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宋伟,笔名宋一苇,男,出生于1957年,文学硕士,哲学博士,辽宁大学文学院教授、博士生导师,中国中外文艺理论学会理事、中国图书评论学会理事、《中国图书评论》常务编委、辽宁省美学学会副会长。  相似文献   

董晋骞,男,1979年考入辽宁大学中文系,1989年辽宁大学文艺学硕士毕业,2006年吉林大学马克思主义哲学博士毕业;1991年获得中级职称。1996年晋升副高级职称,2004年晋升正高级职称,现任辽宁大学出版社有限责任公司总编辑、辽宁省出版工作者协会副主席、辽宁省新闻出版专业高级职称评审组专家、沈阳市政协委员、辽宁大学党外知识分子联谊会会长。  相似文献   

王春荣,笔名春容,女.大连人。辽宁大学文学院教授,博士生导师,享受国务院特殊津贴的专家。中国当代文学研究会理事,全国女性文学研究会委员,辽宁省电影家协会副主席,辽宁省妇女研究会副会长,辽宁省作协特邀评论家。主攻中国当代文学、女性诗学等。  相似文献   

Yang Zhi-an, born in January 1963, now is a doctoral supervisor and postdoctorate co-adviser at the College of Economics, Liaoning University, majoring in finance. Meanwhile he also serves as the director of teaching affairs office of Liaoning University. In 2000, he was promoted to the rank of Professor.  相似文献   

Wang Chunfei,gained admittance to the department of Chinese language and literature,Liaoning University in January 1978.Four years later,she graduated and took the teaching post in the same department.In 1992 and  相似文献   

Zhao Linghe, born in Anping County, Hebei Province, in August 1950, graduated from Chinese Language and Literature Department of Liaoning University in 1976, and then took the teaching post in the same department. Now she is the head of contemporary Chinese literature teaching and research section, Professor of literature, and doctoral supervisor.  相似文献   

Hu Sheng,born in March 1969 in Haicheng,Liaoning Province,graduated from Liaoning University's Department of Chinese in 1995 with a MA,and from Chinese Department of Beijing Normal University in 1998 with a PhD.He had studied under Huang Yan-bai,Zhang Jun,Zhu Mei-shu and Dong Wen-cheng.In 2004 he was promoted to the rank of Professor ex-ceptionally.Nowhe serves as dean of College of Literature at Liaoning University,MA student adviser,discipline leader of an-  相似文献   

Wang Ya,now is Professor of Liaoning University,doctoral supervisor instructing Ph.D candidates specialized in Chinese philosophy,member of the International Society for Chinese Philosophy,director of China Society for the History of Modern Philosophy.In 1998 Wang Ya graduated from Jilin University where she had studied Confucian Classics and the history of  相似文献   

胡胜,1969年3月出生于辽宁海城。1995年、1998年先后毕业于辽宁大学中文系、北京师范大学中文系,获文学硕士学位、博士学位,师承黄岩柏、张俊、朱眉叔、董文成诸先生。2004年破格晋升为教授。现为辽宁大学文学院院长、硕士生导师、古代文学专业学科带头人。中国《三国演义》学会理事、  相似文献   

Born in Shenyang, Liaoning Province in 1945, Wang Wei, is a professor at the College of Literature, Liaoning University, and a doctoral supervisor receiving the special government allowance distributed by the state council. For dozens of years Professor Wang has undertaken numerous teaching tasks, respectively giving undergraduates, graduate students majoring in ancient Chinese literature and folklore, and Ph.D candidates specializing in literary theory studies, lectures in ancient Chinese literary history, selected works of ancient Chinese literature,  相似文献   

Professor and Dr. Shi Qing-huan, female and Han nationality, was born in Shuangliao, Jilin Province in 1958. She is a professor of School of History in Liaoning University currently and taught in History. Department of Heilongjiang University and Northeast Normal University in the past. She is a member of Council on American History Research Association of China. Her teaching and research focus on the modern--contemporary world history and American political system history. She got funds from United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia and did research on "The Comparative Studies on Bureaucracy between China and The West" in Augustana College of the United State from 1997 to 1998. She again got funds from Fulbright Program and worked on "The Civil Service and Bureaucracy in The United States" in Texas University at San Antonio of the United States from 2001 to 2002. She has published four books which mainly include The United States Civil Service and Bureaucracy in the 20th Century. Additionally she has published more than thirty articles in core social science journals of China such as World History, American Studies, Journal of Historical Science and Journal of Historical Collection.  相似文献   

Professor Zhou Jie, born in Shenyang, Liaoning, 1963, is a senior visiting scholar of Oxford University, who has attained the bachelor's degree in English Linguistics and Literature, the master's degree in Economics and the doctoral degree in Management. In 1993, she obtained the qualification as a lawyer by passing the national examination of lawyer's qualification. Now she is the dean of Asia-Australian Business College in Liaoning University, a member of Jiusan Society, and a part-time lawyer in Liaoning Zhongda Law Office (former Liaoning International-Related Law Office).  相似文献   

Gao Kaizheng(pen name:Gao Nan)was born in 1949,Professor,Dean of Literature College of Liaoning University,tutor of a PH.D.candidate.Professor Gao is winner of special government allowance as the Outstanding Contribution Expert by the State Council,National Model Teacher.Outstanding Expert of Shenyang Municipal Government,winner of Shenyang Labor Day Medal.He is the academic foregoer of Theory of Lit  相似文献   

Cheng Wei,bornin Jan.12th,1954,is a professor of economics,overseas returned doctor degree holder in economics,doctoral supervisor,CPC member,withtitles as follows:Special researcher of Liaoning Provincial Government,member of Decision Consulting Committe…  相似文献   

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