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'It's good to talk': The focus group and the sociological imagination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper argues that the critical social scientist can employ the focus group – group discussions focused by a facilitator around a particular topic or area of experience – to recast radically both the social relations and the object of the research process. I explore the potential of the focus group to cultivate the sociological imagination in both the facilitating social scientist and the participants: in Bhaskarian terms, a 'transformtional act', raising consciousness and empowering participants, rupturing rather than reproducing underlying relations of exploitation and domination. The hitherto dominant forms of focus group research are criticised as being embedded in the epistemological and methodological assumptions of positivism, behaviourism and empiricism, and in social relations which service power. The qualities of the focus group which have attracted the marketer and advertiser – access to the experiential knowledge, opinions and world-view of the participants, in a context of synergic interaction – are examined. The paper argues for an alternative, radical use of focus groups, based on the new politics of knowledge associated with movements of social resistance. The relationship between this radical conception of focus groups and both Habermas's theory of communicative action and Bhaskar's critical realism is discussed and examples of the potential for focus groups to democratise governance and service provision are offered.  相似文献   

Many public relations practitioners use focus groups in their practice, but most consider the technique merely a complement to survey research. In this article, I show that focus groups can stand alone as a research technique and that they can be used both for formative and evaluative research. I review literature about focus groups from several fields and provide an overview of the nature, value, applications, procedures, and limitations of focus groups. In addition to being a research technique, focus groups can provide a means of two-way communication between organizations and publics. Used this way, focus groups are particularly valuable because they uncover why people think what they think and make possible unbridled conversations about sensitive issues, even among strangers. A case in which focus groups were used for such two-way comnmunication—to help providers of mental health services understand the stigma affecting the mentally ill consumers they serve—is analyzed. The success of the experiment suggests that focus groups also can be used for communication about similar taboos such as homosexuality, AIDS, cancer, or eating disorders.  相似文献   

As it is widely acclaimed, the “Web 2.0” offers many opportunities for qualitative research. While qualitative online research is mainly associated with ethnographic approaches, this article is concerned with online focus groups. In particular, the new opportunities and challenges presented by conducting focus groups via message boards will be discussed. As a starting point, the basic differences between face-to-face and several online focus groups are outlined. The bulk of this article focuses on three distinctive features of message board focus groups and their methodological consequences. These are the written form and the lack of non-verbal cues, the asynchronous mode of communication and the technique of multithreading. Finally, it is shown that focus groups via message boards are rather to be treated as an alternative approach to social reality than as a variant of conventional focus groups. They generate data of a particular type which can be especially valuable for narrative and discursive approaches.  相似文献   

Focus groups: A new tool for qualitative research   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

The focus of this article is participatory research with and by people with learning disabilities. Drawing on discussions that took place across a series of seminars, we use the concepts of space and boundaries to examine the development of a shared new spatial practice through creative responses to a number of challenges. We examine the boundaries that exist between participatory and non-participatory research; the boundaries that exist between different stakeholders of participatory research; and the boundaries that exist between participatory research with people with learning disabilities and participatory research with other groups. With a particular focus on participatory data analysis and participatory research with people with high support needs, we identify a number of ways in boundaries are being crossed. We argue that the pushing of new boundaries opens up both new and messy spaces and that both are important for the development of participatory research methods.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors explore the applications of focus groups to rehabilitation and disability research. Key issues in designing focus group research (e.g., methodological considerations, strategies for conducting focus groups, data analysis procedures) are highlighted. The authors then discuss specific considerations for conducting focus groups with people with disabilities. The article concludes with a review of three research studies in rehabilitation that used a focus group methodology.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a research project that was developed between a cohort of child protection social workers in the Republic of Ireland and the authors. The focus of the research was on researching participants’ experiences of developing peer support groups (PSGs) in child protection social work. Eleven participants formed two PSGs; one group had six participants, the other had five. This qualitative research study involved focus groups with each of the peer groups at the beginning, middle and end of the 12-month period. Data from the focus groups were analysed using thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006). Findings from the research indicate that the organic development of a PSG involves negotiating a range of practicalities which, working together, help to promote reflective practice and to advance the development of the professional self. A number of important and interconnected subthemes emerged within the texts of the focus groups. These included: the establishment of PSGs as a work activity; consideration of logistical matters in forming PSGs; identification of the influence of group dynamics in structuring and negotiating PSGs; PSGs as a conduit for integrating personal and professional values and as a context for facilitating and enabling an increased consciousness of self in practice. Drawing on these findings, the authors consider the implications for integrating PSGs within child protection agency services.  相似文献   

随着我国青少年研究学科建设的发展,青少年研究的领域与范围逐步扩展.相关研究成果也显著增加。对人大复印资料《青少年导刊》2006年至2011年间转载的学术论文进行主题分类和内容统计分析可以看出,我国青少年研究的总体水平正在从量的增长向质的提高转化:青少年研究领域正在形成一批稳定、持续、有影响力的研究者和研究机构。虽然我国青少年研究逐渐成熟.多学科、多元化研究渐受关注,但也存在一些问题,主要包括研究的内容主题过于集中在某几个少数群体,具有鲜明的群体分布特征等。  相似文献   

Social media is pervasive in the lives of young people, and this paper critically analyses how politically engaged young people integrate social media use into their existing organisations and political communications. This qualitative research project studied how young people from a broad range of existing political and civic groups use social media for sharing information, mobilisation and, increasingly, as a means to redefine political action and political spaces. Twelve in-person focus groups were conducted in Australia, the USA and the UK with matched affinity groups based on university campuses. The groups were of four types: party political group, issue-based group, identity-based group and social group. Our focus group findings suggest that this in-depth approach to understanding young people's political engagement reveals important group-based differences emerging in young people's citizenship norms: between the dutiful allegiance to formal politics and a more personalised, self-actualising preference for online, discursive forms of political engagement and organising. The ways in which political information is broadcast, shared and talked about on social media by engaged young people demonstrate the importance of communicative forms of action for the future of political engagement and connective action.  相似文献   

Focus groups became popular in social research in the 1980s. Robert Merton has pointed to the continuities and discontinuities between focus groups and the wartime use of ‘focused interviewing’ he and his colleagues developed at the Bureau of Applied Social Research. Using a variety of sources, the paper attempts to chart the ways in which focused interviewing came to be taken up, diffused and modified in marketing research before re-emerging into sociology as the focus group.  相似文献   

In its current state the sociology of art markets is characterized by an externalist approach to the analysis of art value in which the art object is the repository of beliefs, judgements given to it by art market actors. However, a review of the literature on art museums poses a challenge to this externalist approach by focusing on the mutually constitutive relationship between the art object, its exhibition and museum context, and viewers. The article reviews this literature exploring the advantages of this line of research for a meaningful sociology of art markets. It will argue for the need to overcome its current externalist focus with studies of the emotional dimension of art market objects as well as of the practices of art market actors.  相似文献   

The role of men has undergone tremendous change over the last decade due to various reasons. The researcher tried to combine two objectives in this study. Firstly the focus was on perceptions and attitudes of aged males towards themselves, significant others and the general process of aging. The second objective was to determine the culturally diverse perceptions and attitudes of aged males towards aging and some concomitant factors. The study was done within the qualitative paradigm. Seeing that research of this nature has seldom been undertaken, an exploratory research design was embarked on. Two culturally different groups, the one consisting of 12 aged black men and the other consisting of 12 aged white men, were established. Members for the two groups were selected by way of the accidental sampling technique. Vast differences were found between the two groups on some aspects, while on other aspects there were little differences.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, the sociological analysis of football hooliganism has focused on the processes which lead to violence between fans. This has been a reasonable research strategy since the incidence of violence is a striking phenomenon and violent fans themselves look upon violence as the objective. However, this focus on the causes of violence has cast other important aspects of football violence into the shade. In particular, there has been a lack of consideration of the way in which violence has been used as a resource by violent fans for the creation and re‐creation of their hooligan gangs. In particular, there has been no discussion of the way in which the collective memory of violence, established in discussions between group members, affirms the solidarity of these groups. In exploring the way that shared memory is employed by violent fans to sustain their relations with each other, this article widens the focus of the sociological study of hooliganism but also makes a contribution to the understanding of how social groups are constituted more generally through the empirical example of hooliganism.  相似文献   

The literature on attitudes toward objects includes seminal research on threat appraisals indicating that individuals locate an object in a multidimensional threat appraisal space defined by the object's perceived degree of being good or bad, weak or strong, and passive or active. We advance this research in three ways. First, we generalize the information integration on an object with the inclusion of other individuals’ displayed appraisals, and posit the existence of a dynamical system of information integration that generates a network of interpersonal influences on group members’ object appraisals. Second, we show that this influence system entails a set of non-obvious and rarely violated constraints on individuals’ settled appraisals. Third, with data collected in experiments on groups’ appraisals of images of nine animals and two nations, Russia and North Korea, we report empirical findings that support the existence of this system and its predicted constraints on individuals’ object appraisals.  相似文献   

This pilot study presents the first implementation and evaluation of a new technique to raise creative performances by eliminating common ideas and conventional solutions in a first step and subsequently generate new ideas. This technique is termed “elimination method”. The experiment of this study was conducted with individually working subjects, not involving group interaction. 30 subjects worked on a creativity task with the elimination method, 30 subjects worked on the same creativity task with brainstorming technique instructions. They produced 1919 ideas which could be summarized to 268 different cognitive elements as the baseline of the research. The theoretical focus of this study is to highlight the role of common knowledge in group discussion and the corresponding intra-individual processes and cognitive processes. Overall results of data examination were in line with expectations and support future testing of the proposed elimination method in a group context. This study was able to show that the instructions for the elimination method induced effects as intended, producing mainly common ideas in the first step and mainly new ideas in the second step, overall resembling the output of the brainstorming condition. The second step of the elimination method outperformed the brainstorming condition in producing idea output with a higher creative density and one-tailed differences were significant (p? =? 0.028). Furthermore, interactions between method and creativity measures were explored. Findings were connected to corresponding research where appropriate and implications for future research were remarked upon.  相似文献   

This article focuses on emerging forms of formative intervention research in educational settings in the United States. The examples presented share three key features with cultural-historical activity theory (CHAT) formative intervention research: (a) a focus on historically accumulating structural tensions within and across activity systems, (b) use of double-stimulation as a method of intervention, and (c) expanding agency as the object of intervention. The examples differ from CHAT approaches in that they employ theories and tools from research on subject-matter learning and organizations. In presenting these examples, I aim to renew dialogue between CHAT researchers and learning scientists about intervention research.  相似文献   

This article addresses authenticity and how it is selectively used by Civil War reenactors to create credible reenactments. The Civil War provides a structured set of scenarios for reenactors to use as a backdrop for their participation. Some use this backdrop to bring objects to the forefront and others use this setting as a way to interact with an audience person to person. This research indicates that authenticity may come through on different levels for individuals participating in the same activity. An authentic experience or object is authentic because it has an important immediate meaning. The objects and narratives displayed by reenactors may be set in specific history but this does not mean that these same objects and narratives are part of that history. This paper contributes to the study of authenticity by examining groups of Civil War reenactors and where their focus of authenticity lies whether it is on authentic objects or interactions.  相似文献   

Much research documents the correlation between homelessness and mental illness. Often, existing research focuses on deficits that live at the intersection of these phenomena. The present study utilizes a sense of community (SOC) framework to interrogate the ways in which formerly homeless individuals with serious mental illness perceive and experience community in supportive housing. Through focus groups with 18 consumers, this study contextualizes dimensions of SOC (membership, emotional connection, needs fulfillment, and influence) for the aforementioned population. Analysis of focus group data produced 16 themes and subthemes that support and extend our understanding of SOC for a population often conceptualized as isolated and alone. Implications for policy and practice emphasize: (1) the importance of supportive housing communities and the call for policymakers to increase funding for such programing; and, (2) that practitioners facilitate housing members’ voices to effectuate change in supportive housing and increase SOC.  相似文献   

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