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一个好的医生,首先要具备正直、善良、忠信、勤奋、尽职的美德,才能在事业上无愧于医生这个职业。——郭志刚很多到天津市胸科医院就医的患者总是这样说:"知道郭院长(主任)技术强、人品好,我们就是奔着他来的。"正因为这样,找郭志刚看病的人很多,患者的信  相似文献   

袁奇 《社会工作》2011,(9):52-54
太阳村鄱阳湖儿童救助中心创办于2007年,坐落于江西省都昌县。这是江南地区惟一一家无偿救助困难儿童的慈善福利机构。目前已收养来自全国各地服刑人员未成年人子女、孤残儿童、特困儿童、流浪儿童、家庭困难无人照顾的留守儿童等各类对象146人。  相似文献   

2008年1月底,与半边天基金会开展项目合作的一些儿童福利院因雪灾影响,儿童生活必需品出现紧张,抚育照料工作遇到困难。福利院孩子位的冷暖安危牵动着所有人的心。半边天基金会迅速投入救灾工作,一方面向世界各地爱心家庭募集援助款(300万元);另一方面,迅速了解儿童福利院(99家)的所想所需。  相似文献   

2005年4月初,江西省余干县城北街竹根岭149号的贫困户何黄英,迈着沉重的脚步,前来县民政局求援,正好被新调来的吴路泞局长碰见。他详细地听取了何黄英的诉说,了解到:原来何黄英自身体弱多病,丈夫左腿残疾,还患有胃病多年不愈,另外还有两个读书的儿女需要负担,她无法承受生活的重担,只好向县民政局低保股请求申请低保。2005年5月25日黄昏时分,吴路泞又亲自带队上门走访了解,将何黄英家列入特困  相似文献   

太阳村鄱阳湖儿童救助中心创办于2007年,坐落于江西省都昌县.这是江南地区惟一一家无偿救助困难儿童的慈善福利机构.目前已收养来自全国各地服刑人  相似文献   

共情心和慈悲心应该成为生态文明时代的核心价值观。通过对心型!学家费什巴赫对共情理解的疏理,依据怀特海的过程哲学或有机哲学,给予共情一界定,共情是一种具有更广大慈悲情怀的深度共情,包括相互扶持、相互帮助及关爱他者,深度地感受到他人的感受。怀特海的哲学为这样一种更宽广的深度共情提供了宇宙论的支撑。在怀特海那里,宇宙是情感的海洋,感受他者的感受是我们与他者建立联系的基本方式。  相似文献   

离江西省黎川县洵口镇二三公里远的石峡街,有一所敬老院。清澈的河水从敬老院门前流过,见证着春夏秋冬的岁月轮回。一年年,草枯了又绿了,花谢了又开了。而她满头的青丝变白发,却不能再回复了。每当启明星还眨着瞌睡的眼,古老的石峡街还沉睡在酣梦中  相似文献   

离江西省黎川县洵口镇二三公里远的石峡街,有一所敬老院。清澈的河水从敬老院门前流过,见证着春夏秋冬的岁月轮回。一年年,草枯了又绿了,花谢了又开了。而她满头的青丝变白发,却不能再回复了。每当启明星还眨着瞌睡的眼,古老的石峡街还沉睡在酣梦中,坐落在街头的敬老院就已经灯火通明,  相似文献   

正上天把雪花赐予了冬天,使北国的冬天在苍凉之中有了乐趣,冰封的沉寂之中蕴含了生机。人们更是喜欢下雪,一旦见到白雪漫天飞舞,地上堆着厚绒绒的积雪时,就预感到了来年的丰收喜悦。瑞雪兆丰年,实际上就是人们发自内心对雪的赞叹,也寄托了人们美好的愿望。而把人们这种愿望倾注在笔端的,莫过于画家  相似文献   

A Kind of Loving: A Model of Effective Foster Care   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correspondence to Professor Kate Wilson, Centre of Social Work, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD. E-mail: kate.wilson{at}nottingham.ac.uk Summary The article builds on a companion statistical paper, which drewon the findings of a large sample of foster placements and analysedfactors leading to a successful placement and the avoidanceof disruption. A model of successful foster care was developedwhich suggested that outcomes depend on three aspects of thefoster placement, those that relate to the child, the fostercarer and the interaction between the two. Here, a concreteexample in the form of a case study drawn from interviews undertakenas part of the study is used to illustrate the relevance ofthe model to practice. The qualities that make up the interactionbetween the carer and the child are elaborated through the conceptof ‘responsive parenting’. The analysis is takenfurther by identifying the processes involved in a way thatis detailed and precise and has relevance to theory. The paperargues that the case study provides material that could informboth training and the theories that underpin practice.  相似文献   

申东润 《社会》2004,(3):55-57
海外传真 1998年经济危机以后,韩国开始了全面的经济调整。之后不久,韩国的总失业率下降到3%,可是青年失业率还是维持在7%,若包括失望失业者(discouraged worker)注1和非正规青年就业者的话,这一比率将会更高。当前青年失业问题解决得好坏,无疑会导致各种社会问题,更会影响韩国未来经济的发展。因而,给韩国社会的有序发展造成巨大压力的青年失业问题是一个亟需研究与解决的问题。  相似文献   

Unemployment can pose particular problems for school leavers and other young people. Some English studies on the effects of unemployment are reviewed, and some of the causes and effects of unemployment among young people in Australia are then discussed. Some suggestions are made for areas in which further research could be carried out.  相似文献   

In July 1985 the National Council for Voluntary Organisations launched a campaign for "action for the forgotten million"— the four out of every five long-term unemployed people who receive no practical support from the public services, apart from their benefits. The author of the National Council discussion document outlines some of the major issues which will need to be faced. In particular, he argues that public debate tends to concentrate too narrowly on specific initiatives and individual programmes. Instead, there is a need to consider the rights of all long-term unemployed people, and the needs of the group as a whole.  相似文献   

This study examined the psychological effects of short ‘re-entry to the workforce’ courses on the population of female sole parents, neglected in previous unemployment research. The data for the study were obtained from 118 female sole parents participating in the course, who were compared with a waiting list control group at the beginning and end of the course, and at a follow-up four weeks after the course had ended. Results indicated that the course produced decreases in depressive affect, negative mood and minor psychiatric symptomology. On all psychological measures, increases in well-being were shown to be maintained several weeks after the course had ended. It was concluded that the course offered significant and enduring psychological benefits to participants.  相似文献   

汪洁 《社会工作》2008,(16):56-58
在全面总结我国二十年来失业保险金标准的确定和调整实践的基础上,评价分析了实际运行中存在的难以保障失业人员的基本生活;失业保险金未能按最低工资调整而调整;失业保险金标准与最低工资标准相比替代率较低;享受失业保险期限各地差距明显等问题。本文提出了重新确定和调整失业保险金标准的对策和建议。  相似文献   

龚文娟 《社会》2007,27(3):156-156
本文通过对湖北省武汉、荆州、洪湖三个地区973名失业者的调查,描述了失业者的再就业行为的基本状况,并运用高级统计方法分析了影响失业者再就业行为的主要因素。研究发现:失业者再就业态度积极,但多数人从事着社会地位低、无稳定性的非正式职业或自雇职业;个体的社会特征因素对失业者再就业行为的影响显著,而再就业意愿对再就业行为的影响不显著。所以,本文不支持失业者由于就业期望过高而制约其再就业的看法。  相似文献   

Long Term Care for the Elderly: the Community Care Scheme   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The article describes the full evaluation of the Community CareScheme for the elderly in Kent. The evaluation compared therelative cost-effectiveness of the scheme for clients and carerswith the range of services which would otherwise have been received.It is argued that effective case-management by a key workeris an essential feature of more effective home care for thevery frail elderly and that the case-management role is an appropriatemodel of social work for other long term care groups. The newscheme appeared particularly appropriate for the extremely mentallyand physically frail who were living with others and for theless frail, socially isolated elderly person prone to minorpsychiatric disorder.  相似文献   

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