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This article examines the circumstances under which nonprofit organizations adopt corporate governance practices. In the study reported here, the authors found that adoption of corporate governance practices depends primarily on the presence of a supportive institutional (that is, value) context as well as available resources to support governance restructuring. These findings strongly suggest that the adoption of structures and practices from the for-profit sector is neither a feasible nor even a desirable solution to problems facing many nonprofit organizations.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the nexus between the governance of U.S. nonprofit organizations and their ability to secure the resources necessary to effectively execute their missions. Different sources of nonprofit income are associated with alternative stakeholders. Viewing these constituencies as beneficiary groups, we consider how the particular mix of income sources influences the capacity of nonprofits to generate resources, especially if there is competition among stakeholder groups for control of the organization’s policies and practices. We then ask how nonprofit governance might be modified to improve the ability of the organization to generate resources through a regime of economic stakeholder governance.  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - It has been well documented in recent years that nonprofits are becoming increasingly marketized. What is less well...  相似文献   

Although reinvention of government agencies is being extensively discussed, relatively little is known about the reinvention strategies of nonprofit organizations. This article reports survey results for a randomly selected group of nonprofit organizations from across the United States. We conclude that reinvention is being used as a management tool by nonprofit organizations and that it is affecting day‐to‐day operations. Regardless of how reinvention was implemented, these organizations generally view their reinvention activities as successful for increasing productivity, enhancing services, improving performance, and managing costs.  相似文献   

Nonprofit organizations, though rooted in civil society and primarily committed to value rationality, must work legitimately to influence political and economic systems. To a certain degree, therefore, they must adapt to the purposive logic of power and money. This study analyzes the way in which nonprofit organizational communications respond to such tensions, using a nationwide survey of editors-in-chief responsible for magazines issued by nonprofit organizations in Switzerland as the empirical basis. These magazines often function as steering tools targeted toward members, following the logic of power and there is less danger of them being “colonized” by economic logic. The results indicate that large organizations that rely on paid staff tend to cut their ties with civil society and the “lifeworlds” of their members.  相似文献   

Success and failure of nonprofit organizations (NPOs) have been prominent themes in the nonprofit community for more than 30 years. However, since there is no common understanding on success and failure of NPOs, the research field is still fragmented. Drawing from research on organizational success and failure in the for-profit context as a theoretical background, this paper systemizes the academic knowledge on NPO success and failure. By shedding light on theoretical approaches used, empirical evidence on the determinants of these constructs, and the sectors analyzed most frequently in this regard, the paper develops an instructive research agenda concerning studies on success and failure of NPOs.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of social proximity (nonprofit) organizations in the process of professional innovation that involved a transfer of human service technologies from Western Europe and the United States to Poland during the 1989 political–economic reform. To explain that role, the paper introduces a theoretical model that posits the existence of elective affinity between the social proximity form and occupational interests of service providers. As the existing system of professions is no longer sufficient to legitimate expert services and curb competition among different types of providers, the social proximity form bestows social legitimacy on novel or controversial types of services, and is thus instrumental in marketing those services. The proposed model is supported by quantitative data and in-depth interviews. Theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Nonprofit organizations have a role in spreading technological innovation. The experience in Poland illustrates that entrepreneurial health care professionals prefer nonprofit organizations over for-profit organizations to introduce novel services to the market because nonprofits create favorable public perceptions of those services.  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - A burgeoning line of research examines nonprofit advocacy, yet few have examined how nonprofits advocate against policy...  相似文献   

Using data from a large nationally representative sample of adolescents attending school, this study tests the stereotype that youth of Asian Pacific Islander ethnicity (API) are the model minority. The results suggest that, except for substance use, API American youth do not report fewer delinquent behaviors than white youth; in fact, API American youth report slightly higher numbers of aggressive offenses than white youth, and female API American youth report greater numbers of nonaggressive offenses than white female youth. Also, API American youth report higher rates of nonaggressive offenses and substance use than do black youth. The mental health and social service needs of API American youth are thus at least as great as those of white youth. The need for such services increases with the length of residency in the United States.  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - This paper examines the determinants of the density of nonprofits registered in the USA by using alternative measures of...  相似文献   

On the subject of stewardship, Block (1996, p. 47) writes, “Stewardship not only affects the use of power, but it also confronts the way we hold privilege.” He also states, “Holding on to privilege is an act of self‐interest, the antithesis of service and stewardship.” As Block uses it, the term privilege denotes a class structure within governance settings, and self‐interest refers to using one's power (through the exercise of privilege) to ascertain an objective that may not be in accord with others'.  相似文献   

The authors present a case study of what went wrong in the Ohio Division of the American Cancer Society in the late 1990s, leading to massive fraud. They discuss conditions that allowed the fraud to go undetected for several years and make recommendations for creating internal control systems to keep other nonprofits from facing this type of loss.  相似文献   

The emergence of nonprofit organizations has largely been explained by the prevalent “three failures” theory. However, evidence suggests that such theories fail to capture a variety of contextual nuances that may influence nonprofit formation. In particular, these theories have remained relatively silent about the emergence of hybrid voluntary organizations. This article posits the notion that some nonprofit organizations (for example, hybrid voluntary organizations) emerge through cross‐sector negotiations, amid a number of social, policy, and political contextual complexities. We contend that any theory purporting to explain the emergence of nonprofit organizations should not neglect to account for the role contextual factors play in defining their emergence and their subsequent character and function.  相似文献   

This article reviews the results of a multiphase study of nonprofit human service organizations serving children and youth in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. The purpose of the study was to identify adaptation strategies organizations found effective for the current environment. The study reviews the results of longitudinal focus groups and a final workshop directed to analyzing strategies for maintaining organizational viability. Effective adaptations included strategic expansion of services and client bases, networking as a means to acquire and stabilize revenue streams and resources, and increased use of business techniques and technology to generate outcome measures and an image of effectiveness with funders.  相似文献   

This article considers the geographic distribution of nonprofit organizations serving immigrants across municipalities within the Greater Boston area in an effort to identify variations in the levels of assistance available to major foreign‐born populations in the region. The analysis relies on data from the Census and the National Center for Charitable Statistics. Results suggest that geographic context matters, including immigrant settlement patterns, racial heterogeneity, and fiscal and institutional characteristics of towns and cities, in shaping availability of nonprofit resources to immigrants. These findings highlight large socio‐spatial disparities in immigrant services and challenge the wisdom of devolving responsibility for such assistance to local governments and ultimately nonprofits, as new entrants settle in larger numbers in areas previously unaffected by immigration and ill‐prepared to address immigrant needs. The research contributes to debates on the rescaling of immigrant policy and service provision and literature on the geography of integration by engaging with scholarship in urban and political geography.  相似文献   

Media publicity is an important resource for contemporary voluntary associations, but very little is actually known about the resources and organizational characteristics that are most important for getting media attention. To address this question, we collected and analyzed data on the organizational attributes and news publicity of 739 nonprofit organizations in New York City. We find that an organization's income, paid staff, membership size, and library resources are significantly related to getting media publicity, whereas the number of chapter affiliations is inversely related to publicity. Association type is also a significant factor that influences an organization's ability to get publicity. We discuss the implications that these findings have for current debates about advocacy and civic engagement in the nonprofit sector.  相似文献   

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