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消费行为中的民族中心与民族淡漠倾向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
消费者民族中心主义反映了消费者的国货中心意识。通过测量京、穗、渝三地的消费者民族中心主义倾向,调查三地消费者对三个产品类别中外品牌的态度,运用因子分析和多变量方差分析(MANOVA)研究发现,中国消费者同时存在民族中心和民族淡漠两种复杂或矛盾的心理倾向。文章分析讨论了中国消费者行为中这种矛盾心理的社会经济原因。  相似文献   

中国消费者世代及其民族中心主义轮廓研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
王海忠 《管理科学》2005,8(6):88-96
在探索性研究基础上,运用聚类分析及独立样本单因子变异分析将中国消费者划分为“文革”世代、婴儿潮世代和X世代等三个主流世代,三个世代在消费者民族中心主义倾向上差异显著.论文证实可运用民族中心主义倾向、集体主义、家庭观念等价值观因素,教育、收入等人口统计变量,中欧手机形象等行为变量来描绘各个世代的轮廓.论文最后讨论了研究发现对企业营销战略及政府公共政策的借鉴,提出未来研究方向.数据来自京、沪、穗、渝1 005个成人消费者样本.  相似文献   

计划行为理论即Theory of Planned Behavior(TPB),是近年来市场营销学中新出现的、对消费者理性消费行为进行分析的重要理论。TPB理论共包含3个层次:第一个层次是消费者的消费意向,这直接决定了消费者如何采取消费行为。第二个层次是影响消费者意向的因素,包括消费者对产品的态度;他人对消费行为的认同,这相当于他人对消费者提出的消费"规则"(norm);消费者对自身控制消费行为程度的判断。第三个层次是对以上态度、"规则"、判断等诸方面发生影响的因素分析。  相似文献   

消费者行为研究一直关注消费者购前的行为(产品评价和决策制定)或者消费后的行为(质量感知、产品表现、满意和品牌忠诚),很少有学者关注消费行为本身(消费者如何进行消费).本文从消费行为的积极方面入手,以积极消费行为为因变量,探讨哪些因素对积极消费行为有影响.通过实证调研,本文发现,沉没成本、节俭消费观、控制动机均对积极消费行为影响显著,沉没成本与节俭消费观对积极消费行为的交互效应不显著,沉没成本与控制动机对积极消费行为的交互效应显著.最后,本文给出了研究意义及未来研究方向.  相似文献   

影响消费者行为的因素是多样的,特别是在新的历史时期,消费者的消费行为更加理性和自由,因此本文从分析新时期消费市场特点入手,进而从消费者行为的特点以及影响因素两个方面进行了详细论述。  相似文献   

潘煜  朱凌  刘丹 《管理学报》2012,(1):97-107
以瓶装水、洗发水、服装为研究对象测量中国消费者对低介入度产品的品牌原产地识别准确度(BORA低),发现消费者的BORA低比较低;教育、经济收入、性别直接影响BORA低,并且教育、年龄通过民族中心主义观念这个中介变量间接影响BORA低。研究揭示中国消费者不清楚低介入度产品的原产地信息,说明原产地研究的隐含假设值得商榷,对国内原产地研究提出建议,并且建立消费者对于BORA低的认知模型。  相似文献   

中国文化背景下的消费者价值观研究——量表开发与比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
营销3.0时代是价值观驱动的时代,对中国消费者价值观的研读成为营销研究和实践的重中之重。本文采用定性和定量研究相结合的方法,开发了基于中国文化背景的中国消费者价值观度量量表(CCVAL),并将之与西方量表进行比较。结果显示,中国消费者价值观的二阶因素结构,包含实用理性、中庸之道、面子形象、独立自主、奋斗进取、差序关系、人情往来、权威从众等一阶因子,以及处世哲学、自我意识、人际关系等二阶因子。本文从多角度验证了CCVAL量表的信度和效度,并进一步阐明其具有良好的效标关联效度,各价值观维度与感知产品功效意义、感知产品象征意义均有显著相关关系。研究验证,相比西方学者提出的适合于中国消费者的价值观量表,CCVAL对中国消费者价值观的特征和结构有更全面的描述能力,对消费者感知产品意义有更强的诠释能力。这强化了主位价值观研究的重要性,也揭示了价值观对消费行为研究的重要意义。  相似文献   

于帅 《管理科学文摘》2010,(24):318-318
网络购物已经成为时下消费者购物的一种重要模式。通过网络购物,消费者收获了便捷、高效的购物体验,因此也激发了消费者的消费行为。本文通过对激发消费者的网络购物消费行为因素的分析,从而有效地提炼出商家的网络营销策略。  相似文献   

爱国主义和民族主义对中国消费者国货意识影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以消费者行为理论中的消费者民族中心主义研究为理论基础,对其本土化变量"国货意识"的前因变量进行了实证研究。通过问卷法共回收有效问卷886份,并利用SPSS软件进行统计分析。分析结果显示:在中国环境下,消费者的爱国主义和民族主义均与基于自豪感的国货意识正向相关,民族主义与基于危机感的国货意识正向相关。最后,对研究结果进行了讨论,并指出了其理论贡献、实际应用、存在的局限性和今后继续研究的方向。  相似文献   

消费者品牌敏感影响因素的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过实证研究,运用因子分析、聚类分析以及累积logistic回归分析等统计方法得出影响消费者品牌敏感行为的6个主要因素,它们分别是参照群体的品牌消费行为、消费者的价格敏感度、质量感知、群体规范压力感知、名牌包装行为和对品牌消费文化所持态度.  相似文献   

针对消费者对国内生鲜农产品质量安全的"信任危机",本文构建了植入消费体验的生鲜电商C2B2B2C模型,让碎片化的消费者通过互联网就近聚合为社群化的食物社区,生产者通过合作社聚合为规模化生产基地,食物社区与生产基地借助电商平台进行产销对接、以销定产和消费体验。研究表明,在传统B2C模式下消费者只能依据供应商提供的信息进行Stackelberg博弈和有限消费体验,购买需求较少。当植入充分的消费体验后,生产者与消费者融合为prosumer,购买需求随消费者对生产者的信任度增加而增加。实证揭示,农耕生产、质量追溯、物流配送、网购操作、产品呈现和售后服务都会显著影响消费体验,电商平台要实现商业可持续性发展必须为消费者设置这些全面而丰富的体验场景。  相似文献   

In recent years, consumer concerns on environmental and health issues related to food products have increased and, as a result, the demand for organically grown production has grown. Higher costs of production and retailer margins generate a gap between real prices and those that consumers are willing to pay for organic food. In this article, consumer willingness to pay for organic food in two Spanish regions is analyzed. Markets in both regions are segmented considering consumers lifestyles. Results indicate that consumers concerned about healthy diet and environmental degradation are the most likely to buy organic food, and are willing to pay a high premium. Organic attributes are easily identified in perishable products as the premium consumers would pay for organic meat, fruits, and vegetables is higher.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a new product positioning method based on the neural network methodology of a self‐organizing map. The method incorporates the concept of rings of influence, where a firm evaluates individual consumers and decides on the intensity to pursue a consumer, based on the probability that this consumer will purchase a competing product. The method has several advantages over earlier work. First, no limitations are imposed on the number of competing products and second, the method can position multiple products in multiple market segments. Using simulations, we compare the new product positioning method with a quasi‐Newton method and find that the new method always approaches the best solution obtained by the quasi‐Newton method. The quasi‐Newton method, however, is dependent on the initial positions of the new products, with the majority of cases ending in a local optimum. Furthermore, the computational time required by the quasi‐Newton method increases exponentially, while the time required by the new method is small and remains almost unchanged, when the number of new products positioned increases. We also compute the expected utility that a firm will provide consumers by offering its products. We show that as the intensity with which a firm pursues consumers increases, the new method results in near‐optimal solutions in terms of market share, but with higher expected utility provided to consumers when compared to that obtained by a quasi‐Newton method. Thus, the new method can serve as a managerial decision‐making tool to compare the short‐term market share objective with the long‐term expected utility that a firm will provide to consumers, when it positions its products and intensifies its effort to attract consumers away from competition.  相似文献   

To reduce consumer health risks from foodborne diseases that result from improper domestic food handling, consumers need to know how to safely handle food. To realize improvements in public health, it is necessary to develop interventions that match the needs of individual consumers. Successful intervention strategies are therefore contingent on identifying not only the practices that are important for consumer protection, but also barriers that prevent consumers from responding to these interventions. A measure of food safety behavior is needed to assess the effectiveness of different intervention strategies across different groups of consumers. A nationally representative survey was conducted in the Netherlands to determine which practices are likely conducted by which consumers. Participants reported their behaviors with respect to 55 different food-handling practices. The Rasch modeling technique was used to determine a general measure for the likelihood of an average consumer performing each food-handling behavior. Simultaneously, an average performance measure was estimated for each consumer. These two measures can be combined to predict the likelihood that an individual consumer engages in a specific food-handling behavior. A single "food safety" dimension was shown to underlie all items. Some potentially safe practices (e.g., use of meat thermometers) were reported as very difficult, while other safe practices were conducted by respondents more frequently (e.g., washing of fresh fruit and vegetables). A cluster analysis was applied to the resulting data set, and five segments of consumers were identified. Different behaviors may have different effects on microbial growth in food, and thus have different consequences for human health. Once the microbial relevance of the different consumer behaviors has been confirmed by experiments and modeling, the scale developed in the research reported here can be used to develop risk communication targeted to the needs of different consumer groups, as well as to measure the efficacy of different interventions.  相似文献   

Phthalic acid esters (phthalates) are used as plasticizers in numerous consumer products, commodities, and building materials. Consequently, phthalates are found in human residential and occupational environments in high concentrations, both in air and in dust. Phthalates are also ubiquitous food and environmental contaminants. An increasing number of studies sampling human urine reveal the ubiquitous phthalate exposure of consumers in industrialized countries. At the same time, recent toxicological studies have demonstrated the potential of the most important phthalates to disturb the human hormonal system and human sexual development and reproduction. Additionally, phthalates are suspected to trigger asthma and dermal diseases in children. To find the important sources of phthalates in Europeans, a scenario-based approach is applied here. Scenarios representing realistic exposure situations are generated to calculate the age-specific range in daily consumer exposure to eight phthalates. The scenarios demonstrate that exposure of infant and adult consumers is caused by different sources in many cases. Infant consumers experience significantly higher daily exposure to phthalates in relation to their body weight than older consumers. The use of consumer products and different indoor sources dominate the exposure to dimethyl, diethyl, benzylbutyl, diisononyl, and diisodecyl phthalates, whereas food has a major influence on the exposure to diisobutyl, dibutyl, and di-2-ethylhexyl phthalates. The scenario-based approach chosen in the present study provides a link between the knowledge on emission sources of phthalates and the concentrations of phthalate metabolites found in human urine.  相似文献   

Conjoint analysis was used to explore consumer preferences for food products that are the product of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The results of a cluster analysis indicated that consumers fell into three homogeneous groups based on their preference for a branded, low-priced, or GMO-free product. There were some differences between the segments based on the sociodemographic characteristics of age, education, and income. However, consumers in the segment that wished to avoid GMOs were most easily distinguished from consumers in the other two segments based on their high level of risk averseness and belief that GMOs do not positively affect the quality or safety of food products. Implications for food marketers and policymakers are discussed.  相似文献   

The current dominant conceptualization of consumer reactions to services is the SERVQUAL model. This article proposes the FAIRSERV model as an alternative or additional conceptualization of consumer reactions to services. FAIRSERV involves seeing service evaluation through the lens of organizational fairness (justice) theory applied to the relationship between the service consumer and the service provider. FAIRSERV is premised on the claim that, especially in relational service contexts, consumers are interested in service fairness as well as service quality (service favorableness) as represented by SERVQUAL. Service fairness or justice is a multidimensional construct based on equity theory. In this article, the FAIRSERV model is tested with the SERVQUAL model in the context of information system services. The two models are used to predict service satisfaction and repatronage intention. The FAIRSERV model appears to add a significant new set of predictors of service satisfaction and repatronage intention that should be considered in the future by service providers.  相似文献   

基于消费者民族中心主义倾向的市场细分研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文通过系统文献回顾,实施对京、沪、穗、渝四地消费者调查,运用混合市场细分途径,以消费者民族中心主义倾向为细分标准,结合价值观与生活方式变量、行为变量和人口统计变量,把中国消费者划分为“国货崇尚簇”、“国货接受簇”和“崇洋簇”3个细分市场,并对其进行轮廓描绘。本文演绎了分析结论对中外企业在目标市场、定位、市场营销传播策略上的借鉴,最后提出未来研究方向。  相似文献   

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