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The second half of the twentieth century saw tremendous changes in the economics of the household, as women entered the labor force in growing numbers and the share of dual-earners couples increased. These changes challenge the available theories which explain divorce by economic factors, as they are mostly molded in the homemaker-breadwinner model. In this study, we investigate the validity of two main groups of theories: one which asserts that women??s work has a destabilizing effect on marriage, and assumes asymmetry between the spouses; and another which states that women??s employment has a stabilizing effect, and assumes that relations between spouses are symmetric. By employing a large-scale longitudinal register-based data for the Jewish population in Israel, we find asymmetry in the effect of the spouses?? economic characteristics on marital instability, which suggest that theories that assert asymmetry and power relations between the spouses better explain transition to divorce among this group. In line with theories of income pooling, higher shared salaries are found to increase marital stability. Nonetheless, our results demonstrate that the basic assumption of symmetry between the spouses in these theories does not hold. Although employment stability for both spouses appears to reduce divorce risk, only the husband??s salary is shown to negatively affect the odds of divorce and only the wife??s working hours and sector of employment affect marriage instability. Moreover, couples in which the wife earns as much as or more than the husband are found to have the highest divorce risk.  相似文献   

传统的文学本体论往往把文学当作一个固定不变的对象来看待 ,试图寻找文学某种稳定的本质特征 ,回答“文学是什么” ,把文学的某一属性当作文学的本体 ,模仿说、表现说、形式说所走的都是这一路子。本文认为 ,传统文学本体论提问的方式是错误的 ,不应该追问“文学是什么” ,而应该追问“文学如何存在”。从这一角度看 ,文学就是人类的一种对话方式 ,是作者和读者以文本为核心进行的心灵交流。这一对话是双向逆反的过程 ,并且包含了各种复杂的对话机制  相似文献   

The press in Alabama covered major events taking place in Germany from the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis in 1933 through the Nuremberg Trials in 1946. Journalists in the state provided extensive coverage, and editors did not hesitate to opine on the persecution of the Jews in Europe. Yet, Alabama’s white-run press failed in the end to explain the events as a singularly Jewish tragedy. The state’s black-run press, for its part, used the news of the mass killings of the Jews to warn against the dangers of conceptions of racial superiority—a primary concern for black southerners living in the Jim Crow South.  相似文献   

当前我国部分地区实行当地党政机关公务员“同职同酬” ,并提出了实行这一做法的诸多好处。该文认为这一做法值得商榷 ,从国家公务员工资分配原则和人力资本理论 ,以及我国公务员工资构成来看 ,不同单位国家公务员存在收入差距是合理的。同时 ,该文也指出 ,现行的国家公务员工资分配制度并非完全合理。  相似文献   

《艾凡赫》是19初英国著名小说家沃尔特.司各特的代表作之一。作者通过对犹太商人艾萨克及其女儿蕊贝卡一系列遭遇的描述,无情地揭露了盛行于欧洲社会近千年的反犹主义(anti-Semitism)的罪恶,同时也表达出他对不同民族和信仰的社会成员之间和平共处的美好愿望。  相似文献   

通过盆栽试验,研究了30个大白菜品种在受不同程度镉(Cd)污染的土壤中吸收和积累镉能力的差异.结果表明:a.在土壤镉浓度为0.6mg.kg-1时,白菜Cd含量超标率为23.33%,而在土壤镉浓度为1.2mg.kg-1时超标率达46.67%,表明大白菜容易受到Cd污染.b.以大白菜地上部分的镉含量、不同土壤中白菜镉含量的递增率及生物量变化率为指标,研究得出四季王春白菜、丰研夏帅、改良夏帅、玉丰55白菜、多抗四号和丰抗70为镉低积累品种,可在镉轻度污染土壤中推广种植.  相似文献   

One of the central questions about LAT (living apart together) is whether these partnerships are short-term arrangements due to temporary constraints, and should be viewed as part of courtship towards cohabitation and marriage, or whether they replace cohabitation and marriage as a long-term arrangement. The current study addresses this question and examines intentions to live together among people living apart by age and gender. This study uses Generations and Gender Study (GGS) data for eleven European countries. The findings reveal an interesting interaction of age and gender. More specifically, younger women have higher intentions to live together than younger men, but older women have lower intentions than older men. These gender differences remain significant also in the multivariate analyses. These findings suggest that older women in LAT may be undoing gender to a greater extent than younger women, who still intend to live in a more traditional (and probably gendered) arrangement of cohabitation and possibly marriage. Having resident children reduces intentions to live together among people younger than age 50, but the effect does not differ by gender. The effect of non-resident children on intentions to live together is statistically non-significant.  相似文献   

通过盆栽试验,研究了30个大白菜品种在受不同程度镉(Cd)污染的土壤中吸收和积累镉能力的差异.结果表明:a.在土壤镉浓度为0.6 mg·kg-1时,白菜Cd含量超标率为23.33%,而在土壤镉浓度为1.2 mg·kg-1时超标率达46.67%,表明大白菜容易受到Cd污染.b.以大白菜地上部分的镉含量、不同土壤中白菜镉含量的递增率及生物量变化率为指标,研究得出四季王春白菜、丰研夏帅、改良夏帅、玉丰55白菜、多抗四号和丰抗70为镉低积累品种,可在镉轻度污染土壤中推广种植.  相似文献   

<圣经>称犹太人为神的选民,但他们在历史上却长期受到排挤和迫害,似乎为神所抛弃.选民的观念与其现实境况迥然不符.那么犹太人因何称为神的选民?这个观念与他们的历史遭遇是否有着某种联系?"选民"是古代犹太人为确立民族认同、加强民族团结、纯净民族信仰而提出的观念,但是选民观念使得犹太教徒以及后来的基督徒具有一种自我优越感和排他性,这是基督徒与犹太人发生冲突、造成犹太人遭受迫害的一个重要原因.另一方面,对选民观念的坚守同时又成为犹太人渡过深重灾难的一种精神力量.  相似文献   

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