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This paper explores how Board Remuneration Committee (Remco) decisions about executive pay are influenced by pay consultants. Drawing on resource dependency theory and case study evidence from five companies, the paper illuminates the complexities of the pressures and processes confronting both Remcos and pay consultants in the determination of executive pay awards. In contrast to ‘managerial power’ arguments, it demonstrates that the Remcos are proactive in managing pay policy, conscientious in seeking to ensure that pay is appropriate and not over‐generous, and that pay consultants are independent and take their instructions entirely from the Remco. Nevertheless, Remcos' understandings of the wider pay environment, informed by the comparative data supplied by pay consultants, constructs a climate in which the Remcos come to perceive a need for periodic upward pay adjustments to ensure that executive remuneration is consistent with external benchmarks if they are to avoid recruitment and retention problems.  相似文献   

We examine the determination of directors' compensation in UK quoted companies between 1985 and 1994. The primary innovation contained in the paper is the focus on the governance mechanisms that determine pay outcomes. Our results indicate that: (i) directors' compensation is positively related to pre-dated shareholder returns and company size with the quantitative effect of the latter dominating the former. (ii) We find that the pay-for-performance link has become quantitatively stronger over our sample period. (iii) There has been positive adherence to the principles of the Cadbury report, but these variables play little statistical role in shaping the direct compensation of top directors.  相似文献   

This study examines the implications that CEO age has onexecutive pay regarding data collected in a UK setting. Whereprior research has typically focused on total pay (salary plusbonus), this study offers a more complete conceptual model bysplitting pay into salary, annual bonus, and share options. Indoing so, we found that the relationship between CEO salaries andage are significantly related with this association weakeningover time. Another interesting finding not captured by priorresearch was that the relationship between CEO age and bonusappears to be non-linear in nature. Figures 2 which depicts thisnon-linear function suggest at about age 53, the proportion ofbonus as a percentage of salary begins to decrease at anincreasing rate. As a whole, these findings suggest corporate paycommittees should consider family and the financial circumstancesof the executive when designing remuneration schemes.  相似文献   

本文采用2010~2015年北京中关村自主创新企业的面板数据,考察了出口对企业创新的影响。为了全面分析出口对创新的影响,我们将创新分为创新投入和创新产出两个部分:创新投入由研发部门支出和研发部门人员投入来衡量,而创新产出由新产品收入和专利授权数量来衡量。本文运用倾向得分匹配方法控制住了出口企业的自我选择效应,检验出口对创新的促进作用。我们发现:(1)总体上来看,企业出口显著促进了创新投入与创新产出;(2)从行业异质性角度出发,并不是每个行业出口都能促进企业的创新,在有些行业中出口对创新的提升是有限的;(3)出口对创新投入的提升会随着时间的推移先逐步减弱,再逐步增强,而对创新产出的影响随时间推移而减弱;(4)本文进一步采用2001年我国加入WTO作为稳健性检验,利用行业层面出口关税调整和政策时间变动构造双重差分模型,检验以出口关税下降形式的贸易自由化对企业创新研发投入和创新产出的影响,巩固了企业出口对创新驱动的因果促进效应。本文研究结果为我国经济迈向高质量发展阶段,进一步扩大开放新举措,提供贸易深化与企业创新驱动的理论支撑与政策建议。  相似文献   

Giovanni Sulis 《LABOUR》2008,22(4):593-627
This paper provides a structural estimation of an equilibrium search model with on‐the‐job search and heterogeneity in firms' productivities using a sample of Italian male workers. Results indicate that arrival rates of offers for workers are higher when unemployed than when employed and firms exploit their monopsony power when setting wages. As a result, workers earn far less than their marginal product. The model is then used to study regional labour market differentials in Italy. Wide variation in frictional transition parameters across areas helps to explain persistent unemployment and wage differentials.  相似文献   

本文以2003-2006年深圳证券交易所A股上市公司为研究对象,实证考察信息透明度对经理薪酬契约有效性的影响,试图从经理薪酬契约角度重新诠释信息透明度的经济后果.研究发现,信息透明度能够显著提高经理薪酬契约的有效性.具体而言,信息透明度越高的公司,经理薪酬业绩敏感性越高,经理薪酬与盈利业绩和亏损业绩之间的非对称性越小.研究还发现,与非国有企业相比,国有上市公司信息透明度对经理薪酬契约有效性的影响更加显著.本研究论证了信息透明度在减少股东与经理之间的信息不对称和降低公司代理成本中的重要作用.  相似文献   

本文以1999年至2003年的民营上市公司为研究对象,回避国有上市公司的非市场因素,研究股权结构、高管持股对绩效的影响。实证研究显示:第一大股东绝对控股时,其持股比例越高公司绩效越好,这时高管的股权激励无法发挥作用;当第一大股东持股比例低于20%时,高管的股权激励也无法发挥作用;当第一大股东持股比例在20%至40%之间时,其持股比例和绩效呈现倒U型关系,这时高管的股权激励发挥显著的作用。不同的股权结构对股权激励和绩效产生不同的影响,设计公司治理机制时应充分考虑这一因素。  相似文献   

雷霆  周嘉南 《管理科学》2014,27(6):12-26
高管薪酬激励已成为现代公司治理的重要内容,伴随着中国股权激励机制的推行,上市公司高管薪酬结构随之发生变化,最终可能影响上市公司权益资本成本。利用基于真实数据的混合截面模型预测公司盈余,在此基础上通过GLS模型、OJN模型和GGM模型估算权益资本成本,以股权分置改革后2007年至2012年上市公司为样本,探究股改后中国上市公司股权激励对高管内部薪酬差距的影响,在这种影响下公司权益资本成本的变化。研究结果表明,股权激励计划的实施已成为高管内部薪酬差距扩大的主要因素;在股权激励作用下,高管内部薪酬差距的扩大增加企业权益资本成本;与非国有控股企业相比,国有控股企业中股权激励与高管内部薪酬差距的相互作用与权益资本成本敏感性更高。研究结论为高管薪酬激励制度的完善提供重要启示,也为投资者识别股权激励计划的实施效果提供经验证据。  相似文献   

Despite the widely held belief of the importance of innovation, the connection between innovation and firm performance is empirically inconclusive, partially owing to the limitations of existing innovation measures, which tend to ignore the effectiveness of innovation programs. In this study, we use the winning of innovation awards as a proxy for the effective execution of innovation. We conducted event‐study analyses based on data from more than 1000 publicly traded firms that won innovation awards between 1998 and 2003. Our statistical tests provide strong evidence that the performance of award‐winning firms is significantly higher as compared with several sets of control firms. Over an 8‐year period, starting from 4 years before to 3 years after the year of winning the first innovation award, the test sample's mean (median) change in return on assets is nearly 33% (24%) higher than that of a control sample. The evidence also suggests that effective innovation programs can increase firms' revenue, cost efficiency, and market valuation. Over the period, the control‐adjusted mean (median) change in sales, cost per dollar of sales, and Tobin's Q are 39.28% (20.71%), −5.52% (−3.80%), and 23.70% (3.16%), respectively. Panel data regression analysis provides additional insights on the performance impact of effective innovation programs. The results show that award winners are not only financially more successful but also enjoy an indirect benefit through better R&D execution, which increases firm profitability in both the short term and long term.  相似文献   

本文以国家重点实验室为例,探讨研究型组织的开放性对科学创新和技术创新的影响,并分别构建负二项分布模型。基于2006-2009年204个国家重点实验室相关数据的实证研究结果表明,开放性对科学创新具有显著影响,其中,与企业的合作、流动人员比例与科学论文产出均呈现正U型关系,而国际合作与科学论文产出呈现倒U型关系;以国际合作和流动人员比例衡量的开放性对技术创新具有显著影响,其中,国际合作与发明专利产出呈现倒U型关系,而流动人员比例与发明专利产出具有线性的负相关关系。  相似文献   

In many innovation settings, ideas are generated over time and managers face a decision about if and how to provide in‐process feedback to the idea generators about the quality of submissions. In this article, we use design contests allowing repeated entry to examine the effect of in‐process feedback on idea generation. We report on a set of field experiments using two online contest websites to compare the performance of three different feedback treatments—no feedback, random feedback, and directed feedback (i.e., in‐process feedback highly correlated with the final quality rating of the entry). We posted six logo design contests for consumer products and accepted submissions for 1 week. We provided daily feedback during the contest period using one of the three treatments. We then used a panel of target consumers to rate the quality of each idea. We find that directed feedback is associated positively with agent participation. For outcome, while directed feedback benefits the average quality of entries submitted, we don't find that relationship for the best entries—indeed, no feedback or random feedback may produce better top‐end entry quality. We also find that, under directed feedback, the variance in quality declines as the contest progresses.  相似文献   

When applying the contingent valuation method (CVM) in risk reduction studies, some studies report that willingness to pay (WTP) is insensitive to the magnitude of risk reduction while other studies do not. On the other hand, social-psychological research has shown that the affect heuristic biases judgments on probability, relative frequency, and risk. This article examines both magnitude (or scope) effect and affect heuristic (or representation) effect on WTP for risk reduction measures against tsunamis by introducing two experimental (i.e., absolute and relative) systems with four different representations to evaluate public behaviors in two different scenarios of risk reduction. Two common denominators (100 and 10,000) are introduced into absolute risk reduction representation (i.e., "of every 100 persons, from present 2 deaths to 1") to form different formats (i.e., "of every 10,000 persons from 200 to 100," and "of every 100,000 persons from 2,000 deaths to 1,000"). There is little evidence that WTP estimates are sufficiently sensitive to the magnitude of risk reduction, but relative risk reduction representations may be better than the absolute one given in CVM mail surveys when the risk is small. There is a statistically insignificant effect of risk reduction representations on respondent frequency, but mixed effects on the monetary values of WTP at the level of 0.05. The representation effect of absolute risk reduction on the WTP value varies with the common denominator. The larger the common denominator, the less the WTP to reduce the risk of tsunamis, and the significance probability is improved to less than the level of 0.05 when the common denominator becomes large enough. The findings suggest that improved methods are required for estimating the rates of tradeoff between fatality risk and other goods among consumers.  相似文献   

We analyze how features of performance-related pay (PRP) schemes affect their perceived motivational effects using a Finnish survey for upper white-collar employees from 1999. The results show that the following features are important for a successful PRP scheme: (i) the employees have to feel they are able to affect the outcomes; (ii) the organizational level of the performance measurement should be close to the employee: individual and team level performance measurement increase the probability that the scheme is perceived to be motivating; (iii) employees should be familiar with the performance measures; (iv) the level of payments should be high enough and rewards frequent enough. Levels below the median do not generate positive effects; (v) employees should participate in the design of the PRP scheme.  相似文献   

本文设计了一个鸡尾酒配比实验,采用实验研究的方法检验了短视契约、终止契约和长期契约对实验者创新的影响,研究结果表明:(1)与短视契约和终止契约相比,长期契约下实验者的创新绩效更好;(2)与短视契约和终止契约相比,长期契约下实验者的创新水平更高;而且上述结果在考虑实验者风险偏好的情况下依然是稳健的。该实验说明容忍经理人短期的失败,并赋予长期薪酬更高的权重能够激励经理人进行更多的创新投入,并且有效的提高创新绩效。  相似文献   

We examine the impact of firm-level governance structure on the innovation and internationalization strategies of emerging market firms. We propose that in the case of emerging market firms, governance is a response to the prevailing institutional environment and affects the innovation and internationalization strategies of firms. Based on a longitudinal sample of 16,337 firm-year observations of Indian listed firms over a year time period from 2002 to 2009, we find a positive effect of family ownership and group affiliation on R&D intensity and new foreign investments. Institutional ownership also positively affects new foreign investments, but has no effect on R&D intensity. Further, we find that R&D intensity interacts with family ownership, institutional ownership and group affiliation in affecting new foreign investments.  相似文献   

本文检验中国资本市场融资融券制度所施加的股票卖空压力对企业高管在职消费的影响。以2007-2014年中国上市公司财务数据为样本,基于自然实验框架的双重差分模型进行检验,结果发现,允许卖空的上市公司,其高管在职消费水平与不能卖空的上市公司相比显著降低;进一步的研究则发现,股票卖空压力是通过缓解信息不对称程度和减少委托代理问题来抑制高管的在职消费。本文实证结果说明股票卖空对高管在职消费来说是一种潜在的外部治理机制。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to derive practical lessons from Barnard's less well-known contributions to our understanding of leadership, leadership development and executive education. The main contributions of this paper are the introduction of Bevir's logic to the leadership studies and revelation that Barnard might have established the early foundations of pragmatic leadership. The introduction of Bevir's logic from the history of ideas may be instrumental to overcoming biases toward historicism and presentism, which are latent, yet common in leadership studies. The recognition of Barnard's historical contributions to the conceptualization of leadership, leadership development, and executive education is significant. These contributions are not widely known because they are not a part of his well-known book The Functions of the Executive. Barnard has much to say about these issues and we should listen and heed his suggestions.  相似文献   

This paper empirically examines the effect of outward internationalisation, inward internationalisation activities and outward-inward internationalisation (i.e., exporting and importing) on different types of innovation undertaken by UK SMEs. Specifically, we differentiate between product innovation and process innovation and examine the potential effect that they can generate individually and in combination. The results show that both inward and outward internationalisation support product and process innovation in SMEs. However, such an effect is found to be stronger for the combined outward-inward internationalisation operations than for the single mode undertaken by SMEs. The results are found to be robust across the different types of innovation. However, sub-sample analysis shows that, although innovation responds to different internationalisation operations in micro and small firms, for medium-sized firms, only the combination of outward and inward internationalisation operations increases the probability of undertaking both innovations. Using the organisational learning theory, we argue that engaging in both internationalisation activities simultaneously enables firms to acquire a more diverse and richer set of knowledge and key information — through double loop learning, which is translated into increased levels of innovation. Hence, our results have important theoretical, managerial, and policy implications and stimulate the existing debate in the area.  相似文献   

责任式创新需要多主体的共同参与,探索企业、消费者、政府等多主体的演化博弈规律,对于推动以新冠疫苗研发为典型代表的责任式创新具有重要意义。本文以新冠疫苗研发为例,构建了企业、消费者和政府三方在实施责任式创新行为中的演化博弈模型,并通过MATLAB进行数值模拟。结果表明,在责任式创新过程中,三方最终的演化稳定策略是企业实施责任式创新、公众参与责任式创新,但政府弱干预(消极提倡)责任式创新;企业的收益和成本、政府补贴均影响企业和消费者的演化结果,而对政府决策影响较小;利益相关者的初始状态对三方演化收敛速度有显著影响。  相似文献   

The frequency of feedback solicitation under hourly pay and individual monetary incentive pay conditions was examined. A between-subjects design was used with 30 college students in the two groups. Participants attended three experimental sessions and entered the cash value of simulated bank checks presented on a computer screen. Performance was higher for individuals who were paid incentives; however, participants who were paid incentives did not self-solicit feedback more than those who were paid hourly. Rather, participants in both groups solicited feedback quite frequently. Additionally, performance was not related to feedback solicitation. These results suggest that the incentives did not make feedback more reinforcing even though the incentives were functional rewards and the feedback was correlated with the amount of pay earned: the better the feedback, the more pay participants earned. The results also support the position that it may be necessary to pair objective feedback with an evaluative component to enhance performance.  相似文献   

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