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The 4th European Congress of Biogerontology took place in Newcastle upon Tyne in November 2004. Leading figures in the biology of aging presented their recent work, providing new insights into fundamental mechanisms of aging as it occurs in organisms ranging from yeast to the human species. Highlights of these presentations are presented here.  相似文献   

The disenchantment of our times is described as a contest between what are called the ride and the story. The ride represents an array of desires to treat the body as a project for perpetual enhancement and medicine as a venue of commodity capitalism. The story imagines illness as a moral project. The interactionist vocation is thus placed in the context of what Weber called our fate: how do we confront the moral dilemma of our present moment?  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between social support, depression, instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), and utilization of in-home and community-based services. The sample included 39 adults age 65 years old and older. The data were collected by distributing a self-administered questionnaire. Depression levels significantly decreased as levels of social support increased. IADLs functioning significantly decreased as depression levels increased. The number of in-home services used significantly increased as IADLs functioning decreased. The number of community-based services used significantly increased as depression levels decreased. The number of in-home and community-based services used significantly increased as levels of support decreased.  相似文献   

This essay is concerned with a critical but under theorized practice of modern society – official identification. It makes two arguments about modern identification technologies: they develop within an archival problematization of identity, and secondly, they should be critically analyzed as practices of verification. Although the essay is historical in focus these two arguments are intended as an intervention in debates about contemporary practices of identification and surveillance. The essay examines the emergence of the passport in the US from the 1850s to the 1930s. The contested development of the conviction that the identity in a passport is in ‘fact’ someone's identity is the subject of this history of the passport. The passport is used to argue that official identification, as a modern problem was rethought as the collection, classification and circulation of information through new bureaucratic logics of objectivity. The subsequent assemblage of modern identification practices formed what is best understood as a documentary regime of verification that produced identity as a stable object critical to the governing practices of the modern state. The passport as a technology of verification foregrounds that the modern production of this ‘official identity’ through documents is collapsed into a truth claim, which presents that identity as self-evident.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the development of safety, permanency, and child well-being indicators by using administrative data sets as well as by using these indicators as tools for evaluating Florida's Community-Based Care (CBC) initiative. Longitudinal data from 37 counties including 4 counties that implemented community-based care were examined in this study. The results of the study indicated that the overall performance of CBC counties is at least as good as the performance of their comparison run by the state counties. The findings that emerged from this study may provide important lessons for developing a performance measurement system in the child welfare field.  相似文献   

The commentary seeks to differentiate sociology as a discipline and as a profession. The concepts of relevance, vision, and professional development are suggested as necessary building blocks to more intentionally develop the profession of sociology. Finally, a program of local professional development is offered as a step in positively influencing the next generation of practicing sociologists.  相似文献   

This article examines one issue in how public relations students are socialized in their understanding of the value and power of social media in the practice of public relations. The public relations academic research about social media is explored, as well as the professional claims about the value of social media as a public relations tactic. The researchers conducted a content analysis of 1 year of Public Relations Tactics issues. The data are viewed through the theoretical frame of the socialization literature ( Jablin, 1987). The results suggest that claims of social media power far outweigh evidence of social media effectiveness as a communication tool. A disconnect exists between what authors of Public Relations Tactics pieces view as the potential for social media and the research findings about the effectiveness of social media. The final section of the article discusses the implications for public relations educators, professional associations, and practitioners as they consider social media tactics in public relations strategy.  相似文献   

The issue of foundationalism and the growing irrelvance of sociological metatheorizing to the understanding of contemporary society is considered from the perspective of postmodernism. Foundationalism is treated as a form of ideology. Changes in the analysis of ideology are discussed briefly and the postmodern approach to the critique of grand narratives, or logocentrism, is introduced. Two meta-narratives, neofunctionalism and conflict theory, are criticized as illustrative examples of logocentrism. The postmodern critique is then applied to the issue of foundationalism as recently articulated in the "Seidman controversy." which is exposed as containing hidden foundationalist implications of its own. The critique of foundationalism raises three issues that are discussed: the possibility of a deontological social theory, narrative as social inquiry, and the social role of academics as intellectuals.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an applied sociology of social problems that encompasses concern with the definition of problems and the conditions defined as problematic. The literature on applied sociology focuses on social problems, but exhibits no concern with the social definition of problems, an issue that should be of primary concern according to the constructionist perspective on social problems. I propose an applied research orientation that is capable of assessing the definition of a problem as well as describing the condition defined as problematic. I illustrate the proposed orientation by discussing an applied study of the people who inhabit the streets in Santa Cruz, California. The study succeeded in redefining those people as streetpeople instead of as transients, but not as part of the new poor. The paper considers the implications of assessing the definition of a problem for policy development, the factors that constrain the redefinition of a problem, and other issues of general relevance. The paper concludes by underscoring the importance of definitional processes and politics, and indicating the prospects of an applied sociology of social problems.  相似文献   

Durkheim is commonly viewed as the founder of sociology as an empirical or even a positivist, empiricist discipline. The connection between empirical sociological theory and Marxist, Weberian, symbolic interactionist, phenomenological, hermeneutic, and other tendencies is illuminated by viewing the parallels between Durkheim and Hegel. These parallels should not obscure important contrasts, but they include a large number of the most distinctive doctrines of the two theorists. The comparison illuminates relationships within sociology as well as relationships between sociology and such other disciplines as philosophy, history, literary criticism, jurisprudence, theology, or ethics. The importance within Durkheim's milieu of figures who were deeply influenced by Hegel shows that Hegel's influence on Durkheim should not be obscured by current views of Durkheim as a positivist in the tradition of Comte.  相似文献   

This paper will describe birth as a social as well as a physiological event, a process which is socially constructed and socially defined. The ways in which the medical establishment controls the birth experience, creating it as a medical event, will be presented. The role of childbirth education is presented here as supporting the medical model and preparing the pregnant woman and her mate for their roles in the institutional birth. We will briefly consider an alternative, non-medical approach to birth.  相似文献   


To study how the genre of classified ads transformed during Stalinism in Czechoslovakia an analysis was carried out on a sample of classified ads that appeared in the Czech daily Lidová demokracie in the tenth week of each year from 1948 to 1953. The ads were analyzed as representations of typified social practices and as discourse structure types. The analysis shows that advertisers' purpose of classified advertising remained relatively stable, presumably, the reason that classified ads continue as a distinct genre. Layout, average length, and use of abbreviations and of non-standard linguistic variants also remained relatively stable. In most other aspects, however, classified ads changed and became marginal in contemporary newspapers. The number of ads significantly declined, as did the variety of subgenres. The number and the variety of goods offered for exchange were reduced. The discursive structures of the ads became less linguistically elaborate and more uniform. Despite those transformations, classified ads may serve as a source for understanding how people perceived contemporary social changes. The ads exemplify a very weak pluralism. The continuity of classified ads as a distinct genre may have helped people to engage in self-initiated public exchange of goods and to maintain identities as interlocutors in trade.  相似文献   

All empirical social research rests, at least implicitly, on not one but two theories: a theory explaining the phenomenon under study, another theory explaining the generation of evidence concerning the phenomenon. The two theories necessarily interact, setting important constraints on each other. The second theory answers questions about how the phenomenon leaves traces, how analysts can observe those traces, and how analysts can reconstruct attributes, elements, causes, and effects of the phenomenon from those traces. As employed in studies of contentious politics, event catalogs raise all these questions. Competing conceptions of the phenomenon under study as protest, as collective violence, as collective action, as conflict, and as contentious claim-making imply different measurement strategies. The strategy of aggregation follows plausibly from identification of the phenomenon as protest or violence, the strategy of incidence from most of the competing conceptions, the strategy of internal regularities only from treatments of the crucial phenomenon as collective action, conflict, or contentious claim-making.  相似文献   

The co-existence in communities as territorial social units currently undergoes severe changes. The withdrawal of industries (as well as their moving in) as motors of the economy causes great challenges for the community. The results can even reach to a complete self-questioning of the whole commune. The article describes a process with a professional facilitation, leading the commune out of a deep crisis. The first section directs the attention to the process with its milestones. The second section deals with special occasions and showplaces occurring during this process and describes roles and functions of the professional facilitation with the challenges arising out of it. Finally reflective considerations relate theory to practice in three graphic examples from the process.  相似文献   

Like navigating a ship (Hutchins, 1993), conducting monetary policy involves complex processes of distributed cognition. The difference is that, in a governmental financial institution like the Bank of Canada, much of the cognitive work and its distribution are accomplished by means of interweaving webs of genres of discourse. The genres of the Bank enable both the forming and reforming of policy as well as the constant reflexive self-monitoring necessary for maintaining the robustness of the institution and for achieving its goals. The genres operate as sites for the communal construction of and negotiation over knowledge; paradoxically, as institutionalized artifacts, they both channel and codify thinking at the same time that they function as sites for change.  相似文献   

This article critically discusses Pierre Bourdieu's views on ethics and normative evaluations. Bourdieu acknowledged that people hold ethical stances, yet sought to show that these stances are – unconsciously – conducive to obtaining symbolic power and legitimizing hierarchy. The first part of the article looks at this argument and charts the shifts it went through particularly in the early 1990s. The second part discusses ontological and empirical critiques of the ethics as ideology argument and suggests the latter to be more salient, as Bourdieu proposed his argument as an empirical rather than as an ontological point. The reason why he nevertheless found the ethics as ideology explanation fitting to nearly all the cases he studied, as the third part argues, is not simply that reality ‘obliged’ him to do so, but his circular definition of symbolic capital as qualities that are worthy of esteem. This definition makes his argument of ethics as ideology unfalsifiable and impedes him from distinguishing between cases when legitimate power is the aim of ethics and between those when it is merely their side effect. The article concludes by suggesting ways in which Bourdieu's work can be fruitfully incorporated into the study of ethics once the tautology is resolved.  相似文献   


The article addresses the potential interface and dialogue between academic and quasi-academic spaces. In particular, it examines the space of the Jewish Study Hall (Beit Midrash) as facilitative of the professional as well as personal development of social work students and practitioners in an Israeli college. We examine how Winnicott’s potential space concept contributes to understanding the Study Hall’s uniqueness as an extracurricular learning space within the School of Social Work. Twenty participants in the Beit Midrash for Judaism and Social Work took part in the study. Thematic analysis of transcribed sessions revealed three themes: (1) The Beit Midrash as a peaceful, safe and inclusive physical space; (2) The Beit Midrash as a space for playing out different realities; and (3) The Beit Midrash as contributing to social work training. Findings indicate that potential spaces that embrace the metaphysical world can help students engaged in religion and spirituality to complement and expand their academic training. We conclude by recommending that Winnicottian potential spaces that embrace the metaphysical world be integrated in social work programmes.  相似文献   

In large scale environmental mediations research instituts often had an important role. Frequently they took the initiative, operated as projekt managers, as mediators and analysed the processes and the results of the mediation. The management of mediations by research instituts has various effects on the procedural process and the evaluation of the results. The interaction of science and practice can cause constructive synergy effects as well as mutual obstructions. Subject of this aricle are in particular the related problems, which can be generated if a mediation is organised as a research projekct.  相似文献   

This study uses qualitative data to examine how welfare-dependent women with young children feel about the employment mandate in the 1996 welfare reform legislation, Personal Work Responsibility Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PWRORA). The voices of poor women have been overlooked in the policy debate about welfare reform, as well as in the social science literature. The data were drawn from individual and group interviews done with 14 women on public assistance during the initial phase of their participation in a voluntary welfare-to-work program. The women in this sample report that they have strong positive feelings about working outside of the home, as well as strong reservations. The paper presents new data on low-income women's role preference and perceived conflict regarding employment when their children are young. All the women in the sample had children under 2 years of age. The data demonstrate that there are aspects of role preference and conflict with employment that are unique to women on public assistance, as well as aspects that are universal across income groups.  相似文献   

We present our design of a digital service supporting social inclusion among immigrant women in an ethnically and socially diverse neighbourhood of a small Finnish town. The aim is to explore experiences and perceptions as well as potential barriers and challenges for using the web-based service. The case study is framed as design research having a strong user-centred design approach. We describe the design process and present the results of a mixed-method evaluation. The results are scrutinized from the perspectives of experience design. The analysis reveals a potential to facilitate social inclusion through the fulfilment of needs related to relatedness, autonomy, competence, pleasure and stimulations as well as popularity. However, some challenges in the interface design and communication of the security and purpose of the site were identified in the study. Significant differences were also found between immigrant women and local people regarding the need for this digital service.  相似文献   

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