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Summary The searching efficiencies of a primary parasite (Diaeretiella rapae (McIntosh)) and a hyperparasite (Alloxysta brassicae (Ash.)) were investigated and compared. In both species, at all parasite densities, there was a curvilinear relationship (P<0.001) between the number of hosts parasitised and the host density. A linear regression (loga=logQ−m logP) was fitted for log area of discovery against log parasite density (P<0.001). The area of discovery for its immediate (i.e. primary) host (viz.Diaeretiella for the hyperparasite and aphid forDiaeretiella) is lower in the hyperparasite than in the primary parasite. InDiaeretialla both the searching efficiency and the mutual interference constant increased (but not significantly,P>0.05) in the presence of its males.  相似文献   

Summary AsMatsumoto andHuffaker (1973) concluded that their initial universe size was too small for the proper separation of the effects of host density and dispersion on parasite performance, a larger universe of 38 1/2″ (length) ×38 1/2″ (width) ×3″ (height) was used. When individual parasites were exposed to fixed densities and dispersion patterns of host, they displayed an overall decrease in the parasitization rate when compared to the small universe. In all cases aHolling-type response resulted. When a group of 10 parasites per test was employed a Nicholsonian type of response resulted. In an experimentally confined space, the parasites displayed a mutual behavioral interference resulting in emigration which accelerated as the parasite density increased. These studies were conducted as a partial fulfillment in the Ph. D. program of one of us (B. M. Matsumoto) and is a part of a broad investigation into the processes operating in the dynamics of arthropod populations under grants toC. B. Huffaker from the U. S. Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health and the U. S. Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

Summary The functional response ofCyrtorhinus lividipennis feeding on brown planthopper (BPH) and green leafhopper (GLH) eggs was found to be Holling’s Type II. The Random Predator Equation fitted the data satisfactorily. Using Manly’s preference index, α, both the male and femaleC. lividipennis were found to prefer BPH eggs. There was, however, no evidence of switching and the ratio of the respective searching efficiencies could account for the preference.  相似文献   

Summary The present paper studies how the female parasite ofKratochviliana sp. visits and attacks its host larvae of Ranunculus leaf mining fly,P. ranunculi at a single leaf visit. The parasite visited its hosts at random on the leaf. The frequency of host visits was independent of the host density and the proportion of hosts survived from the parasite attack, in a leaf and its distribution was expressed as a single straight line. It almost always attacked living hosts at the first host visit after isolated from them for one day but with the rate of about 0.5 at the subsequent visits. In consequence, the relationships of the number of host attacks and killed hosts to the host density drew satulated curves in each. A model of host attack by this parasite at its single leaf visit was formulated by modifyingBakker et al.'s model (1972) basing upon these observations and the attack avoidance by the parasite to already attacked hosts previously reported. Ecological studies on the relationship between Ranunculus leaf mining fly,Phytomyza ranunculi Schrank (Diptera; Agromyzidae) and its parasite,Kratochviliana sp. (Hymenoptera; Eulophidae) from the viewpoint of spatial structure II. This paper constitutes a part of the Doctoral Thesis presented to the College of Agriculture, Kyoto University by the present author.  相似文献   

Summary A statistical and graphic study is presented of the wastage of eggs byVenturia (=Nemeritis) canescens when searching singly and in groups of 10 among hosts at four different host densities in laboratory universes as described byHuffaker andMatsumoto (preceding paper of this journal). The host insect was the fluour mothAnagasta kühniella and the host densities used were 10, 30, 100 and 200 per universe. Intensity of egg wastage due to superparasitim varied significantly according to host density, and between the two parasite densities employed, 1 and 10, using bothF-tests and chi-square tests. Plots ofk-factor analysis on this egg wastage showed high negative correlations with host density, and the raw data for single parasites was well represented by a parabola while that for the grouped parasites departed from this relationship only at the lowest host density. These studies were conducted as a part of a general investigation into the processes operating in the population dynamics of arthropods under grants from the National Institutes of Health, U. S. Public Health Service (#A10-1611), and the National Science Foundation and Environmental Protection Agency (NSF DEB7504223) to the University of California. The findings, opinions and recommendations expressed herein are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the University of California, the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation or the Environmental Protection Agency.  相似文献   

Summary Functional responses of the wolf spider,Pardosa pseudoannulata (Boesenberg et Strand) attacking the rice brown planthopper,Nilaparvata lugens (St?l.), and the mirid predatorCyrtorhinus lividipennis Reuter were both those of Holling Type II. The attack rate was higher and handling time lower forC. lividipennis. However, when caged with the two prey, the wolf spider showed a significant preference forN. lugens at a lower prey proportion. Proportions of prey attacked were significantly different from the expected ratios of prey available as well as from the predicted preferences derived from the functional response parameters. As proportions ofN. lugens attacked changed from greater to less than expected as the proportions ofN. lugens available increased, a “reverse switch” behaviour seems to be evident.  相似文献   

Summary Competition experiments between a lac+ prototroph and a lac auxotroph ofEscherichia coli were conducted by serial transfer procedure on four levels of sugar concentration. Changes of the relative frequencies of both genotypes were followed and the relative fitness was estimated. Fitness was proved to be density-dependent. No explicit dependence of fitness upon genotype frequencies could be detected by the simple method ofKosuda (1981).  相似文献   

Summary This paper is concerned with some aspects of the ecology of the southern green stink bug,Nezara viridula, in Hawaii. Dispersal studies on adults showed an asymetrical dispersal pattern. The rate of plant to plant to movement by the adults was 3.3–6.7 feet per day. Mortality studies showed that egg predation by ants,Pheidole megancephala, was as high as 80–90 per cent. Egg parasitism byTelenomus basalis was highest during February, 1965, and adult parasitism byTrichopoda pennipes was highest during July, 1964, to January of the following year. The population ofN. viridula declined during May, 1964, to May, 1965. This decline occurred simultaneously with the decline in the number of eggs produced per female. It has been speculated that this reduction in egg production was caused by parasitism byT. pennipes. Published with the approval of the Director of the Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station as Technical Paper No. 816. It is with great pleasure that I acknowledge with thanks the help that I received in various ways from the following: Dr. WallaceC. Mitchell, Dr. MervinKamran., Mr HarryKaya and Mr. HitoshiKamasaki.  相似文献   

Summary The populations of native male adult oriental fruit flyDacus dorsalis (Hendel) and artocarpus fruit flyD. umbrosus (F.) in two selected site (BU and SD) were estimated weekly by the capture-recapture technique using live traps baited with methyl eugenol. In BU where many varieties of fruit trees were grown, the estimated population densities ofD. dorsalis were between 980 and 3100 male flies per ha between May and July, 1984. During the same period, in SD where there were fewer number and varieties of fruit trees, the estimated population densities were between 300 and 1000 flies per ha. The estimated population densities ofD. umbrosus over the same period were between 570 and 1290 flies per ha in BU; and between 5 and 95 flies per ha in SD. Of a total 6828 markedD. dorsalis flies released only one fly (released 6 weeks earlier in BU) was caught in a different site.  相似文献   

Summary A predator-prey system involvingLycosa pseudoannulata as predators and both the green rice leafhopper,Nephotettix cincticeps and the brown planthopper,Nilaparvata lugens as prey was studied in an experimental paddy field. Daily predation rates on the prey and weekly disappearance rates ofLycosa females were related to densities of both predators and prey by multiple regression. During the off-season of reproduction for predators and prey, it proved possible to simulate the interaction betweenLycosa and its prey.  相似文献   

Summary The basic components of the predation ofPhytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot feeding upon eggs ofTetranychus urticae Koch were studied in an open system where the predator could disperse freely. The type of the functional response of the predator to the density of its prey was the same as that studied so far in a closed system, i.e.,Holling's Type 2. The search rate of the predator, however, was much lower in comparison with the result from a closed system. The oviposition of the predator per day was only weakly related to prey densities higher than 10 per leaf disc. But the emigration rate was inversely dependent upon the initial prey density up to 60 per leaf disc. The searching behaviour of the predator was influenced by both the web density spun byT. urticae and the density of the prey: the predator searched for its prey intensively only after it had contact with web. Mutual interference was observed in prey consumption, but not in the emigration rate. The emigration rate was largely dependent upon the prey density available per predator.  相似文献   

Summary Larval growth patterns ofHemipyrellia ligurriens (Calliphoridae) andBoettcherisca formosensis (Sacophagidae) in crowded and uncrowded cultures were compared. Growth of the larvae followed a sigmoid curve. The highest larval growth rates were 0.33 and 0.36 mg h−1 for uncrowded and crowdedH. ligurriens respectively. The corresponding figures were 2.38 and 1.23 mg h−1 forB. formosensis. Larvae of both species attained maximum weight earlier in crowded cultures than in uncrowded cultures, although the final weights attained in crowded cultures were less. The earlier period of most rapid growth in both species was interpreted as a result of intraspecific facilitation at higher larval densities. UncrowdedB. formosensis had a shorter larval to pupal development and an earlier period of most rapid growth than uncrowdedH. ligurriens, suggesting the former may be superior in exploiting carcasses with limiting food.  相似文献   

Summary A series of experiments were carried out with the endophagous egg parasiteTelenomus fariai on its hostTriatoma phyllosoma pallidipennis to determine the possible role of intraspecific competition by the parasite progeny in population regulation of the parasite. Eight parasite densities (1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 individuals per vial) were used, and the design of sequentially sacrificed replicates applied. Survivorship curves for each density indicated smaller number of progeny per host at higher densities, and the shapes of the curves suggested a relatively early mortality process.Morris' linear regression technique for determining within-generation density-dependence was used, and the results showed that only larval mortality could be identified as density dependent. The same technique applied within the larval stage proved that only mortality of larvae in their second, third, and fourth day of development were responsible for population regulation. The applicability of the technique, as well as the relevance of the results for natural population, is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The functional response parameters of the parasitoid,Anisopteromalus calandrae (Howard) to the third instar, the fourth instar and the pupae ofCallosobruchus maculatus (F.) were estimated from the Random Parasitoid Equation. By modifying this equation for a two host situation and using the parameters estimated above, a no switch model could be obtained. This model was then used to test for switching. In the preference experiments where two stages of the host were presented to the female parasitoid, a definite preference for the fourth instar followed by the pupa and the third instar, respectively was shown. There was, however, no evidence of switching. There was also no evidence that the data fitted the no switch models which suggests that when the parasitoid is searching in an environment with two or more hosts, its searching behaviour is more complex.  相似文献   

Summary The contagiousness in the operation of mortality processes on the colonies of the western tent caterpillar,Malacosoma californicum pluviale, was analyzed from two different aspects: successive changes in the frequency distribution of the number of surviving individuals per colony in the course of development, and the distribution pattern of the individuals killed by some biotic mortality factors. Also, for a tachinid parasite,Tachinomyia similis, the analysis was made on the egg-laying pattern on colonies as well as on individual larvae. The methods of these analyses were all based on the relation of mean crowding (m) on mean . A braconid parasite,Rogas sp., tended to kill few individuals together once it attacked a colony, but its effect on host colonies was rather equivalent to the random removal of individuals from all the colonies. Diseases in the late-stage larvae before cocooning was contagious in their action. Nuclear polyhedrosis virus seemed to have no basic contagiousness in its action, but it caused highly contagious distribution of deaths among the colonies when its average incidence was high. A spore-formingBacillus had a tendency to kill several individuals once it appeared in a colony, but the distribution of its incidence (no. of times it appeared per colony) was considered to be nearly at random. The female ofTachinomyia tended to lay more than one egg successively on the same colony. It also attacked individual larvae with a definite tendency for aggregation, which seemed to be resulted from the parasite’s preference to large hosts. When the number of eggs laid on prefered hosts exceeded a certain threshold, however, the fly seemed to change its attention to less attractive, smaller individuals.  相似文献   

Summary Studies on populations ofBrevicoryne brassicae (L.), its parasites and hyperparasites were carried out by actual counting in the sprouts field and by sticky and water traps.B. brassicae was found to be attacked by one primary parasite,Diaretiella rapae (McIntosh), which in turn is parasitized byAlloxysta brassicae (Ashm.),Asaphes vulgaris Walker,A. suspensus (Nees),Pachyneuron minutissimum (F?rster) andDendrocerus carpenterii (Curtis). The aphid population in the field was started by immigrant alates which were found flying too early to be synchronized with the sprouts plants. SimilarlyD. rapae was not synchronized with the aphids although many individuals could have been carried into a plot through parasitized immigrant alates, of which less than 30% were found parasitized. Because of high hyperparasitism (especially byA. brassicae)D. rapae was not able to maintain a high rate of parasitism to curb the aphid population growth. The maximum percentage mummies being 27.8%, while the maximum, percentage parasitism being 56.6% recorded only during the early 1974 season (mean=12.9%). The decline of aphid population from September onwards was largely due to the cold weather, Syrphid predation and occasionally fungal attack. The high rate of hyperparasitism byA. brassicae is attributed to its better synchronization withD. rapae. The mean percentage of parasite that emerged from mummies collected during 1973–74 wereD. rapae 31.3%,A. brassicae 64.3%,A. vulgaris andA. suspensus 4.3%,D. carpenterii 0.2% andP. minutissimum 0.1%.  相似文献   

Early season infestations of the sweet potato whitefly,Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius), on cantaloupes,Cucumis melo L., were determined by counts of the number of adults per leaf in fields near Yuma, Arizona. We used these data to develop binomial sampling plans based on the relationship between mean densities of whiteflies per leaf,m, and proportion of leaves infested with more thanI whiteflies,P I, according to the empirical model lnm=a′+b′ ln[−ln(1−P I)]. The models were developed for the presence-absence approach (I=0) and for a cutoff value of three whiteflies per leaf (I=3). Four independent data sets were used to evaluate the models. Both methods yielded reliable predictions at low infestation levels, but some of the higherm values were overestimated. As the tentative economic threshold forB. tabaci is three adults per leaf, which corresponds to lowP I values, results of the binomial sampling were satisfactory for pest management purposes.  相似文献   

Summary The biology of the veliid bugM. d. atrolineata, its predatory behavior, and the effects of plural hunting were studied to evaluate its role as a predator of the brown planthopperNilaparvata lugens in the Philippines. The probability of planthoppers falling onto the water surface and provision of habitat continuity was measured by a sticky trap placed at the base of rice hills in a greenhouse and in paddy fields. The developmental period of immature stages combined was 21 days. If given prey, females laid 25 eggs on the average during an adult life span of 18 days. Starved adults could survive for only 3–5 days. The functional response to prey density was sigmoid, and the maximum number of prey killed was 7 per day. Prey feeding was completed in 12–36 min. The percentage of successful prey attacks averaged 5–8%, decreasing with higher (and larger) developmental. stages of prey, but adult prey were found the soonest. Plural hunting increased the probability of capturing prey by as much as 2.5 times that by individual hunting. Late-instar nymphs, which may be more active, fell from rice hills in a greenhouse more than early-instar nymphs, and the number falling increased with density. In the field the percentage of planthoppers falling to the water in 1 day varied considerably, from 1% for nymphs in one field to 67% for adults in another field. On the basis of work described above and given the high density of veliid predators in flooded paddy fields of tropical Asia,M. d. atrolineata is considered one of the most important natural enemies of the brown planthopper.  相似文献   

Summary Spatial distribution pattern of the brown planthopper (BPH) was analyzed at 9 experimental fields in the northern part of West Java during two consecutive rice cropping seasons, i.e., wet and dry seasons. The population of each developmental stage and wing form of BPH at each location showed consistent departure from the random (Poisson) distribution, the variances of the densities in most cases exceeding their means. Namely, the distribution pattern of BPH per hill of rice plant was found to have a general tendency to be aggregated or contagious and to fit fairly well to the negative binomial model. The tendency for aggregation was further confirmed by both the β-values of -m regression being larger than unity and theC A -values being larger than zero for each developmental stage. Although significant variations in the distribution pattern as measured by β- orC A -value were observed between different developmental stages, between wing forms and among locations, the degree of aggregation for a given developmental stage at each experimental field remained fairly stable throughout the crop period, despite wide temporal changes in population density. Possible factors to explain these characteristics of the spatial distribution pattern of the BPH in West Java were discussed with reference to the process generating it.  相似文献   

Summary Overwintering of two social halictine bees,Lasioglossum duplex (Dalla Torre) andL. problematicum (Blüthgen), was studied. InL. duplex many females stay near the old nests, each female preparing a hibernaculum separated from the natal nest. InL. problematicum most females overwinter communally within the natal nest. This difference in overwintering habits relates to the social structure in the next spring.L. duplex is nearly always solitary in spring although later becoming eusocial, whereas many nests ofL. problematicum are polygynous, beginning in early spring.L. duplex overwinters much deeper ( ) in the soil than doesL. problematicum ( ), but both species are safe from drops in soil temperature, which is above 0°C even in midwinter, and the bees' supercooling points are lower than −6°C. This cold resistance and the storage of sufficient food in the crop are reflected in the winter survival, which is much higher (79%) than the rate of successful nests in the spring active phase (25%). Bionomics of the eusocial halictine beeLasioglossum duplex VII. Contribution No. 2654 from the Inst. Low Temp. Sci.  相似文献   

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