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Ageing abjection and embodiment in the fourth age   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper explores the role of abjection in understanding and interpreting the dichotomy between the ‘third’ and the ‘fourth’ age. We use Kristeva's term abjection to refer to a realm of decay, disease and impurity that embodies the capacity to disgust. While there is a longstanding tradition of representing the aged body as an object of disgust, recent cultural, economic and political changes have undermined the solidity and stability of age and its bodily signifiers. A new potential to transgress the abjection of a long life and an aged appearance has been matched however by an intensification of ‘real’ old age with even less capacity to transgress the abjection that is associated with frailty and the loss of agency and symbolized by the fourth age. Appeals to a universal ontology of human vulnerability and/or the redeeming influence of intimate care are considered as possible sources of protection from such abjection.  相似文献   

《The aging male》2013,16(4):265-274
Background.?The present study sought to examine the association between physical exercise as a lifestyle habit with anthropometric parameters and body composition and aging in men.

Methods.?Intensity of exercise was scored as metabolic equivalent-min/week (MET-min/week) from data of the questionnaire, while anthropometric parameters and body composition were carried out by standard measuring instruments and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scanner, respectively.

Results.?Age was associated with decreases in bodyweight, height, total lean mass and bone mass, but an increase in fat mass. The negative association of lean mass with age was predominantly due to the negative association of lean masses in the legs and arm, while the positive association of fat mass with age was primarily due to the positive association of fat masses in the trunk and abdomen. Exercise of intensity greater than 1000 MET-min/week was significantly associated with higher lean and bone masses and lower fat mass. The increase in lean mass was predominantly in the legs, while the decreases in fat mass were in the trunk and abdomen.

Conclusion.?The study showed that the high intensity of physical exercise, equivalent to greater than 1000 MET-min/week, is required to effect beneficial changes in the body composition. Hence, results from the study support the importance of promoting a lifestyle habit of exercise of sufficient intensity in order to mitigate the increase risks of sarcopenia and obesity and their attendant ill effects on health in men as they age.  相似文献   

This article identifies the main categories, notions, and values associated with aging in articles published in urban Brazilian print media 1967–2002, and uses these categories to trace several historical changes regarding what constitutes “successful” aging in Brazil. The historical changes include the transition of aging from a divine to more worldly concern; from a male to predominantly female preoccupation; from ‘old age’ to ‘third age.’ These transitions are intertwined with new moral hierarchies, and are linked to the medicalization of old age in the late twentieth century.  相似文献   

We review four broad lines of research on couplings between sensorimotor and cognitive aging, with an emphasis on methodological concerns. First, correlational cross-sectional and longitudinal data indicate increasing associations between sensorimotor and cognitive aspects of behavior with advancing age. Second, older adults show greater performance decrements than young adults when sensorimotor and cognitive tasks or task components need to be performed concurrently rather than in isolation. Third, aerobic fitness interventions produce positive transfer effects on cognition that are particularly pronounced for tasks with high demands on attention and executive control. Fourth, neuroscience findings from animal models and humans have identified aging-sensitive structural and functional circuitries that support cognitive functions and are enhanced by higher levels of sensorimotor functioning. We conclude that sensorimotor and cognitive aging are causally related and functionally interdependent and that age-associated increments in cognitive resource demands of sensorimotor functioning are malleable by experience.  相似文献   



Previous physical activity (PA) tracking studies have examined the stability of overall PA and/or PA types, but few have investigated how specific types of sport/exercise track over the life course. The aim of this study was to determine how specific sports/exercises in midlife track and predict future sport/exercise and PA in men transitioning to old age.


Seven thousand seven hundred thirty-five men (aged 40–59?years) recruited in 1978–80 were followed up after 12, 16 and 20?years. At each wave men self-reported participation in sport/exercise. Frequent sport/exercise participants (>?1/month) reported the types of sport/exercise they engaged in. Men also reported total PA, health status, lifestyle behaviours and socio-demographic characteristics. Stability of each sport/exercise was assessed using kappa statistics and intraclass correlation coefficients. Logistic regression estimated the odds of participating in sport/exercise and being active at 20-year follow up according to specific types of sport/exercise in midlife.


Three thousand three hundred eighty-four men with complete data at all waves were included in analyses. Tracking of specific sports/exercises ranged from fair to substantial, with golf being the most common and most stable. Bowls was the most frequently adopted. Odds of participating in sport/exercise and being active in old age varied according to sport/exercise types in midlife. Golf and bowls in midlife were the strongest predictors of sport/exercise participation in old age. Golf, cricket and running/jogging in midlife were among the strongest predictors of being active in old age. Compared to participating in just one sport/exercise in midlife, sampling multiple sports/exercises was more strongly associated with sport/exercise participation and being active in old age.


The stability of sport/exercise participation from midlife to old age varies by type. Specific sports/exercises in midlife may be more likely to predict future PA than others. However, participating in a range of sports/exercises may be optimal for preserving PA into old age.

Suffering is a powerful experience that can be difficult to articulate. Suffering differs from pain alone and includes an individual's awareness of a threat to self through death, loss of identity, or uncertainty of the meaningfulness of one's life. In response to this threat, generative acts, especially creative expressions imbued with the self, may act as a means to repair the self in crisis. The case of Mr. A, an 85-year old man in good health, illustrates how various artistic pieces he created – a wooden dog and several poems – helps him to restore a “fading” self. For Mr. A. the idea of “fading away” or becoming weaker and less useful until eventually disappearing is a major source of personal suffering. Through his art, he creates unique, interactive and tangible entities that can outlive his physical body and help him reclaim or repair threats to selfhood.  相似文献   

The American focus on the importance of self-sufficiency and independence stands in contrast to the economic trends of recent decades that have led to an increased number of adults standing outside the productive core of economic activity. This “burden of dependency” has been manufactured by public policies designed to reconstitute the labor force and redistribute the burden of unemployment largely through the growth in retirement. Recently the success of income maintenance programs developed to improve the financial accessibility of retirement for older workers has begun to undercut the legitimacy of their status as dependents. This article examines that role of dependency, and argues that the social processes that produce dependency among our elders are not substantively different from the processes that affect younger age groups. Consequently the questions of distributive justice that are involved in the dependency of the elderly are questions that relate to members of all age groups who occupy positions of disadvantage in the economic structure.  相似文献   

The impacts of the productive social activities of volunteer and paid work on health have rarely been investigated among the oldest Americans despite a recent claim for their beneficial effect (Rowe and Kahn 1998). This paper used data from Waves 3 and 4 of the Asset and Health Dynamics among the Oldest Old (AHEAD) Study to (1) investigate the impact of these activities on health measured as self-reported health and activities of daily living (ADL) functioning limitations and to (2) explore possible causal mechanisms. Using multinomial logistic regression analysis, amounts of volunteer and paid work over a minimum of 100 annual hours self-reported at Wave 3 were related to poor health and death as competing risks measured at Wave 4, controlling for health measured at Wave 2 and for other predictors of poor health and death. Findings suggest that performing more than 100 annual hours of volunteer work and of paid work have independent and significant protective effects against subsequent poor health and death. Additional analyses suggest that the quantity of volunteer and paid work beyond 100 annual hours is not related to health outcomes and that physical exercise and mental health measured as cognitive functioning and depressive symptoms explain not entirely overlapping parts of the relationship between productive activities and health.  相似文献   

《The aging male》2013,16(3):131-135

Background: We evaluated how the intensity of physical exercise as a lifestyle habit is associated with age, body composition and handgrip strength.

Methods: Total body composition was analyzed using DEXA. Exercise scores were derived from an administered questionnaire and the scoring was calculated using the Metabolic Equivalent of Task (MET). Handgrip strength was measured using a dynamometer.

Results: Age, independent of exercise intensity, was associated with declining lean mass, and handgrip strength and with increasing total body fat. A regular physical exercise regime of intensity greater than 1230 MET-min/week was associated with higher total lean mass and lean mass in the limbs, and handgrip strength and lower fat mass in the limbs.

Discussion: We have shown that age was associated with lower lean mass especially in the limbs and handgrip strength and higher total fat mass. Regular physical exercise as a lifestyle habit of any type and of sufficient intensity could help improve muscle strength in the limbs.  相似文献   

This study examines whether financial literacy can help to reduce anxiety about life in old age. We hypothesized that financially literate people are more able to earn income and accumulate assets, leading them to have a less anxious life in old age. On the other hand, less financially literate people rely more on social security to secure themselves in the old age as they are not able to accumulate sufficient assets. By using US survey data, we provide evidence that assets significantly reduce anxiety about life in old age only for people who are more financially literate. For less financially literate people, social security plays an important role in reducing anxiety about life in old age. Besides these, having a child and doing regular exercise also reduced anxiety for all respondents but marital status reduced anxiety in respondents over 40 years of age. The results of our study are robust to measurement of financial literacy and endogeneity problems.  相似文献   

This study examined whether two types of perceived social capital – bonding and bridging – can affect individuals’ belief in community capacity in the context of a corporate community relations program to develop rural areas in South Korea. The results of the study's Web survey showed that perceived community capacity to resolve problems was significantly affected by their perception of both bonding and bridging social capital. The findings suggest that social capital serves as a mechanism that can foster community capacity through norms of interaction, reciprocity, and trust as aspects of civil society.  相似文献   

Cultural Power, Resistance and Pluralism: Colonial Guyana, 1838–1900. Brian L. Moore. Kingston, Jamaica: The Press, University of the West Indies, 1995. xiii, 376pp. £12.50. ISBN 976–640–006–7  相似文献   

While ‘oldness’ is a state of being that people in Western cultures agree exists, and ‘old age’ is a category which is readily used in daily discourse and upon which decisions are made in daily life, what old age is and who is old nevertheless remain problematic categories. Social scientists have acknowledged such complexity and sought ways of framing old age that are flexible enough to take the heterogeneity of ageing into account. What has not been considered as closely however are intragenerational dynamics in the construction of old age. Based on ethnographic research on the experiences of ageing and selfhood in the north of England, and using a processual and interactive approach to self-making, I explore here criteria that older people employ to monitor and adjudicate on the manifestation of oldness in their peers, as well as the distinctions they make between ‘normal’ ageing and ‘real’ old age.  相似文献   

Research on the socio-economic transition in and subsequent pension reforms in Eastern and Central Europe tend to view age as a social status, not a power relation. In addition, studies that explore the policy consequences for old people tend to homogenize them or focus on only one form of inequality. However, State actions, articulated in pension reforms, can distribute the economic costs of reforms unevenly across different groups.This paper considers the present and the future ramifications of the Polish pension reforms on the economic well being of diverse groups of old people. Poland provides an especially interesting case because the new system, which will take full effect in 2006, includes mandatory personal accounts. Throughout our analysis, we attend to inequality and the class- and gender-specific implications of the reforms. We argue that age, gender, and class relations underlie social policies related to pensions. Old people are depicted and manipulated by State officials in ways that allow the latter to attain economic stability and legitimate their authority among other constituencies, especially the young. Finally, analysis of the expected outcomes of the Polish new pension system that includes personal accounts provides a reference point against which proposals in other countries, such as the U.S., debating the introduction of similar systems can be assessed. Thus, we conclude by discussing some trends relevant to future Polish retirees and briefly state the implications of our discussion for these debates.  相似文献   

《The aging male》2013,16(2):87-97
Health-related quality of life is a key element of successful aging. With life expectancy increasing, postmenopausal estrogen/gestagen replacement therapy has been under discussion for some time with the aim of achieving a higher quality of life in old age. For a long time, the relevance of hormonal aging was only discussed with reference to women; however, more recent work deals with concepts that affect both sexes. According to recent studies, numerous symptoms and complaints which may impair quality of life, can be attributed to hormonal changes in old age in both women and men. The majority of age-related complaints, such as a decline in physical performance, decreased sexual activity and a deterioration of general well-being, are strongly reminiscent of the symptoms of classical pituitary disorders in adulthood. Since the early 1990s, scientific studies have also been investigating the influence of hormone 'replacement' in elderly men, using, for example, growth hormones. However, until now there has been no suitable measure for assessing the quality of life specifically in elderly men. In a research project aimed at developing a questionnaire (the VITA? questionnaire), roughly equal numbers of elderly men and women were asked about their subjective health and quality of life. It was found that men assessed their health-related quality of life very positively in a number of different dimensions of the questionnaire. In the present article the individual aspects of the quality of life of men are described and examples of gender-related differences are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

《The aging male》2013,16(4):218-222
Physical activity in old age has been shown to produce considerable physiological, psychological and social benefits. However, many older adults take very little exercise. Lack of facilities or meaningful role models together with social and cultural expectations concerning the appropriateness of physical activity for older adults have been cited as reasons for lack of involvement. The development of intergenerational programs is suggested as a potential means of increasing the proportion of older individuals who participate in regular physical exercise.  相似文献   

This paper links ageism to the anti-ageing culture embedded in biological science. It presents two simple ideal types of the relationship of culture and science and uses these to examine evidence of how antipathy to ageing is manifested within bio-gerontology and other scientific and quasi-scientific endeavours. Drawing on a tradition of linguistic anthropology the history and language of two concepts used within the biology of ageing – senescence and apoptosis – are traced. The paper concludes that anti-ageing concepts are embedded in bio-gerontology and need to be combated but that the progressive nature of biological knowledge also provides an opportunity to change received ageist constructions.  相似文献   

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