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TherewasaFish,whowaslivinginasmallpool,eagertoknowwhatwashappeningontheland.Becausehecouldnotlivewithoutwater,hisdreamofthelandwouldneverbecometrue.Thenhemadefriendswithatadpole.Asthedayspassed,thelittletad-polebecametoafrog,andjumpedontotheland.Afewweekslat-er,thefrogcamebacktothepoolanddescribedeverythinghehadseenonthelandtothefish:birds,cows,andthehumanbeings.However,thepoorfishcouldonlyunderstandwhatthefrogtoldhimbyimagination.Therefore,thereweresomeinterestingpicturesonhismind:thehumanb…  相似文献   

This paper outlines the main context of relevance theory,an inferential approach to pragmatics,which is based on a defi- nition of relevance and two principles of relevance:a Cognitive Principle(that human cognition is geared to the maxi- mization of relevance),and a Communicative Principle(that utterances create expectations of optimal relevance).Defi- nition of relevance and the motivation for these principles will be explained,and criticisms of them will be presented re- spectively in this paper.  相似文献   

Researches on Arithmetic Power Series   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
By studying arithmetic power series this paper gives two recurison formulas and one polynomial theorem.  相似文献   

Introduction: Edward DeBono, a noted educationist and thinker,devised a simple tool for students to help them start thinking about a topic. DeBono called this tool a: P.M.I.  相似文献   

I Psychological Research on Motivation1.1Psychological perspectives on motivationIt is an urgent task for applied linguists to employthe essential and useful parts frompsychological theoriesof motivation andtheir findings.Concerning psychological approach…  相似文献   

上帝与死亡是犹太民族的核心话语。作为不入帮会的犹太人,卡夫卡却拥有非同寻常的宗教意识和宗教情怀。卡夫卡的死亡观融合了犹太教与基督教的精髓:作为犹太人,卡夫卡的死亡观念主要来自犹太思维;作为说德语的犹太人,由于德语本身浸润着基督教的文化色彩,卡夫卡的观念中又闪现出基督之光,渴望通过上帝的审判,重返伊甸园。  相似文献   

介词多义性不仅是一个语言现象,也是一种认知现象.从认知语义学的理论来看,介词on在其空间概念的基础上通过隐喻性映射实现句式的引申,向不同的概念域辐射,形成了其意义的多元性.  相似文献   

Just like other languages,there aremany dialects and varieties inEnglish.Among them British English andAmerican English are the majorand more effective styles.British native countries are lessbut the dialects are more,and the  相似文献   

Through qualitative and quantitative analysis of the specimens hydroextruded, we explore the effecis of the technology parameters on the rules of the metal-flow deformation. Visioplasticity method is applied to numerical analysis of tubes(or rods). Based on the results of numerical analysis, it is noticed that there is considerable tensile strain in the inner wall of the billet near the inner side of the outlet of the die. The place and the form of fractures are discussed. In analysing some groups of specimens with variable parameters, different materials and different heat-treatment techniques are used. It should be pointed out here that rules of axisymmetric laminal flow of metallic billets hydroextruded are dependent upon the material and mechanical boundary conditions. Such flow rules have influenced not only the stress fields of the deformation zone of billet, but also the distribution of residual stresses of the tube. The optimization of the parameters is also discussed.  相似文献   

空间介词"on"的多义性是从"on"的空间意义着手,将"on"的空间意义分解为三个义素,即作为介词的"在……上(表接触)"和"在……上(表示被支撑)"义项,以及作为副词的"在……过程中"义项。在此基础上,从人类认知的角度,应用术语动体、界标、路径可解析介词"on"的语义拓展过程,并给出"on"的语义网络结构。  相似文献   

本文从空间关系的角度出发,通过分析学习型词典中介词on的释义和例句,发现其多义性词义分别呈现出承载关系、牵制关系、覆盖关系、内置关系和比邻关系这五种空间关系。经研究发现,介词on的多义性源于其展示的空间关系,词义与词义间是以这些空间关系为基础紧密联系在一起,并呈现出一定的规律。  相似文献   

Rhetoricistheartofeffectivecommunicationbymeansoflanguage;or,moresimply,itistheartofexpressingourideasinaskillfulandeffectivemanner.Nowonderthereisasaying.Figurativespeechesareflowersoflanguage.AmongtherhetoricdevicesinEnglish,repetitionisonethatisfrequ…  相似文献   

《IsThereLifeonEarth?》(collegeEnglish,UnitOne,BookTwo)是闻名遐迩的美国《华盛顿晚邮报》幽默专栏作家ArtBuchwald的手笔.语言幽默而脱俗,讽刺辛辣而精深,无论是在构思谋篇和文体风格方面,还是在炼词殷句和修辞方法方面,邪不乏精到之处.本文拟就这篇幽默小品的修辞手法进行简折.作者运用了多种修辞手法,从不同的侧面增强了文章的说服力和感染力.设问(Rh。tonealQuestion):一位地球上的作家竟以“IsThereLifeonEarth?”为题著文立说,供诺亚方舟的读者们阅读.乍看起来,颇有荒诞无稽、危言耸听之嫌,但细细琢…  相似文献   

文章旨在运用认知语言学中的意象图式对三个近义介词“on-over-above”进行分析,在以图式表征为依据的基础上,探究介词“on-over-above”的原型图式及其图式变体而引起的词义延伸,并概括它们的区别。  相似文献   

虽然我国的外语教学改革一直在提倡交际教学,强调以交际为目的,但很多英语课堂任然很难摆脱语法教学的统治地位。兴起于20世纪90年代的重形式教学(focus on form)理论对我国外语教学有特殊的意义。着重归纳了现有的focus on form的具体教学方法并讨论了各种方法的优势和缺陷,期望能对外语课堂教学能够有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

In the English class,the teacher used to play only one role:crammer.He over loaded(did all the work in class)and exhausted himself in thetraining process from which the students did not profit much exceptfor some explicit linguistic knowledge(some conscious knowledge ofphonetics、grammar and vocabulary)with a lot of cognitive energy.Oncethe students were in communication,they were just‘deaf-mutes’  相似文献   

According to the actual situation of economic development, the economic system is divided into the energy utilization subsystem and the environmental governance subsystem. This paper builds up a model based on the double frontiers network DEA-Malmquist index of undesired indicators and evaluates the changes of total factor productivity of energy and environment of 29 provinces, cities and autonomous regions in China during the period of 2011-2016. The evaluation results show that, except for the environmental governance subsystem, the total factor productivities of the energy utilization subsystem and the whole economic system are in a state of negative growth, and have larger space to promote. From the perspective of the division of the three major regions, there are only the growth in the eastern regions for total factor productivity of the energy utilization subsystem, the environmental governance subsystem and the whole system.  相似文献   

本文尝试在认知语言学框架下运用“图形-背景”理论分析了英语介词on,over和above表达“在…上” 的空间意义及隐喻拓展时的区别,并提出了介词空间意义和隐喻意义教学的方法。  相似文献   

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