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Abstract In contrast to those of other industrialized western European countries, France's agricultural community continued to represent the majority of the national population for a long time and only became one of many minority groups at the end of the twentieth century. It then came under the influence of various trends, sometimes conflicting but nevertheless presenting a certain sociological and political unity. With the weakening of the demographic, territorial, economic, and political foundations of the French agricultural population, rural sociologists are now required to present a new analysis and a revised assessment of its position in French society. The object of this article is to promote better understanding of the reasons behind the blurring of images and representations associated with French agriculture. It invites readers to review and understand the different facets of an imagery that presents a paradox compared with the ideological constructs associated with the historical record of farming and the farming profession. Working in the tradition of the French school of rural sociology, we have set out to offer a sense of the social realities that now represent the main areas of analysis for French and European rural sociology.  相似文献   

Therapists working in Child and Adolescent Services commonly face the dilemma of if, how and when to address marital problems when the presenting problem is with a child. This article examines the different ways that some of the central family therapy models approach this issue. The Structural, Haley-Madanes Strategic and Milan Systemic models share the assumption that the child's symptoms are reflective of underlying family disturbance, with marital problems given a central place in the hypothesising. In contrast, the Solution Focused and Narrative approaches avoid assumptions about the deeper purpose of symptoms, focusing instead on the impact of the problem on family relationships, including the marriage. This emphasis ensures that parents do not receive either a direct or indirect message that their marriage is to blame. Consequently, a safe context is provided for addressing marital disturbance and for understanding its broader social base. Therapy is about noticing and expanding solution behaviours and competencies, rather than drawing out deeper pathologies. Case examples are used to illustrate the clinical applications of a Solution Focused-Narrative approach when children's problems emerge in conjunction with marital problems.  相似文献   

Supervision has evolved from managing anddirecting workers to supporting workers. Supervisors arekey people that workers go to for assistance withpersonal problems. This article reviews thecontributions of various theoretical models to ourunderstanding of supervisor intervention with troubledworkers and identifies factors that have been leftunexplored in the research. From this analysis, Iexplain how social identity theory may provide a frameworkthat overcomes many of the limitations of the existingknowledge in this area. Social identity theory has thepotential to capture the more personal aspects of the helping process between supervisors andworkers that go beyond workers job performance andproductivity, including supervisors beliefs andattitudes, personal experiences, and socialidentification with the organization and the workgroup.  相似文献   

Feminist cross-community initiatives, which emerged in Northern Ireland and Israel/Palestine in the 1980s, are frequently lauded in the gender and conflict literature as evidence of the ways in which women can work across ethnonational boundaries. In particular, the theory of ‘transversal dialogue’, developed by Nira Yuval-Davis and adopted by other feminist scholars and activists, suggests that participants have developed a mode of dialogue that enables them to acknowledge differences while developing common goals. In ethicized conflict, transversal politics is understood as an alternative to the essentializing of ‘identity politics’ as well as their undemocratic character. The empirical research, however, suggests that identity politics remains relevant for participants, particularly when cross-community dialogue is limited by external political realities and internal community divisions. In my view, understanding the ways in which identity politics contributes to the development of feminist goals related to women's inclusion in peace processes and post-conflict peace-building is not at odds with transversal politics; rather, women use both modes of politics to build feminist networks and tackle women's marginalization in hyper-masculinized and militarized zones of ethnicized conflict.  相似文献   

This paper describes and evaluates the Marriage Encounter movement from theoretical and clinical perspectives. While acknowledging that Marriage Encounter responds to a need among many couples for greater marital closeness, the authors raise concerns about potentially destructive and illusory effects of the Marriage Encounter experience. The paper calls for more dialogue between professionals and leaders of the Marriage Encounter movement as well as for empirical evaluations of the program's effects .  相似文献   

Marriage Encounter is a two-day marriage enrichment session sponsored by several religious organizations. The following paper attempts to describe one proceeding of a weekend from a participant-observation perspective, offering objective insight and critical discussion. It is suggested that recruitment to the weekend and various proceedings during the encounter are somewhat questionable, given claims for the session made by its proponents. If the majority of such Marriage Encounter sessions approximate the one described, more serious investigation of theory and practice involved should be a major project supported by the therapeutic professions.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the decision to marry among individuals in cohabiting and steady noncohabiting relationships, with emphasis on the effects of cohabitation in the decision‐making process. A model is proposed wherein cohabitation influences the perceived costs and benefits of marriage, which influence intentions and expectations to marry, which influence actual marriage entry. The model is tested using data from the first and second waves of the National Survey of Families and Households. Cohabitation status is found to predict perceived costs and benefits of marriage, and also to predict marriage intentions and expectations. Cost perceptions further predict intentions and expectations among both cohabitors and daters, and perceived costs, intentions, and expectations to marry the partner predict actual marriage behavior. Cohabitation appears to significantly change the context in which decisions about marriage are made in romantic relationships and merits a greater place in the literature on dating and courtship.  相似文献   


In this commentary, the legal ramifications and implications of the recent ruling by the Massachusetts Supreme Court allowing same-sex marriages to occur in that state are examined. The author then suggests a hypothetical scenario for what the future might look like assuming that the Massachusetts decision is not overturned by adoption of a state constitutional amendment.  相似文献   

Divorce, if properly orchestrated by a specially trained therapist, can be a liberating experience that promotes, rather than undermines, family solidarity. Of course, a happy marriage is preferable to an amicable divorce, but some marriages are beyond repair. Gross incompatibility often leads to "emotional blackmail" and other coercive states within an unhappy marriage. The present paper, through the use of several case histories, addresses the foregoing issues and also delineates effective marital therapy strategies. The rationale and implementation of creative divorce counseling is also described.  相似文献   

The author presents a model bill for the licensing of marriage and family counselors and describes some of the historical context in which it developed within the Conciliation Court movement. The model bill is similar to the one proposed by the American Association of Marriage and Family Counselors. Editor.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the relationship between EAP referral training and supervisors' interactions with troubled workers. Using a field survey, self-report, retrospective methodology, 224 industrial supervisors' beliefs about impaired employees were examined in connection with the former group's participation in constructive confrontation training and their attitudes toward EAPs. In general, based on Bayer and Gerstein's (1988a) Bystander-Equity Model of Supervisory Helping Behavior, it was predicted that supervisors who had attended training and/or held positive attitudes toward their EAP would report more welldeveloped beliefs about troubled workers than persons who had not received training and/or held negative attitudes toward their EAP. Overall, our results provided support for the idea that constructive confrontation training enhances supervisors' recognition of impaired employees. While we anticipated this finding, we did not expect supervisors to report that their attitudes toward their EAP were unrelated to their beliefs about troubled persons. Alternative explanations for why supervisors behaved differently from what we had anticipated are offered, as are suggestions for how to conduct research on other aspects of the supervisor-impaired worker identification process.  相似文献   

This study aims to identify the distribution of marriages among adolescents, aged 10 to 19 years, throughout Nepal. Data were obtained from the 2011 Nepal Demographic and Health Survey. Chi-square tests and logistic regression analyses were used to identify the main determinants of adolescent marriages (AMs). Of a total 11,967 weighted samples, 9.3% of adolescents (95% CI, 8–10%) were found to have been married; a significantly higher percentage of these were female. The variability of AMs varied among the regions of Nepal, with a higher percentage occurring in the Western Mountain, Mid-Western Hill, and Central Terai areas. AMs were also more likely to have occurred among poorer households. The findings show a substantial differences of AMs in different geographic areas and demographic levels in Nepal.  相似文献   

This study examines attitudes toward gay marriage within the context of concern over the weakening of heterosexual marriage. We use data from a three‐state survey conducted in 1998 – 2000 and designed to explore attitudes toward marriage and divorce reform (N = 976). We find that women, Whites, and younger persons are more approving of gay marriage than men, Blacks, and older persons. Nonparents with cohabitation experience are most approving, whereas parents with no cohabitation experience are most opposed. Heterosexual marriage preservation attitudes are key predictors, net of religiosity and political conservativism. We interpret these findings with theories about vested interest in upholding marriage as an institution and ambivalence resulting from conflicting core values of the sanctity of marriage versus the valorization of individualism.  相似文献   


This article examines marriage and the constitution of familial relationships in Saudi Arabia, with a specific focus on one form of marriage that has recently become an issue of public, political, and religious discussion, that of “child marriage.” The situation within Saudi Arabia is compared with gendered relationships in other countries, most notably those in Western Europe, with specific attention given to the United Kingdom. It is argued that policy developments in Saudi Arabia need to be seen in the context of wider Saudi culture, Sharia law, and religious interpretations of the Koran.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

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