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Correspondence to Per Nerdrum, Faculty of Economics, Public Administration, and Social Work, Oslo College, Tjernveien 12, 0957 Oslo, Norway Summary The long-term effectiveness of a communication skills coursewas tested in a controlled study of two matched groups of socialwork students. The program group participated in a 50-hour communicationskills training course in addition to ordinary concept training,while the control group participated in social work concepttraining only. In the follow-up period, the groups engaged insimilar field practice. Both groups were assessed with regardto level of communicated empathy both before and after the three-monthtraining, as well as at 18-month follow-up. At the end of thetraining period, the program group showed a significant increasein the level of communicated empathy, while the control groupdid not. The program group not only maintained, but slowly increased,its level of communicated empathy. The control group also showeda small increase after the training period, but the differencebetween the groups was maintained. The interaction of specificcommunication training and field practice after training inthe process of acquiring and maintaining increased levels ofcommunicated empathy is discussed.  相似文献   

Practitioner competence is becoming an increasingly important priority within the social work profession. A skill training program designed to promote practice competence was developed to examine problematic situations for social workers. Previous training programs have emphasized basic skills but have not attempted to teach skills in specific problematic situations. This pilot training program was evaluated using a time-series design replicated across four subjects. Results show that students made gains on all measures after the introduction of the training. These results suggest that social work students can enhance their practice skills and competence through training of this nature.  相似文献   

Summary It has been assumed by some leading social work educators thatstudents in professional training display unproductive or evencounter-productive anxiety in field-learning situations. Ithas been further suggested that this excess anxiety has ledto a certain amount of threat to the ego which could resultin problems in work performance. This paper tells of an investigationinto the impact of previous work experience on the manifestanxiety level and self-concept of a set of graduate social workstudents in a mid-western university in the United States. Datawere gathered using widely used tests, the Taylor Manifest AnxietyScale and the Tennessee Self Concept Scale. Contrary to thehypothesis, prior work experience did not act as an inhibitorof anxiety nor as a support to self-concept. No significantdifference on test scores was found between those students withwork experience and those with no work experience. The writeris unable to satisfyingly account for the lack of significancein these findings. An unexpected by-product of this researchwas the finding that manifest anxiety levels and self-conceptscores of social work graduate students in either category werenot different from those found in other occupational populations.This suggests, tentatively of course, that social work studentsmay not have higher anxiety levels as some of the literaturehas led us to expect. It may be the anxiety that social workeducators see in students in the field is quite within normallimits, that it does not threaten students' self-concepts, andthat it does not inhibit learning  相似文献   

Findings from surveys of qualified social work practitionersand students indicate a need for social work education and practiceto focus attention both on the importance of religious and spiritualbeliefs in the lives of many service users and on the potentialusefulness of religious and spiritual interventions. In thisBritish study, undertaken in 2003 and 2004, students were lesslikely than their qualified colleagues to consider religiousor spiritually sensitive interventions as appropriate. Attitudesvaried little between those students who held religious beliefsand those who did not, but Muslim students and qualified socialworkers were more likely to view these types of interventionsas appropriate. The authors conclude that there is a clear needfor all social work practitioners and educators to give greaterpriority to exploring the potential significance of religiousand spiritual beliefs in their training, in their professionalpractice and in the lives and perspectives of service usersand colleagues. Social workers need to be able to respond appropriatelyto the needs of all service users, including those for whomreligious and spiritual beliefs are crucial. ‘Culturallycompetent’ practice depends, amongst other things, onan understanding and appreciation of the impact of faith andbelief.  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2013,36(4):111-125
The lack of practitioners who are trained in the group work method has a negative impact on the: development of new group services, quality of group work and the education of students. Inservice training for professional staff can help to reduce these problems. The paper describes a model for inservice training which the author has developed and implemented to train agency practitioners. The model consists of four stages. Marketing strategies to recruit agencies make up the first stage. The second stage is devoted to planning activities. The third stage covers the training, and the fourth deals with follow-up steps after the formal training is completed.  相似文献   

This study sought to provide data regarding the use of infusion of gerontological materials throughout curriculums to enhance students' attitudes toward older adults, their knowledge of aging-related issues, and their perceptions of gerontological social work. A quasi-experimental design was used to compare outcomes for graduate social work students who were and those who were not exposed to gerontological infusion. Results indicated that exposed students experienced a greater improvement in their view of aging-related career opportunities and in their belief in the importance of gerontological social work. Treatment group students also showed greater gains in self-rated aging knowledge. Both treatment and control group students had significant gains in a test of aging-related knowledge. Pedagogical implications are discussed.  相似文献   


This study sought to provide data regarding the use of infusion of gerontological materials throughout curriculums to enhance students' attitudes toward older adults, their knowledge of aging-related issues, and their perceptions of gerontological social work. A quasi-experimental design was used to compare outcomes for graduate social work students who were and those who were not exposed to gerontological infusion. Results indicated that exposed students experienced a greater improvement in their view of aging-related career opportunities and in their belief in the importance of gerontological social work. Treatment group students also showed greater gains in self-rated aging knowledge. Both treatment and control group students had significant gains in a test of aging-related knowledge. Pedagogical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that those who engage in text messaging, particularly young individuals, tend to text in what many people may deem socially inappropriate or odd situations, such as while speaking face-to-face with someone else, while at work, while in the shower, or even while having sex. The present study investigates whether young texters are creating a new etiquette where these are socially acceptable practices or whether they deem these practices to be social breaches, but do it anyway. The data support the latter; college students report texting in many situations they did not deem socially acceptable. The importance of texting to this generation and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Older lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) adults face unique issues that can impede their well-being. Although many advances have helped address these issues, there is a need for education efforts that raise awareness of service providers about these issues. This study explores evaluation data of training panels provided by older LGBT adults and the views of training participants on issues faced by the older LGBT community after attending the panels. Participants were 605 students and professionals from over 34 education and communication settings. Implications for trainings on participants and older LGBT trainers are discussed.  相似文献   

147 college students completed questionnaires which assessed their perceptions of the advantages and disadvantages of seeking professional psychological help for a depressed condition. They were also asked to indicate those groups or individuals they felt would approve and those who would disapprove of seeking such help. Results indicate that expenditures of time and money were perceived as most disadvantageous, followed by both stigma and the necessity of confronting painful issues. Most frequently cited advantages were problem resolution and understanding the causes of the depression. Most students saw family and friends as approving of help-seeking behavior while acquaintances were perceived as disapproving. Responses of students who have sought help in the past are compared to responses of students who have never sought help. These attitudes and beliefs are discussed in terms of their value as gauges of the needs and expectations of present and potential mental health consumers.  相似文献   

The social work degree has now been introduced in England andit is timely to reflect on and evaluate key changes made bymany universities in this process. This paper reflects on thebeginning of such an evaluation, presenting a case study ofassessment changes made in relation to communication skillsteaching in a post-1992 university. This will act as a vehicleto explore some of the inherent complexities involved. Assessmentmethods implemented on social work courses should be scrutinizedin relation to their validity, reliability and feasibility.Drawing upon multi-professional literature, one such processof scrutiny is described, with the intention of contributingto current debates regarding communication skills within thewider arena of developing social work education. The case studypresented outlines how one social work programme changed itsmethod of assessing communication skills for social work students.It explores the processes involved in moving from an essay assignmentto the use of video interviews, supplemented by a written reflectiveself-evaluation undertaken in relation to the interview process.The views of students are outlined via their responses to aquestionnaire and the paper highlights key themes identifiedby a student focus group.  相似文献   

Despite a growing need for geriatric social workers, there is a question as to whether MSW graduates who are gerontologically prepared actually enter the workforce to serve older adults. By tracking MSW graduates who had special training in aging, this study aims to explore their job search and career experience. Findings show that most graduates located aging-related jobs 4 months postgraduation and remained committed to the field 1 to 2 years later. The majority were working in direct service provision in clinical settings. Their salaries compare favorably with those of generic social workers. Implications for geriatric social work education are discussed.  相似文献   


The demand for professional training, mentorship, and research in the field of aging is expected to increase remarkably. Recent statistics indicate that less than 8% of social work students nationwide specialize in gerontology; however, a significant amount of social work graduates, regardless of their specialization at school, serve older adults in various health care settings. In addition, the aging populations that social work graduates serve are becoming more racially and ethnically diverse. In order to address this issue, it is critical to support students and emerging scholars to not only become more competent in gerontological social work, but also engage in culturally competent research and practices. In this commentary, I described my experiences as a former fellow of the AGESW (Association for Gerontology Education in Social Work) Pre-Dissertation Fellows Program that fosters doctoral students in the field of gerontological social work. The program helps its fellows comprehend basic principles of doctoral education, develop strong professional networks with other colleagues and mentors across the country, and respect diversity in the population we serve as well as those within our own fellow group.  相似文献   

Qualifying social work education must provide students with a variety of experiential, personalized, participatory, didactic and critically reflective learning opportunities across both the taught curriculum and in practice placements if deep learning of the capabilities needed for effective communication with children and young people is to be ensured. At present, programmes in England are not consistent in the curriculum structures, content and pedagogical approaches they are employing to teach and assess this topic. This paper discusses first how current proposals for the reform of qualifying education in England do not address the ambiguities and discretion in regulatory guidance, which have meant that the place and relevance of this topic within the curriculum remain uncertain and contested. It then draws on a model of the sequencing of students' learning and development in qualifying training, developed through the author's recent empirical research, to present an integrated and coherent approach to the teaching, learning and assessment of this topic. It is proposed that this strategy will enable students to develop the generic, ‘child‐focused’ and ‘applied child‐specialist’ capabilities they need for the ‘knowing’, ‘being’ and ‘doing’ of effective communication with children.  相似文献   

《社会调查研究方法》课程是社会工作专业学生了解与认识社会的手段,是培养社会工作专业价值观与社会责任感的重要途径,它对社会工作专业人才培养的作用表现在以下几个方面:有助于为社会工作实践提供导向作用;有助于培养社会工作专业价值观;有助于学生深化对社会问题的认识;有助于促进本土化社会工作理论的发展;有助于重视发展社会工作行政能力;有助于提高毕业论文的写作水平。  相似文献   


Good mentoring is a key variable for determining success in completing a doctoral program. The Association for Gerontology Education in Social Work (AGESW) provides leadership in the areas of gerontological social work education, research, and policy. In 2010, AGESW began offering the Pre-Dissertation Fellows Program (PDFP) to enhance social work doctoral students’ professional development and skillset for academia. The purpose of this study was to examine student participants’ perceptions of the PDFP in its role to providing mentorship and training for an academic position that encompasses research, teaching and professional service. This qualitative study examined eight cohorts (2010–2018) of the AGESW PDFP (N = 85). Participants identified a number of aspects of professional development gained, gratitude for the training, an appreciation for candid advice received, and areas of professional development they felt they were lacking within their doctoral training. Implications for doctoral education, doctoral mentorship programs, and the AGESW pre-dissertation program are discussed. Further, programs such as AGESW pre-dissertation fellowship program can serve as a model for other doctoral training initiatives to prepare students to work in academia.  相似文献   

Twenty years after survey evidence showed that UK social work students could complete their training without having learnt about or worked with children, new research suggests little has changed. There is still no guarantee that any student on qualification will have been taught about or assessed in communication skills with children and young people. This is despite the claim that the pre‐registration award provides teaching and assessment in core generic skills as a foundation for the development of specialist practice roles in agencies. In fact, as this paper shows, a common understanding of what counts as effective communication with children has yet to be consolidated in social work practice and research. This has impeded the process of curriculum development. Divergent expectations about what counts as social work communication with children in a changing policy context may be exacerbating long‐standing uncertainties about how genericism and specialism should be linked in professional education and training. In exploring these issues, this paper seeks to clear the way for the renewed effort that is now required if this aspect of curriculum development is to be effective.  相似文献   

A regional community health program established in South Orissa, India, is described. It was found that women are the best health workers and educators in rural areas since cultural beliefs are more deeply rooted among them, they look after the sick in the family, they can enter every house where men cannot, and the risk of malpractice and misuse of training is less with women. A cultural obstacle was that sickness among these people is considered a curse of the spirit of their ancestors. The 1st phase of the program is a live-in experience in which the trainees come together for training classes. The causes and treatment of nutritional deficiency diseases, especially malnutrition, early blindness, and anemia are discussed. Posters, charts, and tape recordings proved to keep their attention, as did analogies taken from their daily experience, and communication through song and dance. At the end of 3 weeks the women have to take a test and are then taken back to their villages by the staff of each health center. They have been found to communicate well with their own people, understood the difficulty of changing local beliefs, and did not need formal educational environments in order to communicate. The 2nd phase, after 3-4 months of work experience, is a training course providing them with a chance to share their experiences and gain a deeper understanding of society, teaching about the causes, effects, and treatment of common diseases, with emphasis put on health education, especially food preparation and diet. Also taught were basics of market values, social customs, and causes of poverty. The women again returned to their villages to conduct more in-depth health education. After 4 months, the women return for the 3rd phase in which they were taught home nursing and first aid, discussed social injustices, finances, and other topics. When they returned to their villages they were able to provide the people with medical, family, and personal help. Some went on to become members of the village committees and were given new respect by male members of the village. The 4th phase involved sharing experiences once again and learning organizational skills. Some major obstacles were: 1) using health workers is a part of the total system that does not really meet the needs of the common people, 2) political problems, and 3) institutional problems.  相似文献   

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