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从体验营销的角度研究通信企业的顾客满意度。为使研究更有针对性,选取了中国移动作为研究对象,运用管理学、营销学、消费者行为学及相关学科理论,采用理论研究和实证研究相结合的研究方法进行研究。首先提出了基于体验营销的顾客满意度模型和假设;然后通过因子分析、方差分析和相关分析验证其假设;最后分析研究结果,提出相应的营销策略。  相似文献   

Feminist scholars suggest that improving the quality of life of individuals living in nations around the world may be more readily achieved by increasing women’s political power and by reorienting public-policy priorities, than by focusing primarily on economic growth. These considerations raise the question of which characteristics of societies are associated with the quality of life of the people in those societies. Here, we address this issue empirically by statistically analyzing cross-national data. We assess the effects of gender equality in the political sphere, as well as a variety of other factors, on the subjective well-being of nations, as indicated by average self-reported levels of life satisfaction. We find that people report the highest levels of life satisfaction in nations where women have greater political representation, where military spending is low, and where health care spending is high, controlling for a variety of other factors. GDP per capita, urbanization, and natural resource exploitation are not clearly associated with life satisfaction. These findings suggest that nations may be able to improve the subjective quality of life of people without increasing material wealth or natural resource consumption by increasing gender equality in politics and changing public spending priorities.  相似文献   

本文重点考察民营企业家子女的领悟社会支持与生活满意度的现状及两者间的关系.抽取宁波万里国际学校的186名学生为被试,以班级为单位,采用领悟社会支持量表和学生多维生活满意度量表进行集体施测.结果发现:(1)民营企业家子女(中学生)在五个生活领域的满意度均值排列顺序由高到低依次为:家庭、自我、朋友、居住、学校;不同性别、年级的民营企业家子女的生活满意度存在差异;男生的居住满意度高于女生;初一学生的家庭、学校、居住和总体生活满意度最高,高一学生的学校满意度最低,高二学生的家庭满意度、居住满意度显著低于初一年级的学生.(2)民营企业家子女在社会支持三个分量表的均值排列顺序由高到低依次为:朋友、家庭、其他;不同性别、年级民营企业家子女的家庭支持、朋友支持、其他支持都未见显著差异.(3)民营企业家子女的社会支持各分量表与总体生活满意都具有显著正相关,家庭支持、朋友支持和其他支持对民企子女的总体生活满意度有非常显著的正向预测作用.研究表明,民营企业家子女的领悟社会支持对总体生活满意度存在显著的影响.  相似文献   

实证研究一直是心理学领域的主流研究方式,但是随着近代哲学对生命的尊重,以及对生命意义的重新审视,一味采用自然科学领域常用的研究思路去进行心理学科的研究,忽视了心理学研究对象的人文性,机械地将研究对象割裂、物化,用单一的、呆板的量表,对带有主体意识的人进行研究,不仅忽视人的主观能动性,更是丧失了对个体多样性的考察.生命哲学是一种尊重生命,承认存在,并且关注生命的“绵延”性的哲学思潮.在这种观念影响下,对心理学研究方法进行批判的反思,并提出新的心理研究模式,虽然还不成熟,但也不失为一种思考方式.  相似文献   

满足政治参与需求、提升政治参与水平、增强政治组织吸引力已成为研究农民在基层民主自治组织中参与政治生活的实践课题。随着农村经济的改革与发展,农村社会利益关系逐渐分化,利益主体、利益需求呈现多元化和多样化,这阻碍了村民自治组织功能的发挥,农村社会利益分配、导向、表达、协调等方面必须相应作出调整。本文基于利益与利益机制的视角,探讨了村民自治组织中农民政治参与的实现机制、动力机制、参与机制和保障机制的建构。  相似文献   

When faced with a decline in marital satisfaction, are wives constrained from increasing their labor market work time in part because they “do gender?” One of the predictions of the human capital accumulation hypothesis, which assumes no constraints, is that housewives with little work experience will respond to a decline in marital satisfaction by increasing labor market work time (only). In contrast, the gender display hypothesis predicts that, in settings where the evaluations of marriage and wives’ work performance are closely intertwined, a decline in marital satisfaction among this group of housewives will increase both labor market work and housework—and the increase in housework serves as a constraint on the increase in labor market work. To evaluate these contrasting hypotheses, we analyze a panel survey of women in contemporary Japan. Results from multinomial logit regression models are more consistent with the gender display hypothesis than the human capital accumulation hypothesis. Housewives with relatively little work experience are 11 times more likely to increase the time spent on both labor market work and housework when the satisfaction of their marriage declines than when it does not. No evidence is found that, when marital satisfaction declines, these housewives are statistically significantly more likely to increase labor market work only.  相似文献   

Socialisation towards homeownership during childhood has been proposed as one transmission channel of homeownership across generations in previous literature, but tests of this socialisation hypothesis are scarce. This study presents the yet most rigorous test of the socialisation hypothesis using retrospective life-history data (SHARELIFE, N = 19,567 individuals) from 13 European countries. Event history and panel regression models are applied. Results show that socialisation in homeownership positively affects the hazard rates of entering homeownership for the first time and the probability to be a homeowner throughout individuals’ lives net of other parental background variables and material transfers. We find a socialisation effect across divergent (but not all) examined countries. Further sensitivity analyses using a placebo test and a hypothetical confounder support the conclusion that being socialised in homeownership during childhood increases the chances of becoming and being a homeowner in later life.  相似文献   

本文系探讨台湾储蓄互助社规模与成长间关系有否符合吉尔伯特法则(Gibrat's Law),利用1996年至2007年储互社纵横资料(panel data)分析台湾310家储蓄互助社的资产总额、社员人数及教育支出等变数。经由Levin,Lin&Chu及IPS单根检定结果发现,台湾储互社规模变量皆拒绝虚无假设,且呈现定态不具有单根的现象,此显示出台湾储蓄互助社规模与其成长实际上具有关联性,隐含了储互社成长没有随机漫步现象也不符合吉尔伯特法则,表示台湾储互社长期无需集中扩大增加其规模。  相似文献   

Findings from previous studies corroborate the hypothesis that universalism and conservation values are associated with negative attitudes toward immigration. In the current study we examine whether universalism and conservation values also play a critical role in the explanation of attitudes toward other minority groups. Drawing on previous research on group-focused enmity, we explore its relations with universalism and conservation values in a German sample. Employing structural equation modeling, we find that individuals who prioritize universalism values approve of various minorities more whereas those who prioritize conservation values exhibit more disapproval.  相似文献   

Within the last few decades our understanding of the importance of non-cognitive skills for socioeconomic success has grown along with our knowledge of the deleterious impacts of paternal incarceration for child wellbeing. Given the importance of early skills and that elementary-aged children constitute the majority of children with incarcerated parents, understanding the connection between paternal incarceration and the socio-emotional component of children’s non-cognitive development is pressing. Using matching models, data from the newest wave of the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study, and exploring a larger range of behavioral skills than previous literature, this paper provides estimates of the impact of paternal incarceration on children’s behavioral functioning at age 9 using children’s own self-reports. Comparisons to oft-used parent reports are made and heterogeneity by gender is explored. Findings suggest the incarceration of a father increases the antisocial behaviors children self-report, but has null effects on prosocial skill development.  相似文献   

该研究是以参加第十四届全国学生运动会的大学生篮球运动员为研究对象,验证大学生篮球运动员感知到的团队公正性对团队满意度、团队信任度、团队投入度之间的影响关系。该研究以组织行为学观点为基础建立研究模型,运用数据分析工具SPSS 22.0和Amos 22.0,通过结构方程模型(Structural Equation Model,SEM)对研究模型适配度进行分析。该研究得出结论:团队公正性对团队满意度有正向(r=0.452, P<0.001)影响作用;团队满意度对团队信任度有正向(r=1.02, P=0.039<0.05)影响关系;团队满意度对团队投入度(r=0.517,P<0.001)有正向影响作用。团队公正性通过运动员与团队的关系直接影响运动员的态度。管理者应加强队员与教练员之间的沟通与了解,有效发挥团队合作力量,让团队的每一名成员都积极投入到团队中。  相似文献   

民众生活满意感与心理和谐的现状及两者之间的关系,采用中科院心理研究所编制的心理和谐量表和自编有效的民众生活满意感问卷对重庆市13个区县1544~g民众进行调查研究,结果表明:①市区民众心理和谐和生活满意感显著高于农村及乡镇;移民和失地民众的心理和谐和生活满意感显著低于市区民众。②生活满意感与心理和谐以及其下位因子都呈显著正相关。③生活满意感是心理和谐的预测变量,生活满意感解释心理和谐的25%,它能够预测心理和谐。生活满意感对心理和谐有显著正向预测作用,生活满意度越高,心理和谐程度越高。  相似文献   

价值概念是哲学中非常重要也是充满张力的基本概念。价值是价值评价主体所认为的价值客体对于价值主体所预设之价值目标的满足作用;价值的表达既有完整表达式也有简单表达式。价值概念的研究不但可以帮助人们解决价值冲突、建立和谐的生活秩序,也可以为价值哲学的理论建构带来新的契机。  相似文献   

浙江与苏、粤两省社会发展水平之比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟其 《浙江社会科学》2012,(6):149-155,161
省际社会发展水平的比较研究能促使区域政府更加全面、准确、及时地掌握本地区与类似地区相关领域的实际情况与优劣态势,进一步促进其提高本地区的社会发展水平.本研究以相对权威的社会发展综合评价指标体系及据此形成的一些研究报告为基础,结合中国统计年鉴、民政统计年鉴等资料,从历时性和共时性两个维度,对2005-2009年浙江与苏、粤两省社会发展水平进行了比较研究.研究发现:浙江在总体水平上相较于苏、粤两省处于领先地位,但是发展速度则处于相对较缓状态;具体到四大领域,浙江相对于苏、粤两省在生活水平领域大幅领先且优势明显,人口发展领域稳定领先但优势不大,公共服务领域相对领先但有反复,社会和谐领域则比较滞后且进展不大.在此基础上,本研究就继续促进浙江社会发展提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

全国社科院系统国家社科基金立项及对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王岳红 《晋阳学刊》2005,(1):116-119
根据全国哲学社会科学规划办公室网站公布的1993—2003年国家社科基金项目立项资料,通过多角度、多方位分析社科院系统承担立项的基本情况及特点,可从经验的总结中得到一些启示。  相似文献   

中国史学史学科的发展路径与研究趋向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从要籍解题式的中国史学史研究到历史、时代视野下的中国史学史研究,中国史学史学科建设经历了颇为艰辛的发展过程。20世纪20年代才初步确立的中国史学史学科,承载的是中国史学自身两千余年历史的厚重内容,要籍解题式的研究特征在中国史学史研究的最初阶段有其必然性。60年代以后,中国史学史研究更注重从时代的特点把握史学发展走向,从历史发展过程中审视中国史学自身的发展过程。在这样的研究路径中,中国史学史研究得以极大地拓展和深入,相应地,对中国古代史学理论的发掘、对近现代中国史学的重视以及多部中国史学通史的完成出版等,使中国史学史研究从多方面呈现出了向纵深发展的态势。在此基础上,从学术史的角度拓展中国史学史研究、加强中国马克思主义史学的研究、重视中外史学比较研究,加强史学理论诸层面的研究,应该是中国史学史研究的几个努力方向。其中,对史学理论的研究是否充分,已经成为影响今后史学史研究能否深入的关键问题。  相似文献   

Two literatures on work and the labor market draw attention to the importance of non-pecuniary job amenities. Social psychological perspectives on work suggest that workers have preferences for a range of job amenities (e.g. Halaby, 2003). The compensating differentials hypothesis predicts that workers navigate tradeoffs among different job amenities such that wage inequality overstates inequality in utility (Smith, 1979). This paper joins these perspectives by constructing a new measure of labor market success that evaluates the degree to which workers’ job amenity preferences and outcomes match. This measure of subjective success is used to predict workers’ job satisfaction and to test the hypothesis that some degree of labor force inequality in wages is due to preference-based tradeoffs among all job amenities. Findings demonstrate that the new measure predicts workers’ job satisfaction and provides evidence for the presence of compensating differentials in the primary and intermediate, but not secondary, labor markets.  相似文献   

丁文 《学术探索》2006,36(4):130-137
本文以<小说月报>在1921至1923年间有关"国故"话题的讨论与酝酿,以及体现<小说月报>"整理国故"集中成果的1927年17卷号外"中国文学研究"为考察对象,通过对这份杂志上一度呈现出的"国故"色彩的辨析,试图呈现出这一新文学重要刊物上关注未够的有关"中国文学研究"的重要方面,并由此透视新文学刊物在屡被言及的新文学创作与外国文学译介两方面成绩之外的话题转移,并牵涉出"五四"文化语境流变的复杂背景.  相似文献   

佟新  戴地 《学术探索》2013,(1):12-17
本文利用2011年北京市婚姻家庭会进行的调查数据,分析北京城区已婚人群的婚姻质量和影响因素。研究发现,多数夫妻对婚姻的评价是满意的。积极的夫妻互动是影响夫妻婚姻满意评价的重要因素,物质性因素对人们评价婚姻满意状况无显著关系。夫妻间积极性的互动关系包括:夫妻间积极的意见沟通、相互陪伴、有满意的性生活和知心。其中夫妻间的相知和默契是最重要的影响人们评价婚姻质量的因素。个人自评的身体状况和是否雇用保姆亦对人们评价婚姻满意状况有显著性影响。  相似文献   

高等院校权力腐败现象透析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
反腐败是一项关系到党和国家生死存亡的严重政治斗争。近年来,高等院校的权力腐败现象已不容忽视,并呈现其独有的特点。如何就高校权力腐败行为产生的原因,找出相应的治理对策,从而加强廉政建设和反腐败工作,已成为当前的迫切需要。  相似文献   

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