprisingly little empirical evidence exists outlining the knowledge, values, and skills required of social workers to succeed in the global arena. This qualitative study conducted from the spring through winter months of 2013 involved 10 semi-structured interviews with experienced international social workers triangulated with a content analysis of 52 international job postings. Findings suggest that social work professional perspectives including eco-systemic thinking, social justice principles, strength-based analyses, and foundational skills, such as developing empowering person-centered relationships, exhibiting cultural humility, implementing participatory approaches to research and practice, and demonstrating reflexivity, are not always valued by international colleagues nor sought in job advertisements. Furthermore, upon graduation, MSW social workers may lack key areas of expertise expected of international workers such as program monitoring and evaluation, grant writing, policy development, and communicating with media and high-level officials. Ultimately, the invisibility of foundational social work skills and lack of other technical expertise may not only challenge social workers' competitiveness on the global market but also threaten their maintenance of a professional social work identity over time. The authors provide guidance for schools of social work and accrediting bodies to improve social workers' readiness for international work and strengthen their presence in the international arena.  相似文献   

With the passage of Public Law 99-457, social workers may be expected to have increased involvement with the special needs of families who have children with handicaps. Specific knowledge, skills, and competency are needed to work with these special needs children and their families. Social work education must be responsive to these needs. The authors suggest competency-based educational responses.  相似文献   

Aging workers, ages 55 to 64, face challenges finding employment and health insurance coverage. In the search for employment, they frequently discover that their skills and needs do not match the opportunities in today's work environment. Roadblocks in the search have the potential to negatively affect overall health and well-being. This article examines employment and health insurance challenges faced by aging workers and suggests nursing interventions that will help reduce stress and promote healthy aging.  相似文献   

The present study aims to explore the case management model by using problem solving skills in assisting workers with injuries in returning to work. A total of five workers with injuries were enrolled and there were four stages during the whole case management process including a medical rehabilitation stage (stage I), a compensation stage (stage II), a return to work stage (stage III) and a follow-up stage (stage IV) respectively. Case managers provided services by using problem solving skills to tackle the problems which workers with injuries may encounter during all four stages. Outcome measurement showed one case return to the same company same job, two returns to different companies and different jobs, the others have self employed work. This study suggested that case management using the problem solving skills of occupational rehabilitation was beneficial to workers with injuries on return to work.  相似文献   

国际货币体系需要改革,改革的方向包括:对主要货币发行国施加国际约束,加强IMF的作用,设立货币锚,建立全球性或地区性的金融支持系统,解决全球流动性失衡,国际货币体系的过渡等。西方6国中央银行签署货币多边互换协议,是否成为未来国际货币体系的演变方向值得关注。中国要积极稳妥地加快资本账户开放,加快国内结构性调整,消除金融市场各种风险隐患,这是人民币国际化的治本之策。  相似文献   

Can the economy in the United States generate enough jobs for mature workers who want to work? This article explores the prospects for jobs first in the high-skill sector and second in the area of contingent work, temporary and part-time jobs as well as contracting. It concludes that the high-skill market as a whole will be a source of opportunity to those who are flexible, but within this market there will be flux in the markets for particular skills. At the other end, the restructuring of jobs in the American economy is likely to lead to continued growth in certain forms of contingent labor but the rate of growth will not be constant and may not always be adequate to employ all those who would like the employment. Finding and obtaining work will remain a challenge for many older workers. Those who are flexible and who are willing to acquire new skills will be the most likely to find opportunities.  相似文献   

盛维 《科学发展》2012,(3):38-45
在国际化进程中,跨国公司及其所在的母国出于商业秘密的考虑一直把研发留在公司和母国国内进行。但近年来,跨国公司研发国际化日益成为跨国公司国际化战略的重要组成部分。研发活动由于其所具有的知识、技术以及智力密集型的特性,历来为各东道国所重视。通过梳理跨国公司研发国际化扩张的动因、进程及区位特征,试图总结出其一般规律,为各国尤其是发展中的东道国承接跨国公司研发的国际化扩张提供理论指导。  相似文献   

近年来,受决策者、国家、地区和国际因素等要素变化的影响,印度和以色列关系呈现出全面性、战略性、伙伴性的发展态势。2017年印度和以色列明确宣布将两国关系提升至“战略伙伴关系”。此后,两国深入拓展在政治、军事、经济、人文四大领域的合作与交流,政治关系日益密切,军事合作不断深化,经贸关系提质加速,人文交流日益活跃。未来一段时期内,印度和以色列可能在军事、反恐以及经贸等领域进一步加强合作。然而,受国内因素、地区和国际因素的影响,未来印度和以色列关系发展仍存在诸多变数,双方在短期内无法结成同盟关系。  相似文献   


With a history of almost 90 years, professional social work in Romania once flourished up until World War II. The Communist Party disbanded the profession in 1968 and it was reinstated after the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989. Within the context of the socio-economic transition from a centralised to a free-market economy, Romanian social policy and social work have evolved from a Marxist/socialist-type ideology, one that advocates for state intervention, to a libertarian/neo-liberal-type ideology, which promotes both state withdrawal from welfare provision and individuals taking responsibility for their own welfare. These two trends continue to co-exist subject to sometimes divergent forces such as international institutions and internal Romanian social pressures. Using a qualitative approach, we explore how Romanian social workers are adapting to the neo-liberal realities and identify three types of perceived challenges: 1. those related to regulation, 2. linked with collaboration in social work activity and 3. those related to the social worker-client relationship. Under neo-liberal pressures, the social worker's role of agent of social change becomes marginalised in daily practice, leaving little power to influence agency policies that negatively impact clients.  相似文献   

Bilateral and multilateral measures implemented to assist migrants who return to their country of origin have been designed to respond to a number of different but specific situations. 2 bilateral agreements are briefly described: 1) an agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Turkey signed in the early 1970s, and 2) an agreement between France and Algeria signed in 1980. 3 different types of multilateral activities are described: 1) the operation of the so-called Return of Talent program by the Intergovernmental Committee for Migration, 2) the Transfer of KNow-how Through Expatriate Nationals program of the UN Development Programme, and 3) the elaboration of a model machinery on return migration by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. While the 1st 2 activities are operational programs, by which annually between 1000-2000 professionals are assisted in their permanent return to or temporary sojourn in their developing countries of origin, with the financial support of both the developed and the developing countries concerned, the 3rd initiative is a conceptual effort aimed at assisting governments to implement policy measures designed to make return migration commensurate with national development goals. 3 recent proposals include 1) the proposal for an international labor compensatory facility, 2) an international fund for vocational training, and 3) an international fund for manpower resources. A common factor shared by all these programs is that they have all involved on 1 side industrial receiving countries which feel themselves obliged to observe a number of principles guaranteed by law and which govern employment conditions and working relations. The reintegration measures implemented or proposed in cooperation with them have been adopted in full consideration of the prevailing standards of these countries, as different as they may be from 1 country to another. A common consideration has been that the returning migrant should reintegrate in his country of origin as far as possible in conditions allowing the returnee to attain self-sufficiency and social security coverage. However, this underlying context does not necessarily prevail in all world regions where different forms of labor migration take place. Therefore the measures experienced in the relationship of specific countries cannot be easily copied for implementation in other countries. Multilateral measures benefited a rather limited number of individuals only, in many instances skilled and highly skilled migrants.  相似文献   

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