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张易昔 《阴山学刊》2021,(1):96-100
随着近年来女性社会地位的不断提高,女性对于推动国际社会的发展已经成为无可争议的事实,促进男女平等,保障女性权益,不仅关系到女性的切身利益,更是对人类创造能力的全面发挥、社会生产力的充分解放起到了至关重要的作用。自联合国成立以来,各个部门在提高妇女地位、促进性别平等、推动世界妇女事业发展方面做出了不懈努力。联合国在精英女...  相似文献   

张磊 《学术探索》2014,(10):31-35
通过梳理我国关于食品安全刑事法律规范、国家机关有关打击食品安全犯罪的文件、立法实践活动,提炼出我国食品安全犯罪化、重刑化的刑事立法政策.在此基础上,反思我国食品安全犯罪刑事立法政策在定罪政策与制刑政策方面的缺陷,进而对我国食品安全刑事立法政策应然方向进行了展望.希望最终做到:以宽严相济的刑事政策为基本导向,注重法益保护与人权保障的平衡,从“厉而不严”走向“严而不厉”,坚持特定时期的犯罪化、重刑化,并以非犯罪化、轻刑化为最终的发展目标.  相似文献   

We develop a comprehensive, multi-level model of income inequality between high earner men and women during the early career stages. We argue that young women are routinely subjected to “gender profiling” by employers—women’s potential contribution to the organization is interpreted through the lens of social stereotypes and cultural norms that attribute to them weaker labor market commitment than men. We investigate two specific mechanisms that arise from this profiling and lead to income inequality: First, women have diminished access to resources and advancement opportunities within the firm which results in lower returns to tenure for women than for men. Second, external mobility is greatly beneficial for men but much less so for women because it reinforces the image of weak commitment. Salary regressions of early career history data of young MBA alumni of a prestigious U.S. business school accord with our conjectures.  相似文献   

The natural log and categorical transformations commonly applied to wealth for meeting the statistical assumptions of research may not always be appropriate for adjusting for skewness given wealth’s unique properties. Finding and applying appropriate transformations is becoming increasingly important as researchers consider wealth as a predictor of well-being. We present an alternative transformation—the inverse hyperbolic sine (IHS)—for simultaneously dealing with skewness and accounting for wealth’s unique properties. Using the relationship between household wealth and youth’s math achievement as an example, we apply the IHS transformation to wealth data from US and Ghanaian households. We also explore non-linearity and accumulation thresholds by combining IHS transformed wealth with splines. IHS transformed wealth relates to youth’s math achievement similarly when compared to categorical and natural log transformations, indicating that it is a viable alternative to other transformations commonly used in research. Non-linear relationships and accumulation thresholds emerge that predict youth’s math achievement when splines are incorporated. In US households, accumulating debt relates to decreases in math achievement whereas accumulating assets relates to increases in math achievement. In Ghanaian households, accumulating assets between the 25th and 50th percentiles relates to increases in youth’s math achievement.  相似文献   

前后10年两次调查统计数据表明,随着经济社会的发展,重庆女性健康及保健状况明显改善;女性教育结构有所改善,男女受教育差距逐渐缩小;女性决定个人事务的自主性提高。但数据也显示,女性在业率偏低,两性劳动收入差距较大;女性拥有的财产大大低于男性;妇女参与决策和管理仍面临障碍;性别歧视现象仍不同程度存在,妇女发展环境亟待改善。应倡导男女平等观念,增强女性自我发展意识;多层次制定有利于维护妇女权益的政策法规:从教育着手提升农村妇女发展能力;大力发展公共服务业,减轻妇女家务负担;营造妇女发展的良好环境。  相似文献   

随着妇女主体意识的觉醒和社会地位的提高,强奸罪的立法理念和立法模式发生了变迁。强奸罪的保护法益由社会风化变更为性的自主权。强奸罪的主体与对象包括男女两性。丈夫身份已经不能使婚内强奸行为合法化,对于违背配偶意愿而强制性交的,应以强奸罪论处。  相似文献   

We examine a key modified labeling theory proposition—that a psychiatric label increases vulnerability to competence-based criticism and rejection—within task- and collectively oriented dyads comprised of same-sex individuals with equivalent education. Drawing on empirical work that approximates these conditions, we expect the proposition to hold only among men. We also expect education, operationalized with college class standing, to moderate the effects of gender by reducing men’s and increasing women’s criticism and rejection. But, we also expect the effect of education to weaken when men work with a psychiatric patient. As predicted, men reject suggestions from teammates with a psychiatric history more frequently than they reject suggestions from other teammates, while women’s resistance to influence is unaffected by their teammate’s psychiatric status. Men also rate psychiatric patient teammates as less powerful but no lower in status than other teammates, while women’s teammate assessments are unaffected by their teammate’s psychiatric status. Also as predicted, education reduces men’s resistance to influence when their teammate has no psychiatric history. Education also increases men’s ratings of their teammate’s power, as predicted, but has no effect on women’s resistance to influence or teammate ratings. We discuss the implications of these findings for the modified labeling theory of mental illness and status characteristics theory.  相似文献   

新民主主义革命时期,毛泽东将马克思主义与中国农业社会国情相结合,提出了中国妇女受"四权"压迫,以及妇女解放的途径。同时,也肯定了妇女在革命、生产中发挥的作用。毛泽东关于妇女问题的论述,在理论上采用马克思主义一元化视角,通过阶级分析方法探寻中国妇女受压迫的特点,将农村妇女的解放作为中国妇女解放的重点。在革命实践中则依靠制度措施保障妇女的各种权益。  相似文献   

Variance function regression models and demographic decomposition methods are applied to identify two dimensions of changes in health disparities (SES-demographic effects vs. compositional effects, between-group disparities vs. within-group disparities) in the US from 1984 to 2007. Using National Health Interview Survey data on self-reported health, we find that disparities in men’s health increased, while those of women decreased, for the whole period. Widening men’s health disparities are largely driven by increases in the effects of SES-demographic statuses on within-group disparities. These increases are moderated by increasing levels of men’s college attainment. But decreasing middle and upper income attainment and a decreasing employment rate further increase men’s health disparities. For women, the effects of SES-demographic statuses on health disparities also increased over time. This, however, was outweighed by increases in women’s college attainment, middle and upper income attainment, and employment rate. The result is overall declining self-reported health disparities for women.  相似文献   

范志勇 《北方论丛》2021,(1):106-114
《权利的成本》揭示权利依赖于权力的秘密,权利的成本表现为权力所掌控的预算资源,民众以缴纳税捐的方式获取权力对权利的确认与保护,本质上是一种互助式的公共保险机制。所有权利都是积极权利,权力赋予权利人对抗他者的法律效力,权力在权利的实践中无法缺位,自由主义对权力的成见不合时宜。权力从对权利的保障中获得了丰厚的回报,不仅证成其正当性价值,还因正外部性的产生增强了自身的能力,权利与权力可以形成互相促进的良性循环。权力保障权利价值的实现需要有效的权力机关。在稀缺公共资源的现实条件下,权力中的权利保障职能具有预算优先性,应当在此预算领域以支定收,由权利保障的预算支出需求决定国民的税负。  相似文献   

王涛 《理论界》2014,(6):7-9
不同的意识形态对男女平等的涵义有着不同的解读,根据马克思主义的平等理论,男女平等应是两性政治平等和经济社会平等的统一,是权利平等和义务平等的统一,也是两性平等与两性自由发展的统一。对男女平等内涵的重新思考和认知,有利于在改革开放的时代条件下,推动中国妇女运动的进一步发展。  相似文献   

Research on the social determinants of health in developing countries is increasingly focusing on the importance of gender. Cardiovascular conditions such as hypertension are a growing concern in developing countries, where they are now the leading cause of death. Researchers have documented differences in hypertension between men and women, but the importance of gendered practices in shaping these differences has been left unexamined. Using national data from the India Human Development Survey 2005 (N = 101,593), this study assesses the moderating role of two salient and widespread gendered practices—women’s seclusion and decision-making power—on hypertension disparities between women and men. Both seclusion and low decision-making power are associated with increased odds of hypertension for women, but in the case of seclusion reduced hypertension for men. Results also show the gender gap in hypertension is exacerbated with women’s seclusion and low decision-making power.  相似文献   

启蒙运动时期,知识分子就妇女本性、社会地位、教育以及婚姻和家庭等问题展开激烈争辩。孔多塞有力地介入到这场争论中。孔多塞是人权的有力倡导者和捍卫者,信奉自然权利学说,认为自然权利适用于所有人,指出妇女应当拥有与男子相同的权利,积极为妇女争取选举权、担任公职、平等受教育以及家庭和婚姻上的平等权利。他的女权思想是对妇女运动的巨大贡献。  相似文献   

推进河北省基本公共文化服务均等化的对策研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
公共文化均等化就是要最大限度地保障全社会各个群体的基本文化权益。文章给出了河北省基本公共文化服务均等化已取得的成绩、不足和薄弱环节,从强化政府责任、完善公共文化投资体系、加强人才队伍建设等角度提出了提升河北省基本公共文化服务均等化的对策。  相似文献   

遗传资源信息权:遗传资源知识产权战略的基本权利   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田红星 《河北学刊》2012,32(1):199-202
为了有效保护遗传资源,有必要创设一种新型权利。根据遗传资源的内在属性,将此种新型权利称为"遗传资源信息权"。遗传资源信息权是一种不具有明显创造性的新型权利,具有无形性、地域性、强复制性等特征。权利创设必然涉及利益分配,有关遗传资源的权利设计应当实现土著社区与现代生物技术公司、发展中国家与发达国家的公平利益分享。综合考虑中国国情及法律传统,结合遗传资源信息权的权利内容,建议遗传资源信息权的设计采用国家主导下的集体所有模式。  相似文献   

陈异慧 《学术界》2012,(4):74-79,284,285
道德原则是一定社会成员或阶级用以调整人们之间利益关系的根本指导原则,在道德体系中居于核心地位,是人类判断行为是非善恶的准则,具有普遍性。刑事立法是立法者依照法定程序创制刑事法律规范的活动,刑事立法的过程是行为犯罪化与除罪化的过程,这一过程体现了立法者的伦理价值取向,反映了立法者关于正义与非正义、善与恶等方面的价值判断,因而道德原则是立法者必须遵循的基本原则,是刑事立法最重要的制约因素之一。  相似文献   

中国文化在美国推广和展现有七次震撼性的巡回,在美国主流接受群体中获得了极大的反响。1849年华工赴美淘金,中国文化以群像出现在美洲大陆。此后李鸿章访问纽约、梅兰芳访美演出、宋美龄国会演讲、邓小平中美建交之后的亮相、中国经济地位提升华人新移民以群体形象融入主流、白先勇策划组织《牡丹亭》加州巡演,美国的主流接受群体以一种个人魅力、皇家文化、通俗文化的共鸣来欢迎中国元素。环视近年来的中国文化在美国的推展,效果似乎不够显著,其原因在于忽视了推展中国文化的接受群体研究和操作过程。  相似文献   

An extensive literature on the relationship between family structure and children’s outcomes consistently shows that living with a single parent is associated with negative outcomes. Few US studies, however, examine how a child’s family structure affects outcomes for the child once he/she reaches adulthood. We directly examine, using the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, whether family structure during childhood is related to the child’s economic wellbeing both during childhood as well as during adulthood. We find that living with a single parent is associated with the level of family resources available during childhood. This finding persists even when we remove time invariant factors within families. We also show that family structure is related to the child’s education, marital status, and adult family income. Once we control for the child’s demography and economic wellbeing in childhood, however, the associations into adulthood become trivial in size and statistically insignificant, suggesting that the relationship between family structure and children’s long-term, economic outcomes is due in large part to the relationship between family structure and economic wellbeing in childhood.  相似文献   

This paper examines the outcomes of individual abuse claims filed against states under the First Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as decided by the Human Rights Committee (HRC). Results from selection models that account for a country’s initial decision to join the Optional Protocol and an individual’s subsequent decision to file a complaint under it show that the substantive nature of complaints were more determinative of HRC outcomes than were country-level characteristics. Claims relating to due process rights, civil liberties, and political freedoms most often resulted in violations, whereas claims pertaining to discrimination, suffrage rights, and the rights of women and children were much less successful. Only two country-level characteristics robustly affected HRC outcomes, net of rights claims: democratizing countries were found in violation at higher rates than were other countries, while violation rates declined as a function of aggregate wealth.  相似文献   

针对目前安乐死分类的中义和狭义之说中所存在的问题,本文指出应将安乐死分为自愿安乐死和无选择安乐死两大类。在有明确分类的前提下,对自愿安乐死合法化、无选择安乐死合法化的合理性应给予肯定,这是权利自由主义精神的最好体现。我们不能用绝症患者的痛苦来成全我们的"善良"和"人道",也不能将医学的进步建立在绝症病人的痛苦之上。"传统人道"应随着社会和科技的进步不断向"理性人权"方向迈进。同时,法律也应支持和疾病斗争到底的选择。  相似文献   

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