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品牌名、原产国、价格对感知质量与购买意向的暗示作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选取恰当的品牌名是最重要的营销决策之一.发展中市场的企业都面临选取西化品牌名还是本土品牌名的问题,因为他们不清楚哪一个更能赢得消费者的偏好.本研究通过两个实验设计,检验了品牌名、原产国、价格对感知质量和购买意向的暗示作用.研究发现,原产国和价格对消费者的感知质量和购买意向均有显著影响,品牌名只对感知质量有影响,对购买意向影响不显著.品牌名和原产国、原产国和价格、品牌名和价格对感知质量和购买意向无交互作用,但三者对感知质量产生显著交互作用.西化品牌名对感知质量有正面影响,但对购买意向的影响不显著.文章讨论了研究结论的管理内涵.泛滥地取西化品牌名已让消费者感到困惑,他们怀疑西化的品牌名是否真的来自西方.在华外国品牌需要注意三点.第一,定期扫描市场以便弄清它们的品牌是否因当地品牌的模仿而被稀释,相似的品牌名、标识、广告均能稀释品牌形象.第二,取一个听似中国化的品牌名但借助营销传播强调其来源国是一个有效的战略.第三,当延伸到低端品牌时务必谨慎,因为价格水平对感知质量有正面影响.对于本土品牌而言,通过取个西化品牌名来模仿外国品牌的作法已不足以引起消费者正面反应.价格档次比取个西化品牌名更有助于改善本土品牌的形象,因为消费者将高价与高质量联系在一起.论文最后提出了本研究的局限性和进一步的研究方向.  相似文献   

公司品牌与产品品牌对购买意向影响的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴水龙  卢泰宏 《管理学报》2009,6(1):112-117
以在校学生为研究对象,通过实验研究方法,实证了公司品牌及产品品牌对购买意向均具有显著的正向影响关系,并且,公司品牌比产品品牌对购买意向的正向影响更为显著.进一步实验表明,在产品品牌强度相同的条件下,被试对具有较强公司品牌的购买意向更为显著.研究结果说明,在中国市场,顾客的购买决策主要依赖"从公司到产品"的思维模式.研究结论弥补了现有品牌理论对购买意向实证研究的缺乏,为企业选择公司品牌与产品品牌的创建顺序提供了理论支持.  相似文献   

采购商的重复购买对于供应商获取持续的利润来源至关重要.在影响采购商重复购买意向的众多因素中,对于供应商品牌的关注度明显不足.本文从采购商角度,基于关系营销理念,提出了理论模型及研究假设,通过搜集国内企业的相关数据,对供应商品牌的溢出价值影响品牌关系质量进而影响采购商重复购买意向的相关假设进行了实证研究.结果表明,供应商品牌带给采购商的财务价值、顾客价值和管理价值都能正向影响企业间的品牌信任和品牌承诺,从而有助于提升采购商的重购意向.但管理价值不仅正向影响采购商的品牌信任和品牌承诺,而且可以增强其对于品牌的满意程度,而财务价值和顾客价值对于品牌满意却无显著影响.  相似文献   

各种新型传播媒体(如互联网)的介入使得消费者在购买之前就可以搜寻到各种选择。消费者可以对不同选择进行比较,权衡各自的优劣势来得到最后的评价。但是,由于市场竞争日益激烈,不同品牌在不同方面有所侧重,所以消费者很难对它们进行取舍。基于此,深入探讨消费者品牌偏好的形成机制无论是对于营销实践还是营销学术研究都具有重要意义。本文以认知心理学领域的结构匹配模型为理论基础,重点研究评价模式(单独评价和共同评价)对消费者决策过程的影响。根据结构匹配模型,不同品牌的属性可以分成共同属性、可比属性(不同的品牌都具有这个维度,但是不同的选择在这个维度上存在差异)和不可比属性(每个品牌所具有的独特属性或是只在一个品牌中提到的属性)。两个实验的数据分析结果均证实不同的评价模式(共同评价或是单独评价)会影响消费者在决策过程中对可比和不可比属性的使用:相对于单独评价模式,共同评价模式下的消费者更倾向于使用可比属性做出评价。反之,单独评价模式下的消费者在决策过程中更倾向于依赖不可比属性。最后指出了本文的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

本研究基于矛盾态度理论,从消费者内在个体特征和外在营销情境两方面,分析了在生态产品消费领域中消费者矛盾态度的形成原因及作用机制。通过以生态产品为对象的情境模拟实验发现:(1)在消费者个体特征方面,生态知识、感知效用分别正向影响矛盾态度和购买意向,而价格敏感性则起到负向影响作用;(2)在情境因素方面,群体认同正向影响矛盾态度和购买意向,而对他人合作的期望则仅仅对购买意向具有正向影响作用。研究还证实了矛盾态度在前述自变量对购买意向影响中的中介作用。研究有助于深化对矛盾态度的认识以及帮助企业有效鉴别生态消费者。  相似文献   

促销类型对消费者感知及行为意向影响的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
韩睿  田志龙 《管理科学》2005,18(2):85-91
了解不同促销类型对消费者价值感知与购买行为的影响能更有效地开展促销活动,以我国市场上最常用的三种促销类型(买赠、返券、打折)为对象,通过实证研究发现它们对我国消费者的交易价值感知和消费行为意向影响的差异,在此基础上探讨对营销者的启示.  相似文献   

中国顾客重复购买意向的多水平研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
提高顾客忠诚度是企业的核心原则和首要目标之一. 文章将顾客重复购买意向这一顾 客忠诚度的主要测量指标作为研究对象. 对顾客重复购买意向影响因素的研究进行了综述,提 出了要研究的问题;以中国耐用消费品为实例,利用多水平线性模型分析了顾客重复购买意向 在品牌层面和顾客个体层面的差异. 研究结果显示,在中国耐用消费品行业中,顾客个体差异 在重复购买意向中所占的比例要远大于品牌差异. 进一步的分析表明,企业应当加强细分市场 的研究,并针对目标市场提供更加个性化的产品和服务;应当努力提高顾客满意度;避免形成 低质低价的形象;通过提升服务质量或性能价格比等低成本、高效率的策略来提升顾客重复购 买意向.  相似文献   

中国情景下消费者的伦理购买意向研究——基于TPB视角   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文运用大样本问卷调研法,基于TPB视角重点分析消费者的伦理购买决策机制,旨在考察中国情景下影响消费者伦理购买意向的深层次因素。研究结果发现,行为态度、主观规范与感知行为控制会显著影响消费者的伦理购买行为意向,其中主观规范是购买意向最有影响的预测变量,表明中国情景下消费者在进行伦理购买决策时更倾向于遵从社会规范的影响;进一步感知行为控制不仅直接显著作用于伦理购买意向,还通过行为态度对伦理购买意向产生间接的重要影响,表明在中国情景下如何真正提高消费者伦理购物时的感知行为控制程度是企业实施伦理营销时面临的关键性问题。总体而言,本文结果表明,修正后的计划行为理论对中国情景下消费者的伦理购买意向能够进行有效地解释与预测,说明计划行为理论具有良好的跨文化适应性。最后,本文为中国企业伦理营销战略的实施提供重要建议。  相似文献   

品牌来源国刻板印象是中国社会情境下的一种典型社会认知偏差,如何反转品牌来源国刻板印象是当前亟需研究的重要命题.以社会信息环境中的民族中心主义信息和外国品牌负面信息为刺激线索的实验研究发现:民族中心主义刺激仅对手提电脑质量组外国品牌负面信息抑制抽象外国品牌态度偏好和购买意愿具有显著的调节作用,这表明民族中心主义刺激对外国品牌负面信息抑制抽象外国品牌偏好具有调节作用,而且存在产品属性差异;同时,民族中心主义刺激还对商业贿赂组的具体本土品牌态度偏好、食品质量组和商业贿赂组的具体本土品牌购买意愿有显著的促进作用.这表明,民族中心主义刺激对外国品牌负面信息反转具体本土品牌偏好具有调节作用,而且存在产品属性差异.  相似文献   

法国汽车品牌最近一段时期市场连续反弹。法国汽车制造商协会近期公布的数据显示,在本土品牌汽车旺销的推动下,法国2010年份家用轿车销量同比增长3.1%,法国汽车制造商标致雪铁龙集团近日宣布,受中国和拉美市场销售拉动,2010年,集团在全球销售的汽车和零配件数量创历史新高,超过360万辆(件),同比增长13%。数据显示,2010年标志雪铁龙汽车全球销量同比增长9.8%,接近313万辆;零部件全球销量同比增长39.4%,达47万7千件。标志雪铁龙集团预计,2011年中国汽车市场需求依然强劲,将维持两位数增长。  相似文献   

Xinxin Li 《决策科学》2012,43(5):761-783
Group buying enables collective bargaining opportunity that individual buyers lack to negotiate prices with sellers. This potential negotiation capability has two opposing effects. On the one hand, the prospect of the group being able to negotiate price with its rival forces each seller to lower its price offer, as too high a price will induce the group to give its rival an opportunity to undercut its price via negotiation, likely taking away all the buyers. On the other hand, the potential negotiation opportunity may also discourage sellers from competing aggressively in their price offers, as the benefit of charging a low price could be offset by competitors in negotiation, thus yielding overall higher prices for the buyers. In this study, we find that compared to individual purchase, buyers benefit from collective bargaining opportunity by group buying only if sellers’ bargaining power relative to the buyer group is low and/or buyers’ preferences toward the sellers are sufficiently differentiated. Given buyers’ strategic choice of group purchase, sellers may be worse off with a further increase in bargaining power, and so may social welfare.  相似文献   

培育买主乃新品推介的重要途径和拓展市场的关键所在。日产电视机有这方面的成功经验,但国内企业对此重视和运用仍很不够。实施培育买主这一新品营销策略,必须首选一个广阔的目标市场,运用一套行之有效的方式方法,并不断提高新老买主对新品的忠诚度。这样,企业才有生命力,才会拥有越来越多的财富,才能经久不衰。  相似文献   

Igal Ayal 《决策科学》1975,6(2):221-236
Several studies have shown that consumers trying a new brand of frequently purchased consumer goods behave differently from repeat buyers. The “customer mix” for a new brand changes over time. Early in a new brand's life, most of the buyers are triers, while later in its life, a significant portion of the buyers are repeaters. The study presented here tests the hypothesis that an aggregate sales forecast, “averaging” the behaviors of triers and repeaters, would be outperformed by a model that treats them separately. A new product model, giving separate consideration to triers and repeaters, is developed. This model is tested on predictive ability against a widely used single-equation aggregate model. Consumer panel purchase diaries and data on advertising in measured media, covering a period of 42 months following introduction of a major brand of cold tablets, serve as the proving grounds. Data for the early part of this period serve as the data base for both models, while data for the rest of the period serve to test the predictive ability of both models. The disaggregate model is shown to perform significantly better than the aggregate model in terms of predictive accuracy. It also offers several other advantages in use as a decision aid, both for GO-NO decisions and for marketing mix decisions. Finally, several problems in the implementation of the proposed model and implications for research strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

武器装备采购质量管理是武器装备采购方对装备需求论证、生产竞标、装备制造、监督、激励和评价等过程加以控制来提高装备质量的行为,这一行为的基本特征是复杂性。针对目前我国武器装备采购质量管理中的问题,根据和谐管理理论应对复杂性的机理,提出了武器装备采购质量管理的和谐耦合体系,并探讨了这一体系在军用飞机采购中的应用。其核心思想是同时建立设计优化机理指导下的控制机制和能动致变机理下的诱导机制,对于那些可通过优化设计的质量问题运用规定性的控制机制来解决,由人的不确定性引起的、不可用规定的硬性措施解决的质量问题用能动致变的演化机制来应对,最后还要注意两种机制之间的互动、转化和调节。  相似文献   

Consider a decentralized, dynamic market with an infinite horizon and participation costs in which both buyers and sellers have private information concerning their values for the indivisible traded good. Time is discrete, each period has length δ, and, each unit of time, continuums of new buyers and sellers consider entry. Traders whose expected utility is negative choose not to enter. Within a period each buyer is matched anonymously with a seller and each seller is matched with zero, one, or more buyers. Every seller runs a first price auction with a reservation price and, if trade occurs, both the seller and the winning buyer exit the market with their realized utility. Traders who fail to trade continue in the market to be rematched. We characterize the steady‐state equilibria that are perfect Bayesian. We show that, as δ converges to zero, equilibrium prices at which trades occur converge to the Walrasian price and the realized allocations converge to the competitive allocation. We also show the existence of equilibria for δ sufficiently small, provided the discount rate is small relative to the participation costs.  相似文献   

A cluster analysis procedure was used to develop a market segmentation of U.S. crop and livestock farms with annual sales in excess of $100,000. The segments were developed based on the importance of six factors that producers evaluate when selecting input suppliers. The results indicate that four distinct segments exist: Convenience buyers, Balance buyers, Price buyers, and Performance buyers. Differences in preferences across these segments have important implications for the marketing strategies of agricultural input suppliers.  相似文献   

随着技术的发展,许多创新型IT产品的功能,消费者很难一看便知。对于这些产品而言,产品试用被看作一种十分有效的市场推广手段。但是,以往的研究主要关注消费者初次试用产品的情境,并没有分析当消费者重复进行产品试用时,影响他们产品态度的内在因素有何不同。因此,针对这一研究缺口,论文采用现场研究方法,分析消费者初次试用和重复试用时的行为特征以及消费者态度变化的不同内在机制。本文的研究结果弥补了以往研究主要关注消费者初次试用产品,对重复试用研究不足的缺陷,并对厂商产品试用的营销设计提供了建议。  相似文献   

We consider a market in which domestic buyers negotiate contracts with foreign sellers, and explore how trade quotas can help to increase the buyers' countervailing power. We use the Shapley value to describe bargaining power and the distribution of the trade surplus in such a bilateral oligopoly. By exploiting strategic externalities among the buyers, bilateral trade quotas can improve the buyers' bargaining positions. In contrast, aggregate trade restrictions on all buyers' trade never improve buyer surplus. Minimum quotas on imports from fringe suppliers can benefit nonaffected buyers, as these enjoy positive externalities. We apply these insights to the E.U. market for natural gas and show that the effects of trade quotas on E.U. gas importers' power can be significant.  相似文献   

In the current global business environment, it is very important to know how to allocate products from the producer to buyers (or distributors). If products are not appropriately distributed due to absence of an effective allocation policy, the producer and buyers cannot expect to increase customer satisfaction and financial profit. Sometimes some buyers can order more than the actual demand due to inappropriately forecasting customer orders. This is the big obstacle to the effective allocation of products. If the producer can become aware of buyers’ actual demands, it is possible to realise high-level order fulfilment through the effective allocation of products. In this study, new allocation policies are proposed considering buyers’ demands. The back propagation algorithm, one of the learning algorithms in neural network theory, is used to recognise actual demands from the previous buyers’ orders. After excluding surplus demands included in buyers’ demands, products are allocated to buyers according to one of the existing allocation policies depending on the company's decision. In the numerical examples, new allocation policies reducing buyers’ surplus demands outperform previous allocation policies with respect to average amount of backorder.  相似文献   

Many software and video game firms offer free trials with limited content to help buyers assess the likely value of the goods that they may purchase. This article examines fundamental issues related to the incentives and risks for a monopoly by providing a trial. Assuming that a seller can control the mix of components in a trial, we introduce a new mechanism for buyers’ inference of using a trial. We find that a trial may enable the seller to segment the market and charge a higher price to high‐valuation buyers, but can also cause a decline in demand. Moreover, the seller forfeits partial value of a full product through providing a free trial, so the benefit is offset by this cannibalization loss. In addition to the size and content of a trial, the distribution of buyers’ prior belief also affects a trial's ability to convey information. We show that a trial can provide more information if the prior belief is more concentrated in the tails of the distribution.  相似文献   

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