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This article is based on the author's clinical experience with fifteen bulimic women over the past five years. It covers the family origins, unique characteristics, internal dynamics, and treatment of bulimia. Bulimics have a cohesive, albeit pathological, identity based on the False Self. Relying on D.W. Winnicott's theory of ego splitting between the True Self and False Self, the author elaborates the components of False Self identity. The author concludes with a comparison of the effects of group and individual therapy, and suggests that group is generally more effective than individual, and that a combination of group and individual treatment is optimal.  相似文献   


In 1992, the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF), an advocacy organization for people claiming to be falsely accused of sexual abuse, announced the discovery of a new syndrome involving iatrogenically created false memories of childhood sexual abuse. This article critically examines the assumptions underlying “False Memory Syndrome” to determine whether there is sufficient empirical evidence to support it as a valid diagnostic construct. Epidemiological evidence is also examined to determine whether there is data to support its advocates' claim of a public health crisis or epidemic. A review of the relevant literature demonstrates that the existence of such a syndrome lacks general acceptance in the mental health field, and that the construct is based on a series of faulty assumptions, many of which have been scientifically disproven. There is a similar lack of empirical validation for claims of a “false memory” epidemic. It is concluded that in the absence of any substantive scientific support, “False Memory Syndrome” is best characterized as a pseudoscientific syndrome that was developed to defend against claims of child abuse.  相似文献   

In 1992, the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF), an advocacy organization for people claiming to be falsely accused of sexual abuse, announced the discovery of a new syndrome involving iatrogenically created false memories of childhood sexual abuse. This article critically examines the assumptions underlying “False Memory Syndrome” to determine whether there is sufficient empirical evidence to support it as a valid diagnostic construct. Epidemiological evidence is also examined to determine whether there is data to support its advocates' claim of a public health crisis or epidemic. A review of the relevant literature demonstrates that the existence of such a syndrome lacks general acceptance in the mental health field, and that the construct is based on a series of faulty assumptions, many of which have been scientifically disproven. There is a similar lack of empirical validation for claims of a “false memory” epidemic. It is concluded that in the absence of any substantive scientific support, “False Memory Syndrome” is best characterized as a pseudoscientific syndrome that was developed to defend against claims of child abuse.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the diagnosis and treatment of clients whose lives are constricted, and whose relationships are characterized by adaptations to the needs of others. This life style is believed to be the result of very early adaptations to pathological parental needs which interfered with psychosocial development and identity formation. It is suggested that Winnicott's theory of ego distortion in terms of True and False Self provides a useful conceptual framework for diagnosis and treatment of such cases. His theory is presented, followed by a case report, illustrating the application of these principles.  相似文献   

The concern that the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS) and other screening tests have a relatively high rate of false positive errors which results in overestimation of the true prevalence in general population studies is shown to be unfounded. False positives are seen to be a necessary but not sufficient condition for overestimation. It is demonstrated that the proper research question is whether the sample prevalence estimator is biased, and, if so, in which direction. One solution to the problem of bias is shown to depend on the availability of estimates of the error rates of the test.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. False claims of having an intersex condition, taking the form of factitious disorder, have occurred historically but are even more frequently observed in the era of the Internet. Three cases are presented that had previously been reported as genuine in print media, television programs, and online postings. Probable motivations include emotional nurturance, self-aggrandizement, denial of being transgendered, and fascination with being intersex. Persons with factitious intersex conditions may interfere with peer-group support and spread misinformation. While acknowledging the reality of intersex conditions in some people, we advise a high index of suspicion and, as needed, verification of claims.  相似文献   

N.Y. Evaluating Effect of Gang Members' Presence in Centers Alcohol Tax Hike for Treatment Expansion Faces Uphill Battle in NJ COMBINE Study: Field Reaction Includes Acceptance of Medication as Treatment Adjunct Hawaii Treatment Center Places Counselors – and Treatment – in School System Briefly Noted Business Requests for Proposals Coming Up  相似文献   

Rewards for Negative Urine Tests Increase Treatment Retention Non‐Professional Peers Help with Recovery Retention Rates and Urine Sample Submissions Motivational Incentives vs. No Incentives (Usual Care) Core Values From CTN Innovation to Treatment Reality Trial of New Methamphetamine Treatment Under Way at UCLA New Study Highlights Need for Treatment for Teen Opioid Addicts, and Difficulty of Finding Research Subjects Briefly Noted Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Methamphetamine Takes Center Stage at Senate Appropriations Committee Hearing Alcohol Exclusion Laws Preventing Screening for Alcohol and Drugs in Emergency Rooms SAMHSA Matrix Model for Methamphetamine Treatment Admissions for Drug Treatment Increase for Older Adults SAMHSA Makes Available Treatment Program Guide SAMHSA, ONDCP to Start Campaign Linking Marijuana, Mental Illness Access to Substance Abuse Treatment Reduces Alcohol‐Related Fatalities Most States have Alcohol Exclusion Laws Offender Re‐Entry Bill Shows Bipartisan Support Coming up…  相似文献   

Success Story: Partnership Between TC and Methadone Clinic Counselors — and Management — of Color Needed in Treatment Field OASAS Non‐Discrimination Regulation Meeting Schedule to Introduce Methadone to Palladia Staff Fledgling Day‐Treatment TC in Bulgaria Seabrook House Establishes Self‐Pay Program for Mothers Incarcerating with Treatment, or Treatment as an Alternative Briefly Noted Names in the News Coming Up  相似文献   

Cuts to Addiction Treatment in Utah Averted – for Now Leading Researcher Tells R.I. Audience to Emphasize Clients in System Change How to Lobby for Treatment Funds Washington Cuts Treatment Funding Immediately NAATP and the Economy: ‘Uncharted Territory’ Briefly Noted State News Resources Names in the News Business Coming up  相似文献   

Wide Interest in Process Improvement has Campaign Planners Thinking Bigger High Dropout Rates for Blacks Attributed to Economics in RAND Study Naltrexone/Family Treatment Mix Under Study for Opiods Addiction Issues Still in the Background in Presidential Campaign How Treatment Providers can Participate Another Perspective on Cultural Differences RAND Racial Disparity and Alcohol Treatment Studies Briefly Noted State Watch Resources Call for Comments Names in the News  相似文献   

Oregon Council Report May Lead to Damage Repair for Treatment Field Counseling and Naltrexone Found Equally Effective Highlights from ‘The Domino Effect’ Treatment Works: Outcomes for Substance Abuse Treatment 2003 COMBINE Findings: Highlights Server Responsibility Can Help Prevent Drunk Driving Cigna Behavioral Health Sponsors Symposium on Addiction Advocates Seek Funding for Patriot Act's Meth Provision Addiction Community Offers Support as Kennedy Enters Treatment Briefly Noted Resources Business Coming Up  相似文献   

35 ‘Best Practices’ Identified for PDMPs; Referral to Treatment Not Included St. Louis Nonprofit Expands with Uncommon Business Model The Best Practices SAMHSA Still Trying to Blend MH and SA via BG Application IOM Calls for Better SUD Treatment in Military VA‐SAMHSA EHR Project Keeps SUD Treatment Data Private Briefly Noted Names in the News Coming up Corrections  相似文献   

RWJF to Stop Funding Addiction Treatment and Prevention: Current Grants to Finish ADHD Medication Misuse Raises Questions for Treatment Providers Conduct Disorder and ADHD Grant Project Will Seek to Link Addiction, DD Services Maryland Makes Slow Progress in Stressing Treatment Over Jail New Grants for Community‐Based Programs Treating Adolescents and Families Briefly Noted Grants and Funding Coming Up  相似文献   

Alcohol Industry, Prevention Forces, NIAAA Join in Major Legislative Victory Funding Flat at 06 Levels Until February 15 The Harms of Underage Drinking Some Texas Lawmakers will Push for More Offender Treatment Mass. Provider Steps in to Fill Gap in Adolescent Treatment 40% or More of Young People Admitted for Treatment don't Receive Any During Their Stay Briefly Noted Call for Applications Coming Up  相似文献   

Meet the MBHOs: Three Top Execs Share Hopes for Parity Intensive Parent Treatment in Oregon Leads to Shortened Foster Care Stays Rule Calls for Parity Within Each of Six Treatment Classifications The Six Treatment Classifications FDA to Review All New CNS Drugs for Abuse Potential DSM‐5 Proposal Would Change Substance Abuse, Dependence to Addiction Briefly Noted State News Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Cocaine Deaths and Treatment Admissions Rising in Maine Utah Initiative for Offenders Links Treatment, Probation Methadone Overdoses and Medical Examiners For‐Profit Entity Growing Rapidly in Developing Faith‐Based Homes Residential Treatment Expansion in Montana Cough Medicine Abuse Reported in New NSDUH Analysis Successful Prisoner Reentry: Full Circle Recovery Programs at San Quentin Prison Briefly Noted State Watch Resources Grant Announcements Coming up  相似文献   

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