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对新闻播音样式及其特点的研究,根本目的在于,了解掌握新闻播音技能和规律,增强科学性,减少盲目性,有效而灵活地运用相关播音样式和方法,进行播音创作,以达到完美、和谐的新闻传播效果.  相似文献   

随着时代的发展和社会的变迁,新闻媒体也在进行着深入的变革,又出现了"说新闻"这种新颖、独特的播报形式,其特点是:主持人形象追求平民感;播报新闻多用富有个性化的口语;主持人运用各种手段把抽象的东西形象化.但"说新闻"这种播报形式在还需要我们进行理性的思考,并在实践中不断摸索和完善.  相似文献   

山西广播电视台《人说山西好风光》节目第二季成功落下帷幕,这个以全省旅游发展大会申办活动为载体的综艺节目,在海内外有效扩大了山西文化旅游资源的影响力.笔者作为临汾市广播电视台副总编辑,参与了《人说山西好风光》临汾市电视竞演节目的创作与展演,临汾市在2016年和2017年两次竞演活动中都夺得第二名,并获得2018年山西旅游发展大会的主办权.在策划两次电视竞演活动的总体方案时,笔者从"新闻传播"角度上考虑,认为临汾旅游文化资源最具传播价值的是蕴含其中的"人文",就此提出了"以新闻传播规律发掘人文资源底蕴"的建议,这里结合临汾市参加山西旅游发展大会申办《人说山西好风光》电视竞演效果,对当初"以新闻传播规律发掘人文资源底蕴"的思路进行梳理归纳,浅探刍议,抛砖引玉.  相似文献   

铜鼓是布依族的神器礼器.布依族送、迎铜鼓的"送宁"仪式,在具体实践展演过程中,产生重大的社会一文化作用:一方面使民族文化在实践记忆中得以唤醒重现和传播继承,另一方面增强了族群的社会记忆和自我认同.实践记忆的情境性和在场性特点,在民族文化的保存再现和传承播布等方面都具有重要的文化意义.  相似文献   

我国许多少数民族地处边疆,教育文化发展比较落后,成为制约民族地区经济和社会发展的主要原因.师范院校的学生在毕业后多数从事基础的九年制义务教育,是具有鲜明职业倾向性的专业人才,因此民族地区的基础师范教育和教师起着尤为重要的作用;而道德直接关乎一个人的成长."两课"在高校德育课程体系中正以其计划性、正规性、显现性和隐含性等特点,对学生进行着思想和政治教育,体现出政治教育和道德教育的主动性和实效性.  相似文献   

民族研究部门的资料信息工作,既具有一般研究部门资料信息工作的规律,又有其不同的特点,这个特点主要表现在它的"五性"上.所谓"五性"是指它的工作范围的总括性、稳定性、地域性和工作性质的跟踪性和民族性.本文就此及其相互的关系进行初步的探讨,并提出个人的一些见解.  相似文献   

清代以承德为中心开展的民族团结工作,具有跨区域性和以蒙、藏、维、回等民族为主要工作对象等特点,与我国目前民族团结工作具有高度相似性."承德模式"是以木兰围场、避暑山庄为平台,以木兰秋狝、避暑理政为形式,全国各族共同参与的常态化民族团结工作模式,相关经验具有一定的现实意义.  相似文献   

新闻报道的叙事模式直接影响到新闻的可读性、吸引力,目前国外新闻报道主要有两种叙事模式:传统式的"5W"采写方法和多样化、运用多种文学手法进行报道的模式.两种模式各有利弊,也各适用于不同题材的新闻写作,需要记者具有更专业化的采编水平和对新闻理论更深入的研究.  相似文献   

通过对广西宣武镇国画石艺术特点进行分析,可以总结出其具有画面氛围感强、色彩丰富以及材质雅致的三大特性.笔者将国画石独特风光的特点与现代自然风光的实质问题结合创作出以"国画石上的风光"为主题的两个系列首饰."修复·风光"系列描述现代风光被人为破坏,警示人们应该爱护环境的情感体现."欣赏·风光"系列主要以山水的情景变化来体...  相似文献   

伴随着信息化的快速发展,新闻报道已成为人们获取信息的主要来源.而新闻翻译中某些惯用词句简练而有力地传递了新闻内容,汉维两种语言属于不同的语系.因此,在翻译时,需要不断转换汉维两种思维模式,克服两种语言结构以及表达方式方面的差异.这就要求译者掌握基本新闻翻译原则及技巧,灵活巧妙地运用新闻翻译技巧及策略,以适当增加新闻的生动性和耐读性.  相似文献   

随着全球化进程的加快,世界各民族跨文化交流与合作日显密切。为此,需要突破狭隘的传统新闻视角,重新审视"民族新闻"。民族新闻是具备新闻共性与民族特性的事实或信息报道。它的边际效应延续着国内新闻和国际新闻的生命线。目前,我国的民族新闻内容不够丰富,形式也不够活泼,地方媒体特别是民族地区媒体参与不够,需要充分挖掘其国际新闻价值,扩大民族新闻影响力,尤其是要建立健全国家和地方政府的民族新闻网,及时更新原创新闻,彰显民族特色。同时,还要建立健全民族新闻工作者队伍,开展不同类型的民族新闻或专题专栏评选活动,并向民族地区媒体倾斜。  相似文献   

This article discusses meanings of people–place relationships, relating to ethnicity–class–gender intersections. The case examined concerns the ‘contested place-making’ of Irish Travellers at Dale Farm (UK), where the Travellers were eventually evicted from a place they owned. The material consists mainly of online slideshows in the Guardian. Visuals and place share the role of concretizing news, situating them and underlining their truth claims. Hence, news visuals are well suited for discussions of relationships between places and peoples. The study comprises theories of media, place and identity, relating to mobility, minorities and globalization. Methodologically, compositional analysis, discourse-theoretical method and an intersectional approach are combined. The place conflict is rarely understood in terms of justice. Instead, ethnicity–class–gender intersections appear as significant in the imagery, countering certain old stereotypes, but also connecting to discourses of ‘threatening minorities’, and ‘bad mobility’. Manifested through excessive imagery of barricades/fences/walls/gates, ‘identity management’ meets ‘place management’, detaching some identities from some places. The Travellers thus appear as anomalies, separated from others. This is partly connected to the slideshow format, where linguistic elaboration on motifs is very limited, partly to the selection of certain themes and motifs in the slideshows, and partly to the societal politics surrounding the issue.  相似文献   

Between January 2010 and September 2012, Canadians anticipated the possible return of a citizen incarcerated in Guantánamo for approximately a decade. This temporal moment incited narratives about Canadian citizenship and belonging. Narratives, I argue, that are discursively mediated through (and anchored in) the figure of the White Canadian. Khadr’s potential return to Canada is expressed as a perilous racial encounter between white nationals and a foreign racial body. To bring to life this encounter, I draw on three expressions of fear in Canadian national news media. I first trace how narratives of descent, evident in discussions of Khadr’s family and its history, reinforce distinctions between authentic and inauthentic Canadians. Second, I consider how Khadr’s failure to incarnate Canadian values re-produces whiteness and rationality as qualifiers of national membership and belonging. Lastly, I demonstrate how the putatively contagious nature of the Muslim terrorist psyche valorizes racial distinctions between Canadians and Muslims. My work aims to make visible the ideological labor of national news discourse. I think through these representations within the racial politics which structure citizenship and negotiations about what it means to be Canadian.  相似文献   

Using content analysis, this study investigated the coverage of the Trojan Horse news story aiming to ascertain whether its representation by the British press emphasized ‘Islamist extremism’ over ‘poor school governance’. The sample coverage was extracted from five national newspapers and ranged from 9 June (the date of release of the Ofsted Advice Note) to 26 June 2014. Our analysis shows that the coverage reported evidence of Islamist ideology much more frequently (61.5%) than evidence of poor governance (38.5%). This suggests that the Trojan Horse news story was predominantly represented as a case of Islamist extremism and therefore covered in an unbalanced manner. Such a partial coverage relied on ideological dualisms and negative stereotypes to represent Islam and Muslims, and on the textual strategy of selecting some features (extremism) whilst omitting others (governors’ professional misconduct). This bias has arguably diverted attention away from systemic problems within the national school system whilst reinforcing Islamophobic discourses.  相似文献   

本文从当代中国传统体育文化发展面临的困境入手,将中国传统体育文化发展置于电视传播的理论语境中考察,分析了其在现代社会中电视传播价值。按照其与电视媒介特性契合程度,从功能上将中国传统体育文化分四种类别,并从优化传播效果角度就四种类别提出了各自适宜的电视节目形态。  相似文献   

电视新闻采访中出镜记者应注意的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电视新闻采访中常常需要记者出镜,出镜记者的提问和现场表现在一定程度上会决定一个新闻节目的成败。作为一个电视新闻的采访记者应该具备如下的职业素养:1.要有对新闻现场的判断能力;2.要有对自身情感的把握能力;3.摆正记者和被采访对象之间的关系;4.做好前期准备,提问有地放矢;5.倾听和引导,让采访双方达到互动。  相似文献   

Despite a strong cognitive association in the minds of native citizens between ethnic minority presence and crime, compelling evidence demonstrating a real-world relationship between crime and ethnic diversity is limited. This study adopts a media-based approach to contribute to the debate on the origin of the perception of criminal threats. By means of a content analysis of 11 years of crime news (2003–2013) in Flanders (the northern, Dutch-speaking part of Belgium), portrayals of ethnic minority and majority perpetrators are systematically compared to assess whether ethnic minorities are portrayed in a significantly more threatening way. Moreover, building on ethnic hierarchy theories, comparisons are made between various outgroups. Findings demonstrate that ethnic minority perpetrators are depicted in a more threatening manner: they are more likely to be associated with violent, property, and gang-related crime. Additionally, they are more likely to be anonymised and to be associated with explicit manifestations of threat. Group differences exist, however, as the most distant outgroup (i.e. North Africans) is covered in a more threatening way than the other outgroups. Implications for intergroup relations are discussed.  相似文献   

"中国信心":当代中华民族凝聚力的现实解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"中国信心"不仅仅是一个新闻词汇或政治口号,而是引领当代中国社会发展的民族精神和时代精神的精华.在内涵上,"中国信心"是民族性与时代性的辩证统一,是中国特色社会主义理论体系的重要内容;在本质上,"中国信心"是成就感与使命感的高度结合,是社会主义精神文明建设的时代展示;在功能定位上,"中国信心"是当代中华民族凝聚力增强的鲜明亮点,对提升国家文化软实力具有重要意义.  相似文献   

This paper contextualizes the US mainstream media coverage of the skin-lightening industry in India within a moment of imperial crisis in the United States in the early part of the twenty-first century. Discourse analysis of news media accounts indicates that orientalist colonial tropes of Indian primitiveness, traditionalism, and gendered difference intersect with American post-racial ideology to disassociate American consumers from an Indian consuming public. Thus, representations of skin lightening attempt to ease imperial anxieties around the United States' faltering economic dominance due to the rise of emerging economies like India by reviving nationalist narratives of American exceptionalism. Not only does this obscure racism and colorism in the United States, it also impedes recognition of the overlapping conditions of transnational commercialized beauty culture and industry within which white/light beauty standards and skin-whitening products flourish.  相似文献   

Existing research has explored the ways the mainstream news media covers Muslims and Islam, but few studies have examined Muslims’ reactions to this reporting. Studies that have investigated this issue have identified that the responses of Muslims to news media coverage tend to be largely negative because of the lack of Muslim news sources, the stereotypical representation of Muslims in news coverage, the portrayal of Muslims as the enemy within, and the conflation of Muslims with terrorism. This paper further explores the attitudes of Muslims to news media coverage of Islam and Muslims by drawing on data from 14 focus groups (N?=?104 participants) conducted with Australian Muslims. Similar to previous research, findings reveal that Australian Muslims are highly critical of news media coverage of Islam and Muslims and express concern about the divisiveness that such portrayal can have for Australian society. However, the study participants also had positive comments to make about the news media. Possible solutions to negative news media portrayals of Muslims are considered.  相似文献   

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