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现代社会是信用经济社会,信用是社会经济运行的的基础。政府信用是整个社会信用体系的基础,一个国家良好的政府信用是其正常平稳运行的基础。目前我国正处在经济结构的转型期,这是改革开放的有一个关键阶段,在这种渐进式改革的关键阶段最容易滋生腐败及各种社会问题,从而影响政府的形象,削弱政府的执政能力,甚至造成政府的颠覆。良好的政府信用在此阶段有着十分重要的作用。尤其是在金融危机的大背景下,分析我国政府的信用情况,对症下药,加快政府信用体制建设有着十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

人无信不立,业无信不兴,社会无信不稳。党的十六届三中全会提出了建立社会主义市场经济信用体系以及信用监督和失信惩戒制度的要求,“要增强全社会的信用意识,政府、企事业单位和个人都要把诚实守信作为基本行为准则”。市场经济的交易原则是公平,基本守则是诚信。从本质上讲,市场经济就是诚信经济,因此,诚信就是竞争力。要建立,健全社会信用体系,在政府信用、企业信用和个人信用这三大主体信用中,政府信用是关键。  相似文献   

经过近二十几年的发展,我国信用评级行业经历了从无到有、由小到大到今天已具有一定规模.在防范金融风险、发展间接融资和直接融资、发挥资本市场功能等方面发挥了不可或缺的重要作用。与此同时,我们也面临着大量外国信用评级机构的挑战,甚至可以说是面临垄断的局面,那么在加入WTO后在经济和金融业的快速发展和国际新形势下,如何进一步完善我国信用评级制度,创建有中国品牌的信用评级机构,维护我国经济金融安全.成为极其迫切的现实问题。本文就我国信用评级业的发展现状以及面临的风险和问题.提出建立中国品牌的评级制度的建议。  相似文献   

社会公正理论领域一直以来充满着争论,这是由于社会公正这一概念的重要性和复杂性决定的。哈耶克、罗尔斯、诺齐克等人和后来兴起的社群主义都对这一问题进行了激烈的探讨。用社会公正理论视角下的过程公正与结果公正两个角度来审视我国现阶段的经济运行体制发现,我国现有的社会主义市场经济体制无论在过程还是结果方面都存在着诸多不公正现象,对社会公正的追求任重而道远。  相似文献   

奥地利是个社会保障相当完善的国家,在推行《养老法》的基础上,政府还要在养老福利方面起主导作用,目的是要帮助国民,无论鳏寡长幼,都过上“有尊严”的生活.维也纳第五区区政府的彼得·诺伊维特说,奥地利现代意义上的社会保障法于1956年生效,后经多次修改,日趋成熟和完善。《养老法》规定,每一名在奥地利工作的人,必须参加养老保险,必须有自己的养老保险账号。  相似文献   

美国教师资格认证制度具有认证机构层次和认证方法多元化等特征,对于我国教师认证制度的发展有一定的启示。借他山之石,可以在一定程度上优化并完善我国现行的教师资格认证制度,从而更有效地保障我国教师质量。  相似文献   

图书馆职业资格认证制度,也称图书馆 职业资格证书制度或图书馆职业准入资格。 这种制度,就是按照国家或图书馆协会制定 的职业技能标准和任职资格条件,通过政府 主管部门认定的考核机构,对图书馆从业者 的技能水平和任职资格条件进行考核和鉴定, 对考核合格者授予相应的证书。获此证书者, 就获得了从事图书馆职业的资格。  相似文献   

邹宇 《城市》2008,(11):95-98
从20世纪90年代开始.伴随着中国经济的快速发展、城市化进程的加快和城市基础设施需求的不断增加.地方政府亟待建立一个政府信用和有限财力支持.但又不单纯受制于地方财政实力的、市场化机制运营的城市基础设施建设投融资平台.以适应不断加快的城市化进程.解决城市基础设施建设资金的匮乏。  相似文献   

袁方成  耿静 《城市观察》2012,(6):124-134
在基层群众自治中,社区作为城市基层治理的基础单元,社区的治理和发展已成为城市治理的重要组成部分。目前我国城市社区建设的实践经验仍显不足,社区自主性和政府治理功能的发挥,有待进一步健全和完善,社区的自主性还不强。本文基于对新加坡社区的发展和建设过程的考察,从而讨论和归纳新加坡城市社区治理的模式转换及其特点,新加坡政府推动之下社区力量的崛起、社会自主性的转换是城市基层治理的主要特点。新加坡在社区治理方面积累的丰富的经验教训,对于推动我国城市社区治理的完善和发展,具有现实而直接的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

张楠 《现代交际》2010,(12):202-202
由于我国职业教育体系发展迅速,职业资格认证体系的形成滞后,导致职业教育中课程、学历证书与职业资格证书不能相匹配,学生所盲目考取的职业资格证书不能与就业准入相契合,无法形成教学与就业的有机结合,以至于用人单位选用人才没有一定的职业衡量标准。本文从职业资格认证体系的概况、存在的法律依据以及解决的办法三个方面来论述职业资格认证体系这个问题。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the crisis mismanagement of the Hong Kong government during the SARS outbreak. It addresses eight factors that characterize a government crisis and uses them as guidelines to assess how the Hong Kong government performed in SARS.  相似文献   

Certification within organic agriculture exhibits flexibility with respect to practices used to demonstrate that a product meets published quality standards. This case study of Mexican certified-organic agriculture finds two forms. Indigenous smallholders of southern Mexico undertake a low-input, process-oriented organic farming in which certification is based upon extensive document review, group inspections, and assessment of on-farm capacity to produce organic inputs. More recently, northern Mexican large agribusiness producers have implemented certifications based upon laboratory testing and assessment of purchased inputs. To specify these differences, this article examines large and small producers in Mexico's organic agriculture sector based on a diagnostic census of Mexican organic agriculture in 668 production zones and field surveys in 256 production zones in which 28 indicators were analyzed. After comparing the organic cultivation and certification practices of large, agro-industrial, input-oriented private firms versus small, cooperatively organized, indigenous and peasant groups, we analyze the implications of this duality for certification frameworks. We argue (with Raynolds, L., 2004. The globalization of organic agro-food networks. World Development 32(5), 725–743; Gonzalez A.A., and Nigh, R., 2005. Smallholder participation and certification of organic farm products in Mexico. Journal of Rural Studies; DeLind, L., 2000. Transforming organic agriculture into industrial organic products: reconsidering national organic standards. Human Organization 59(2), 198–208) that the increasing bureaucratic requirements of international organic certification privilege large farmers and agribusiness-style organic cultivation and present the possibility of a new entrenchment of socio-spatial inequality in Mexico. While organic and fair trade agriculture has been touted as an income-generating production strategy for small producers of the Global South, our study suggests that Mexican organic agriculture reproduces existing social inequalities between large and small producers in conventional Mexican agriculture.  相似文献   

In response to the need to cater for the requirements of a larger future population, the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Singapore released development guide plans, which have provided for higher development intensity to residential land in various parts of the island. One of the impacts is that many property owners in Singapore have banded together to capitalize on the “marriage value” of the en bloc site to reap big windfalls as compared to individual sales. But there were minority owners who objected to the sale. The Land Titles (Strata) (Amendment) Act 1999 was passed on 11 October 1999 to facilitate such en bloc sales as these will release prime land for higher density redevelopment to provide more quality private housing in land-scarce Singapore. This paper shows how property rights and property ownership could have led to a tragedy of the anticommons and how government intervention through legislation has averted such a tragedy. Whilst the Land Titles (Strata) (Amendment) Act 1999 has been successful in facilitating en bloc sales resulting in optimization of scarce land resources, it has raised controversial issues such as majority rule versus minority protection and the attenuation of property rights. The authors conclude that in land-scarce Singapore, public good, in that more land will be made available for private housing for the majority, should take precedence.  相似文献   

Little theory-grounded research addresses how to use social media strategically in government public relations through machine learning. To fill this gap, we propose a way to optimize social media analytics to manage issues and crises by using the framework of attribution theory to analyze 360,861 tweets. In particular, we examined the attribution of crisis responsibility related to the spread of COVID-19 and its relations to the negative emotions of U.S. citizens on Twitter for six months (from January 20 to June 30, 2020). The results of this study showed that social media analytics is a valid tool to monitor how the spread of COVID-19 evolved from an issue to a crisis for the Trump administration. In addition, the federal government’s lack of response and inability to handle the outbreak led to citizens’ engagement and amplification of negative tweets that blamed the Trump White House. Theoretical and practical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

The author argues that the unique nature of the US government poses significant barriers to democratic governmental public relations practiced in and by the US. By exploring challenges in relationship management that surface while analyzing a particular instance of government public relations, the author posits that relationship management research should take into account publics’ (non)desire for a relationship as well as different types of organization–public relationships (OPRs) including government–public relationships. The author analyzes the US Government's official apology, administered by President Clinton, to Tuskegee study survivors, introduces the communicative conception of distance to PR to broaden relationship management frameworks, and argues for broader understanding of what constitutes democratic public relations.  相似文献   

The issue of legitimation by political elites has been a central concern of political scientists for many years. This article draws upon the work of Murray Edelman who was instrumental in analysing this relationship between rulers and ruled, the relatively powerful and relatively powerless, through an understanding of language, symbolism and the manipulation of information. It concludes with the contention that the Internet offers the prospect for governments to create new 'electronic faces', which act to support a symbolic architecture of power.  相似文献   

Many countries expect e-government to increase the efficiency of public administration and revitalize government–citizen interaction. This paper reviews the existing research on e-government and expands it with a detailed examination of China, where e-government development is considered an important component of the national informatization strategy. To assess the status and driving factors of deployment, a detailed inventory of the e-government capacities of all Chinese provinces was created, allowing a more nuanced assessment than earlier studies. Although the data reveal that information delivery and basic interactional and communicative features dominate, the study also finds a range of advanced transactional and participatory services offered. Furthermore, despite strong guidance by the central government, distinct regional disparities are visible; these can be explained by differences in government spending on science and technology, economic resources, education, and urbanization rate.  相似文献   

"China's urbanization policies include strict control of permanent migration to large cities, but encourage the growth of small cities and towns. Concurrently, temporary migration is widely permitted as a way to stimulate commerce. Data for Zhejiang province indicate that permanent mobility is largely directed toward urban places, that towns gain more than cities and that rural areas experience migration losses. Permanent migrants to urban places are selective of the better educated. Temporary migration is also urban directed but greater in volume than permanent migration, and places considerable strain on urban infrastructure. Government policies are a key to understanding the migration streams and migrant characteristics. The considerable net movement into cities suggests that strict control of city growth is more difficult to achieve than envisaged by policymakers." This is a revised version of a paper originally presented at the 1989 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (see Population Index, Vol. 55, No. 3, Fall 1989, p. 386).  相似文献   

城市职能转变下地方公债制度的引入及风险防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈明  安虎森 《城市》2005,(5):12-15
一、市场经济条件下我国城市职能的转变 随着市场经济体制的确立,城市政府的职能也发生了巨大的变化,由中央政府计划和政策的具体执行者变成了有着自己独立的政治和经济利益的竞争主体,城市政府具有了双重经济职能:一是作为国民经济中心发展区域的政府要承担贯彻中央政府宏观经济管理和调控政策的职能;二是作为经济主体,要承担实现自身经济利益的职能,从而使其作为一个利益主体和竞争主体的地位不断强化.  相似文献   

胡德平 《城市》2007,(2):28-32
一、能力政府:特大城市视阈下的空间定位、目标模式与基本品质 所谓能力政府,就是指"能够有效运用公共权力与制度资源,协调政府、市场与社会,整合社会资源,最大限度创造公共物品的政府".在特大城市的视阈下,由于城市经营和城市管理的复杂性,以及城市政府行政的效率需求,能力政府显然是"能本"取向的政府,它要求的是政府能够以科学、民主、法治的行政方式和手段,有力、有效、有为地为社会公众提供公共产品和公共服务,进而提高人民生活质量和公共福祉,促进城市的快速稳定和可持续发展.  相似文献   

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