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“读屏”成为了越来越多青少年的“常规动作”和“生动表情”,青少年的同伴关系在种种屏幕面前也得以再造。电视屏幕为青少年展示了成人的后台景象,使青少年学习到许多人际交往模式以及相应的价值观念、行为方式。在网络虚拟世界中,青少年按照新的规则展开知识的传播、情感的交流、思想的撞击。学习如何同他人交往,并将这些交往技巧迁移到真实的社会情境中。手机作为“流动的现代性”的表征之一,重新结构着青少年的人际交往模式和社会关系网络。然而,青少年的社会需要不可能仅仅从抽象的“人机关系”中得到满足,“人机”关系自然不可能彻底取代“人际”关系。  相似文献   

Evidence from scholarly journals, texts, and other sources indicates that the terms "sex" and "gender" continue to be used incorrectly, despite earlier pleas to remedy this and related errors (e.g., the terms sex role, gender role, male/female). I advance the plea again, in the hope of reducing confusion and thereby improving scholarly communication with our students and one another.  相似文献   

中外科学教育实践方式和目标不同,学生成才类型也不同。中国学生学习基础扎实,擅长解题答题,学习被动,缺乏独立思考能力。国外学生动手能力强,富有创造精神,学习主动,但基础相对较差。比较中外科学教育利弊得失,对深化我国教育改革,加强素质教育,具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

大学生社团“热”中的“冷”思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
社团文化是大学文化中的亚文化,大学生社团是开展大学生思想政治教育的重要阵地.社团热有利于锻炼、陶冶、提高大学生的基本素质,但其间也存在着一些突出问题,须加强管理和引导.  相似文献   

Cohen (1997) employed the term “classical” diaspora in reference to the Jews. Indeed, a vast corpus of work recognizes the Jewish people as examples of quintessential diasporic groups. However, a broader conceptualization of the term diaspora allows for the inclusion of immigrant communities that would be otherwise sidelined in the conventional literature on diaspora. This study is therefore a departure from the traditional diasporic literature, which tends to use the Jewish Diaspora as the archetype. It favours, rather, the classification of three principal broad historical waves in which the Jewish Diaspora can be interpreted as part of a classical period. The historicizing of diasporization for the purpose of this paper is achieved by an empirical discussion of the three major historical waves that influenced the diasporic process throughout the world: the Classical Period, the Modern Period, and the Contemporary or Late‐modern Period. The paper discusses these three critical phases in the following manner: first, reference is made to the Classical Period, which is associated primarily with ancient diaspora and ancient Greece. The second historical phase analyses diaspora in relation to the Modern Period, which can be interpreted as a central historical fact of slavery and colonization. This section can be further subdivided into three large phases: (1) the expansion of European capital (1500–1814), (2) the Industrial Revolution (1815–1914), and (3) the Interwar Period (1914–1945). The final major period of diasporization can be considered a Contemporary or Late‐modern phenomenon. It refers to the period immediately after World War II to the present day, specifying the case of the Hispanics in the United States as one key example. The paper outlines some aspects of the impact of the Latin American diaspora on the United States, from a socio‐economic and politico‐cultural point of view. While the Modern and Late‐modern periods are undoubtedly the most critical for an understanding of diaspora in a modern, globalized context, for the purpose of this paper, more emphasis is placed on the latter period, which illustrates the progressive effect of globalization on the phenomenon of diasporization. The second period, the Modern Phase is not examined in this paper, as the focus is on a comparative analysis of the early Classical Period and the Contemporary or Late‐modern Period. The incorporation of diaspora as a unit of analysis in the field of international relations has been largely neglected by both recent and critical scholarship on the subject matter. While a growing number of studies focus on the increasing phenomenon of diasporic communities, from the vantage of social sciences, the issue of diaspora appears to be inadequately addressed or ignored altogether. Certain key factors present themselves as limitations to the understanding of the concept, as well as its relevance to the field of international relations and the social sciences as a whole. This paper is meant to clarify some aspects of the definition of diaspora by critiquing the theories in the conventional literature, exposing the lacunae in terms of interpretation of diaspora and in the final analysis, establishing a historiography that may be useful in comparing certain features of “classical” diaspora and “contemporary” diaspora. The latter part of the paper is intended to provide illustrations of a contemporary diasporic community, using the example of Hispanics in the United States.  相似文献   

工程是人类最基本的实践活动,是人类能动性、创造性的最重要、最基本的表现方式之一.现代工程不但深刻地改变着自然的面貌,也塑造了而且还在继续改变着现代社会的面貌,乃至塑造和改变着人本身.人类正是通过"造物"活动创造自己的历史,建造自己的生活世界,从而也创造人本身.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代,美国兴起了一场关于护理院的"文化变革运动",在其影响下,护理院经历了从"机构化"向"家庭化"发展的演变."文化变革运动"的"家庭化"理念表现在伦理价值观、机构管理、护理服务、环境设计四个方面,其形成的动因在于:代际间服务需求的变化、政府监管以及护理院的利益驱动."家庭化"的理念与美国文化相契合,和福利机构"去机构化"发展相互补充,对美国护理院行业发展产生了深远影响,但也在新冠肺炎疫情中暴露出其缺陷."文化变革运动"中的经验做法对中国失能老年人、残疾人的长期护理实践有着借鉴价值.  相似文献   

Ambiguities in Weber's theory of social action have been compounded in translation into English. American commentators have generally given a psychological twist to Weber's concepts of "intended sense" and "understanding," in terms of an "imputation of motive." Weber, on the other hand, distinguishes between the intended sense of an action and the actor's motivation. As a sociologist, he is interested, not in the imputation of motive to the individual actor, but in understanding social action in its "context of sense" in relation to "typical" or "cross-sectional" usages based on "consensus," that is, in its "cultural significance".  相似文献   

课后"备课",是指课后根据课堂的实际情况对教学设计进行再整理、再完善的过程.它是我们搞好校本教研的一个重要环节.搞好这个环节,对后续课程的进行是很有好处的.  相似文献   

张自启,回族,1943年生,四川江油青莲人.中国美术家协会会员,四川美术家协会理事,中国画艺委员会委员,成都市美术家协会副主席,成都人物画会会长.曾执教于四川大学艺术学院,任绘画系主任、教授、硕士生导师.  相似文献   

"气管炎"是现代人"惧内"的一种幽默说法.悠悠五千年明史,孕育了民以食为天的"吃文化"、能解千愁的"酒文化"、意韵悠长的"茶文化",如果从戏说的解度,国人也应当拥有一个"惧内文化",国为纵观历史"惧内"的话题与故事是从来没有闻断过的.  相似文献   


Global diasporas-a type of social formation mediating economic, political, and cultural affairs across borders-have been a focus of globalization researchers for some time. However, up to now, little knowledge exists on how social identification affects business participation in diaspora communities and how such participation modifies social identification. This article, based on empirical research on diasporic linkages between Taiwanese transnationals and ethnic Chinese overseas, serves to illustrate a) how globalization has enhanced the practical and economic roles of diasporas, and b) how economic practices and ethnic identification interact within diasporic communities. The author argues that ethnic membership still remains contested, despite diasporas serving as flexible forms of social organization in the mediation of capital flow.  相似文献   

Research on the Nazi Holocaust against the Jews has arguably been dominated by historians. Yet many historians remain confounded by the Holocaust's major paradox: the "banality of evil" that occurred during the Nazi regime. In this article I argue that understanding of the "banality of evil" paradox can be advanced by reframing previously unsynthesized research in terms of a constructionist theory of social problems. I view the "Jewish problem" and its "final solution" as having a "natural history" that is characterized by the development and unfolding of claims about problems and the formulation and implementation of solutions to problems. I trace the construction of the "Jew" throughout history and as it was identified, acknowledged, and applied in a particular sociocultural and political context. By providing the first application of constructionism to a genocidal event, I show that the social processes that construct genocide parallel those that construct other social problems, and that it is precisely this correspondence that makes the construction of the "Jewish problem" and its "final solution" banal.  相似文献   

The idea of an occupation as a "calling" refers to some moral and perhaps religious motives and to a vision of the larger ends and purposes that work serves. Professions are characterized by mastery of technical information, concepts and theories that guide choices, institutionalization that exercises social controls, and, at least traditionally, a service orientation. "Calling" without professionalization is inept, and a profession without a calling lacks moral and humane roots, loses human sensitivity, and restricts the vision of the purposes of human good that are served.  相似文献   

Treatment of bipolar affective disorder is often difficult and lengthy. Enabling participation in a return to work process is equally daunting, primarily due to the dramatic and oftentimes sudden shifts in mood and thought. The following case study attempts to illustrate the complicated process of return to [and stay at] work for an individual who has mixed bipolar affective disorder. Work has always played a significant role in Ray's life and remains a valued goal and accomplishment for Ray. Work has been a means to structure and routine, and it has been from this routine that wellness has become possible for Ray. The metaphor, "I'm still swimming" helps to illustrate the continual treading of water, which both Ray and his occupational therapist [first author] have experienced over the past 6 years. This case study illustrates the strategies employed in maximizing the person-environment-occupation fit for Ray, as well as the importance of collaboration and partnership in the return-to-work process. It is also meant to stimulate thought and discussion about what is important for occupational therapists, and other health professionals to consider, when attempting the task of return-to-work for an individual with mixed bipolar affective disorder.  相似文献   

"口才充电":为自己增值 充电背景:这是一个越来越注重"说"的时代:竞争职位需要演说,应聘面试需要演讲,推销要有说服力…在国外,口才训练已是企管界颇为流行的培训项目之一,在这样的形势下,国内的口才培训也应运而生,一出现便颇受白领一族的追捧.  相似文献   

洪鸿 《职业》2002,(6):27
1997年6月,我经历了人生中最不幸的一段时间.6月初,单位人事处的同志突然通知我要下岗了,只待正式公布.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature providing reasons for why battered women "stay" in abusive relationships and examines the emergence of images of battered women as "survivors" in early and contemporary activists' discourses, drawing on ideas from social constructionist approaches to social problems, identity, and deviance to explore this phenomenon. Most of the early representations of battered women I analyze emphasize their emotionality and their victimization, while the more recent constructions of this collective identity discussed here emphasize their rationality and their agency. Both "victim" and "survivor" typifications provide accounts for why battered women stay in violent relationships, thus providing a vocabulary of motive for this oft-imputed "deviance." Constructing battered women as survivors, however, may also remediate some of the stigma that can attach to victimization more generally. After situating victim and survivor discourses and considering how the image of a survivor may meet normative expectations that a victim image perhaps violates, I briefly discuss some implications of these alternate collective identities.  相似文献   

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