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王海天  王成欣 《城市》2010,(10):45-49
自从有人类活动以来,居住与道路就是相伴发展的。有怎样的居住水平,就需要有怎样的道路与之相适应。人类早期没有固定的住所,因此也没有固定的道路。《尔雅》中说:“道者蹈也,路者露也”,就是说当时的道路是由于人的行走而自然产生的。后来人类逐步形成聚居部落及至出现城市,产生固定的居住区,出现了居住区道路。  相似文献   

一、用生态的观点进行居住区的布局 “可持续发展”思想的提出,源于人类对生态资源和生态环境不断遭到破坏的认识与关注。因此,正确处理人与自然的关系,解决发展与限制的矛盾是可持续发展的核心内容。从现代生态学的观点来看,居住区的规划建设应当以最小的生态冲突  相似文献   

人类有史以来,就不断改善居住条件,这是人类文明进步的重要标志。然而人类居住区的发展必然与人口的增长和生产力的发展相适应,必须与资源的合理开发和利用保护相协调,减少对资源的消耗和环境的破坏,才能形成良性循环,使其可持续地发展。随着人们对环境要求越来越高,都市人越来越向往人居与自然的和谐。住宅是与人类关系最为密切的建筑形态,研究人类居住环境和建筑的可持续发展,探索绿色生态住宅之路,已成为世界潮流。“绿色生态住宅”是近一、二年来新兴的居住理念。国际上有的称为“绿色住宅”、“生态住宅”、“可持续发展住宅”等等。它…  相似文献   

居住区边缘空间是居住区与城市之间信息传递与物质交换的载体,承担着居住区与城市异质空间之间资源交换的功能。然而就目前而言,居住区边缘空间普遍存在着与城市分离、封闭性过强、空间利用率低、功能形式单一、缺乏人性关怀等系列问题。该文针对现存问题,以重庆广益街居住区为例,引入生态学中的边缘效应理论,建立“柔化—融合—共生”的策略框架,以期柔化居住区与城市之间的硬性分隔,提升城市整体空间形象,激活城市空间活力,为类似的居住区边缘空间规划与设计提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

, 《中国社会导刊》2012,(34):33-33
四川省成都市是我国仅有的两个全国统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区之一,在城乡统筹中大力推进农民集中居住。其中,成都市温江区现有已入住农民集中居住区33个,正在建设的农民集中居住区20个。农民集中居住区存在居民身份转变、可持续就业、社区融合等多方面的问题。为了妥善解决这些问题,建立农民集中居住区治理新机制,推动农民集中居住区社区管理创新,成都市温江区联合西南财经大学在全区范围内开展了社区建设、社会组织、社会工作“三社互动”社会工作服务项目,  相似文献   

“三新”是成都市灾后农村工作中的重要决议。为了提升灾后重建居住区农民的文明素质,帮助他们适应新环境、改变旧习惯、形成良好的生活风尚.成都市委、市政府提出了在灾后重建农民居住区开展“新家园、新生活、新风尚”工作。“三新”工作的开展关系着城乡统筹计划的进程,是成都创建全国文明城市的重要手段之一。文中就“三新”活动的开展情况进行探讨,总结其成就、分析存在的问题和提出一些解决问题的思路,为“三新”工作的下阶段开展提供参考。  相似文献   

马晓萱 《城市》2008,(6):41-43
一、滨海新区社会公共设施概况 (一)内涵按照《城市用地分类和代号(GBJ137)》规定,公共设施用地(用地类别C类)是指“居住区及居住区以上的行政、经济、文化、教育、卫生、体育以及科研设计等机构和设施的用地.不包括居住区用地中的公共服务设施用地”。在目前的市场经济体制下.  相似文献   

程丽琴 《城市》2004,(2):52-53
面向新世纪的居住环境应当具有高品位的文化特征.居住区不仅要有幽雅宁静的居住场所,而且应当通过规划设计对居住环境的自然与人工设施赋予文化内涵和艺术意蕴.居住区作为人类生存的基本环境,是人与自然环境、人与社会环境相结合的基点.  相似文献   

贾秉志 《城市》2006,(4):77-78
伦敦整个城区(指大伦敦)的规模为1500平方公里,在这样大的城区范围内,各区域的居住区相比较有明显的不同:伦敦东区居民中,外来移民的比例较高,环境差一些;伦敦南、北两区中,普通阶层的居民比例较高,环境相对一般,住宅的装修也很普通;与其他几个区域相比,伦敦西区的居住环境是最好的。下面就以伦敦西区一处笔者较熟悉的居住区作为范例,讲述那里的居住环境、建筑形式及其服务设施。该居住区位于城市中心与城区边缘中间的位置,属城市中心区外围地带,具有低丘陵地貌,这一带的道路也随着地形自然形成高低起伏的样子。这里的“居住区”只是居住区…  相似文献   

时事   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
联台国人居专家蓉城指导评选 8月26日,联合国人居署“人类改善居住环境最佳范例”项目主管、人居专家游建华应邀来蓉。他就“人居环境与住区建设”问题与蓉城部分开发企业代表进行了座谈。在蓉期间,他还将指导“2004成都人居最佳住区”的评选工作。站在城市规划专家的角度,游建华认为人居安全、小区绿化、居住环境是最佳居住区必备三大要素。对于目前域市汽车数量增多带来的城市环境污染,游建华表示,成都应该注意有效利用汽车,减少汽车对城市环境的污染。  相似文献   

作者根据国务院转发建设部等六部委《关于优先发展城市公共交通的意见》,撰文叙述文件的主要精神及全国公交协会开会研究贯彻的情况。  相似文献   

陆礼 《城市观察》2012,(2):161-167
"公交优先"作为当代全球性的城市交通发展理念,蕴涵着深刻的伦理诉求。城市交通的伦理性源于对最低收入者生存权利的人文关怀,表现为它是一种具有公益性的公共产品;城市交通的公共属性要求在城市交通的规划与发展过程中,重视当代人"可达性权利"的平等性和重点关照性。当代发达国家"公交优先"的普遍经验证明,"公交优先"是中国城市交通发展不可替代的策略抉择。  相似文献   

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996 dramatically transformed the structure and goals of the public welfare system in the United States. The vast body of research and evaluation generated by the 1996 welfare reforms largely overlooked nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) despite their substantial historical and contemporary involvement in the delivery of social services to low-income populations. Therefore, this paper presents a unique assessment of PRWORA's implications based on the perspective of 90 social service NGOs operating in the Detroit metropolitan area. Examination of their services, staffing, budgets, and clients reveals many changes experienced by NGOs between 1996 and 2000 related to the welfare reforms. Overall, the findings suggest an increased role for social service NGOs in the public welfare system as well as concerns regarding their capacity to adequately fulfill this growing responsibility in the future.  相似文献   

In this article we argue that new computational tools problematize the concept of thought within current sociocultural theories of technology and cognition by challenging the traditional position of privilege that humans occupy in sociocultural analyses. We draw on work by Shaffer and Kaput (1999) and Latour (1996a, 1996b, 1996c) to extend the analytical reach of "activity theory" (Engestrom, Miettinen, &; Punamaki, 1999; Nardi, 1996b), "mediated action" (Wertsch, 1998) and "distributed cognition" (Hutchins, 1995; Pea, 1993; Salomon, 1993) by adopting a stronger form of the concepts of distribution and mediation in the context of cognitive activity. For rhetorical purposes, we posit this stronger form of the distribution of intelligence across persons and objects as a theory of distributed mind. Previous theories of cognition and technology show that persons and artifacts both contribute to meaningful activity. Here we explore how understanding the pedagogical implications of new media may require creating a new analytic category of "toolforthoughts". The result of such a shift in thinking provides a view of the relationship between technology and cognitive activity appropriate to the emerging virtual culture of the digital age. We suggest that this may provide a useful perspective from which to analyze pedagogical choices in the context of rapid expansion of powerful cognitive technologies. Theorizing the cognitive agency of tools provides a means to evaluate (in the fullest sense of the word) the educational consequences of new technologies.  相似文献   

"On September 30, 1996, President Clinton signed the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (1996 Act), Pub. L. No. 104-208, 110 Stat. 3009. After an intense lobbying effort by the business community, most provisions relating to legal immigration were omitted from the final bill. Instead, the 1996 Act focuses on illegal immigration reform and includes some of the toughest measures ever taken against illegal immigration." Aspects considered include border enforcement, penalities against alien smuggling and document fraud, deportation and exclusion proceedings, employer sanctions, welfare provisions, and changes to existing refugee and asylum procedures.  相似文献   

There have been three major analytical reviews that have examined the voluntary–statutory relationship during the 1990s, one undertaken by government in 1990 and the other two independently in 1993 and 1996. This article suggests that an historical understanding of this relationship (especially in terms of its sociopolitical dimensions) is crucial, but was missing from the 1990 review and misrepresented by the 1993 review. The 1996 document has been subjected to harsh criticism, but it was arguably sounder in its understanding of this fundamental issue. The national compact between representatives of the voluntary sector and the state, launched at the end of 1998, has built upon the arguments put forward in 1996. However, the paper suggests that given the vexed history of partnership between the sectors and the extent to which the statutory sector has become the dominant partner at the end of the 20th century, it would be premature to be overly optimistic. The paper examines three major shifts in the voluntary–statutory relationship during the 20th century, before reviewing the 1990s' documents in more detail.  相似文献   

Geva D 《Social politics》2011,18(1):24-51
The United States' 1996 welfare reforms are often interpreted as a historical break in transitioning from supporting motherhood to commodifiying women's labor. However, this cannot account for welfare reform's emphasis upon heterosexual marriage and fatherhood promotion. The paper traces continuities and shifts in over a century of familial regulation through American welfare policy, specifying the place of marriage promotion within welfare policy. Up until 1996, families were key sites of intervention through which the American welfare state was erected, especially through single women as mothers - not wives. However, as of the 1960s, concern with African American men's "failed" familial commitments turned policymakers toward concern over marriage promotion for women and men. While marriage "disincentives" for aid recipients were lifted in the 1960s, the 1996 reforms structured a new form of nuclear family governance actively promoting marriage rooted in, but distinct from, the previous. Given the historical absence of welfare policies available to poor men, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families' (TANF) marriage promotion policies have positioned poor women as nodes connecting the state to poor men, simultaneously structuring poor women as breadwinners, mothers, and wives. Recent welfare reform has also started to target poor men directly, especially in fatherhood and marriage promotion initiatives. The article highlights how, in addition to workfare policies, marriage promotion is a neoliberal policy shifting risk to the shoulders of the poor, aiming to produce "strong families" for the purposes of social security.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Política en Penumbra. Patronazgo y Clientelismo Políticos en la España Contemporánea A. Robles Egea (Ed.) Siglo Veintiuno de España Editores, S.A. Madrid, 1996

Mujeres y Hombres en la Formación de la Teoría Sociológica M. Ángeles Duran Heras CIS, Madrid, 1996; 340 pp  相似文献   

This article develops a conceptual framework for understanding collective action in the age of social media, focusing on the role of collective identity and the process of its making. It is grounded on an interactionist approach that considers organized collective action as a social construct with communicative action at its core [Melucci, A. 1996 Melucci, A. (1996). Challenging codes: Collective action in the information age. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]. Challenging codes: Collective action in the information age. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press]. It explains how micromobilization is mediated by social media, and argues that social media play a novel broker role in the activists' meaning construction processes. Social media impose precise material constraints on their social affordances, which have profound implications in both the symbolic production and organizational dynamics of social action. The materiality of social media deeply affects identity building, in two ways: firstly, it amplifies the ‘interactive and shared’ elements of collective identity (Melucci, 1996 Melucci, A. (1996). Challenging codes: Collective action in the information age. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]), and secondly, it sets in motion a politics of visibility characterized by individuality, performance, visibility, and juxtaposition. The politics of visibility, at the heart of what I call ‘cloud protesting’, exacerbates the centrality of the subjective and private experience of the individual in contemporary mobilizations, and has partially replaced the politics of identity typical of social movements. The politics of visibility creates individuals-in-the-group, whereby the ‘collective’ is experienced through the ‘individual’ and the group is the means of collective action, rather than its end.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Community psychology and social change: Australian and New Zealand perspectives (second edition) D. Thomas & V. Veno (Eds) Palmerston, New Zealand: Dunmore Press, 1996

Children's reflections on family life Michele Moore, Judith Sixsmith & Kath Knowles London: Falmer Press, 1996 ISBN 0 7507 0573 6/0 7507 0574 4  相似文献   

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