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Organizational innovation is now widely seen tobe a major source of competitive advantage for firms,along with product and process innovation. One of themajor intellectual sources for the upheavals, in which firms strive for some formof international best practice, is thesociotechnical systems tradition, which traces its rootsback to innovations such as semi-autonomous work teamsin manufacturing in the 1960s, associated with the work of theTavistock Institute. An international Colloquium wasstaged in Melbourne, Australia, in May 1995, to explorethe current relevance and contributs to organizational innovation.  相似文献   

This paper reviews aspects of two largelydisparate literatures from the adjacent fields ofindividual and organizational learning and identifiessome implications for theory and practice. The focus of attention is the extent to which the individuallevel construct cognitive style can be meaningfullyapplied to aid the understanding of learning at thelevel of the organization as well as at the level of the individual. Attention is given to theways in which consideration of cognitive style canimprove the effectiveness of interventions designed toimprove individual and organizational performance. Nine categories of intervention areidentified.  相似文献   

There has been much debate in the managementliterature between neo-Darwinists (who believe in thenatural selection of populations of organizations) andadaptationists (who contend that changes in organization structure and behavior occur in response to theenvironment). The general thesis of neo-Darwinism isthat species are blindly selected for survival by theenvironment. The latest empirical support for the dominant neo-Darwinism perspective adopted bymost biologists is based primarily on the experimentsconducted by Salvador Luria who claims to haveconclusively demonstrated that genes mutate randomly.Recently, however, biologists have re-examined Luria sresearch methods and, after replications of hisexperiments, now question some aspects of the validityof his results. Moreover, there is now new researchwhich provides support for the earlier adaptationistposition, namely, the existence of evolutionary driversand directors existing within self-organizing systems.Of particular importance to the present study is the experimental indication thatself-organizing systems play a conscious role in theirown evolution. We propose that similar mechanisms orprocesses operate in organizational adaptation, thuspointing toward a theoretical modification ofneo-Darwinism that embraces both adaptation and naturalselection in a general, unified theory.  相似文献   

This paper develops the construct oforganizational hope as a methodological imperative forstudying and strengthening organizations. It calls onorganizational scholars and practitioners to move beyond the critical impulse by advancing texturedvocabularies of hope that affirm the best and mostpromising dimensions of social and organizational lifeand provide a moral image of the future to guidecollective action. This can be accomplished by defininghopeful research agendas and choosing methods of inquirythat explore and illuminate the hopes and aspirations ofa broad range of organizational members. After clarifying the concept of textured vocabulariesof hope, this paper undertakes a thorough analysis ofhope by tracing the construct throughout the Westernintellectual tradition, highlighting four of hope'senduring qualities, and offering a set of propositionsthat extends the implications of organizational hope toour task as scholars and practitioners.  相似文献   

This special issue is a historical marker for contemporary social work practice with veteran populations. The editors requested papers from private, public, and academic settings that illustrate the special needs of veterans. The articles in this issue address the impact of military culture and the veteran identity, diversity, eras of service, access to care, and different stages psycho-social development on clinical practice. This introduction places the articles submitted in the context of historical and current trends in veterans’ research concluding with a call to recognize resilience inherent in this population. It is hoped that this issue will serve as a tool for clinicians, researchers, and educators to improve upon their work as well as bring a new generation to serve and support those who served.  相似文献   

社会组织的发展及其功能的充分发挥对于我国社会主义和谐社会建设具有重要作用,应大力促进社会组织的发展。但我国社会组织发展还存在很多不足和问题,主要问题一方面是其内部资源能力不足,另一方面是其管理和监督机制不完善。为了促进社会组织的发展,应进一步厘清对社会组织的认识,转变对社会组织态度,并抓住重点大力推动社会组织的建设与发展。为此,从四个方面讨论了当前大力发展社会组织的意义,提出了应该从四个方面进一步转变对发展社会组织的态度和观念,在此基础上提出并论证了当前我国应如何在体制机制建设、能力建设和管理体系建设三个重要方面加强和改善社会组织建设。  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - This article examines the role of nonprofit organizations in government-nonprofit collaboration in the provision of social...  相似文献   

The paper introduces the special issue by first discussing its purpose for the reader and the field of social work. Each article, in the order it appears, is discussed in terms of its contribution to the special issue and the field and linking conceptually each with others in the collection. These articles discuss the special challenges of social workers working with clients who live with the traumatic effects of disasters—both natural and human-caused or human-contributed, war combat, HIV/AIDS, and substance abuse. It is noted that far more research, education, and practice innovation should be devoted to compassion fatigue. The article ends with a final plea not only for such attention but also standards of self-care in addition to standards of professional practice.  相似文献   

童潇 《科学发展》2016,(12):45-55
推动社会组织参与治理是完善城市公共治理、提升治理绩效的重要一环.上海应提升对社会组织作用的认识水平,推动社会组织进一步填补城市公共治理漏洞:促进社会组织优化产品和服务,提升精细化水平,改善城市公共治理绩效;积极构建整合社会组织参与城市公共治理的格局体系,促进社会组织广泛参与;完善体制机制、丰富和拓宽参与渠道,提升参与便捷性和有效性;搭建协作平台,促进多主体协作联动,提升治理效率.  相似文献   

Antonio Strati 《Human Relations》1998,51(11):1379-1402
This article describes organizational symbolismfrom a sociology of knowledge perspective and considersboth the theoretical and extra-theoretical bases of thesymbolic approach. It illustrates the distinctive principles of the symbolic approach withrespect to other methods used in the study oforganizations, the concepts on which it is based, andthe organizational issues on which it has shedsignificant light. Symbolist studies of organizations haverefocused scholarly attention on the multidisciplinaryunderstanding of the logos, ethos, and pathos oforganizational life. They have done so by stressing the production of knowledge tout court, rather thanconcerning themselves with the applicability of theorganizational knowledge acquired by this approach formanagerial purposes. Organizational symbolism is described in the article as a fluctuatingand emerging social construction whose growth and spreadhas been fostered by support within academia.  相似文献   

Using a global justice network (GJN) approach, in this article I examine the localization of a transnational network for homeworker rights. Based on my field research undertaken in Pakistan between January 2015 and December 2017, I compare different organizing approaches to establish how a politics of vulnerability may be transformed into a politics of voice and mobility. I found that, from the vantage point of the homeworker, the process of organizing rather than the results achieved is what really matters. In the case of Pakistan, union‐style organizing by the Home‐worker Federation, which is mindful of gender and class hierarchies, enhances the homeworkers’ voice, agency and mobility, while also building translocal labour solidarities. Conversely, an NGO‐led national network, with its top–down approach, perpetuates the very hierarchies it was mission bound to dismantle, thus forcing the women to stay spatially imprisoned. Without arguing that one institutional form is superior to the other, I demonstrate that for a GJN to articulate diverse local and global struggles it must be mindful of the hierarchies and boundaries that isolate and silence marginalized workers. It must also genuinely include the grassroots in the production and transference of knowledge.  相似文献   

As clinical social work developed in America it was highly influenced by the concepts and techniques of psychoanalysis and many of its practitioners became interested in seeking psychoanalytic training. More and more psychoanalysts are now coming from a background in clinical social work due to the development of a network of interdisciplinary training institutes and the opening of the Institutes of the American Psychoanalytic Association to non-medical candidates. This special issue considers how psychoanalysis may be affected as more of its practitioners and contributors come from a background in clinical social work. This introduction reviews the history of the development of clinical social work and outlines the issues related to “lay analysis” in this country.
David G. PhillipsEmail:

介绍北京市优先发展公共交通的工作情况,公共交通出行占比增加,人次增长,运营效率全面提升。  相似文献   

The process and dynamics of adoption have changed considerably in the last 50 years, assisted by both social change and new knowledge of human development. The current status of 3 important aspects of adoption is reviewed: 1) the general effects of relinquishment and adoption, 2) the effects of secrecy in adoption, and 3) the need to add information on the dynamics of adoption to the training of therapists. The articles contained in this special adoption issue of the Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless are summarized and are placed in context of the 3 aspects reviewed.  相似文献   

自中央提出发展社会建设以来,社会组织的研究就成为我国理论和实践关注的重点;而社区社会组织由于与社会建设和社区建设都有着密切的联系,同样,也将成为今后我国社会发展的重要领域。在对全国六个城市进行实证调查的基础上进行研究,对我国城市社区社会组织的主要类型、组织结构、经费来源、主要活动进行了分析,并且指出了当前我国城市社区社会组织发展的六个主要特点。  相似文献   

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