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Alternative Markov Properties for Chain Graphs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Graphical Markov models use graphs to represent possible dependences among statistical variables. Lauritzen, Wermuth, and Frydenberg (LWF) introduced a Markov property for chain graphs (CG): graphs that can be used to represent both structural and associative dependences simultaneously and that include both undirected graphs (UG) and acyclic directed graphs (ADG) as special cases. Here an alternative Markov property (AMP) for CGs is introduced and shown to be the Markov property satisfied by a block-recursive linear system with multivariate normal errors. This model can be decomposed into a collection of conditional normal models, each of which combines the features of multivariate linear regression models and covariance selection models, facilitating the estimation of its parameters. In the general case, necessary and sufficient conditions are given for the equivalence of the LWF and AMP Markov properties of a CG, for the AMP Markov equivalence of two CGs, for the AMP Markov equivalence of a CG to some ADG or decomposable UG, and for other equivalences. For CGs, in some ways the AMP property is a more direct extension of the ADG Markov property than is the LWF property.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of obtaining maximum likelihood estimates for the parameters of the Pearson Type I distribution (beta distribution with unknown end points and shape parameters). Since they do not seem to have appeared in the literature, the likelihood equations and the information matrix are derived. The regularity conditions which ensure asymptotic normality and efficiency are examined, and some apparent conflicts in the literature are noted. To ensure regularity, the shape parameters must be greater than two, giving an (assymmetrical) bell-shaped distribution with high contact in the tails. A numerical investigation was carried out to explore the bias and variance of the maximum likelihood estimates and their dependence on sample size. The numerical study indicated that only for large samples (n ≥ 1000) does the bias in the estimates become small and does the Cramér-Rao bound give a good approximation for their variance. The likelihood function has a global maximum which corresponds to parameter estimates that are inadmissable. Useful parameter estimates can be obtained at a local maximum, which is sometimes difficult to locate when the sample size is small.  相似文献   

利率期限结构模型改进极大似然估计效率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考虑一种改进的极大似然估计算法估计一维利率期限结构模型的未知参数,该方法首先利用Crank-Nicolson差分法求解与该扩散模型相关联的偏微分方程(PDE),获得累积分布函数,然后利用数值微分得到转移密度函数的近似值。数值模拟实验结果表明,当取较小空间步长时,该改进估计法比Euler法具有更高的效率,并考察该改进估计法在中国银行间同业拆借利率的实证分析,实证结果表明,在所考虑的样本区间内,中国利率的长期水平值是0.025 1,且中国货币市场利率粘性系数的值接近于0.5。  相似文献   

In a model of equioverlapping samples maximum likelihood estimation of a Poisson parameter is examined and compared with two linear unbiased estimations by mean squared error. Since a likelihood estimator is not explicitly available in general, a simulation study has been performed and the results are illustrated  相似文献   

While much used in practice, latent variable models raise challenging estimation problems due to the intractability of their likelihood. Monte Carlo maximum likelihood (MCML), as proposed by Geyer & Thompson (1992 ), is a simulation-based approach to maximum likelihood approximation applicable to general latent variable models. MCML can be described as an importance sampling method in which the likelihood ratio is approximated by Monte Carlo averages of importance ratios simulated from the complete data model corresponding to an arbitrary value of the unknown parameter. This paper studies the asymptotic (in the number of observations) performance of the MCML method in the case of latent variable models with independent observations. This is in contrast with previous works on the same topic which only considered conditional convergence to the maximum likelihood estimator, for a fixed set of observations. A first important result is that when is fixed, the MCML method can only be consistent if the number of simulations grows exponentially fast with the number of observations. If on the other hand, is obtained from a consistent sequence of estimates of the unknown parameter, then the requirements on the number of simulations are shown to be much weaker.  相似文献   

Multivariate failure time data arise when the sample consists of clusters and each cluster contains several possibly dependent failure times. The Clayton–Oakes model (Clayton, 1978; Oakes, 1982) for multivariate failure times characterizes the intracluster dependence parametrically but allows arbitrary specification of the marginal distributions. In this paper, we discuss estimation in the Clayton–Oakes model when the marginal distributions are modeled to follow the Cox (1972) proportional hazards regression model. Parameter estimation is based on an approximate generalized maximum likelihood estimator. We illustrate the model's application with example datasets.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with person parameter estimation in the binary Rasch model. The loss of efficiency of a pseudo, quasi, or composite likelihood approach investigated. By means of a Monte Carlo study, two quasi likelihood estimators are compared to two well-established maximum likelihood approaches, one of which being a weighted likelihood procedure. The results show that the observed values of the root mean squared error are practically equivalent for the compared estimators in the case of a sufficiently large number of items.  相似文献   

Abstract.  In practical applications, when testing parametric restrictions for hidden Markov models (HMMs), one frequently encounters non-standard situations such as testing for zero entries in the transition matrix, one-sided tests for the parameters of the transition matrix or for the components of the stationary distribution of the underlying Markov chain, or testing boundary restrictions on the parameters of the state-dependent distributions. In this paper, we briefly discuss how the relevant asymptotic distribution theory for the likelihood ratio test (LRT) when the true parameter is on the boundary extends from the independent and identically distributed situation to HMMs. Then we concentrate on discussing a number of relevant examples. The finite-sample performance of the LRT in such situations is investigated in a simulation study. An application to series of epileptic seizure counts concludes the paper.  相似文献   

使用科学的方法观测并计算某种社会经济现象的季节性变动,对于把握其真实的环比变动具有重要的现实意义。使用经典方法计算季节指数以反映现象的季节性变动,因其结果不够严谨和完备,是一个至今尚未获得完满解决的问题。为了提高计算季节指数结果的科学性、严谨性、完备性,基于符合三种加法和乘法模型的社会经济现象,解析其中各季节指数之间存在的约束条件,运用数理统计中极大似然估计理论与方法,推导出与经典方法算式相近的季节指数的约束极大似然估计算式,给出季节指数的区间估计,并举例对获得的结果做了计算和对比验证。  相似文献   

Some general remarks are made about likelihood factorizations, distinguishing parameter-based factorizations and concentration-graph factorizations. Two parametric families of distributions for mixed discrete and continuous variables are discussed. Conditions on graphs are given for the circumstances under which their joint analysis can be split into separate analyses, each involving a reduced set of component variables and parameters. The result shows marked differences between the two families although both involve the same necessary condition on prime graphs. This condition is both necessary and sufficient for simplified estimation in Gaussian and for discrete log linear models.  相似文献   

Certain aspects of maximum likelihood estimation for ergodic diffusions are studied via recently developed empirical process theory for martingales. This approach enables us to remove some undesirable regularity conditions that usually appear in the statistical literature on ergodic diffusions. In particular, dimension dependent conditions for the existence of a continuous likelihood and for consistency of the maximum likelihood estimator turn out to be unnecessary.  相似文献   

We study a factor analysis model with two normally distributed observations and one factor. In the case when the errors have equal variance, the maximum likelihood estimate of the factor loading is given in closed form. Exact and approximate distributions of the maximum likelihood estimate are considered. The exact distribution function is given in a complex form that involves the incomplete Beta function. Approximations to the distribution function are given for the cases of large sample sizes and small error variances. The accuracy of the approximations is discussed  相似文献   

Abstract.  Necessary and sufficient conditions for collapsibility of a directed acyclic graph (DAG) model for a contingency table are derived. By applying the conditions, we can easily check collapsibility over any variable in a given model either by using the joint probability distribution or by using the graph of the model structure. It is shown that collapsibility over a set of variables can be checked in a sequential manner. Furthermore, a DAG is compared with its moral graph in the context of collapsibility.  相似文献   

The Kim filter (KF) approximation is widely used for the likelihood calculation of dynamic linear models with Markov regime-switching parameters. However, despite its popularity, its approximation error has not yet been examined rigorously. Therefore, this study investigates the reliability of the KF approximation for maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian estimations. To measure the approximation error, we compare the outcomes of the KF method with those of the auxiliary particle filter (APF). The APF is a numerical method that requires a longer computing time, but its numerical error can be sufficiently minimized by increasing simulation size. According to our extensive simulation and empirical studies, the likelihood values obtained from the KF approximation are practically identical to those of the APF. Furthermore, we show that the KF method is reliable, particularly when regimes are persistent and sample size is small. From the Bayesian perspective, we show that the KF method improves the efficiency of posterior simulation. This study contributes to the literature by providing evidence to justify the use of the KF method in both ML and Bayesian estimations.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Modelling the tails of a multivariate distribution can be reasonably done by multivariate generalized Pareto distributions (GPDs). We present several methods of parametric estimation in these models, which use decompositions of the corresponding random vectors with the help of different versions of Pickands coordinates. The estimators are compared to each other with simulated data sets. To show the practical value of the methods, they are applied to a real hydrological data set.  相似文献   

The authors consider hidden Markov models (HMMs) whose latent process has m ≥ 2 states and whose state‐dependent distributions arise from a general one‐parameter family. They propose a test of the hypothesis m = 2. Their procedure is an extension to HMMs of the modified likelihood ratio statistic proposed by Chen, Chen & Kalbfleisch (2004) for testing two states in a finite mixture. The authors determine the asymptotic distribution of their test under the hypothesis m = 2 and investigate its finite‐sample properties in a simulation study. Their test is based on inference for the marginal mixture distribution of the HMM. In order to illustrate the additional difficulties due to the dependence structure of the HMM, they show how to test general regular hypotheses on the marginal mixture of HMMs via a quasi‐modified likelihood ratio. They also discuss two applications.  相似文献   

We propose a bivariate Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern (FGM) copula model for bivariate meta-analysis, and develop a maximum likelihood estimator for the common mean vector. With the aid of novel mathematical identities for the FGM copula, we derive the expression of the Fisher information matrix. We also derive an approximation formula for the Fisher information matrix, which is accurate and easy to compute. Based on the theory of independent but not identically distributed (i.n.i.d.) samples, we examine the asymptotic properties of the estimator. Simulation studies are given to demonstrate the performance of the proposed method, and a real data analysis is provided to illustrate the method.  相似文献   

Boardman and Kendell (1970 Boardman , T. J. , Kendell , P. J. ( 1970 ). Estimation in compound failure models . Technometrics 12 : 891908 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) considered the problem of estimation with respect to Type-I censoring when an item is subjected to only one of the two causes of failure assuming exponential model. Patel and Gajjar (1992 Patel , M. N. , Gajjar , A. V. ( 1992 ). Maximum likelihood estimation in compound exponential failure model with changing failure rates from Type-I progressively censored and group censored samples . Commun. Statist. Theor. Meth. 21 ( 10 ): 28992908 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) considered extension of the Boardman and Kendell's results in case of two-stage progressive censoring. Here we have considered geometric competing risk failure model with two independent causes of failures. Maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters is carried out using Type-I two-stage progressively censored and group censored samples. Asymptotic standard errors of the estimators are obtained for both the cases. Two illustrative examples are cited for ungroup and group competing risk models.  相似文献   

Abstract.  In the context of the univariate Gaussian mixture with grouped data, it is shown that the global maximum of the likelihood may correspond to a situation where a Dirac lies in any non-empty interval. Existence of a domain of attraction near such a maximizer is discussed and we establish that the expectation-maximization (EM) iterates move extremely slowly inside this domain. These theoretical results are illustrated both by some Monte-Carlo experiments and by a real data set. To help practitioners identify and discard these potentially dangerous degenerate maximizers, a specific stopping rule for EM is proposed.  相似文献   

Bayesian estimation for the two unknown parameters and the reliability function of the exponentiated Weibull model are obtained based on generalized order statistics. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods are considered to compute the Bayes estimates of the target parameters. Our computations are based on the balanced loss function which contains the symmetric and asymmetric loss functions as special cases. The results have been specialized to the progressively Type-II censored data and upper record values. Comparisons are made between Bayesian and maximum likelihood estimators via Monte Carlo simulation.  相似文献   

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