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在十几年的创作生涯中,毕飞宇的创作风格和写作手法是不断进步和成熟的,在不懈的追求和探索中,他逐渐拓展着他的艺术视界,完善着他的文学意识,形成他艺术生命一次又一次的高峰,最近出版的《新活力作家文丛》之一《好的故事》集中体现了毕飞宇的这种自我超越和对艺术的执著追求。毕飞宇又是一个文体意识和艺术感悟力很强的作家,无论是对历史还是对现实的描写和思考,都体现了他思想的敏锐深刻,见解的独到和犀利,在对历史和现实的抽象和追问中达到一种形而上的哲学的高度。《好的故事》中的中短篇小说也是在对历史和现实的观察和反思中审视社会和人生,折射出深刻的人生寓意和哲理的。其内容主要包括三个方面:一是对历史进行执著而深刻的思索和叙述,并在个人化的传达中蕴涵对历史和现实的批判和反思;二是对日常现实生活的真实描写, 描摹了现代人的生存困境及城市对人的压抑和"异化";三是透视现代人的深层的社会心理,对社会丑陋和人性的弱点做了透彻而尖锐的批判。  相似文献   

甘孟红 《职业》2011,(21):71-72
随着时代的变化和社会的进步,传统的德育工作模式和方法已不能适应新形势的发展变化和要求。高职院校的德育工作要在继承和发扬优良传统的同时,认识新情况,研究新问题,探索新方法,增强德育工作的针对性和实效性,  相似文献   

领导干部只有具备良好的思想政治素质,才能保持思想上的清醒和政治上的坚定,不断净化心灵和完善自我,不断强化党性修养和宗旨意识,主动增强政治敏锐性和政治鉴别力,始终坚持正确的政治路线和政治方向,不断坚定理想信念和增强革命斗志,从思想深处更加坚定对中国特色社会主义的制度自信、理论自信和道路自信,才能勇于面对困难挫折和风险挑战。领导干部的思想政治素质关系到个的人威信和领导能力,关系到党的领导水平和执政能力,关系到中国特色社会主义事业的质量和效率,因此,必须把提升领导干部的思想政治素质作为一项基础性的根本任务常抓不懈。  相似文献   

科学是推动时代发展的原动力。随着信息化的发展,科学信息化技术已经成为当今社会不可逆转的发展趋势和潮流,社会和公众更是对其赋予了前所未有的期待和要求。如果说,信息与现代传媒的迅猛崛起是社会发展的催化剂,那么社会和公众的期望和要求则是信息化建设的助推器。面对内外复合联动的驱动形势,青白江区国土资源局以规范和创新管理作为信息化建设的出发点和落脚点,以需  相似文献   

主语和主位是系统功能语法的两个基础概念,但不同的语法流派对于它们有不同的诠释,导致在语法教学和研究方面出现分歧,甚至产生负面影响。因此,分析和研究主语和主位这两个概念在语篇中的对应和非对应关系,通过具体语篇实例,结合外语教学,从传统语法和系统功能语法的视角,指出主语和主位在语法教学和研究方面科研和实用价值。  相似文献   

在社会主义发展新常态下,面临着更多的问题和困境,积极新常态下,高校思政工作的研究,对于正确的发挥高校思政的作用和价值,培育当代大学生形成正确的人生观、价值观和事业观,具有积极的现实价值和意义。本文对新常态下,如何做好高校思政工作展开探讨,并提出个人的意见和建议,具有积极的现实意义和价值。  相似文献   

人都说婆婆和媳妇是天敌,那么农村婆婆和城市媳妇相处,想必摩擦更多。青青是个聪明媳妇,她和婆婆的故事告诉我们,横眉冷对和委曲求全都不是现代媳妇的上策,只有真诚相待和相互理解,才是家庭和谐之道。  相似文献   

鞠野飞 《职业》2014,(23):61-62
党的一切工作和战斗力的基础均来自党的基层组织,高职院校也不例外。在新的形势下,特别是在党的十八大提出新的工作中心和远大发展目标后,在职教职工和学生中如何开展工作,服务于教学和学生的健康成长,充分发挥和加强党组织的作用这一课题,成了党务工作者突出需要解决的问题。本文重点提出了加强高职院校党的建设的重大意义和思想政治工作的途径和措施。  相似文献   

2011年版义务教育英语课程标准中指出要创造性地开发和利用现实生活中鲜活的英语学习资源,拓展学生学习和运用英语的渠道。针对目前存在的初中生普遍只在课堂和完成作业时学习和运用英语,英语学习和运用渠道单一的现象,指出教师应该指导学生将英语学习和运用融入日常生活,随时随地学习和运用英语,拓展多元化英语学习和运用渠道。  相似文献   

毛泽东思想是一个完整的科学体系,具有多方面的内容,它在新民主主义革命和新民主主义社会、社会主义革命和社会主义建设、革命军队的建设和军事战略、政策和策略、思想政治工作和文化工作、党的领导和党的建设等方面,都以其独创性的理论丰富和发展了马克思主义。  相似文献   

Khorezm Province is located in the Amu Darya lowlands of Uzbekistan, where unsustainable use of irrigation water has led to the Aral Sea crisis. This study deals with the question of how farmers in Khorezm perceive water and its management and how this facilitates or prevents water conservation, or “water saving,” in irrigated agriculture. To answer this from the perspective of the water users, we apply Schütz's lifeworld concept to the study of natural‐resource management, thereby reconstructing the water lifeworld of Khorezmian farmers. We present the spatial and temporal boundaries of the water lifeworld; the different types of water, people, and land that farmers distinguish; and the institutions water management is based on. The analysis shows that religious values and the risk of being fined for water wasting facilitate water saving. However, the following barriers to water saving dominate farmer practices: (1) storage of saved water is not possible, (2) using much water creates social capital, (3) perceived water needs exceed the geographical realities, (4) the term “water saving” is not in use, and (5) farmers believe that water management is the state's responsibility. We conclude that water saving should be facilitated by environmental education, a strengthening of the water‐inspection department Uzsuvnazorat, and the creation of decentralized storage options.  相似文献   

浅谈上海市郊区集约化供水   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文分析了上海市郊区供水水质的影响因素,认为郊区小型水厂已经不能满足郊区居民对饮用水水质的要求。并结合上海宝山供水管理所的集约化供水工作,阐明郊区集约化供水是城市发展与供水基础设施建设的必然趋势。  相似文献   

The post‐1980s have seen increasing struggles over rights to water. Water rights have involved intense protests and campaigns against privatization of water including bottling of water and advocacy for citizens control of water. We review scholarly work to focus on four main aspects: the complexities intertwining globalization processes, the state, and water rights; collective ownership of water resources; peoples’ participating in managing and using water; and the campaigns against privatization which have emerged in both the developing and developed world in different ways. The conclusion calls for adopting a social movement lens to examine the struggles for water rights by providing some lead research questions around the macro and micro level theoretical approaches.  相似文献   

The world is currently confronting two water crises, a developmental crisis concerning populations who lack access to water and an environmental crisis regarding water scarcity and freshwater resource depletion. Are we as academics addressing the complexity of these issues? Using network analysis of over 5,000 articles that address water development and water scarcity, I generate a co-citation network to identify the overlap between development and environmental water literatures in academic journals. The results suggest that the development literature only has a 6.28 percent overlap with the environmental literature and the environmental literature has a mere 1.92 percent overlap. Overall, this research suggests that there is an extreme lack of academic articles that address water scarcity and water development concurrently. Until we as an academic community become more nuanced in our studies of water, we will lack a full understanding of how to solve these seemingly contradictory problems. I conclude by drawing on critical Marxist and “Frankfurt School” perspectives to explain this apparent disconnect.  相似文献   

介绍上海城市水资源概况、2010年需水量发展预测、新水源开发计划及加强用水管理  相似文献   

Water resources carrying capacity is a foundational topic in water resources security strategic study and the foundational measurement of water resources security. Water resources constrain the scale and quality of social and economic development in many water shortage cities and regions. Thus, the management via dynamic water resources prediction is a key for the overall city strategic planning. In this study, an integrated dynamic model of water consumption was developed using system dynamics (SD) and based on water resources carrying capacity (WRCC) theory.  相似文献   

Characterized as a “wicked” problem, water shortage in the American West will soon become a reality—due to increasing population, climate change, and decreased flows. Concurrently, water‐centered technologies such as hydraulic fracturing and directional drilling have facilitated the rapid and widespread growth of unconventional oil and gas (UOG) production in the United States. Water markets are increasingly touted as the best, most efficient, and fairest mechanisms for allocating vital and scarce resources. Yet this contention is largely unexplored at the food‐energy‐water nexus, particularly from an environmental justice perspective—where equitable water access for all users is a central concern. We utilize a case study in Colorado's South Platte basin based on 41 in‐depth interviews to show: (1) distortions created in regional water markets as wealthy UOG operators participate in them and (2) ways in which access to water markets becomes blocked for smaller, newer, or water‐poor water users. We also highlight how UOG producers’ presence may inhibit the formation of alternative systems for water exchange. Thus, the participation of UOG operators in Colorado's water markets appears to drive environmental injustice and increased inequity at the food‐energy‐water nexus, rather than facilitating fair or efficient access to water for all users.  相似文献   

Rising urban and environmental demand for water has created growing pressure to reallocate water from traditional agricultural uses. The evolution of water markets has been more complicated than those for other resources. In this paper, we first explain these differences by examining water rights and regulatory issues. Second, we place our research in the context of the economics literature on water marketing. Third, we present new, comprehensive data on prices and the extent, nature, and timing of water transfers across 12 western states from 1987 to 2005. We find that prices are higher for agriculture-to-urban trades versus within-agriculture trades, in part, reflecting the differences in marginal values between the two uses. Prices for urban use are also growing relative to agricultural use. Markets are responding in that the number of agriculture-to-urban transactions is rising, whereas the number of agriculture-to-agriculture transfers is not. Further, there is a shift from using short-term leases to using multiyear leases of water and permanent sales of water rights. This pattern underscores the need to consider the amounts of water obligated over time rather than examining only annual flows in assessing the quantities of water traded as is the common practice in the literature. Considering water obligated over time, termed committed water, we find significantly more is transferred and the direction of trading is different than if the focus is on annual flows. Finally, the data reveal considerable variation in water trading across the states. ( JEL Q2, N5, L5, K3)  相似文献   

我国城市供水系统安全保障及应急体系建设的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨有效提高城市处置水源和供水突发事件的能力,建立和健全城镇供水的日常安全保障机制和发生紧急情况时迅速有效的应对机制,建设一整套城镇供水安全保障与应急体系,规范和指导城市水源和供水突发事件的应急处置工作。  相似文献   

沈国忠 《交通与港航》2005,19(2):19-19,44
介绍浙江省湖州市水源水质现状和改善其城镇供水水质的途径,发展区域供水和加强水源保护等。  相似文献   

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