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Non-constant variance across observations (heteroskedasticity) results in the maximum likelihood estimators of tobit and probit model parameters being inconsistent. Some of the available tests for constant variance across observations (homoskedasticity) are discussed and examined in a small Monte Carlo experiment.  相似文献   

It is well known that Gaussian maximum likelihood estimates of time series models are not robust. In this paper we prove this is also the case for the Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedastic (GARCH) models. By expressing the Gaussian maximum likelihood estimates as Ψ estimates and by assuming the existence of a contaminated process, we prove they possess zero breakdown point and unbounded influence curves. By simulating GARCH processes under several proportions of contaminations we assess how much biased the maximum likelihood estimates may become and compare these results to a robust alternative. The t-student maximum likelihood estimates of GARCH models are also considered.  相似文献   

The study of female labor supply has been a topic of relevance in the economic literature. Generally, the data are left-censored and the classic tobit model has been extensively used in the modeling strategy. This model, however, assumes normality for the error distribution and is not recommended for data with positive skewness, heavy-tails and heteroscedasticity, as is the case of female labor supply data. Moreover, it is well-known that the quantile regression approach accounts for the influences of different quantiles in the estimated coefficients. We take all these features into account and propose a parametric quantile tobit regression model based on quantile log-symmetric distributions. The proposed method allows one to model data with positive skewness (which is not suitable for the classic tobit model), to study the influence of the quantiles of interest, and to account for heteroscedasticity. The model parameters are estimated by maximum likelihood and a Monte Carlo experiment is performed to evaluate alternative estimators. The new method is applied to two distinct female labor supply data sets. The results indicate that the log-symmetric quantile tobit model fits better the data than the classic tobit model.  相似文献   

This paper develops a posterior simulation method for a dynamic Tobit model. The major obstacle rooted in such a problem lies in high dimensional integrals, induced by dependence among censored observations, in the likelihood function. The primary contribution of this study is to develop a practical and efficient sampling scheme for the conditional posterior distributions of the censored (i.e., unobserved) data, so that the Gibbs sampler with the data augmentation algorithm is successfully applied. The substantial differences between this approach and some existing methods are highlighted. The proposed simulation method is investigated by means of a Monte Carlo study and applied to a regression model of Japanese exports of passenger cars to the U.S. subject to a non-tariff trade barrier.  相似文献   

A bayesian approach to dynamic tobit models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper develops a posterior simulation method for a dynamic Tobit model. The major obstacle rooted in such a problem lies in high dimensional integrals, induced by dependence among censored observations, in the likelihood function. The primary contribution of this study is to develop a practical and efficient sampling scheme for the conditional posterior distributions of the censored (i.e., unobserved) data, so that the Gibbs sampler with the data augmentation algorithm is successfully applied. The substantial differences between this approach and some existing methods are highlighted. The proposed simulation method is investigated by means of a Monte Carlo study and applied to a regression model of Japanese exports of passenger cars to the U.S. subject to a non-tariff trade barrier.  相似文献   

Summary The paper shows that the informaton matrix test presented by White (1982) decomposes into the sum of quadratic forms in the case of a linear model with ARMA errors. By extending previous results, which analysed the information matrix test in the presence of serial correlation, the test allows detection of additional sources of misspecification.  相似文献   

This paper numerically examines the size robustness of various conditional moment tests in misspecified tobit and probit models. The misspecifications considered include the incorrect exclusion of regressors, ignored heteroskedasticity and false distributional assumptions. An important feature of the experimental design is that it is based on an existing empirical study and is more realistic than many simulation studies. The tests are seen to have mixed performance depending on both the original null hypothesis being tested and type of misspecification encountered.  相似文献   

A number of procedures have been developed for finding biased estimators of regression parameters. One of these procedures is the ridge regression. In this article, a new approach to obtain the ridge parameter K is suggested and then evaluated by Monte Carlo simulations. A number of different models are investigated for different number of observations, the strength of correlation between the explanatory variables, and distribution of the error terms. The mean squared error (MSE) criterion is used to examine the performance of the proposed estimators when compared with other well-known estimators. Under certain conditions, it is shown that at least one of the proposed estimators have a smaller MSE than the ordinary least squared estimator (OLS) and Hoerl and Kennard (1970a Hoerl , A. E. , Kennard , R. W. ( 1970a ). Ridge regression: biased estimation for non-orthogonal problems . Technometrics 12 : 5567 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) estimator (HK).  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to evaluate the relative performance of two generalized conditional moment (GCM) estimators in terms of their mean squared errors, for the Probit model with first-order serial correlation. The first estimator is a linearized one-step estimator described by Poirier and Ruud (1988). The second one is defined in the present paper. Monte Car10 experiments suggest that the GCM estimators outperform the ordinary Probit estimator. The two GCM estimators do almost equally well, except that the second one may be easier to calculate, especially in large samples.  相似文献   

In this paper, we extend the structural probit measurement error model by considering that the unobserved covariate follows a skew-normal distribution. The new model is termed the structural skew-normal probit model. As in the normal case, the likelihood function is obtained analytically which can be maximized by using existing statistical software. A Bayesian approach using Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques to generate from the posterior distributions is also developed. A simulation study demonstrates the usefulness of the approach in avoiding attenuation which is the case with the naive procedure and it seems to be more efficient than using the structural probit model when the distribution of the covariate (predictor) is skew.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the linear compartment model and consider the estimation procedures of the different parameters. We discuss a method to obtain the initial estimators, which can be used for any iterative procedures to obtain the least-squares estimators. Four different types of confidence intervals have been discussed and they have been compared by computer simulations. We propose different methods to estimate the number of components of the linear compartment model. One data set has been used to see how the different methods work in practice.  相似文献   

Testing the fractionally integrated order of seasonal and nonseasonal unit roots is quite important for the economic and financial time series modeling. In this article, the widely used Robinson's (1994 Robinson , P. M. ( 1994 ). Efficient tests of nonstationary hypotheses . J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 89 ( 428 ): 14201437 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) test is applied to various well-known long memory models. Via Monte Carlo experiments, we study and compare the performances of this test using several sample sizes.  相似文献   

A method for selecting a distributional model for a random variable, given a random sample of observations of it, is studied for various cases. The problems considered include those of choosing between the Weibull and lognormal distributions, between the lognormal and gamma distributions, and between the gamma and Weibull distributions, as well as choosing one of the three. Simulation studies were performed to estimate probabilities of correct selection for the method when it is applied to these problems  相似文献   

There has been significant new work published recently on the subject of model selection. Notably Rissanen (1986, 1987, 1988) has introduced new criteria based on the notion of stochastic complexity and Hurvich and Tsai(1989) have introduced a bias corrected version of Akaike's information criterion. In this paper, a Monte Carlo study is conducted to evaluate the relative performance of these new model selection criteria against the commonly used alternatives. In addition, we compare the performance of all the criteria in a number of situations not considered in earlier studies: robustness to distributional assumptions, collinearity among regressors, and non-stationarity in a time series. The evaluation is based on the number of times the correct model is chosen and the out of sample prediction error. The results of this study suggest that Rissanen's criteria are sensitive to the assumptions and choices that need to made in their application, and so are sometimes unreliable. While many of the criteria often perform satisfactorily, across experiments the Schwartz Bayesian Information Criterion (and the related Bayesian Estimation Criterion of Geweke-Meese) seem to consistently outperfom the other alternatives considered.  相似文献   

There has been significant new work published recently on the subject of model selection. Notably Rissanen (1986, 1987, 1988) has introduced new criteria based on the notion of stochastic complexity and Hurvich and Tsai(1989) have introduced a bias corrected version of Akaike's information criterion. In this paper, a Monte Carlo study is conducted to evaluate the relative performance of these new model selection criteria against the commonly used alternatives. In addition, we compare the performance of all the criteria in a number of situations not considered in earlier studies: robustness to distributional assumptions, collinearity among regressors, and non-stationarity in a time series. The evaluation is based on the number of times the correct model is chosen and the out of sample prediction error. The results of this study suggest that Rissanen's criteria are sensitive to the assumptions and choices that need to made in their application, and so are sometimes unreliable. While many of the criteria often perform satisfactorily, across experiments the Schwartz Bayesian Information Criterion (and the related Bayesian Estimation Criterion of Geweke-Meese) seem to consistently outperfom the other alternatives considered.  相似文献   

This paper considers a connected Markov chain for sampling 3 × 3 ×K contingency tables having fixed two‐dimensional marginal totals. Such sampling arises in performing various tests of the hypothesis of no three‐factor interactions. A Markov chain algorithm is a valuable tool for evaluating P‐values, especially for sparse datasets where large‐sample theory does not work well. To construct a connected Markov chain over high‐dimensional contingency tables with fixed marginals, algebraic algorithms have been proposed. These algorithms involve computations in polynomial rings using Gröbner bases. However, algorithms based on Gröbner bases do not incorporate symmetry among variables and are very time‐consuming when the contingency tables are large. We construct a minimal basis for a connected Markov chain over 3 × 3 ×K contingency tables. The minimal basis is unique. Some numerical examples illustrate the practicality of our algorithms.  相似文献   


In this article the interest is on finding the fiducial distribution of the parameter, when the probability distribution belongs to the power series family, as in Johnson et al. (1992 Johnson, N. L., S. Kotz, and A. W. Kemp. 1992. Univariate discrete distributions. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons. [Google Scholar]). Recently in Nájera and O’Reilly (2017 Nájera, E., and F. O’Reilly. 2017. On fiducial generators. Communications Statistics - Theory Methods 46 (5):22322248. doi:10.1080/03610926.2015.1040505.[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) an argument is given to obtain a unique fiducial in the Bernoulli case. An attempt is made here to define some sort of invariance in a power series distribution so that, as was done in the Bernoulli case, one may find a unique invariant fiducial for the parameter. The Bernoulli case is reviewed in detail and the Poisson and negative binomial cases are addressed.  相似文献   

Standard least square regression can produce estimates having a large mean squares error (MSE) when predictor variables are highly correlated or multicollinear. In this article, we propose four modifications to choose the ridge parameter (K) when multicollinearity exists among the columns of the design matrix. The proposed new estimators are extended versions of that suggested by Khalaf and Shukur (2005 Khalaf , G. , Shukur , G. ( 2005 ). Choosing ridge parameter for regression problems . Commun. Statist. A 34 : 11771182 . [CSA] [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]). The properties of these estimators are compared with those of Hoerl and Kennard (1970a Hoerl , A. E. , Kennard , R. W. ( 1970a ). Ridge regression: biased estimation for non-orthogonal problems . Tech. . 12 : 5567 . [CSA] [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and the OLS using the MSE criterion. All estimators under consideration are evaluated using simulation techniques under certain conditions where a number of factors that may affect their properties have been varied. In addition, it is shown that at least one of the proposed estimators either has a smaller MSE than the others or is the next best otherwise.  相似文献   

Two statistics based on simple, closed form estimators are examined for use in interval estimation of reliability and of the location parameter of the extreme-value distribution. Properties of the estimators are studied by Monte Carlo simulation, and procedures for interval estimation and tests of hypotheses for the location parameter and reliability are provided.  相似文献   

This article provides a rigorous asymptotic treatment of new and existing asymptotically valid conditional moment (CM) testing procedures of the constant conditional correlation (CCC) assumption in a multivariate GARCH model. Full and partial quasi maximum likelihood estimation (QMLE) frameworks are considered, as is the robustness of these tests to non-normality. In particular, the asymptotic validity of the LM procedure proposed by Tse (2000 Tse, Y. K. (2000). A test for constant correlations in a multivariate GARCH model. Journal of Econometrics 98 (1):107127.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) is analyzed, and new asymptotically robust versions of this test are proposed for both estimation frameworks. A Monte Carlo study suggests that a robust Tse test procedure exhibits good size and power properties, unlike the original variant which exhibits size distortion under non-normality.  相似文献   

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