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Using data from the Education Longitudinal Study of 2002, this study employs propensity score modeling to measure the effects of participation in varsity football (among men) and varsity basketball (among men and women) in the 10th grade on students’ GPAs and math test scores in the twelfth grade. This study also investigates whether the effect of sports participation on student achievement differs between black and white students. The results show that participation in varsity football negatively affects the 12th grade GPAs of black, but not white, men but does not affect the math test scores of either of these subgroups. Moreover, varsity basketball participation leads to higher GPAs in the 12th grade among white, but not black, women. Implications of the different operationalizations of sports participation, the investigation of different student subpopulations, and the different methods of analysis are discussed.  相似文献   

Although many studies claim that social policies are “carrots” that authoritarian leaders use to garner public support, the assumption that social benefits can boost public support of government has been rarely tested empirically, especially at the local levels. This article investigates the effects of social insurance enrollment on citizens' assessment of local government performance using data from the 2010 China Family Panel Study. We use propensity score matching to reduce selection bias and ordered probit regressions with fixed effects to examine these possible effects. We find that social insurance enrollment had a significant positive effect on rural citizens' assessment of government performance, but this effect did not exist for their urban and migrant peers. This discrepancy could be largely due to the groups' different expectations for government redistribution and their distinct experiences of China's social welfare reform. We conclude that the Chinese authoritarian government has achieved partial success in its attempt to use social policies to maintain popular support.  相似文献   

Student level data on participation in classroom discourse and student effort on assignments in 117 middle school English classrooms are used to investigate the social determinants of student engagement in classroom instruction. Social identity theories of race, social class, and attachment to school, and research in the social psychology of achievement motivation both suggest differential levels of student engagement among diverse student groups. Using multilevel models, the author investigates the relationship between classroom context and students’ levels of engagement. Levels of engagement among black and low SES students are mostly insensitive to classroom context, suggesting there is little collective action directed at fostering anti-school norms among these student groups. However, consistent with research in the social psychology of achievement motivation, students who begin class with weaker reading and writing skills are less likely to be engaged, setting the stage for a cycle of reduced achievement growth.  相似文献   

We use ECLS-K data from a national sample of students to estimate the determinants and consequences of reading ability group placement in kindergarten and first grade. We find that prior test score performance is the strongest determinant of such placement, followed in magnitude by the teacher’s judgment of the student’s learning-related classroom behavior. These variables explain most of the race, gender, and social class differentials when students are placed into ability groups for the first time. Within kindergarten and first grade classes where grouping is used, placement into a higher group exerts a positive effect on student learning-related behavior and reading achievement. Ability group placement and the teacher’s assessment of student behavior both have significant effects on student’s growth in reading achievement, even net of their prior reading achievement scores. Such grouping takes individual and group-level performance differences that emerge during the preschool period and causes them to widen more than would otherwise be the case during the first 2 years of formal schooling.  相似文献   

“Double-dose” coursework has become an increasingly popular strategy to assist low-performing students succeed in academic coursework. Chicago implemented a “double-dose” English policy in 2003. This policy not only provided additional instructional time to struggling readers, but also intensified skill-based sorting in English classes. I use policy-induced variation to infer the policy effect on students’ reading achievement and the effect mediated by classroom peer ability change. Results show very weak, but positive effects of taking double-dose English for students with average skills. However, potential benefits of doubled instructional time are likely to be offset by negative effects of declines in classroom peer ability. Students with very weak skills experienced minimal change in classroom peer ability, and two-period coursework is likely to benefit these students.  相似文献   

The academic performance of over 38,000 Texas students who failed the state’s 1994 reading test was examined through their sophomore year in high school. Propensity score matching resulted in strata with retained and promoted students of comparable observed characteristics. Reading scores were analyzed using a two-level hierarchical linear model. Same grade comparisons show that third graders failing the state-mandated reading test who repeated the grade consistently outperformed in later grades the socially promoted children who also failed the third grade test. Additional analyses indicate that alternative explanations for the findings such as omitted variables, regression to the mean, differential panel attrition and cohort effects are not supported. The results are consistent with findings from other recent studies which suggest that grade retention in third grade may help increase student achievement.  相似文献   

校本课程是新课程的一个重要生长点,它是与国家课程和地方课程相对应的课程板块,是由学校自主决定开发的,主要是为了满足国家课程和地方课程所不能满足的那部分学生需要。根据国家政策的规定,随着课程改革的不断深入,校本课程开发已成为改革的重点,它要求教师改变角色意识,更新角色行为,重塑角色形象,真正成为学生发展的服务者。  相似文献   

Students’ social psychological adjustment to school is an important determinant of achievement growth as well as school continuation and post-secondary educational attainment. Yet many students begin high school with low levels of efficacy and self-worth, and low levels of identification with and liking of school. In this study, we investigate the hypothesis that vocational education in high school provides disengaged students with an educational clean slate, leading to a recovery of engagement for at-risk students. Using propensity score models, we assess the relationship between vocational course taking and changes in effort, extracurricular participation, sense of belonging, interest in school, attitudes toward school and teachers, educational expectations, career aspirations, locus of control, and self-concept with the NELS:88 database.  相似文献   

语文学业评价是按照语文课程目标,对学生言语实践学习能力所作的价值分析和价值判断。语文学业评价的价值,在于欣赏学生语文学习经验的改变。本文从语文学业评价的价值取向出发,反思语文学业评价中价值错位的几种表现。  相似文献   

There is debate whether social costs to trying hard in school are more widespread among black and Latino students than white or Asian students. Studies assessing a burden of “acting white” among black and Latino students have examined how the correlation between GPA and popularity or harassment varies across racial-ethnic groups. Yet, there has been little attention to whether students are aware of these costs or if social costs deter achievement. Using data from the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009, we investigated students’ perceptions of whether they would be harassed or unpopular for trying hard in their mathematics and science classes. We found black, Latino, and Asian students perceived lower risk of experiencing social costs for trying hard than white students. Perceptions of social costs in 9th grade were associated with less rigorous mathematics course-taking, but not lower mathematics test scores or STEM GPA, later in school.  相似文献   

范学辉 《文史哲》2005,(3):69-73
北宋三衙管军群体的素质状况,以宋太祖“杯酒释兵权”以及“庆历新政”和宋英宗、神宗的整军经武为界线,经历了一个动态变化过程。宋太祖“杯酒释兵权”后,管军素质开始呈现下降趋势,至仁宗初降至谷底。自“庆历新政”后,其素质开始有了初步的提高,至英宗、神宗朝,三衙管军的整体素质与北宋前期相比,更表现出了强烈的上升势头。北宋后期的哲宗、徽宗朝虽然略有反复,但同英宗、神宗朝基本上保持着相当的连续性,就整体素质而言在北宋仍然是比较高的,北宋靖康亡国不能简单地归咎于管军将帅。  相似文献   

Stereotype threat has been shown to affect academic performance of minority racial groups. Minority girls may experience the burdens of both race and gender - a “double bind” theorized to affect the underrepresentation of women in STEM fields. A randomized controlled trial focused on alleviating stereotype threat in three high schools in a large U.S. metro demonstrates the effects of affirmative writing interventions, which have previously shown positive effects for minority and female students. Results indicate effects for these groups were insignificant. However, results also show that student track is highly significant at p < 0.001, and interactive analyses suggest that the intervention may help alleviate threat for higher-achieving students.  相似文献   

肖敏 《阴山学刊》2021,(2):75-78
疫情防控常态化形势下的大学生管理工作,要充分认识当前存在的困难问题,借鉴和发扬国内外校园防疫优秀成果,实现大学生管理理念从被动式、低效型、分散化向主动式、高效型、系统化转变。要在疫情防控常态化形势下,构建起“一主线、双统筹、三保障”的大学生管理构架。紧紧围绕“三全育人”工作主线,统筹抓好新冠疫情防控和学生日常管理,不断强化体制机制保障、舆论氛围保障和技术物资保障。从思想管理、学习管理、生活管理、组织管理四个维度加强管理模式创新。将疫情防控内容、防控理念、防控举措和防控机制有机融入其中,使疫情防控常态化形势下的大学生管理模式实现新的突破。  相似文献   

目的探讨综合性考核方式在护理学基础实验教学考核中的教学评价效果。方法实验教学考核分两种考核方式,试验班学生以自编案例进行综合性考核,对照班学生随机抽取其中一项操作项目进行传统的考核,比较两组学生的实验考核成绩和考核方法效果反馈差异。结果试验班的个人技能操作成绩高于对照班(t=3.209,P〈0.05)。试验班的考核方法反馈评分中有9个项目得分高于对照组(P〈0.05)。结论综合性考核方式增强了学生的沟通交流能力,激发了学生对技能操作练习的积极性和主动性,锻炼了学生团结协作的精神,有利于提高学生的综合能力。  相似文献   

政府、社会、家庭三位一体的农村居民养老支持力系统模式是缓解我国农村老人养老困境的必然选择。新农保的出台填补了政府缺位的状态,弥补了政府支持力的短板。然而,以新农保为主的政府支持力在高参保率的“泡沫”褪去之后产生了参保老人福利水平不升反降的“倒逼效应”,导致农村老人获得的来自政府的支持力水平大打折扣。其背后的机理在于新农保制度设计中关于集体经济是否参与养老支持的自愿机制设计和新农保缴费中家庭参与强制机制设计也即捆绑缴费制度。建立弹性的集体经济强制参与机制,壮大农村居民社会养老支持力;发展地方经济,壮大集体经济实力;给予家庭自愿机制下的政策经济支持,夯实家庭养老支持的基础和条件,充分发挥家庭在养老支持中的中流砥柱作用是我国政府应对当前农村老人养老问题的关键着力点;逐步做大财政直接支持的力度,真正起到兜底作用。  相似文献   

陆永灵 《学术探索》2012,(6):183-185
通过对普通高校大学生公共艺术课程设置——"数码钢琴集体课进课堂的构想"进行分析、研究,阐述了大学生相关心理品质的不足和数码钢琴集体课对全面提高大学生素质培养的积极作用,提出了实施策略。  相似文献   

李异辉 《云梦学刊》2014,(2):130-133
托妮·莫里森在小说《所罗门之歌》中塑造了一系列精神异化、人格分裂的人物,运用弗洛伊德的精神分析理论对其中主要人物进行精神结构和行为分析发现.奴隶制在黑人民族幼年带来的创伤以及白人主流社会和文化价值观念对黑人民族的迫害之深已融入了这个民族的集体无意识,成为黑人民族的“超我”,限制和压抑黑人的“自我”和本能,导致黑人精神人格的分裂。  相似文献   

乌兹别克斯坦既是中亚地区大国,也是“一带一路”沿线的重要国家。自独立以来,乌兹别克斯坦致力融入经济全球化,积极参与区域一体化建设。2016年9月,乌兹别克斯坦首任总统卡里莫夫去世,同年12月,新总统米尔济约耶夫上台执政。米氏新政将发展与邻国关系和加强区域间经济合作视为乌兹别克斯坦外交和经济工作优先方向,并致力于打造本国的区域一体化战略。相较于卡里莫夫时期“重双边”的经济合作路线,米氏新政强调“重周边”的区域一体化战略,着重与包括大国在内的乌兹别克斯坦周边国家发展区域一体化合作,同时,乌兹别克斯坦一体化合作模式也由原先“领导国”之争向“合作伙伴”转变。乌兹别克斯坦一体化战略对中亚地区的稳定与发展意义重大,更将推动“一带一路”在内的广泛国际合作倡议行稳致远。  相似文献   

经济法中的政策——基于法律文本的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政策是政府与市场在经济法中的连接点,其在经济法中的存在具有普遍性。中国现行经济法中有20部法律含有"政策"一词,共使用87次。不同语境中的经济法政策语义各不相同,可以在"目标"、"性质"、"标准"、"实施手段"、"信息指引"等语境中解读经济法的政策语义。经济法中的政策具有一定的类型特征,通用型政策与专用型政策、元政策与再分解政策、经济政策与技术政策在经济法中清晰可辨。经济法中政策制定权力层级分散,政策运行在总体上呈凌乱状态,只有货币政策与中小企业促进政策的运行较为体系化。经济法政策的改善应着力于政策的规范与监督。  相似文献   

Prior research highlights the role of friends in influencing whether a student completes high school. Students who drop out tend to have fewer friends, as well as friends who are less oriented toward school success. We distinguish between close and distant friendships by developing a theoretical framework which predicts close and distant friends likely have distinct effects on dropping out. Close friendships provide valuable emotional support, and forging numerous close friendships at school should decrease one’s risk of dropping out. In contrast, the characteristics of distant friends help shape students’ social identities and beliefs about “what’s normative.” Our analyses of the Add Health data set confirm our expectations. Students with more close friendships are less likely to drop out, but close friends’ characteristics are unrelated to dropping out. Distant relationships (as measured by affect and regularity of interaction) with friends who have a high risk of dropping out significantly increase a student’s own risk of dropping out.  相似文献   

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