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Consider k (≥2) independent Type I extreme value populations with unknown location parameters and common known scale parameter. With samples of same size, we study procedures based on the sample means for (1) selecting the population having the largest location parameter, (2) selecting the population having the smallest location parameter, and (3) testing for equality of all the location parameters. We use Bechhofer's indifference-zone and Gupta's subset selection formulations. Tables of constants for implemention are provided based on approximation for the distribution of the standardized sample mean by a generalized Tukey's lambda distribution. Examples are provided for all procedures.  相似文献   


The paper present an explicit expression for the density of a n-dimensional random vector with a singular Elliptical distribution. Based on this, the densities of the generalized Chi-squared and generalized t distributions are derived, examining the Pearson Type VII distribution and Kotz Type distribution (as specific Elliptical distributions). Finally, the results are applied to the study of the distribution of the residuals of an Elliptical linear model and the distribution of the t-statistic, based on a sample from an Elliptical population.  相似文献   

It is well known that X/(X+Y) has the beta distribution when X and Y follow the inverted Dirichlet distribution. In this paper, we derive the exact distribution of the product P=XY (involving the Gauss hypergeometric function) and the corresponding moment properties. We also propose two approximations and show evidence of their goodness of fit. The work is motivated by real-life examples.  相似文献   

Extreme value theory models have found applications in myriad fields. Maximum likelihood (ML) is attractive for fitting the models because it is statistically efficient and flexible. However, in small samples, ML is biased to O(N?1) and some classical hypothesis tests suffer from size distortions. This paper derives the analytical Cox–Snell bias correction for the generalized extreme value (GEV) model, and for the model's extension to multiple order statistics (GEVr). Using simulations, the paper compares this correction to bootstrap-based bias corrections, for the generalized Pareto, GEV, and GEVr. It then compares eight approaches to inference with respect to primary parameters and extreme quantiles, some including corrections. The Cox–Snell correction is not markedly superior to bootstrap-based correction. The likelihood ratio test appears most accurately sized. The methods are applied to the distribution of geomagnetic storms.  相似文献   

In this paper we present data-driven smooth tests for the extreme value distribution. These tests are based on a general idea of construction of data-driven smooth tests for composite hypotheses introduced by Inglot, T., Kallenberg, W. C. M. and Ledwina, T. [(1997). Data-driven smooth tests for composite hypotheses. Ann. Statist., 25, 1222–1250] and its modification for location-scale family proposed in Janic-Wróblewska, A. [(2004). Data-driven smooth test for a location-scale family. Statistics, in press]. Results of power simulations show that the newly introduced test performs very well for a wide range of alternatives and is competitive with other commonly used tests for the extreme value distribution.  相似文献   

The mid-p is defined as the sum of the probabilities of all outcomes more extreme than an observed value, plus half of the probabilities of all outcomes exactly as extreme. On the one hand, it offers greater power than the standard p-value, but on the other, tests based on the mid-p statistic may have greater Type I error than their nominal level. This article investigates the mid p-value's properties under the estimated truth paradigm, which views p-values as estimators of the truth. The mid-p is shown to minimize the maximum risk for one-sided and two-sided tests.  相似文献   

A combination of a smooth test statistic and (an approximate) Schwarz's selection rule has been proposed by Inglot, T., Kallenberg, W. C. M. and Ledwina, T. ((1997). Data-driven smooth tests for composite hypotheses. Ann. Statist. 25, 1222–1250) as a solution of a standard goodness-of-fit problem when nuisance parameters are present. In the present paper we modify the above solution in the sense that we propose another analogue of Schwarz's rule and rederive properties of it and the resulting test statistic. To avoid technicalities we restrict our attention to location-scale family and method of moments estimators of its parameters. In a parallel paper [Janic-Wróblewska, A. (2004). Data-driven smooth tests for the extreme value distribution. Statistics, in press] we illustrate an application of our solution and advantages of modification when testing of fit to extreme value distribution.  相似文献   


The generalized extreme value distribution and its particular case, the Gumbel extreme value distribution, are widely applied for extreme value analysis. The Gumbel distribution has certain drawbacks because it is a non-heavy-tailed distribution and is characterized by constant skewness and kurtosis. The generalized extreme value distribution is frequently used in this context because it encompasses the three possible limiting distributions for a normalized maximum of infinite samples of independent and identically distributed observations. However, the generalized extreme value distribution might not be a suitable model when each observed maximum does not come from a large number of observations. Hence, other forms of generalizations of the Gumbel distribution might be preferable. Our goal is to collect in the present literature the distributions that contain the Gumbel distribution embedded in them and to identify those that have flexible skewness and kurtosis, are heavy-tailed and could be competitive with the generalized extreme value distribution. The generalizations of the Gumbel distribution are described and compared using an application to a wind speed data set and Monte Carlo simulations. We show that some distributions suffer from overparameterization and coincide with other generalized Gumbel distributions with a smaller number of parameters, that is, are non-identifiable. Our study suggests that the generalized extreme value distribution and a mixture of two extreme value distributions should be considered in practical applications.  相似文献   

Summary: The distributions of the product XY and the ratio X/Y are derived when X and Y are gamma and beta random variables distributed independently of each other. Tabulations of the associated percentage points and illustrations of their practical use are also provided. * The authors would like to thank the referee and the editor for carefully reading the paper and for their help in improving the paper.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new risk measure, the so‐called conditional tail moment. It is defined as the moment of order a ≥ 0 of the loss distribution above the upper α‐quantile where α ∈ (0,1). Estimating the conditional tail moment permits us to estimate all risk measures based on conditional moments such as conditional tail expectation, conditional value at risk or conditional tail variance. Here, we focus on the estimation of these risk measures in case of extreme losses (where α ↓0 is no longer fixed). It is moreover assumed that the loss distribution is heavy tailed and depends on a covariate. The estimation method thus combines non‐parametric kernel methods with extreme‐value statistics. The asymptotic distribution of the estimators is established, and their finite‐sample behaviour is illustrated both on simulated data and on a real data set of daily rainfalls.  相似文献   


The generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution is known as the limiting result for the modeling of maxima blocks of size n, which is used in the modeling of extreme events. However, it is possible for the data to present an excessive number of zeros when dealing with extreme data, making it difficult to analyze and estimate these events by using the usual GEV distribution. The Zero-Inflated Distribution (ZID) is widely known in literature for modeling data with inflated zeros, where the inflator parameter w is inserted. The present work aims to create a new approach to analyze zero-inflated extreme values, that will be applied in data of monthly maximum precipitation, that can occur during months where there was no precipitation, being these computed as zero. An inference was made on the Bayesian paradigm, and the parameter estimation was made by numerical approximations of the posterior distribution using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. Time series of some cities in the northeastern region of Brazil were analyzed, some of them with predominance of non-rainy months. The results of these applications showed the need to use this approach to obtain more accurate and with better adjustment measures results when compared to the standard distribution of extreme value analysis.  相似文献   

Maximum likelihood estimators of a Type-II extreme value distribution are derived from doubly censored samples. The asymptotic variances and covariances of the maximum likelihood estimators are discussed and these are numerically evaluated for different censoring proportions q1 = 0.0(0. l) (0.9) from below and q2 = 0.0 (0. l) (0.9- q1) from above. The asymptotic relative efficiencies of the parameter estimates revealed that lower order statistics are more important for estimating the parameters of Type-II extreme value distribution as compared to higher order statistics.  相似文献   

Let X1, X2, … , Xn be independent and identically distributed random variables with a continuous cumulative distribution function F, which belongs to the max‐domain of attraction of the Frechet or Gumbel extreme value distribution. We define the probability of being maximal, Dn , and approximate it. Several previous papers have considered this problem, but only for special cases. The approximations to Dn are very useful for obtaining demand functions from random utility models in the qualitative response models used in social sciences.  相似文献   

For the complete sample and the right Type II censored sample, Chen [Joint confidence region for the parameters of Pareto distribution. Metrika 44 (1996), pp. 191–197] proposed the interval estimation of the parameter θ and the joint confidence region of the two parameters of Pareto distribution. This paper proposed two methods to construct the confidence region of the two parameters of the Pareto distribution for the progressive Type II censored sample. A simulation study comparing the performance of the two methods is done and concludes that Method 1 is superior to Method 2 by obtaining a smaller confidence area. The interval estimation of parameter ν is also given under progressive Type II censoring. In addition, the predictive intervals of the future observation and the ratio of the two future consecutive failure times based on the progressive Type II censored sample are also proposed. Finally, one example is given to illustrate all interval estimations in this paper.  相似文献   

In this article, we use the peaks over random threshold (PORT)-methodology, and consider Hill and moment PORT-classes of extreme value index estimators. These classes of estimators are invariant not only to changes in scale, like the classical Hill and moment estimators, but also to changes in location. They are based on the sample of excesses over a random threshold, the order statistic X [np]+1:n , 0 ≤ p < 1, being p a tuning parameter, which makes them highly flexible. Under convenient restrictions on the underlying model, these classes of estimators are consistent and asymptotically normal for adequate values of k, the number of top order statistics used in the semi-parametric estimation of the extreme value index γ. In practice, there may however appear a stability around a value distant from the target γ when the minimum is chosen for the random threshold, and attention is drawn for the danger of transforming the original data through the subtraction of the minimum. A new bias-corrected moment estimator is also introduced. The exact performance of the new extreme value index PORT-estimators is compared, through a large-scale Monte-Carlo simulation study, with the original Hill and moment estimators, the bias-corrected moment estimator, and one of the minimum-variance reduced-bias (MVRB) extreme value index estimators recently introduced in the literature. As an empirical example we estimate the tail index associated to a set of real data from the field of finance.  相似文献   

Estimators are obtained tor quantiles of survival distributions. This is accomplished by approximating Lritr distribution of the transtorrneri data, where the transformation used is that of Box and Cox (1964). The normal approximation as in Box and Cox and, in addition, the extreme value approximation are considered. More generally, to use the methods given, the approximating distribution must come from a location-scale family. For some commonly used survival random variables T the performance of the above approximations are evaluated in terms of the ratio of the true quantiles of T to the estimated one, in the long run. This performance is also evaluated for lower quantiles using simulated lognormai, Weibull and gamma data. Several examples are given to illustrate the methodology herein, including one with actual data.  相似文献   

Existing measures in the literature that are specifically concerned with testing and measuring independence between two continuous variables are all based on examining the definition of independence, i.e., FXY(x, y) = FX(x)FY(y). A new measure is constructed uniquely in this paper that uses the absolute value of first difference on adjacent ranks of one variable with respect to the other. This measure captures the degree of functional dependence attributable to the amount of randomness and the complexity of the underlying bivariate dependence structure in a commensurate way that existing coefficients are incapable of. As a test statistic of independence, this measure is shown to have comparable or better power than existing statistics against a wide range of alternative hypotheses that consist of functional and multivalued relational dependence with additive noise.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a stationary sequence of discrete random variables with marginal distribution H(x), obtained by a simple transformation from the max-AR(1) sequence considered by Alpuim (1989). Because discrete distributions impose severe restrictions on the convergence of the normalized maxima to an extreme value distribution, it is seen that in this particular case, whenever H(x) belongs to the domain of attraction of any max-stable distribution, the sequence possesses an extremal index 0 = 0. Nevertheless, it, is possible to obtain a nondegenerate limiting distribution for the linearized maxima by choosing other sets of normalizing constants. Whenever H(x) does not belong to the domain of attraction of any max-stable distribution, but, satisfies adequate conditions, the maxima nearly possess an asymptotic stability with the presence of an extremal index 0 <θ<1.

Motivated by the behaviour of these sequences we obtained a more general result extending the results of Anderson (1970) and Me (Jon nick and Park (1992) over the mixing conditionsD (k)(un), defined by Chermck et al (1991).

Several examples, obtained after simulation, are presented in order to illustrate the different situations that may occur.  相似文献   

Motivated from extreme value (EV) analysis for large non-metallic inclusions in engineering steels and a real data set, the benefit of choosing a multivariate EV approach is discussed. An extensive simulation study shows that the common univariate setup may lead to a high proportion of mis-specifications of the true EV distribution, as well as that the statistical analysis is considerably improved when being based on the respective data of r largest observations, with r appropriately chosen. Results for several underlying distributions and various values of r are presented along with effects on estimators for the parameters of the generalized EV family of distributions.  相似文献   

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