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Providers Ready for Parity Battle as Final Rule Effective Date Nears Many Market Factors Contribute to High Interest in Accreditation McLellan on the State of Evidence‐Based Treatment Letter to the Editor State Comptroller Rebukes OASAS for Questionable Payments Coming up  相似文献   

Addiction Medication Marketplace: Opportunities for Drug Developers New SAMHSA Administrator Says Addiction Field not Secondary to MH Prospects Seem Promising for addictiona's Inclusion in Parity Bills Co‐Dependent No More celebrates 20th Anniversary Mental Health vs. Addiction Expenditures Briefly Noted Resources Coming up  相似文献   

CSAT, and Now AATOD, Urge OTPs to Report Patient Deaths More SA Services to be Privately Run Under Louisiana's 2011 Budget Plan Submitting a Mortality Report to CSAT Parity Rule Gives More Flexibility to ‘Nonquantitative’ Limitations Examples of Nonquantitative Treatment Limitations From the Rule NIDA Grantee Charged With Identity Theft, Perjury, Grand Larceny Scientists Find More Brain Clues to the Appeal of Benzodiazepines Briefly Noted State News Resources Coming up  相似文献   

Meet the MBHOs: Three Top Execs Share Hopes for Parity Intensive Parent Treatment in Oregon Leads to Shortened Foster Care Stays Rule Calls for Parity Within Each of Six Treatment Classifications The Six Treatment Classifications FDA to Review All New CNS Drugs for Abuse Potential DSM‐5 Proposal Would Change Substance Abuse, Dependence to Addiction Briefly Noted State News Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Addiction Treatment Provider Continues Expansion into Mental Health Seabrook Positions for Changes with Renewed Outpatient Emphasis NIH Responds to Nature Article on Duplicative Grants CSAT's Reuter Retires, Leaving a Legacy for OTPs Colo. Officials Worried about Child Welfare and Substance Abuse ADAW Editor Awarded CADCA ‘National Newsmaker’ Briefly Noted State News Correction Coming up  相似文献   

Bordering States of N.Y., N.J. Miles Apart in Curbing Smoking in Treatment Centers DSM‐V Diagnostic Criteria to Move Away From ‘Abuse’ and ‘Dependence’ Stimulus Funds can be Used Creatively to Fund Addiction Treatment More Than Parity: Insurance Reform Must Include Addiction NIAAA vs. NIDA Screening Tools Briefly Noted Marijuana Found to Improve Compliance With Naltrexone Treatment State News Call for Comment Coming up  相似文献   

Responding to Negative Press: Methadone, Buprenorphine Targeted Phoenix House Maximizes Chances to Operate Sober Homes The SAMHSA Comment on for‐Profits Hazelden's Seppala Presents on MAT at Rx Drug Abuse Summit Addiction Treatment May Benefit from Parity Lawsuit DOD's Tricare to Pay for Tobacco‐Cessation Medications State News Coming up  相似文献   

Will SUDs Get ‘Lost’ in New Three‐Part Alliance? Even after Final Rule on Parity, Providers May Have to Be Activists Outsider Comments on Alliance California Suspends 16 Programs from Medicaid Payments SAMHSA Warns of Fentanyl‐Laced Heroin and Cocaine ‘Sex Addiction’ May Not Be a Brain Disease: Research Weiss and Carnes Critique Study Briefly Noted State News Coming up  相似文献   

Study: Physicians Misuse Rx Drugs to Self‐Medicate Physical or Emotional Pain Obtaining Work in Exchanges Might Require Multiple Strategies Kennedy Presses for Parity Final Rule, Questions Silence by Field Popovits Urges Changes in 42 CFR Part 2 Regulations NIDA Grantee on How Shutdown Affects Research Briefly Noted State News Coming up  相似文献   

Hyde, SAMHSA Nominee, Led Historic Integration Initiative in New Mexico Promising Findings on Cocaine Vaccine Collide With Drugmakers' Indifference Hyde, Merger Specialist SAPRP Presents Roadmap for Future Research as it Closes its Doors Psychiatric Disorders May Predict Internet Addiction in Teens Sebelius Responds to Congress Requests for Parity Rule CDC: Overdose Deaths from Opioid Analgesics More Than Tripled Briefly Noted State News Business Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

SAMHSA Pushes SBI to Address Baby‐Boomer Drug Use Prosecutor Leadership, Coordination Contribute to S.D. Reentry Strides Drug Could Increase Drinking but Reduce Other Problems NIAAA's Drug Development Goes Beyond Alcohol Problems ADAW Wins Journalism Awards for Parity and State Budget Watch Stories Illinois Treatment Providers Have Backlog of Unpaid Claims Congratulations! Briefly Noted State News Call for Applications Coming up  相似文献   

Treatment for Child Welfare Families Continues Amid Lawsuit Over Jail Terms Governor Restores $3 Million to Florida's Treatment Programs Toll‐Free Lines Help Connect Callers to Local Treatment Programs Stimulus Package: Still no $100 Million for Block Grant Case Management Helps Substance Abusing Women on Welfare Briefly Noted State News Resources Business Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Samaritan Village Program Aimed at Veterans' PTSD and Substance Abuse Oklahoma to Merge Medicaid, State Grant, and Block Grant Fee Systems TCA's Principles of Care for Returning Veterans Oklahoma Treatment Stats Drinking Associated with Earlier Onset of Colorectal Cancer Underage Drinking the Theme of Tuesday's 1,200 Town Hall Meetings Support for Faith‐Programs Continues in Face of Increasing Controversy Briefly Noted Business Resources Coming Up  相似文献   

Reckitt Strikes Out with FDA on Bupe; Now Faces FTC Inquiry More Diversified Revenue Picture Prepares Missouri Provider for ACA Parity Linked to More SUD Treatment in Hospital Study A Confidentiality Manual for the Digital Age Final Rule on Health Insurance Exchanges: Parity is Key Odyssey House Grant Focuses on Teens and Their Families Changes in New York Sequestration to Cut HHS by $15.5 Billion March 1 Briefly Noted Coming up  相似文献   

Baltimore Officials Credit Saved Lives to Peer Administration of Narcan GAO Report Says ONDCP Anti‐Drug Campaign Didn't Overpay Consultants How ONDCP Measures Response to the Anti‐Drug Media Campaign Appropriate Spending for the Anti‐Drug Media Campaign Cost Calculator Helps Employers Manage Problem Drinking A Breakdown of Problem Drinkers, by Industry Profile Alcohol Advertising in Magazines Continues to Overexpose Youth Data Confirm SAMHSA's Efforts Toward Young Adolescents Names in the News Resources Briefly Noted Coming Up…  相似文献   

ATTC: Workforce Needs to Be More Diverse and Better Trained AdCare's Hospital Status Serves it Well in Massachusetts Some Payers Still Defy Parity Law with ‘Fail‐First’ and Reviews Congress, Counselors Still Waiting for SAMHSA Workforce Report Briefly Noted Coming up  相似文献   

AAP Recommends Pediatricians Use SBIRT for All Adolescent Patients Vt. Program Targets Mothers‐to‐Be to Address Opiate Treatment Gap CRAFFT Screen IC&RC Approves New Peer Recovery Credential IC&RC Advisory Council ASAM and NAADAC Affirm Opposition to Medical Marijuana Iowa's Problems Include Rx Abuse, K2, Spice, Bath Salts Briefly Noted In the States Pharma News Coming up  相似文献   

Buprenorphine a Focus of Hearing on Government Support for Medications New Wrinkle in Drug Testing Debate: Hatch Proposes Screening the Unemployed Pennsylvania May Limit Methadone Treatment to One Year Letter to the Editor Parity Wins, Carve‐Outs Lose in Federal Court Ruling Briefly Noted Names in the News Resources Coming up  相似文献   

Adolescent Painkiller Use May Increase Risk of Addiction, Heroin Use Women's Component of NASADAD Offers Guidance Document for State Systems Parity Bill Attached to Tax Extender Bill Treatment Funds in Illinois Caught in Apparent Stalemate Substance Abuse: A 12‐Step Primer for Change No Drug Abuse, Underage Drinking or Smoking Allowed on YouTube Briefly Noted State Watch Names in News Call for Applications Coming up  相似文献   

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